i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
200 posts
Althus Rex DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @althus
Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 18:27:25 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"Damn. This sucks." Rex gave Tsubaki a glance as they stood in front of the women's restroom. The faint hiss of Ekans droned from behind the door, inviting them to a death of a thousand snake bites. Rex wasn't scared of a bunch of snakes, but he was scared of something else. "I 'unno how we're gonna deal with this."

Instead, the issue was the definitively female restroom sign as he regarded Tsubaki. His eyes flicked from the Gym Leader to the bathroom sign, as if he was comparing her to the sign itself.

Yep. After a close comparison of the Gym Leader and Tsubaki herself, this was definitely the women's restroom. A bad sign, because...

"You're gonna have to go in without me. It's women only." The sign was decrepit and unused, just like this section of Sea Mauville. The preserve's actual amenities remained unused for several decades. "I'm a dude."

His earnest expression made it absolutely clear that he wasn't joking as he regarded the large supply of antidotes they had piled up by the door.

12. Ensure sufficient supplies are available for the operation.
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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,083 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 2:16:14 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Tsubaki stands there, hand on her hip, looking over the man with scorn. Though he stands nearly a head taller than her, her expression indicates that she is looking down on him. [break][break]

"What, you think the pokemon care!?"[break][break]

Sumire hovers right behind her, taller than the girl herself. The gigantic snake lets a small hiss escape her gullet as she flicks her tongue, smelling her lesser brethren beyond the door. She does not understand why they have halted here, but she pokes her nose gently against the door, trying to nuzzle it open to little avail. [break][break]

Eyes then focus on the man. She looks nearly as terrifying as her owner in that moment, a snake large enough to swallow him whole. And it looks like she would like to.[break][break]

"This place is abandoned! It has been for years! Don't be stupid!"[break][break]

Tsubaki grabs the shoulder of his jacket and tries to drag him forward. She pauses at the door, and listens to the slithering and hissing of the snakes beyond. [break][break]

"Bet you smell 'em, huh, Sumi...? You ready, girl?"[break][break]

The giant snake simply stares, flicking her tongue and letting out a guttural hiss of approval. Tsubaki presses the button, and the door hisses back. She then shoves Althus inside before she follows. [break][break]

+ [break]
+ Use tracking skills to locate victims or threats.


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played by


March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
200 posts
Althus Rex DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @althus
Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 3:35:20 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Being forced into a women's restroom by some five foot nothing Gym Leader wasn't on Rex's checklist, but he had never felt more violated in this precise moment. A Gym Leader was breaking the rules, and not only that, she was making him an accomplice.

"WAIT WAIT WAI-" His protests are cut off as the door slams behind him and Tsubaki. The restroom is, put simply, filled with snakes. They dangle from the stalls, from the lights, from the holes in the ceiling and walls. Despite this, it's still somehow cleaner than half of the gas station bathrooms Rex had seen on his journey.

The ones he had seen in Slateport? Abhorrent.

"I'm not supposed to be in here!" Rex hissed down at her, his eyes flicking around the room. The snakes were secondary to defiling social norms, even if those social norms hadn't been enforced in this room for the past sixty years, give or take. "Do you want me to get arrested? Idiot!"

The Ekans began to sway as Rex fumed.

03. Address environmental hazards.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP