[WOPS] - Razz and Rex

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 5:17:50 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! It was Razz Kingsman! The Razz Kingsman! The guy with the cool kitty cat that could move things with its mind!

He had also flown on a white dragon, way back when. That was cool, but the Meowstic was the real prize.

"Woah..." Rex stared at the scarred ranger with a mix of envy and hero worship. This guy was super strong, competent, and also adept. He was everything that Rex aspired to be, besides the whole 'civil servant to the government' thing. The perks were probably pretty nice, but if Rex had wanted good perks, he would've trained a bunch of Delibirds to work in the delivery service. "Mr. Razz!"

They were supposed to be saving people and that took top priority, but Razz would make it super easy. He could stop New Mauville from sinking in one hand while solving cancer with his other.

They were totally in the clear.

"I'll do my best to help save the engineers trapped in one of the generator rooms, sir!"

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Raziel Beckett
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 5:54:50 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


Civilians were always priority one. [break][break]

A lesson that he tried to instill to his Rangers at Slateport and made sure to try and follow himself while on the job. There was enough doubt in the league and Razz always tried to make sure the Rangers weren't grouped in with that. While he waited for the 'assistance' he was promised Razz looked to his water pokemon ordering them to take a look around the boat at the hazards within the water. The captain wanting them to clean it out while him and his 'partner' were to escort the engineers out. With that he whistles and all but the Lapras takes off, the transport pokemon there to help once the victims were recovered. [break][break]


Razz looks over more to see the other had been there, just on his right side. Guess he didn't notice while he was trying to get his pokemon in order. " right?" he questions to confirm. He gives a nod seeming oblivious to the excitement the other had, though Salem notices it and gives the other a happy claws up. [break][break]

"Thank you, I have Cyan here to help locate with their Sonicwaves, and Telepathy would you happen to have any pokemon with you that can help with that?" he questions as the Noibat does just that moving ahead to where they needed to go, knowing time was always important.




[break]+ Mission: Water Ops
[break]+ 23. Ensure transportation methods are available and safe for evacuees.

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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 6:07:03 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Oh, to be a Salem without a care in the world. What a lucky cat.

"Sir, I have a Kirlia that is good at communicating. He's very calming! Very levelheaded, too. He'll work well with Cyan! I promise. No, I double promise. I have a Munchlax that can lift things out of the way, if need be. I also..." He bit his lip. He shuffled awkwardly for a few moments, before silently groaning. He couldn't lie, not to Razz. "I've got a Togepi, but she's just a baby! I feel obligated to mention her because omitting facts is as bad as lying, but she's too important to bring out!"

He bowed his head awkwardly, burning with shame.

"I apologize!"

Still, he produced his Kirlia from a belted Pokeball. The petite Psychic-type regarded Salem and Cyan for a few moments, before allowing the Noibat and himself to share minds for the sake of Telepathy. The power of Psychic-types was not to be underestimated.

Closing his eyes, Rex's Kirlia sends out a psychic pulse, feeling the brush of consciousness two floors down. He nudges Salem, chattering in the language that only Pokémon knew, before pointing downward.

10. Use tracking skills to locate victims or threats.
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May 24
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Rocket Grunt
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Raziel Beckett
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 6:34:42 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


Salem seems to whisper little meows into his trainer's ear, calling the other a bit of a stiff. He can't understand pokemon normally but the cat as been in his head since he was a kid and he has gotten used to getting the gist of what the cat said even without real words. "Don't be rude," he mutters as the other list him what he has with a nod. Though confused about the 'omitting facts' part. "Admitedly when the information is relevant and could provide either help or hinderance sure, but to inform us that shes just an infant is fine," he offers but he does lower his hand. [break][break]

"You really don't have to be so worked up, it's not a big deal besides don't want the engineers sensing your own nerves right?" he comments seeming if he can't get the other to take a breath and calm himself. [break][break]

Once Salem gives off the message kirlia gives off he gives a nod and begins to follow along and into the boat itself. The way the boat had angled itself as it slowly sunk more and more had made a mess of the interior, "Watch your step and avoid any exposed wires," he warns as he follows the pokemon to lead them down. Razz making note of clearing this out later.




[break]+ Mission: Water Ops
[break]+ 03. Address environmental hazards.

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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 6:45:42 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
As the ranger spoke, the trainer relaxed. Maybe it was Razz's calming voice, his experience, or the fact that Salem was a cute little fellow. Maybe it was the fact that Razz respected the truth. It was hard to tell, but it didn't really matter.

They would work together and save innocent lives. Just as Littleroot had deserved all those years ago, before Dialga had appeared and twisted the world asunder.

"I see 'em. Don't worry." Rex bobbed and weaved around the wires like a Grimer avoiding a shower. "We'll need to be careful on our way up, though."

Water and exposed wiring didn't mix. Rex wasn't a scientist, but he suspected that there wasn't enough liquid to diffuse the electricity if it touched the rapidly increasing supply of water. Razz and Rex would become Razzed and Erexicuted if they weren't careful.

After descending, the duo reached the blocked room. Much of the ceiling had collapsed, blocking most of the way forward. With a murmur, Rex's Munchlax emerged and began lifting large chunks of concrete and rebar out of the way with minimal hassle. While the little demon worked, Rex skirted closer to Razz.

"So... erm..." Rex shuffled nervously. "Why's the place sinking? Did you guys forget to pay rent, or...?"

32. Clear debris or other obstacles to create safe pathways.
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Raziel Beckett
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 7:28:58 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


The Ranger ponders for just a moment as the other makes a good point. They don't know the condition of the engineers on board, so there was the chance that they couldn't be as careful as they were. Though it doesn't take him long to think of a possible answer, "No need to worry about it, when we're back here I'll take care of it," he offers as he continues to follow. [break][break]

Once they reach the blocked room Razz clicks his tongue and just like that Salem is there to aide the Munchlax so they weren't working on their own. The cat using his psychic abilities to ensure they were careful with the removal. "From my understanding, Hoenn is unstable," he puts simply despite the dread it could possibly put out, "Something is causing Terra Crystals to form near the sea floor and its effecting everything above it now, and while what we're doing can only seem like a band aide but its nice to be there for others when they have no support of their own," he comments as he things back to his own childhood having long since wished something could save him from his pain. [break][break]

Yet no one ever came.[break][break]

So he tries to be there for others now, a hint of a smile hitting his face as there is relief and excitement from the engineers on the other side. "Everyone alright?" the captain questions as he enters slowly one of them pointing to a man holding his arm in pain. Razz calling for his Chikorita to preform HEALING PULSE as a temporary solution.




[break]+ Mission: Water Ops
[break]+ 05. Provide first aid or medical support to injured individuals.

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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 7:36:44 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
The region is unstable.

No shit. The region had been ablaze for almost six years now. Six years since the first members of Team Rocket had sailed from Kanto and set the world up in smoke. Four since Littleroot had been pushed to the brink, where gods had dictated their world irrelevant. When Dialga had soared over Littleroot, all Rex could think was one thing:

I'm gonna beat that thing in a fight. Watch!

Then his neighbors had died and that dream had vanished into mist.

"Gotcha. Well, we gotta help these people then. If they need our help, then we should give it to them. Nobody should suffer alone. It's not fair." And when he got strong enough to beat every trainer and seize every badge, he would climb the steps of Ever Grande and become Champion. "C'mon!"

As Razz heals the engineers, Rex guides them towards the exit. They'll have to leave orderly, lest the wires do them in. He directs them, but it is up to Razz to clear the way back up to the surface.

The wires are threatening.

"That all of them, Razz?"

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
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5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Raziel Beckett
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 5:31:48 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


"Good to hear that," he comments often feeling that some people were not really into saving people for the right reasons. The other wasn't a Ranger but first impressions were going well so far as he followed them, taking up the rear for now. The captain having returned his chikorita for now as they made their way through. The young man making sure to aide the engineers through the tilted boat until they came back to their original entrance. [break][break]

"Stand back for now," he orders the group as he calls out his Shadow Rotom. The ghost chuckling as it moved back and forth as if looking for a target before Razz gives a whistle. Currant looking to their trainer at first as if debating before the captain did the same whistle except a little sharper this time around and the shadow pokemon laughs as it finally listens diving into each electronic item in the room as it short circuits the entire room turning it all off. The lines near the water no longer a thing to worry about before he returns the shadow pokemon after complimenting it, he doesn't need it scaring the group. [break][break]

"Should be safe now"




[break]+ Mission: Water Ops
[break]+ 34. Use a pokemon to manage energy or electricity in an area.

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Althus Rex
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 5:52:45 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"That's my man! Nice!" Rex cheered as the engineers and Sea Mauville staff were ushered out of the room and up the stairs. Sea Mauville continued to creak and groan, but they had managed to save a small handful of people today. "We rock!"

As far as Rex was concerned, that was more than enough.

All that they had to do now was ascend with the freed people and report in. It had been a remarkably simple mission due to Razz's competence. Rex hadn't helped much, but he had learned a lot.

"Yeah, we're basically the best people in the history of ever, if you ask me." Rex nodded to himself and beamed at the ranger. "Mind putting in a good word for me when this is over?"

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,582 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 6:26:28 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

[attr="class","leprosearlo1"] -----


There is a sigh of relief as they get out without a hitch. He likes to think himself competent enough that all these missions run smoother, yet he knows more often than not things don't like to go his way. So when they finally do there is some relief. Once out he offers his Lapras as a mode to get to safety.[break][break]

"I don't think that would be accurate considering the accomplishments of many others," Razz offers back seeming to have taken the first statement more seriously than intended as he sends out a message on their sucess and to watch for them. His attention going back to Rex as he gives him a confused look, "A good word to who? You're not a Ranger but uhhh good luck still?"[break][break]

he still has terrible small talk.




[break]+ Mission: Water Ops

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[newclass=.leprosearlo b]font:10px Hammersmith One;color:#b13e53;[/newclass]
[newclass=.leprosearlo a]color:#84c5d0;[/newclass]
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[WOPS] - Razz and Rex
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 3:03:42 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WOPS COMPLETE!



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