project tower: tk

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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october 9
mossdeep city, hoenn
You know the
Kickback is automatic
5'11 height
5'11 height
Calling out to an echo
83 posts
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TAG WITH @cherry1
kasper thaler
project tower: tk
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 17:42:27 GMT
kasper thaler Avatar
[attr="class","ptower-top"]project tower scenario 01



It's hard to tell the time of day in a windowless interrogation room, but the way your eyes ache with weary exhaustion tells you that it must be late into the evening. [break][break]

Hours have passed since you first brought in the League official handcuffed across the table from you. [break][break]

From what you've been told, the man is privy to many of the League's confidential military plans. Locations of bases and weapons caches, names of prominent leadership, access to private communication networks - he knows more than his unassuming appearance lets on. [break][break]

It's up to the two of you to extract as much information as you can.



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played by


october 9
mossdeep city, hoenn
You know the
Kickback is automatic
5'11 height
5'11 height
Calling out to an echo
83 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherry1
kasper thaler
project tower: tk
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 18:17:38 GMT
kasper thaler Avatar


project tower #1

how long has it been?
kasper can't tell, but the exhaustion that pulls at them tells them it's probably later than what they were hoping for. which isn't saying much- usually when they worked opening shifts, they went to bad old-person levels of early.
the league officer also doesn't seem that intimidated by kasper. the rocket beast with them is a whole different story, but, to be fair, one of them knows what he's doing (probably) and also isn't nineteen years old.
it only feels right for them to glance over as they try- very hard- to stifle a yawn. "so. what's the plan?" if tempest wants to be intimidating, they can try, but...that's probably a better job for their pokemon instead of them, and they're not sure how often pokemon are allowed in interrogation rooms.



following temp's lead![break]




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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
part of
TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
project tower: tk
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 6:30:33 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Tempest smiles, sharp, at the League member when he glances over.[break][break]

There is an order hanging on the tip of Tempest's tongue. This could be a test. could get their hands dirty, really see what they're made of....[break][break]

But then they yawn.[break][break]

Even if Temp would deny it, he is soft for the younger Rockets. Standing up, he cracks his neck before approaching the man.[break][break]

"Divert your eyes."[break][break]

He gives it a moment to linger, to give Kasper the chance to comply. Then he grabs the back of the man's head and bounces his face off the table. The man gives a wet gasp, his nose shattered and blood oozing down his face. It's a crunch and wet gag.[break][break]

"Give us the fucking information."




🔗 threaten


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played by


october 9
mossdeep city, hoenn
You know the
Kickback is automatic
5'11 height
5'11 height
Calling out to an echo
83 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherry1
kasper thaler
project tower: tk
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 2:41:35 GMT
kasper thaler Avatar
[attr="class","ptower-top"]project tower scenario 01



While you may feel somewhat exhausted from the hours spent here in this bleak room, the League official in front of you is visibly haggard and shaken up by his untimely kidnapping. He's terrified of what you might do but is putting on a brave face.[break][break]

Your threatening actions confirm his assumptions. He was expecting something like this from a Rocket operative. [break][break]

"Why should I tell you anything?" He asks, indignant, as he narrows his eyes at the two of you.



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played by


october 9
mossdeep city, hoenn
You know the
Kickback is automatic
5'11 height
5'11 height
Calling out to an echo
83 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherry1
kasper thaler
project tower: tk
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 2:42:30 GMT
kasper thaler Avatar


project tower #1

kasper is smart enough to listen when they're told to look away. that and the lights combined with the way tempest's smile is all sharp only makes them sure that they don't want to see this, actually. it's not that it really helps- even when they look away, they can still hear it.
there's a sickening, wet crunch from where the man is, and even with tempest's snarled order, kasper can hear him half-coughing and half-gagging. his question seems like it should have been snarled out, too, but with the injury he's dealt it lacks the weight that it really should.
"because," kasper starts, without really looking up. they refuse to look up- they can see him out of the corner of their eye, anyway, face covered in his own blood- "you just got your nose broken."
they don't know if tempest is really paying attention, or if this is something to actually test them, but their words hang for a second as they try to force the waver out of their voice. it doesn't work, not really, but they're continuing anyway, driven by some need to prove themself or at least do something here so they'll have contributed in the eyes of rocket as a whole.
"and we'd have no problem doing worse." it's all bark (at least on their end), and they know it, and this league officer probably knows it. but it's something.



persuading! kind of. more threatening but yk[break]




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