i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
232 posts
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 23:55:38 GMT
NPC Avatar

while struggles, he is granted full audience to her reappearance. the white-haired lady steps out of apparated paneling. the matte black unfolds neatly, each edge a clean line.[break][break]

her UNOWN-A floats alongside her graceful strides within the distortion's turbulence.[break][break]

"you don't die here today." she says to the rocket beast. "you can remain calm."[break][break]

the white-haired lady locks eyes with .[break][break]

"it feels like just yesterday that my naganadel made its way to you... and now look at you! i'm so proud, yuina." she says. "i'm here to let you know that you're on the right track... you are doing everything right... we'll meet again soon."[break][break]

as the distortion swirls around them, her UNOWN-A creates the same black paneling as before.[break][break]

"just stay alive."[break][break]

she slips into the endless dark with her unown and disappears.


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,825 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2024 17:03:12 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Never had Yuina longed for the sensations of a distortion so strongly before, something she knew inherently, something she could cling to as she was faced with what would have been, and should have been her death. Time flickered through years, decades, maybe even centuries as the energy of the distortion crackled and ripped through the fabrics of space time, and now Yuina felt as comfortable as she ever had within the confines of this broken, tattered space.[break][break]
It was her domain, where 'Yuina Higashi' began, and for the first time as she began to embrace it, the notion that she was in control was instantly shattered.[break][break]
A sleek black panel formed within the boundaries of her distortion, and from the darkness like an aparition of Yuina's own shadows, she stepped out with an unown at her side. The instant she made her appearance, the very second Yuina caught sight of that stark white hair, everything within the distortion froze, time itself was at a stand still. Trees were caught between growth and decay, rocks flickered between stages of erosion. It seemed perhaps Yuina herself was stuck, caught, frozen in time and unmoving, but she was petrified and paralyzed by her own fear, eyes fixated in horror on the white haired woman that moved effortlessly through the tattered edges of space time.[break][break]
She regarded first Yuina's assailant, bidding him to a calm before turning her gaze. Yuina bristled, tears strung at the corners of her eyes. She wanted to run, she wanted to fight, she wanted to scream, she wanted to yell curses and vitriol, she wanted to do so many things in so many different ways, but she couldn't force herself to. She was petrified, just as she had been within the simulated world, she was powerless to do anything in the face of this woman just like she knew she would be... And Yuina had never hated herself more.[break][break]
The woman only spared a few words, she spoke Yuina's name, a promise they would see each other again soon, and that... She was doing everything right. Yuina's thoughts spiraled, she would have thought in that moment she would have to fight for her life, that she was going to be taken away never to be seen again and that she had been powerless to stop it... She was meant to kill that woman in her future? Was she not going to try and stop that before it happened? It was clear that the woman had the capabilities to see more than the present, to see beyond and before...[break][break]
But the few words that she did spare... 'I'm so proud'... Yuina was certain that made her even more violently ill at just the thought than the idea of killing her in the future.[break][break]
The woman was gone, but her appearance was that much more apparent as the distortion surged with an impossible energy. Yuina stood at its center, eyes stricken, hands trembling as she dropped the seamitar she clutched, blood starting to spot from crescents she pushed into her palms at clenching her fists so tight. She shook, tears stinging at her eyes, falling down her face as trees appeared and disappeared, water rose and vanished, even figures of Pokemon rushing through or freezing in place within the confines of the distortion, time was uncontrollable just as she was inconsolable.[break][break]
It was a daunting, demoralizing realization that had just been unabashedly thrust upon Yuina, reflecting and replaying the woman's words in her head over and over. She was doing everything right, she was on the right track... All at once, the idea that she ever had control, that she ever had autonomy and was making choices for herself was dashed. She was following a predetermined path, a path that she had no control over, a path that someone else determined for her. This life, her life, was not her own... Nothing was her own, she had no choice, her future would play out exactly as that woman wanted and forward...[break][break]
She was never going to have a life she wanted.[break][break]
What felt like both an eternity and no time at all surged all at once as Yuina screamed, painful, distraught, furious, seething ichor seeping through a shriek that would make her hoarse. The distortion swelled violently before shattering, giving way to the regular flow of time in a disorienting and discordant wave of space time trying to resume. The shore of southern mossdeep was exactly as it had been before, destroyed and marred by the attacks of their battle, and Yuina shook and trembled as she crumpled to the ground on her knees trying so very hard to disappear into the shadows that welled inside of her.

MP Total: 565[break]
10 MP IC Post[break]
25 MP for knocking out another Pokemon in your prelude thread.[break]
50 MP have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point).[break]
50 MP have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen.[break][break]
Big yikes[break]


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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 19:23:48 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Bryan's heart froze when he saw the dark triad member emerge, the unknown A floating ominously besides her. [break][break]

He wants to fight back but he's still stuck in the air and forced to watch the interactions between the member and this girl. "You're even working with them?!" he says as he starts to feel the effects of the distortion fade away. [break][break]

He didn't trust the words of that member for one second, death was always lingering in the corners of his eyes, in every shadow. "Eh?! "Yuina"? Taking their hand outs or somethin? What did they offer yo-" he says as suddenly a pit forms in his stomach and he falls silent. [break][break]

Vision of the tree in sootopolis fills his mind. "Fuck." he says as suddenly he drops from the air onto the floor. He looks towards the direction of sootopolis and looks back at Yuina. "Bah, fuck you I'm out of here. Something more important is going to happen. I'll be back for your ass later." he warns her as his gyarados roars and he recalls the other pokemon. Gyarados uses hyper beam again on the sand causing an explosion and clouds of sand to fly into the air and creating a smokescreen. [break][break]


notes about this post

MP Total: 210 [break]
+60 Character post[break]
+50 for Antagonistic exchange of words[break]
+50 for showcasing a character's strength.[break]
+50 Hatred fills bryan (thanks )

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Notes: Putting notes here cause big[break]

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,825 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 22:24:23 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


There was nothing for a moment, like a white noise that cancelled out everything save for her own trembling, heaving breaths. The distortion of her own making shattered at her will just as it began, and how Yuina longed for it, pined for the familiarity of the frayed edges of space time in earnest. She seethed in hot, burning tears as the world around her came into focus, just because she had been inside of time at her whim didn't mean that the outside world stopped. Lumei was fainted at the power of the Gyarados, where Daikenki slunk along the ground marred by the wounds of the serpent's fangs. Celebi worked to keep the Kommo-o at bay, and everything else continued on around her... As it was meant to.[break][break]
And she would go on this path, just as she was meant to, this track that lead her to the white haired woman. The one moment that she felt she had control, that she was making a stand for herself because she wanted to and because she thought it was what she wanted to do.... Yuina couldn't help another scream. She had never been in control, every action she took, every decision she made was predetermined, did that mean that nothing in this life was her own? Had she been foolish to think that Yuina Higashi could ever have a life, when she was never supposed to exist? Yuina Higashi was just some puppet... Truly a shadow, a husk of a former self that she still didn't know, and she was being used to fill in for a role that had been decided for her. Her life didn't belong to her...[break][break]
Her life didn't belong to her, did anything in this life truly belong to her? Was anything actually her own, genuine, and not because it had already been determined? The Rangers, her Pokémon, her friends... Were and truly hers, or was meeting them already planned? She felt a particular ache, choking through a sob... Was truly hers...?[break]
And if nothing in this life was actually her own, if someone was curating this path for her... What would happen when the path ended and she no longer served to fill this role?[break][break]
Would she forget all over again, forced to start another life to fill another role and walk another path as determined?[break][break]
In an instant she's pulled back into the real world around her as her opposition seethed at her, stricken eyes darting up from where she remained on the ground. It had been easy to forget, to have everything fall away around her, but she was quickly reminded that she wasn't alone... And that he too had witnessed everything that she had.[break][break]
'You're even working with them? What did they offer you...'[break][break]
Yuina paled, hardly able to breathe, only staring, wide, horrified... He saw everything, he heard everything, would he...? What was going to happen...? There was nothing that she could say or do to refute him, it had all played out as clear as day and that woman even used her name. Before she could even form any thoughts on remembering that she was faced with an adversary and a fight on her life, there was an explosion of sand and rock, and Yuina was caught in the midst of it. She was thrown from the ground, tossed up within the dust and debris of the Hyper Beam that struck the sand, turning bits to glass at the heat of impact.[break][break]
And then she landed, hard, on the ruined beach. She coughed, and she winced, curling in on herself at the impact, she could feel the cuts starting to form warm and wet along her skin, but nothing was as painful as knowing that even in this very moment, where she wished she might have gone to the explosion and be spared a fate that she would never know... Even death couldn't be her choice.

MP Total: 1025[break]
10 MP IC Post[break]
50 MP for getting your Pokemon knocked out in your prelude thread.[break]
50 MP have your character be injured by another's pokemon directly or indirectly.[break]
100 MP for completing your prelude.[break]
300 MP for "losing" or having a "negative" outcome for your character and their prelude.[break][break]
Bigger yikes[break]


[newclass=.yuina]margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border-radius: 5px;border: solid 1px #232323;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.yuina i] color: #cecece; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.yuina u] text-decoration: none; text-transform:uppercase; color: #A4DE52; font-size: 10px;font-family:Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 20:54:59 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]PRELUDE COMPLETE!



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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP