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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Cats' Garden
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 1:27:14 GMT
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Walking through Petalgurg Woods, Kokou stumbled upon a quaint little estate nestled in the western forest. After some sneaking around, the Rocket determined that tno one was home. Using Fu as a watch, Kokou looted the man's garden, stealing several rare berries.
As he was stuffing his pockets, Kokou heard a Pokemon cry from inside the house. Looking upward, Kokou peered into the houses windows to see a Mr. Mime, dressed in a suit, rushing to the door. With his pilfering disturbed, Kokou darted out of the garden and into Petalburg Woods.
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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 1:19:58 GMT
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When the guards burst in, Kokou was facing the window he planned to escape out of. "Freeze motherfucker!" Or something like that, Kokou was wracked with nervousness as soon as he heard someones voice, he couldn't focus on what the pig was saying. Backpack jingling full of diamonds and rubies and sapphires, Kokou trend around slowly. Two fuxx were standing there, Pokemon at the ready. A Riolu and a Glaceon were staring Kokou and Gengar down, oh and Ren the Rookidee too, cant forget her.
"My apologies, young men. We seem to have come to a misunderstanding. I disturbed you from your strenuous work, and you disturbed me from my perilous task at hand. You could turn around, forget this happened?" Kokou couldn't help but smile, and then he gave a sharp whistle command to Ren.
Flying into action. Ren swooped down at Riolu. Making several attacks, the bird came at Riolu from several directions, confusing the Emanation Pokemon. That's when Kokou gave the final command, he whistled a loud sharp command and Rookidee started flying toward the other end of the room. Riolu stood there dizzy for a moment, trying the collect itself, and Ren started soaring. From the other end of the jewelry store, Ren began collecting speed and formed a sharp arrow made out of wind around her body. Ren shot through the jewelry store at psuedo-mach speed, like a truly Brave Bird, and busted the Riolu square in the heat. The two Pokemon went flying through the window, Riolu falling to his death.
Grinning wickedly, Kokou whispered to the guards, "Forget about it." Then he started dashing through the jewelry store and towards the now open window.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
[OPEN]An Unexpected Beach Trip
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 23:16:58 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

As he stood there on the beach, Kokou found it incredibly peaceful. The sounds of people playing with their Pokemon was like the hum of traffic to him, it didn't warm his heart, but he appreciated the noise. Kokou had his hands on his hips, taking in the ocean scenery, when a curious little girl came up to him. She said "Gengar" and proceeded to play with Kokou's Munchlax. Normally he would have stopped her, Kokou was strict with his Pokemon, but on this day of relaxing, Kokou thought it better to teach his Pokemon to socialize with people. Watching the girl feed Oishii snacks, Kokou lets out a soft whistle, telling Oishii, "Enjoy the day, soldier." Kokou always called his Pokemon soldiers, that was his pet name for them.
Wobbling over to Ashley, Oishii had his hands up for a treat. He loved snacks, especially salty chips. "Munchlax!" Oishii barked, taking the snack from Ashley quickly. He wasn't used to other people besides Kokou, and Oishii was tentative at first, but the appeal of a snack was forever embedded in a Munchlax's heart and he quickly gave in. Munching down, Oishii looked up at Ashley with wonder in his eyes, thankful for the treats.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 22:33:36 GMT
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It seemed like Kokou would have to step into the ring with Cillian, and, to be honest, he wasn't looking forward to it. "What kind of trainer are you?" Kokou said to himself quietly as he rubbed his wrists again and stepped forward to fight.
Growing up, Kokou had always been rather studious, not taking to most sports at all. He did, however, have a singular talent in martial arts. Kokou was a practiced kickboxer, he was no master by any means, but he knew how to punch and kick in close quarters combat. He had also engaged in some grappling training, hoping to round out his skillset, and was an adept grappler. Cillian would certainly have his work cut out for him, if he didn't have those menacing claws, perhaps. With those claws, Kokou was in real danger. "C'mon Pokemon trainer, let's see if you fight as well as you command your Pokemon." Kokou said to cillian as he got into a fighting stance.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
processed shop
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 18:41:26 GMT
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welcome to the poké mart!

1 Stage 2 Evolution - Deino (50 PD)

1 Stage 3 Evolution - Zweilous (50 PD)


do come again!

100 PD
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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 18:24:11 GMT
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As Cillian's shadow took form from nothing and gripped Kokou's wrist, a loud gunshot went off into the air above Kokou, ricocheting off Metagross and into the crowd. It hit someone, gravely injuring them. The crowd started screaming and cheering for Kokou and Cillian. They were excited to get a little blood on their apron, and Kokou's ignorance was certainly entertaining. As the shadow possessed Kokou's wrist, he droppeded the gun and let out a sharp whistle. Tekko immediately heard the call of his master and came sinking down from the air above, his arm forming a heavy hammer and separating Cillian's shadow from Kokou's hand. 
With his hand free, Kokou rubbed it and called out to Cillian. "What kind of freak magic do you got Cillian?" 

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 15:56:28 GMT
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Inside the jewelry store was tight. There were expensive pieces of jewelry all over. Necklaces, rings, watches, bracelets, earrings, there was all sorts of high end merchandise for Kokou to pilfer. Taking Zev's guidance, Kokou walked carefully around the store. He didn't want to leave behind any scuff marks from his boots, and as he reached his hand into the repositories to retrieve jewelry, he was extra careful not to smudge any glass. He had gloves on, but with modern technology and Pokemon it was easy to make a mistake. Kokou went through the jewelry store, filling his backpack up with diamonds and other rare jewels.
"Alright Zev, i've got at least a half million of jewelry in my bag. Gengar is going to get me out of here." Kokou spoke into his walkie talkie, addressing Zev informally. He seemed like a cool guy, and they hadn't come up with codenames, so Kokou spoke candidly with him. "We should be out of here in less than three minutes."
Walking over to the window that he had entered the store from, Kokou motioned for Gengar to get him out of there.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 15:42:21 GMT
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Well this was an unexpected turn of events. As Cillian returned his Pokemon, Kokou called back Oishii too. Once Munlax was back in his PokeBall, Kokou replied to Cillian. "I can't say i'm surprised. Guys at the top love showing off." Kokou pulled a poke ball out from his utility belt. Inside of it was Tekko, Kokou's Metagross, his ace Pokemon. If Cillian wanted to fight Kokou he would have to accept that there would be a referee. Kokou wasn't stupid, Cillian looked pretty vicious. The underboss certainly lived up to his title, but that didn't mean Kokou was impressed, or afraid. He released Metagross into the arena. Tekko roared as he was released. Tekko was a mild mannered Pokemon, but that didn't mean he didn't love to battle. The Metagross was excited to be free from his poke ball. 
Whistling to his Pokemon, long and high pitched shrills, Kokou instructed Tekko to watch over him and then stepped forward. Entering the ring with Cillian, Kokou's heart was pounding. He could see Cillian's deadly claws from where he stood, and Kokou knew he was in over his head. Kokou wasn't without a weapon though. From his belt, Kokou pulled out a snub nosed .38. He pointed it at Cillian and said to the underboss, "No holds barred." Metagross rumbled above him, floating in the air above the arena. 

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
The Sparks of War (Mission)
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 15:24:52 GMT
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Watching Ren hit the Reflect wall was painful for Kokou. She charged headfirst into it, Happy being quick and nimble enough to stop the attack head on. Ren stumbled back, shaken by the force of her Wild Charge used against her. The Shinx growled at Happy from beyond the barrier, and then Zachary and his team began to flee behind the smokescreen.
By this time, Fu the Rowlet had managed to get a bead on Zachary. Fu could easily see the League trainer from above the clouds and apart from the barrier that Happy had erected. The Rowlet waited for Kokou's call, but as it would appear, a smokescreen began to fill the area and obscure Fu's shot. The Rowlet flew back to Kokou, discouraged. Kokou didn't mind though, he could tell this trainer was not your average run of the mill flunkie for the League, Kokou knew he was outmatched. This guys style of fighting was certainly clever, and Kokou wasn't sure he could match it.
Calling out to Zachary, Kokou said to his fleeing opponent, "I'll find you again, bub! Next time, I'm going to rob you, believe it!" Kokou turned around and let a sharp whistle out, commanding Ren to return to him. With Shinx on his heels, Kokou departed from the raging battle scene. He was hopeful that he would find this blue haired young man again, and get the chance to steal from him.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Power Plant Encounters with Elise
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 1:50:37 GMT
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Looking ahead of his Pokemon, Kokou saw the figure of a lady. His aggression was instantly subsided, as she was a very beautiful young lass. Kokou found the Indeedee dressed up to be quite humorous, but when she referred to them as her servants, Kokou knew he was in the presence of someone worthwhile. He whistled at Shikon, drawing her back to him and then said to Elise, "My mistake, your highness." Kokou gave her a smile, it was fake, but it was a friendly smile.
"I was expecting a thug, a Rocket. This area is dangerous, I definitely wasn't expecting a lovely lasts to be wandering with strong Pokemon. My name is Torikago," Kokou used a fake name. "I come from Verdanturf, exploring the area to find rare Pokemon. Would you care to join me?" Kokou was trying to throw all of his charisma at this young girl. He liked her fiery personality and bold presence.
As Kokou was frizzing up Elise from the distance, Shikon sensed a Pokemon nearby. She started growling. Kokou gave her another whistle, commanding her to shut up, but Shikon refused to listen and went barreling off toward an alley.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Power Plant Encounters with Elise
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 23:36:31 GMT
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It was high noon and Kokou was wandering around New Mauville, in search of rare steel type Pokemon. He had been working in Mauville as a hired hand, when he overheard someone mention the new power plant off Route 110. They were talking about rare electric type Pokemon that had been planted by Mauville as a means of electricity. Apparently the Pokemon just roamed around the massive, city level power plant, and people were free to catch or even battle them in the city. It was part of pest control, and it was encouraged. After doing some info digging, Kokou found that there were also rare steel type Pokemon nesting in the power plant. That had him hooked. He decided to visit New Mauville and try his hand at catching his favorite type of Pokemon.
Walking down the streets with Shikon the Deino following behind him, Kokou had his eyes peeled for Pokemon. The power plant was designed like a city, but instead of residential aspects there was only industrial power plant technology. It was a strange place to be in, full of metal and arcing electricity. Kokou was extra careful as he walked through the city.
Coming around a corner, Kokou heard a noise up ahead. Shikon started growling, but Kokou whistled a command and stayed the hand of Shikon. Kokou thought he heard the skittering of foot steps, and he didn't want to scare any Pokemon by making unnecesary noise, so he called out to the presence before him, "Who's there? Come out, or get smoked by my Deino." Kokou held the hand that was readying a PokeBall back, just in case it was a Pokemon and not a human.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 22:02:47 GMT
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Sitting in the massenger seat, Kokou was getting ready for a big score.
The young Rocket Grunt had recently been thrown into the gauntlet. While he was at work, Kokou got caught bragging about how he does so much for Rocket. Well one of his superiors thought it would be a good idea to give him a taste of what Rocket is really about. Most of Kokou's jobs were simple muscle jobs, flex a little power and get the debtors to pay. It was easy and he liked it that way, but today wouldn't be so easy.
As Zev gave Kokou instructions on the job, it occurred to him that he would be stealing jewelry. Up until that point, Kokou had just been content knowing he was robbing somewhere. To know that it was a jewelry store, Kokou felt special. His grimy little mitts could have stolen anything, but he got to steal diamonds. How fortuitous," Kokou thought to himself, then snapped his attention back to the task at hand. "Steal the best they got on the sixth floor. Rendezvous, two blocks north east. Got it, boss." Kokou gave Zev a thumbs up. He was excited to be working with on of the higher ups, it felt good to be recognized for his work, but the pressure was most certainly on for Kokou.
Opening the door, Kokou exited the sedan. It was pitch dark outside, and his black outfit made him nearly impossible to see. Kokou snuck up to the department store and began climbing up the wall using action hooks on his boots. Kokou got to the window he was looking for and released his Pokemon. Ren the Rookidee came flying out, silent as ever. She started pecking at the glass, opening a circular hole in it for Kokou to sneak through. As Ren finished up her job, Kokou radio'd to Zev. "This is Kokou, over. I've managed get into the jewelry store."

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Cats' Garden
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 9:06:21 GMT
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On a visit home from his travels, Shinobu decided to peruse the berry garden his Mr. Mime attended to while he was away. To his dismay, it seemed that Mr. Mime had forgotten to plant the most recent crop. Shinobu went to his shed and grabbed his tools and seed, then hit the garden to do some hard work.
Planted 4 Grepa Berries, with Rowlet watching them they will mature in 1 week
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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Kokou's Plotter
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 8:44:02 GMT
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[attr="class","wiki-top-3"]Character Name - Hoennpedia

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[attr="class","wiki-name"]Character Name



[attr="class","wiki-infoname"]Kokou Inudai

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Gender Male

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Age Eighteen

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Orientation Heterosexual

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Status Alive

[attr="class","wiki-infoname"]Personal Details

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Height 5'10"

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Hair Black Top/Blonde Sides

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Eyes Steel Grey

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Occupation Mercenary

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Partner None

[attr="class","wiki-infoname"]Personality Types

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Alignment True Neutral

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]MBTI INTJ

[attr="class","wiki-deets"]Enneagram Type 8: The Challenger


Standing at an average height for men of his age, Kokou has a slouched posture that hints at his dismissal of the law. With a clear complexion and tanned skin, he looks to be someone who gets a lot of sun. Kokou enjoys his work as a mercenary for Team Rocket, but he doesn't wear any of their logos on his body. The only tattoo he has is below his left eye, a mark of secrecy that he got when he turned eighteen and moved to Sootopolis City.
With a long, shaggy, black mohawk, he wears down overtop of bleach blonde, shaved sides, Kokou looks to be quite wild. He has steel grey colored eyes that don't relay any sense of passion when he looks at you. Kokou is a handsome man with sharp, defining features that give him a pleasurable countenance. His sharp jawline and high cheekbones lend him an inviting smile, though it's rarely ever seen. Kokou has large, steel plugs stretched into his ears lobes.
Kokou typically wears a white jacket with a high collar. It has many pockets inside of it, with each one containing a specific poke ball. Underneath of the zip up jacket, Kokou wears a blue turtle neck shirt. He doesn't wear any jewelry, as he doesn't want to damage his goods while battling Pokemon. Kokou loves battling Pokemon above all else, and his attire accounts for it. He wears baggy, grey denim jeans and black Chuck Taylors on his feet. In his pockets Kokou keeps a wallet with a chain, his Pokedex, and a few treats for his Pokemon.


Born to a single mother, Kokou has always been a momma's boy. When she was taken from him after a battle with cancer, he lost most of what had been cultivated into his young boy personality. Kokou battled with grief for many years growing up, and what was left behind was bare and cold. As an adult Kokou is enigmatic and bold, but he remains in a seat of depression. This sadness eats away at Kokou's soul, the sorrow of losing his mother to be a stain across his neck. The only thing that tbring Kokou away from his despair is the sweet thrill of experiencing life without fear. Kokou is stern and daring, eager to break away from the moulds that shape him and turn a life of pity into a story of grandeur.


When Kokou was born it was night time, and there was a full moon on display. As the moon hung in the sky, Kokou emerged into the world full of life. The child smiled right from the womb, eager to live a full life with Pokemon. Kokou's mother was a Pokemon trainer and he would always be surrounded by Pokemon for his young life. The little boy grew up fast with a strong gift for intelligence, he started speaking by just six months. Kokou was fit to be a well adjusted member of society, but that was when tragedy struck.
When Kokou was just three years old, his single mother fell ill with lymphatic cancer. It had spread from her lungs to her lymph nodes and she only had a few months to live. Kokou didn't understand it, but his mother was dying. When she left the world, all of Kokou's family was gathered at his house to mourn her passing. It was a truly surreal experience for Kokou.
After Kokou's mother left him, Kokou was simply not himself. He felt a strong sense of mourning, crying every morning as soon as he woke up. He missed his mother dearly, but no matter how hard he wished he couldn't change the facts of life. His mother was gone and he was now being taken care of by his Aunt Sango. Aunt Sango was the sister of Kokou's mother and grieved just as hard as Kokou did, but she was older and held it together better. Kokou fell totally apart. After a few years the once vibrant youth was a shell of his former self.
By the age of ten, Kokou had once again adjusted to the change of life he endured. He was a much more quiet youth, a thinking man. He seemed to always be contemplating something deep, and he often was. Kokou was a wise child, the pain of life striking his innocence early. The young man still managed to do good in school, despite his shattered poise. Kokou was a model student of Verdanturf and a sagacious acolyte of life. He did well for himself, but Kokou felt little joy in life. His greatest happiness came from the base thrills that were present in things like danger and desire.
For a long time, Kokou's greatest thrill was eating. He was a comfort eater and got his rocks off by snacking on sweet treats or chips. Kokou was a healing soul and it would take him a long time to recover from the pain of losing his mother. Kokou felt a myriad of emotions from the unanswerable woes of losing his mother to the unquenchable rage of never knowing his father. It was hard for him, but one day Auntie Sango came to Kokou with a poke ball. She told him that he had always been gifted with communicating with Pokemon, which was true. Kokou could get wild Pokemon to sit and stay with just a verbal command. He had a talent with Pokemon, and it was nice to be appreciated by his Auntie. She gave him a Pokemon. "I got him from a breeding union. Take care of him, Kokou. I'm depending on you." Sango told her nephew. She had no idea what would become of Kokou's relationship with that Rowlet.
After a few years of training Rowlet, Shinobu became inseparable with the Grass Quill Pokemon. Fu, as the Rowlet was known, was a mischievous Pokemon who liked to play pranks on people. The grass type Pokemon's antics entertained Kokou, and, for the first time in a long time, Kokou experienced pleasure. He enjoyed the time he spent with his Pokemon, but he was walking down a dangerous road. Kokou was getting into the wrong crowd at school, and he was developing a reputation among the underground as a strong trainer.
One day, after graduation, Kokou was approached by a member of Team Rocket. The woman had long, blue hair that was braided tightly to her head. She looked like a real punk, but to Kokou she seemed like someone who was hip and down to Earth. "You want to earn a living fighting for the right side? Join Team Rocket, we've heard about your talent. You can fight, you're lightning quick and filled with good ideas. We need a kid like you, Kokou. C'mon." Kokou was flattered and it didn't take much convincing. He agreed to work for Team Rocket. He had recently gotten a girlfriend, a fellow trainer in the Verdanturf Underground. Kokou wanted to impress her and move out of his aunts. "Alright, you got a new recruit. Just make sure I am paid well. It isn't easy winning Pokemon battles for a bunch of thieves." Kokou may have been edgy, but he was a realist. He knew what Team Rocket was about, but as long as he didn't steal anyone Pokemon, he didn't care. He could simply fight for them, no problem.
The Team Rocket member rubbed her gloved hands together. "Alright kid, now we are talking. I'm going to set you up on a score. Take your Pokemon, and wipe out these trainers. I don't care how you do it either, just beat em. Teach em a lesson for us." the Rocket member punched her fist in her hand violently.
With that, Kokou got his first job. He headed to a comic book shop later that day with his Rowlet and crushed three trainers. Fu had a vicious Sucker Punch and he wiped the floor with the novice trainers. Kokou reigned on top, and he left the comic book shops victorious. The next day Kokou met with the same Rocket trainer and got paid a thousand whole pokedollars. He was hooked from that day forward.
It didn't take long for Kokou to move out of his Aunts house, but she was worried about him. Kokou had lost his way and she knew it, though she didn't know he had sided with Team Rocket, she did suspect it. When he left she tried not to cry, but the older woman broke down in tears. "T-take care of yourself. And w-watch out for the p-police." She weeped.
With that, Kokou moved to Sootopolis across the region. He wouldn't see his aunt for a long time, but he held a good memory of her. He knew she loved him, but he knew his calling in life was with money. His mother had never had anything, and neither did Sango. It was a pleasure to have dollars, and Kokou was known for following pleasures.


Working for Team Rocket has brought Kokou all over the Hoenn Region. Typically his work involves people he wouldn't want to meet again, but sometimes he meets people that are worth bringing home to... well he doesn't have a momma. The following is a list of people who have bonded with Kokou in significant ways.

[attr="class","wiki-subtitle"]With Character 1

Viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu. Viverra adipiscing at in tellus integer feugiat scelerisque. Metus aliquam eleifend mi in nulla posuere sollicitudin. Ut aliquam purus sit amet luctus venenatis.

[attr="class","wiki-subtitle"]With Character 2

Congue eu consequat ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam. Adipiscing at in tellus integer. Cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus. Vel quam elementum pulvinar etiam non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus. Consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet. Aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor commodo.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay