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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Creaking Time
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 15:24:57 GMT
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"Your senior? I don't know about that. I just participate in small time thuggery. You sound like you have achieved way more for the mob than I have." Kokou replied to Kouji. He didn't feel any shame in his life of small time crime. Kokou liked banging out punks on the street corners, but he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy that Kouji had achieved so much. To have your name etched into eternity, well that did sound appealing to Kokou. 
When Kouji spoke about a parallel realm, Kokou was intrigued. He had never considered exploring the realms that he heard only legends about. To meet someone who had endured such tribulations, well it was certainly awe inspiring. Kokou adjusted his posture and asked, "What can you tell me about parallel realms? Are they like our world?" Kokou had a sort of innocence in his eyes. He didn't know much about what Kouji was speaking of, after all, he was just a small time criminal in a sea of mob bosses.
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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 15:13:41 GMT
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Watching his opponent from afar, Kokou could see that this man was ever confident. Most of the time, people who were overflowing with arrogance had some precipice to stand on, but in Team Rocket it wasn't unheard of for a Grunt to win a few matches and think he's Arceus's avatar. Kokou didn't think much of what Cillian said, he figured it was mostly just bravado. The young trainer ignored Cillian's warning called out to him, "Eat dirt." Then Kokou let out a whistle, prompting Oishi to begin stomping around and kicking dirt up into the air. In just a second the chubby, little Pokemon was completely obscured.
When Cillian released his Eevee, Kokou was surprised by how ferocious it seemed. This Eevee had definitely stubbed it's toe on the way out of the pokeball. It was filled with rage and had a dark look in it's eyes. The Evee jumped into action, launching itself into the dust cloud. As the shadow Pokemon went into the thick of things, Kokou whistled again for his Pokemon. Munchlax heard his master's command and began to use Stockpile. Pumping his calorie filled blood into his muscles, Oishi bolstered his defense and took on a defensive stance.
Guarding against the incoming attack, Oishi held his own. The Eevee was latched onto Oishi's arm, but Oishi had the advantage. Oishi grabbed the Eevee by the head and slammed it into the ground.The bang was loud, and by the time Oishi jumped back to put some distance between him and the Eevee, the dust cloud had settled. Kokou whistled for his Pokemon once again.
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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Meteor Falls Encounter
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 14:57:57 GMT
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With Fu flying over to investigate the noise, Kokou drew a poke ball. "You never know when you're going to strike gold." Kokou whispered to himself and prepared to throw his Pokeball.
Once Rowlet could see what was in the bushes, it fired a series of leaf quills into the bush. The quills struck with astounding accuracy, knocking the Pokemon out and pushing it out of the bush and into Kokou's sight. Tirtouga was laying there belly up in the grass. Kokou was close to a river that led to the ocean, he figured this Prototurtle Pokemon was scouring the land for prey. "A rare find.." Kokou thought to himself and pulled out his PokeDex. After scanning the fossil Pokemon, the PokeDex declared: "Reputed to be the ancestor of most turtle Pokémon, it lived in warm seas approximately a hundred million years ago." Kokou couldn't help but smile. He loved adding rare Pokemon to his team.
Heaving the ball forward, Kokou attempted to catch the Tirtouga. The ball soared through the air before deftly clinking against the rock pokemon's hard shell and opening itself to absorb the Pokemon in a fabulous red light. The ball shook and shook.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Inudai, Kokou's Tracker
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 2:42:55 GMT
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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
The Sparks of War (Mission)
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 2:14:02 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

With his location exposed, Kokou had no choice but to fight this guy. He was hoping to get a sucker punch in, but it seemed that wouldn't be the case. This trainer was cartainly a cut above the rest, Kokou could tell by the way he maneuvered the crystals to protect him. Whoever this guy was, Kokou was eager to beat the hell out of him and take his money. Kokou grabbed another poke ball from his utility belt and released his Rowlet. The Grass Quill Pokemon had a serious look on his face and flew around Kokou, protecting him from any more psychic attacks. 
focusing on his Deino Pokemon, Kokou let out a quick series of whistles. He was directing his Pokemon through the frequency of his whistles, and Deino was certainly a good listener. The dragon type Pokemon didn't move however. Instead it sat there staring at the Mime Jr. Shikon was coming up with a nasty plot to attack his opponent, and his special attack was being sharply raised. After focusing on his intention, Shikon extended his neck once again and prepared for another Dragon Pulse. 
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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
[OPEN]An Unexpected Beach Trip
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 2:04:08 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

When Kokou awoke from his slumber it was still dark out. He checked his phone for the time and found it was still four in the morning. Kokou wasn't sure just what had woken him up, maybe some loud noise or the feeling of insufferable heat. He felt fine laying in bed  though, and tried to drift back to sleep until at least eight o clock, but it wouldn't work. Kokou was up for the day, so he got dressed and made himself some breakfast. Wearing a baggy pair of dark washed jeans and a white tank top, Kokou scarfed down his honey nut cereal, with bananas, and went to brush his teeth. He didn't have any plans for the day, work had been done for the week, but the Rocket member wanted to look his best on his day off. With his hair brushed and deodorant applied, Kokou was ready for the day, at the ripe hour of just six o clock in the morning. 
Not bothered by sitting alone, Kokou spent a couple hours cleaning up his hotel room. Work from Rocket came in about a week ago, so he had been in this hotel since then. Kokou lived in Sootopolis, but his job as a hired hand brought him all over Hoenn. Staying in hotels was customary for Kokou, and he liked to keep his home clean, spotless in fact.
Once everything was put in order, it was just past eight o clock and it was time to open the window for Fu. Fu was Kokou's starter Pokemon, a treasured Rowlet with a mischievous personality. Kokou had great respect for all of his Pokemon, but he treated them as instruments of war. Kokou never showed his Pokemon plain affection. He had love for Pokemon, but he didn't see them as pets. Kokou saw his Pokemon as swords. With the window open, Rowlet flew through into the house and landed on his perch. Fu didn't like poke balls and only found himself contained in the most extreme cases. The Grass Quill Pokemon began preening itself. It had spent all night hunting for bug Pokemon to eat and was tired. It would be able to get in a little nap, but Kokou had plans for the day. 
Today Kokou was taking his Pokemon to the beach. He started gathering up towels in a bag for his different Pokemon. Some of them didn't like water, but they would still be playing in the sand and need a pat down after all the dirt got stuck in their fur. Kokou packed oil for Tekko the Beldum, he needed it to stay cool in the blasting heat, and brought special combs to brush the feathers of Fu the Rowlet and Sora the Rookidee. Shikon the Deino loved to swim so he would need extra towels, and Oishii the Munchlax would need lots of snacks to sun bathe for hours. Ren the Shinx would have a lot of fun running in the sand, but she didn't like to get in the water if she could help it. Ir was definitely going to be a much needed day of relaxation for Kokou's Pokemon. They worked hard beating down trainers for money, and they were ever vigilant Pokemon who strictly obeyed their master. A fun beach day was deserved.
Once everything was packed, Kokou woke up Rowlet and commanded him to follow. Fu was a subservient Pokemon and did so, hooting along the way. 
As Kokou rolled up to the beach, wearing his jeans, he threw all of his Pokeballs out into the sand. Roaring mightily as they were released, Kokou's team assembled. They were surprised to learn that Kokou had a day of fun planned for them, usually Kokou had them train or work at different tasks. They were pleased to find their master thinking about their morale, and all of them began rough housing in the sand.
Standing in front of his Pokemon with his hands in his pockets, Kokou watched them have their fun. Shikon jumped into the water right away, as espected, and Ren started peeling out back and forth in the sand, kicking up dust at Kokou's other Pokemon. Oishi proceeded to lay down and take a nap, he would wake up up for snacks later. Fu continued following Kokou, as he was ordered, and hooted around him cheerfully. Sora went dive bombing the ocean, pulling up at the waters edge in just enough time. Tekko was happy to float around Kokou, mumbling happily to itself as it watched it's masters back. The team was having fun, and Kokou was glad to know his Pokemon were happy. Happy soldiers led to achievements in war.
Watching his Pokemon, Kokou was free to be approached by anyone who happened to be at the beach on this sweltering hot day. 
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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Creaking Time
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 23:13:04 GMT
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From the distance, a bird type Pokemon came flying into the scene. Kokou had released Sora, the Rookidee, into the air to do a scan of the area. One of the benefits of having a bird type Pokemon, when it came to reconnaissance, was that people didn't take notice of flying birds. Rookidee was able to inspect the whole area in just ten minutes, and report back promptly to his master. Kokou had a careful touch with his Pokemon, he treated them as if they were instruments of war, but he did have a certain respect for each of his Pokemon. They had all served him well, and Sora was one of his most loyal Pokemon. The Tiny Bird Pokemon landed on Kokou's shoulder and began tweeting away, telling him that no suspicious entities had been seen.
With Sora on his shoulder, Kokou replied to Kouji. "Nice to meet ya, bud." Kokou stuck his fist out for Kouji to pound it. "I've been around for about two years. Mostly running debtors through the mill, collecting money for the bosses. Recently they have been wanting to see me take a more executive position in the organization. I can't say I'm happy to. I'm just here for the money. Stealing Pokemon, taking over Hoenn, that shit's secondary to me." Kokou looked up into the sky and his Rookidee began tweeting again. "What about you Kouji, what are you here for? Money, fame, power? You fancy yourself a yes man?" Kokou continued looking up into the inky black sky.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
The Sparks of War (Mission)
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 22:57:27 GMT
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It was bright midday on Route 110, and Shinobu was scouring the countryside for valuable Tera Crystals. The young trainer had been commisioned by one of the Team Rocket bosses to join the war efforts. Shinobu had been living comfortably as a hired hand for the mob, but leisure was earned not given, and Kokou had himself some work to be done. Wearing a baggy, white, leather coat over top of his blue Tshirt, Kokou traversed Route 110, searching under every rock he could find for a Tera Crystal. 
After finding a hot load of nothing, Kokou decided to head back to where he had started, some miles north of where he was. He started walking the path, when, to Kokou's surprise, he spotted someone else scouring the Route. It seemed that the call of Tera Crystals had reached the League, and they were busy looking for weapons of war too. The trainer was scrambling through rubble, just like Kokou had done, and they looked pretty busy. Kokou had the drop on them, they hadn't heard him sneaking around the corner yet. 
Deciding not to go home empty handed, Kokou figured he would mug this guy. The Rocket trainer pulled out a poke ball containing his Deino, Shikon. Kokou threw the ball towards the trainer. Hiding in the trees, it was unclear where Kokou was, but what was clear, was the sound of Deino's roar as he emerged from the poke ball, and then a clear whistle could be heard. The high pitched shrilled trolled through the air, commanding Deino to attack the trainer.
Immediately from rising out of the poke ball, Shikon was commanded by his trainer. The Deino pointed it's head in the direction of Zachary and opened it's mouth. From Deino's gaping jaw, a Dragon Pulse was expelled, aiming square for Zacharies chest.

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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Creaking Time
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 16:20:38 GMT
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As Kokou was standing next to a wall, a fortification to a Team Rocket base, he smoked a cigarette. Kokou picked up smoking when he was sixteen, a habit that would stick with him throughout his life. He was chiefing away on a menthol cigarette, posted next to another Team Rocket member. The man hadn't spoke to Kokou since the mission started and Kokou was beginning to wonder what kind of guy this fellow was, when suddenly he spoke up. In response, Kokou said, "My name is Kokou. What's up?" Kokou was short and brief. He wasn't exactly a friendly sort of guy, but he did enjoy the company of people once he warmed up to them.

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played by

King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Bare Knuckle Brawl!
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 8:00:57 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar
It was just another night in Sootopolis for Kokou. Confronting debters and other kinds of civilians as a daily thing for him. Kokou went wherever the jobs called him, the jobs being using his Pokemon to subdue people into paying Team Rocket. It wasn't honest work, but it was hard work and Kokou quite liked his role as a Team Rocket Grunt. He didn't do any of the more typical tasks of a team member, like stealing or murdering, instead he just confronted people who owed the organization money, and beat the hell out of them. It paid good, and Kokou got to do what he loved best, battling Pokemon. It wasn't rare that someone had Pokemon to defend themselves, but Kokou had yet to be beaten in his line of work. His team was phenomenal and he worked every day to train them at commands. Kokou was a bright young trainer of Team Rocket.
For this bright young trainer, he was working on a different sort of job tonight. Team Rocket was organizing an underground ring of battles in Sootopolis, and Koko uhad been chosen to represent the grunts of Rocket in the match. It was no holds barred, all manners of fighting were open to be used, and Kokou planned on going all out. He had been practicing commands with his Pokemon. Kokou used whistles to command his Pokemon to use certain moves, it was quicker than calling out techniques. Kokou had spent all day going over the routines that this Pokemon were going to use, and the illegal maneuvers he planned on using too. Kokou was an opportunist, and he saw battles as the prime example of an opportunist winning.
Wearing his white jacket and baggy blue pants, Kokou walked into the ring. There was a giant cage around him and his opponent. Kokou stared him straight I nthe eye, then stuck up his middle finger. Kokou didn't have anything to say. He had a reputation to uphold as the most talented grunt of the new generation in Sootopolis. He planned on making this fight quick. Pulling a poke ball from his utility belt, Kokou released Oishii, his Munchlax.
Standing in the middle of the Arena, Oishii was scratching his belly. The baby pokemon didn't get much action recently. Kokou had caught him awhile ago and had been training his newer Pokemon since then. Oishii was surprised to see the light of day at a nonscheduled hour, and released an echoing bellow of joy. Not wanting to get his Pokemon distracted before a battle, Kokou let out a sharp whistle. This command was to stand at attention, and Oishii did so. He was ready for battle, all it would take it a whistle from Kokou and the Pokemon would attack.
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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Meteor Falls Encounter
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 7:33:12 GMT
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It was still early in the day when Kokou realized he wasn't going to make it in time for the Rocket meeting in the caves. Rocket had been hiding out there for awhile, that was what usually happened when a Pokemon heist went wrong. While Kokou did work for Rocket, he was strictly an arm for the organization. Kokou never stole Pokemon, he didn't think he was better than that, he just didn't want to soil his time with another trainers misdeeds. Often times people taught their Pokemon stupid habits, and Kokou didn't want to be bothered with retraining Pokemon. None of his were stolen, though he had beaten a lot of Pokemon that would end up stolen. Nevertheless, Kokou had to make it to the meeting so he could be informed on the next big job that Team Rocket had slated for Western Hoenn. The big wigs were up to something grand, and Kokou wanted to be there for the big bucks. Money is what drove him the most in his line of work, a hired hand for the mob didn't need complex reasons to bash skulls together.
With his tent packed up into his backpack, Kokou arranged to head out into the wild. He had about three miles to hike before he would reach the caves where the Team had assembled. That meant that Kokou would get his workout in before noon, and fortunately he had a handful of pocket jerky to snack on. It was chipotle flavored and tasted absolutely phenomneal. As Kokou walked, one of his Pokemon joined him. Flying just behind his trainer was the mischievous Fu, a Rowlet that was hatched in a Union Breeding Facility. Fu was Kokou's starter Pokemon, and Fu was his best friend. They were inseperable, and Fu never went into a PokeBall. Hooting peacefully, Fu talked with Kokou. Kokou couldn't rightly understands the Pokemon, but he could get a general idea of how Fu was feeling based on his hooting. It seemed that tFu was feeling in high spirits, but that was soon to change. 
From the bushes just off the trail, Kokou heard some rustling. He whistled loudly for Fu to stand at attention, and the Rowlet flew over to the bush, leaf quills at the ready.
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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Inudai, Kokou's PC
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 5:45:02 GMT
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pokémon storage system




items in possession





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King of Cats

The Caged Bird - Torikago
July 31st
Verdanturf Town
5'10" height
5'10" height
"For so long we talk about our dreams..."
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Kokou Inudai
Inudai, Kokou
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 4:51:51 GMT
Kokou Inudai Avatar

[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x




nameKokou Inudai
played byKing of Cats

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION Team Rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK Grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM Kawaki - Boruto: Two Blue Vortex

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER





When Kokou was born it was night time, and there was a full moon on display. As the moon hung in the sky, Kokou emerged into the world full of life. The child smiled right from the womb, eager to live a full life with Pokemon. Kokou's mother was a Pokemon trainer and he would always be surrounded by Pokemon for his young life. The little boy grew up fast with a strong gift for intelligence, he started speaking by just six months. Kokou was fit to be a well adjusted member of society, but that was when tragedy struck.
When Kokou was just three years old, his single mother fell ill with lymphatic cancer. It had spread from her lungs to her lymph nodes and she only had a few months to live. Kokou didn't understand it, but his mother was dying. When she left the world, all of Kokou's family was gathered at his house to mourn her passing. It was a truly surreal experience for Kokou.
After Kokou's mother left him, Kokou was simply not himself. He felt a strong sense of mourning, crying every morning as soon as he woke up. He missed his mother dearly, but no matter how hard he wished he couldn't change the facts of life. His mother was gone and he was now being taken care of by his Aunt Sango. Aunt Sango was the sister of Kokou's mother and grieved just as hard as Kokou did, but she was older and held it together better. Kokou fell totally apart. After a few years the once vibrant youth was a shell of his former self.
By the age of ten, Kokou had once again adjusted to the change of life he endured. He was a much more quiet youth, a thinking man. He seemed to always be contemplating something deep, and he often was. Kokou was a wise child, the pain of life striking his innocence early. The young man still managed to do good in school, despite his shattered poise. Kokou was a model student of Verdanturf and a sagacious acolyte of life. He did well for himself, but Kokou felt little joy in life. His greatest happiness came from the base thrills that were present in things like danger and desire.
For a long time, Kokou's greatest thrill was eating. He was a comfort eater and got his rocks off by snacking on sweet treats or chips. Kokou was a healing soul and it would take him a long time to recover from the pain of losing his mother. Kokou felt a myriad of emotions from the unanswerable woes of losing his mother to the unquenchable rage of never knowing his father. It was hard for him, but one day Auntie Sango came to Kokou with a poke ball. She told him that he had always been gifted with communicating with Pokemon, which was true. Kokou could get wild Pokemon to sit and stay with just a verbal command. He had a talent with Pokemon, and it was nice to be appreciated by his Auntie. She gave him a Pokemon. "I got him from a breeding union. Take care of him, Kokou. I'm depending on you." Sango told her nephew. She had no idea what would become of Kokou's relationship with that Rowlet.
After a few years of training Rowlet, Shinobu became inseparable with the Grass Quill Pokemon. Fu, as the Rowlet was known, was a mischievous Pokemon who liked to play pranks on people. The grass type Pokemon's antics entertained Kokou, and, for the first time in a long time, Kokou experienced pleasure. He enjoyed the time he spent with his Pokemon, but he was walking down a dangerous road. Kokou was getting into the wrong crowd at school, and he was developing a reputation among the underground as a strong trainer.
One day, after graduation, Kokou was approached by a member of Team Rocket. The woman had long, blue hair that was braided tightly to her head. She looked like a real punk, but to Kokou she seemed like someone who was hip and down to Earth. "You want to earn a living fighting for the right side? Join Team Rocket, we've heard about your talent. You can fight, you're lightning quick and filled with good ideas. We need a kid like you, Kokou. C'mon." Kokou was flattered and it didn't take much convincing. He agreed to work for Team Rocket. He had recently gotten a girlfriend, a fellow trainer in the Verdanturf Underground. Kokou wanted to impress her and move out of his aunts. "Alright, you got a new recruit. Just make sure I am paid well. It isn't easy winning Pokemon battles for a bunch of thieves." Kokou may have been edgy, but he was a realist. He knew what Team Rocket was about, but as long as he didn't steal anyone Pokemon, he didn't care. He could simply fight for them, no problem.
The Team Rocket member rubbed her gloved hands together. "Alright kid, now we are talking. I'm going to set you up on a score. Take your Pokemon, and wipe out these trainers. I don't care how you do it either, just beat em. Teach em a lesson for us." the Rocket member punched her fist in her hand violently.
With that, Kokou got his first job. He headed to a comic book shop later that day with his Rowlet and crushed three trainers. Fu had a vicious Sucker Punch and he wiped the floor with the novice trainers. Kokou reigned on top, and he left the comic book shops victorious. The next day Kokou met with the same Rocket trainer and got paid a thousand whole pokedollars. He was hooked from that day forward.
It didn't take long for Kokou to move out of his Aunts house, but she was worried about him. Kokou had lost his way and she knew it, though she didn't know he had sided with Team Rocket, she did suspect it. When he left she tried not to cry, but the older woman broke down in tears. "T-take care of yourself. And w-watch out for the p-police." She weeped.
With that, Kokou moved to Sootopolis across the region. He wouldn't see his aunt for a long time, but he held a good memory of her. He knew she loved him, but he knew his calling in life was with money. His mother had never had anything, and neither did Sango. It was a pleasure to have dollars, and Kokou was known for following pleasures.


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