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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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Kokou Inudai
Kouji Matsubara(Kouma) | App
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 7:21:21 GMT
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Heard you wanted to battle me, why don't we meet in Petalburg Woods next Friday? Three Pokemon each. It'll be fun.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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Kokou Inudai
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 7:11:12 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

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I could give you some trouble, if you got a friend, we could make it double.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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Kokou Inudai
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 6:28:16 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

It was just past noon when Kokou wandered into 122. He had been trying to make his way to Slateport, but got lost in the rush of traffic. Kokou had driven for miles out of his way before he realized where he was, and by then something else had grabbed his attention. 
Up ahead on the road there were flashes of yellow light striking up from the ground. "Reverse lightning.. Pewdiepie warmed over." Kokou whispered to himself and pulled over on the side of the road. He drove a sleek, black muscle car and it's brakes were impeccable. The hot rod stopped on a dime and Kokou got out to investigate the phenomenon. 
Walking closer to the coastline, Kokou noticed that there were rare Pokemon running all over. It seemed a swarm of Bellibolts had risen from the sea, and Kokou was here for it. Grabbing a luxury ball, Kokou released Shikon the Deino. "Prepare for a fight!" Kokou instructed his Pokemon and pointed her in the direction that he wished her to go. Kokou would fight these Bellibolts tooth and nail before capturing one. That was his way. Kokou believed that in order to raise a Pokemon properly, one had to prove their worth to the Pokemon by submitting them in combat. It hadn't failed him yet.
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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kokou
Kokou Inudai
Creaking Time
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 5:34:55 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

Eager to get some dirt under his heels, Kokou nodded and pulled his pack of cigarettes back out. He grabbed one and stuck it in his mouth. "Sounds like a plan. As long as we are back before dawn, no one will know." Kokou lit his cigarette with his yellow flick later, and then took a deep drag. Exhaling he said to Kouji, "I know a place. Dee's Diner, it's just up the road. We can walk there, I go there all the time for their sliders. They make the best little cheeseburgers." Kokou ashed his cigarette and started walking down the road. They were guarding gates, so if anyone tried to get in they would be in deep shit, but it seemed like it would be a quiet night for playing hookey. 

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
48 posts
Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 5:28:17 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

Watching with disgust, the Eevee kicked dirt up in Oishii's eyes and Kokou sighed. He despised an assault against ones accuracy, it was an underhanded move, but it worked well and he respected that. "I just take orders from whoever gives me the most money. I'm not like all you other Rockets, kissing ass and sucking dick to get to the top. I just want my pay, nd a good nights rest." Kokou spit into the ground, he disliked the way Cillian expected him to know of him. Underboss, what did that even mean! Kokou was filled with contempt and unleashed another whistle command. Oishii reached out with his intense strength and aimed to grab the little Eevee. He would crush it with all of his might and end this battle. Munchlax moved fast, but with dirt in his eyes. He could barely see but he didn't have far to go. Arms outstretched, Oishi sized Eevee and began squeezing.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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Kokou Inudai
Cats' Garden
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 5:19:27 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar




[attr="class","berryname"]GREPA BERRY

[attr="class","harvestdate"]Ready on[break]JULY 3RD

[attr="class","berryname"]GREPA BERRY

[attr="class","harvestdate"]Ready on[break]JULY 3RD

[attr="class","berryname"]GREPA BERRY

[attr="class","harvestdate"]Ready on[break]JULY 3RD[break]

[attr="class","berryname"]NO BERRY

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[newclass=".gunsgarden .main .harvestdate"]font: bold 11px 'Quattrocento Sans'; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px;[/newclass]
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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
48 posts
Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kokou
Kokou Inudai
Creaking Time
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 4:56:36 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar
Chuckling at the idea of incense, Kokou put away the serious talk. He didn't want to get caught up in his feelings on his mother, and that was inevitable when he talked about the dead. Kokou wasn't afraid of the dead, but he certainly had respect for the hold the dead had on the living. Popping a cherry sour into his mouth, he humbled in agreement. "Yeah, I don't think I will be exploring those any time soon. My team is still young, maybe after they evolve and grow in strength. Maybe." Kokou liked his life of mediocrity, he definitely didn't want to play the hero exploring unknown realms. He swallowed his candy and then said to Kouji, "So, how long do you think we will be at this guard? Rowlet says there is nobody around for at least a mile. We should be safe slacking off, ya think?" Kokou stored his candy back in his pocket.
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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
48 posts
Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kokou
Kokou Inudai
Kokou's Trainer's Eye
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 2:49:00 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar




Kokou Inudai

[attr="class","fas fa-thumbtack"]
Sootopolis City [break]


Mercenary / Grunt / Torikago [break][break]

Hey, if you came to my page looking for love, keep swiping. I'm an 18 year old man, living in the big city. I move fast and I am looking for someone who can match my hard edge energy. I'm open to dating, but if you really want to catch my attention, I would love a Pokemon battle. I'd love to find a good teammate too, if you think you can keep up with me. Oh, I also work for Rocket, so if you can't handle a life of crime, I hope you can handle my Pokemon at your throat.

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[attr="class","fa fa-check-circle pos icon"]

[attr="class","fa fa-times-circle neg icon"]

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
48 posts
Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kokou
Kokou Inudai
Creaking Time
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 2:27:47 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

"Very interesting.." Kokou said to Kouji. He was impressed by how much the young man knew about this spirit realm. Kokou had never heard such a tale and it really struck a chord with him. "So, speaking of realms. Tell me what you know about these different realms. How do you get there? I'm just a normal guy, I've never heard much about the finer things in life." Kokou gave Kouji a smile and pulled out a bag of candy from his jacket pocket. They were cherry sours, his favorite kind of candy. Kokou held it up to Kouji, offering him some of his treats. Kokou liked Kouji, he was knowledgeable and Kokou had the opportunity to learn something from him. If there was one thing that tKokou was, it was studious. He had always excelled in school, thank to his high intellect and dynamic reasoning, but it was nice to speak with someone about the more simple things in life. Though, the afterlife was far from simple, it seemed like it was on the outside.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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Kokou Inudai
The Sparks of War (Mission)
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 2:08:49 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

From across the way, a fierce breeze swept through the area. The luminous pink wind charged the battlefield and Kokou was quick to respond, he whistled to his Pokemon, commanding them to withstand the breeze. Ren stood firm, buckling down in the wind and smoke so that she could obey her master. The Fairy Wind ravaged Ren, but she managed to make it out with just a few cuts and scrapes. Kokou was pleased with her and gave her a satisfactory whistle, bolstering the Shinx's morale and quickening her resolve for the fight.
As the wind settled, Kokou called to his opponent. His voice was deep and firm, he spoke with conviction. Kokou said, "You have certainly put up quite a fight," he raised his arms up, signaling to the great fire Dizzy had caused. "And I would love to stay with you longer, but I have a roast baking in the oven. And we can't let that go to waste, I must feed all my Pokemon only the best." Kokou pulled a pack of green, menthol cigarettes from his pocket and grabbed one. He put it in his mouth and pulled a lighter from his pocket. Inhaling on the cigarette, Kokou couldn't help but chuckle. "All this destruction in order to save your ass? You League trainer's drive me nuts. You would sooner rebuild the world you protected than fix the one you got." Kokou ashed his cigarette, then gave a loud whistle command to Ren, she started sparking with electricity. "Anyways, the name is Torikago. Professional thug for Team Rocket, and you are being robbed, bub." Kokou stared through the smoke and met the eyes of Zachary.
On command, Ren began charging electricity for a Wild Charge. As soon as Kokou was finished speaking, Ren dashed forward at Happy. In a blur of electricity Ren blitzed her opponent.
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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
processed shop
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 1:30:22 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!



1X LEVEL TUTOR - METAGROSS -> Bulet Punch(40 PD)



do come again!

146 PD
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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
The Sparks of War (Mission)
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 0:31:24 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

All around Kokou was lit up with Mystical Fire, and he was backed into a corner. It seemed that whoever Kokou was picking on, may have been a bigger fish to fry. Kokou held his arms up and around his face, covering his lungs from the smoke from the trees that had just been lit on fire. As the area around him lit up, Fu the Rowlet heard Kokou's command and flew high into the sky. He was going to attempt a sniper strike from above. Usually when a trainer took a grass Quill to the chest their Pokemon would disperse. It was Kokou's only real chance. He couldn't compete with a Delphot, and this Mime Jr's defensive capabilities were insane. Kokou was hoping and praying that Zachary wouldn't see the tiny owl Pokemon fly up in the sky.
Returning Shikon to her poke ball, Kokou switched out his Deino for his Shinx. Ren was fast and strong, a perfect getaway diversion. Ren roared when she came out of her ball, free at last. Ren didn't like sleeping all day in her poke ball, and she loved herself some excitement. Kokou snapped a quick whistle and Shinx let out a devastating Roar. Any Pokemon that heard it would be too afraid to fight, perfect for a getaway. Kokou didn't give any hints that he was going to be running though, he simply stared at his opponent from the distance.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Creaking Time
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 0:14:40 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

While he listened to Kouji, Kokou took a deep drag on his cigarette. What Kouji spoke of, the after life, was truly a mystery to Kokou. Ever since he had lost his mother, Kokou spent many sleepless night wondering what happened to the spirit of the dearly departed. He had spent so much time thinking about it that Kokou didn't know what he believed. But what he believed mattered not, compared to the face of reality that Kouji spoke of. Kokou exhaled his cigarette smoke, then said to Kouji, "Maybe I should check it out." He flicked his cigarette onto the ground. 
The young man's words trailed off like the hots of a cigarette on a dark night, the meaning behind them lost on Kouji. Kokou was a mysterious man, he didn't let others know much about him, but in this moment, perhaps thinking on his mother, Kokou as vulnerable. He said to Kouji, "I've always wondered what happened to the dead, yanno, when they pass on." Kokou paused for a moment, then continued. "I always figured souls were reincarnated, seemed to make the most sense. Did it seem like the beings there were imprisoned? Was it like a hell?" Kokou's curiosity was getting the better of him. His normally cool persona was being tarnished by a child=like desire to learn about the world. Such was life for The Caged Bird.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
48 posts
Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
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Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 19:45:05 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar
Watching as Eevee glowed with power, Kokou knew something was coming. Munchlax had just landed on top of Eevee, and was rolling off the Evolution Pokemon when it began glowing, and Kokou was quick on the draw. Whistles fast and loud, Oishii was commanded to roll. The munchlax tucked his arms and legs in and began rolling. Munchlax rolled past the Eevee's body slam, and kept on cruising. He started circling the arena, menacingly hissing at the Eevee as he cycled past.
With his Pokemon on the defensive, Kokou found that he had a moment to talk. "Well, Cillian, just who are you.? Some boss, a scientist? Yo u somebody special, or just a freak acting out in the arena?" There were many such cases, but Kokou wasn't dismayed. Cillian certainly seemed interesting, and if Kokou understood anything about what interested him, it was that it needed to be studied. "Show me what you got, bub." Kokou let out another whistle, commanding his Munchlax to stop circling the arena.
Now standing behind Eevee, Munchlax began beating on his chest. The sound was deafening to Eevee, but Kokou and Cillian were safe from the noise. Oishii continued to bang on his belly, boosting his attack and preparing for an ultimate finishing move.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
48 posts
Kokou Inudai DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @kokou
Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 18:33:00 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

Standing across from the glowing man, Kokou felt a bit underwhelming. When he had started the match, it seemed like Kokou's opponent was just another grunt. Some guy participating in the lower ranks fun, but as his dark aura flared around him, Kokou began to think that he had given the wrong guy the bird. 
Turning his attention back to Oishii, Kokou gave out a single whistle command. Mmunchlax charged forward with his shoulder facing forward. The chunky monkey Pokemon dashed forward and as it came closer to Eevee, it leapt high into the air. Munchlax crashed down with a devastating body slam.
As Oishi was charging his opponent, Kokou responded to his opponent. Shouting from the distance, Kokou had a gruff voice. It sounded like he smoked cigarettes. "Never seen ya around before. Why don't you tell me who you are?" Kokou had expected Cillian would anyways. "I'm Kokou. I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but Oishii is about to kick your Pokemon's ass!" 

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