Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 4:32:53 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Everything felt so heavy.

The haggard Elaine Highland rested herself against the side of a tree as breaths escaped from her mouth. Her legs trembled, she could barely place one foot in front of another properly. Even beyond that, each step lumbered upon the ground. Getting the energy to lift up her leaden legs was already onerous enough but gently stepping down in a proper gait felt impossible.

On top of that, rain water was seeping into her wounds as she bit down upon herself to stifle the pain. Though the rain was beginning to slow down, it was still ever present.


She had barely made it out of that battle in the warehouse with her life intact. The five Pokemon that were currently in their Pokeballs were injured, but luckily it seemed none of them were more injured than she was.

"Where did you go, Sieg?"

Despite this her mind focused on the Pokemon she was now separated from--the very Pokemon that had saved her from certain death at the hands of Lugia's avatar. No matter how bad her injuries, her mind was focused on the Pokemon that was not by her side even if he was supposed to be.

And yet, as much as her mind persisted, her body would not stand for too long. Though she was on her two feet at that moment, her knees buckled as she fell down to the ground. Putting all of her strength into her upper body, she kept herself from letting her wounds touch the dirt as she only fell onto her knees.

Placing all of the effort she could, she leaned herself against the nearby tree, taking the chance to try and rest her body for just a bit before she resumed her search.

But things were looking grim. Though she had escaped with her life, the grip she had on it was becoming more and more tenuous by the second.

Note: Thread takes place within minutes after the events of PRESSURE FROM DEPTHLESS MALICE
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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
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Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 2:54:29 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Hand outstretched, she feels the rain. The water seeps over all, and the umbrella sits neatly within her gloved hand. It's sorrowful, lamenting the times to come. In times like these, Elite Ranger Cromwell would enjoy the sweetness of this quiet, tranquil serenity.[break][break]

Until, that is, she finds her way towards that tree. Shattered in a second, she sees her there, struggling against the cold steel of the rainy skies. Moments go by, as she looks.[break][break]

The umbrella hits the ground.[break][break]

And in moments, the Pokeball is sent out. "Shale!" She cries out, the ancient flier claps her wings as she moves towards Elaine, and Genny does the same, pulling out from her bag a first aid kit.[break][break]

"Hey? You alive?" She doesn't know if the young lady can even hear her.[break][break]

"Everything is going to be okay."[break][break]

As she gets Elaine into her arms, she picks her up, and with the assistance of Shale, the two take off. They needed to get to a clinic, now. And thankfully, she knew just the right one. A clinic she volunteered at during the Meteno Incident, years ago, and the likely closest one she was going to find.[break][break]


Getting the young woman here to the clinic was the easy part. She sits in the waiting room, arms crossed. All she can do now, is bide her time. Wait for the bandaging to finish, and find out what happened.[break][break]

What a terrible day for rain.



- On a stroll between Slateport and Mauville, Genny happens upon Elaine, and throws out Shale to get her to an old clinic she volunteered at during Meteno.[break]
- After arriving with Elaine in tow, not seeing anything else around, waits in the waiting room during the rain, to when Elaine was okay.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 2:16:19 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Though she had not expected it, the voice of a lone, kind soul reverberated throughout her progressively emptying head. Her vision had long since deteriorated to the point where borders had long since faded, leaving behind an uncomprehensible mess of colors. Despite every word she heard being so loud it made her head throb, it all sounded completely muffled.


Though the words were getting more incomprehensible, she knew one thing. By pure chance, she had come across someone who would help her...

"But...Sieg is..."

As she had been picked up, she tried to say something but those words simply trailed off as her heavy eyelids shut and the whole world was consumed by a totalizing pitch black.

It hurts...

The first thing she knew, she felt her head throbbing. It was even worse than before, as if there was something wrapping around her head. The next thing she knew, there was an odd feeling on her left arm, as if there was something stuck inside.


As she spoke up, her eyes opened up. The artificial lights on the ceiling glared further into her, only causing her head to throb further. It hurt. It wasn't just her head. Her body hurt all over. So much so that she wanted to just curl up and fall back into hibernation. But the fact that those thoughts could even go into her head meant something more fundamental.

I'm alive...

She was bandaged up all over. The lacerations on her chest were stitched up. She had bandages atop her chest and on the back of her head. Pain medication and fluids were going into her through the IV line on her line.

Her legs still felt heavy. Her body ached all over. She was definitely not well, by any stretch. But she had survived.

As she turned her head, she saw the face of the redhead who had saved her--a familiar looking face. One she had seen fairly recently.

"You're the one who saved me?" She questioned the redhead. She was unable to move around much yet, but her mouth was still able to flap around, at least. "Thank you."

But it wasn't just the moment she had been saved that she had seen this ranger before. She had definitely seen her very recently. Somewhere.

But that was not what she needed to focus on. Instead, there was something more important.

"Did...you happen to find a Gallade in the area? I got separated from him..."

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 3:07:59 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

It never gets easier, does it?[break][break]

The way this young lady's body aches, the way her head turns as much as it can to see Genny, it fills Genny with hope. Hope that she would be okay. But the question of who saved her... Genny rubs the back of her head.[break][break]

"I was. And no need to thank me. That's what we do." She holds her Ranger Badge up, and places it on the end table in this little hospital room. Butting her head in, an Aerodactyl fits her way into the room, peering over towards Elaine, her gaze towards the hospitalized woman before her. She makes the tiniest sqwawk she can, before perching in the room proper. "Shale here carried you here. Didn't you, girl?" She brushes a hand on the dinosaur's head, the near six foot of dino reserved as she chitters into the hand.[break][break]

The question of the Gallade has Genny pause and ponder, before her eyes fixate away. These stories are always like this, huh?[break][break]

"I didn't. I'm sorry. If we didn't fly you here when we did, you-" she stops, the words lost in her throat, never to reach Elaine. Brave faces can only take her so far.[break][break]

"I can keep an eye out." Finding a Gallade in these parts shouldn't be too hard, right? "I have a Gardevoir that can help... oh, uh. My name is Genevieve. Just call me Genny, okay?" She moves closer.[break][break]

Just a few short months ago, she was in a room just like this with ...[break][break]

It never gets easier. Does it?



- Genny responds that she shouldn't be thanked, but does introduce Shale the Aerodactyl. Crazy how Aerodactyls are barely six feet, she comes into the hospital room and chitters at a pet.[break]
- To the mention of a Gallade, Genny notes she hadn't seen one. It was life or death, what she had to do. She'll keep an eye out.[break]
- In the mean time, she introduces herself.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 3:13:44 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
True to the fact that she had saved Elaine, the person before her had some humility. Even so, Elaine was still grateful for the fact that she had been rescued. Even if she didn't accept that gratitude as a matter of course, she would still gladly feel it.

Faced with the Aerodactyl that had apparently done the heavy lifting of getting her here, Elaine found her heart racing (even more than it already was). Her eyes widened. Her pupils dilated. Her body broke out into a cold sweat as her arm squeezed. Pain radiated from the bite wound on her chest and the (now sutured) lacerations on her arm. She grit her teeth as she forced herself to take deep breaths.

It wasn't the same Aerodactyl. It was not going to hurt her. She was safe.

She just had to remember that.

Those thoughts cycled as she took deep breaths, calming her heart down a bit.

"I see. It's nice to meet you, Genny. Even if it had to be under these circumstances. And thanks again. I'd appreciate if your Gardevoir could help find him. He's the one who helped me escape death."

All of Elaine's Pokemon had been injured with the exception of just one--the Gallade that had been separated from her. At the very least, she knew he was probably healthy and looking for her, so she wasn't too worried about him.

Though Cillian Quinn had fired at them, the two of them had teleported out before the bullet could make contact with either of them. But the haphazard nature of the teleport meant that they were separated when they were teleported to an unknown location.

It was an unfortunate accident, though compared to all that had happened leading up to that moment, it was probably the most fortunate event that had happened to her today. The fact that she could say that was a sign of just how overwhelming it all had been.

"But where even did I end up? Where is this...I'm guessing clinic...clinic?" All reasonable questions. After all, she was barely conscious when she was haphazardly teleported out of immediate danger.

But there was one more question she had to ask. One that was nagging at her.

"And have we met before? I swear I've heard your voice."

Her brain was in too much of a fog, but she had definitely heard her voice before. It had to have been in one of those monumental events. The meteor operation? The incident with the rusted shield? The prison ship? Her mind tried to wade as best it could through the inevitable fog of pain. Even if she was not in as critical condition as she thought, she was still not out of the water just yet.

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 0:48:42 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Shale cannot help but make the calming chitters, but Elaine was seemed to grit her teeth, and tense up. The Aerodactyl saw what she had been doing to this poor wounded woman, and backed away. Genny would move to her side, and rub her snout. It wasn't Shale's doing. She wasn't a villain. "It's okay! You're not harming her, Shale." She tries to get out, the Aerodactyl quietly backing to the corner of the room.[break][break]

Species-specific trauma? She can understand that, she still have problems with Nihilego, even now. Trauma response happens that way. Shale quietly broods in a corner, keeping her distance from Elaine. Shale understood that.[break][break]

That's going to be a conversation later.[break][break]

"Route 110, closeby to Mauville and Slateport. I knew a clinic that would take you in under emergency circumstances in Slateport. During the Meteno Incident, I volunteered here." She takes a moment to inspect the room, before pivoting back to her other question. "Makes sense you've heard my voice. As an Elite Ranger, I've been involved in a number of operations for the League. Though, I guess too many to note now," she laughs, sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck with a light tenderness. She didn't know some random woman she'd save would recognize her.[break][break]

"Come to think of it, you seem familiar too." But where from?



- Feeling that the Aerodactyl is causing fear, Shale moves away and whimpers.[break]
- Genny explains where Elaine is, currently; in Slateport at a clinic she worked at during Meteno as a volunteer.[break]
- As for how she seems familiar, Genny explains how position and how that's probably possible. She's sheepish to have done so much to be recognized.



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 3:28:32 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

Seeing the Aerodactyl deflating and relegating herself into the corner was not what she had intended in the slightest. The poor Pokemon was the one who had helped her, even if she was unconscious for that whole part. To push it away like that was cruel.

"Sorry about that. Got a bit caught up since it was an Aerodactyl that did..." Elaine lifted her left arm and pointed towards the now sutured lacerations on her right arm and chest. "All of this. It was a different Aerodactyl, but the wound's still a bit fresh."

As she looked at the Aerodactyl, she tried to give a smile. "Sorry about that, Shale."

Having taken her chance to apologize to Shale, she turned back to Genevieve.

"Route 110. I guess Sieg teleported us far enough away. There probably won't be any reason to go out of his way to hunt us down at this point, huh..."

That was a comforting to hear. Even if their method of escape wasn't ideal, it was at the very least successful. Elaine had escaped with her life. The only problem on that end was her Gallade's loctaion. But, with Genevieve's help, they would probably reunite soon.

"Now that I think about it..."

Just like Elaine, she had been active for quite a while throughout the many perils that seemed to face Hoenn and its people on a regular basis. At the very least, she could say that it was not the Meteno incident when she had met her. After all, Elaine was fighting for her life atop a comet hurtling to terra firma that time.

Far from ground level.

But as she thought through the possibilities, her mind cleared up, she had narrowed it down in her head. It wasn't just once she had heard her voice.

"The rusted shield incident..." Yes, she vaguely remembered hearing her voice amidst the chaos. Though they had not necessarily ended up in the same location during that incident, she had definitely heard her there.

"...and the prison ship. You were in both those places, weren't you?"

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 17:50:31 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Shale's tears are real, genuine. She accepts the apology all the same, but the poor Aerodactyl is quietly sobbing. She would never hurt this girl. She would never do this wrong, but hearing it was another Aerodactyl, another winged beast that rips and tears her flesh fills the beast with fury.[break][break]

She still keeps her distance, but seeing the girl smile at her, Shale tries her best to smile. It's no one person's fault. The Aerodactyl whines, and Genny moves closer to her, and places a hand on her head.[break][break]

Elaine's guesses has Genevieve turn on her heel, as she comments back. "Yes. I was," she stops. Two of the most harrowing incidents in recent memory. She takes a breath, acknowledgment that both were dealt with. Both had ended their conflicts. "Which means you were too." Her lips turned sour downwards.[break][break]

How bitter.[break][break]

Changing topics back, Genny thinks on it, turning to Shale. "Head back where we were, girl. Okay? Fly around, look for a Gallade separated from their Trainer. Can you do that?"[break][break]

Shale sqwawks happier, pushing into Genny's head, as she licks the Ranger's face, and the Elite Ranger laughs, giggling a spell as she pets the snoot, soft eyes on the rock monster. She loved Shale. Such a sweet, innocent girl.[break][break]

Shale turns back towards Elaine, and bows. She cries out her apology, before scurrying out into the hall, to the nearest open window, and flies.[break][break]

Genevieve takes her time to turn back, doing so eventually when she sees Shale fly from Elaine's own window. "Who was hunting you?"



- Shale is heartbroken. It's no one's fault, but she hates it was one of her own that did this.[break]
- Genny acknowledges her involvement in Rusted Shield and Prismatic Penitentiary, before sending Shale on scouting for Sieg.[break]
- Now the sauce. She asks who was hunting Elaine.



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[newclass=".genny1 .genny1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Branded by Defeat, Stranded by Weakness
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 3:30:32 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
They were not pleasant memories. Well, from what she understood, not everyone from the Rusted Shield incident kept the same amount of memories. The twenty years of time that had passed felt ephemeral to many. But many of those memories were painful.

The time in the prison ship was a hell that tormented everyone who stood within it.

Those days were important. In the midst of those times, there was still something warm she had held dear.

But those incidents were brutal for all involved. After all, Genevieve was showing such a painful expression. "Sorry, Genny. I'll stop dredging up those incidents."

There was no need to give the girl who had rescued her any reason to feel pain. Based on what she rememebered of her voice, Genny had some particularly painful experiences. Reopening those wounds would be cruel. It was not the way to pay back that act of generosity she had recieved.

Smiling as she watched the Aerodactyl lighten up a bit, Elaine tried her best to sit herself up. She had been down, but she could not stay up forever. Rolling herself to her side, she tried to force herself up off her uninjured side before letting her legs dangle off.

Her muscles were screaming and even the act of breathing from exerting herself left searing pains especially in her arm and chest. But, she still let herself sit up.

Medical sutures were not so weak that they would break apart from something so light as that. Elaine knew that first hand.

"Who was hunting you?"

"It was just a pure coincidence." Elaine muttered as she looked at her wounds. She had merely sniffed onto a trail she had not expected, after all. Encountering Cillian Quinn was not something she had expected.

"I had come across a Rocket Underboss during an investigation in the middle of shady activity." Elaine sweat as she spoke. "The one with the Lugia. We fought and...well, you can guess what happened."

A wry smile formed on her face as the moments of her defeat lingered in the forefront of her brain. The moment where the Lugia had overturned everything in a single overwhelming instant. The oh so pivotal moment where reality had laid bare just how weak she truly was.



it's a long life full of long nights

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