[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Katharina Strophe
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 5:38:40 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina carefully washes her hands after some successful and quick treatments of some of the injured pokémon. It gives her time to look over the general situation at the moment - bad, but it probably could be worse, all things considered. And to think she essentially just got here, too ... maybe she'd have to exorcise herself today evening, just in case.

"Ah, careful! That plank is nasty, but won't break. Don't ask me how I know," she shouts out at the approaching figure, just before they would hit an extremely wobbly wooden board that would do a good dip into the muddy waters.

03. Address environmental hazards.
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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mitsuru Kagami
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2024 3:58:24 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
To say that Mitsuru's volunteering experience had been going badly was an understatement. Between the incident with the Spiritomb, the room full of Grimer, and getting relentlessly insulted by the people she was supposed to be working with? It might well have qualified for the second or third worst day of her life. However, even now, she was still optimistic. Surely, she could still turn things around, and make a positive contribution towards the Sea Mauville, and also possibly meet while she did it. Surely, that was still in the cards!

It probably wasn't even in the deck, but that wouldn't stop her hoping. Otherwise, what was today? A bunch of terrible encounters that resulted in absolutely nothing? No, there had to be some reward waiting at the end of this, and that reward had to make all the struggle and panic and general indignity worth it. Surely! Surely. Surely...?

At the very least, this next job seemed easier than the others. Meet up with her partner, do some environmental clean-up, and get out. Some simple tidying up! Surely, SURELY, SURELY there was no way she could screw up something so simple, so easy, so--


--On an unrelated note, Mitsuru's bedroom currently had no less than three cups and four bowls on the floor next to her mattress. And, having been thoroughly warned, she stumbled short of the dangerous plank, hastily attempted to hop over it, and then proceeded to loose her balance immediately afterward and faceplant into the floor.


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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Katharina Strophe
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2024 9:54:02 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina winces at the painful-looking faceplant on the floor, but doesn't immediately rush to help the other - that comes a heartbeat later, as the pokémon nurse offers the other a hand. "Ouch, are you okay? But hey, at least you're not too wet ..." She says, having rolled up her trouser legs up a notch and another notch, but the dark water stains are definitely still visible to a degree.

"We should probably see about getting that fixed, actually ... Not sure how, but I guess Froschl's sticky slime might do it in a pinch," she murmurs after making sure that the other doesn't have any injuries that need treating. Her main specialty are pokémon, but if you've been in a pokémon center enough, you learn how to fix up people, too - it's not too uncommon for both trainer and pokémon to end up being in a Condition.

"Hi, I'm Katharina by the way!" she introduces herself, and then points to her Froggiursa (see: Teddiursa) by her side. "That's Froschl, and this one's Concrete. Maybe she could help as well ... as long as we can get the materials from construction else. She won't give up that log no matter what," she thinks aloud, and points at the Timburr that she just called out of her ball.

16. Reinforce buildings or other structures with your pokemon.
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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mitsuru Kagami
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 2:14:02 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
Mitsuru laid there for a while. Maybe if she just stayed still for long enough, some higher power would scoop her up and whisk her away from this awkward situation? But of course, there was no such luck. Wherever the higher powers were, they weren't paying much attention to the sinking wreck of Sea Mauville.

So, after a moment, she peeled herself off the floor and accepted the helping hand. Getting back onto her feet, she tried to ignore the obvious green damp that stuck to the front of her Official League-Issued Safety Overalls™. It definitely seemed like it was seeping into the fabric, which was worrying, but fine. Probably. Not that she had much experience scrubbing damp off clothes, but from what little she did have, she knew that it'd wash off. Probably. And even if it didn't, that would be fine! There was no way the Ranger Corps would make her pay for it! Probably.

"Thanks, Miss...?"

Katharina. Lovely name. And Froschl. Cute name! And Concrete. Uh. Interesting name.

"I'm Mitsuru." She offered her own introduction, though it admittedly felt a little shallow in comparison. Maybe because she didn't introduce her own Pokemon? Heck, maybe she should do that now before it was too late! So, she hastily tapped one of the Pokeballs hanging from her belt, and sent one out. "And this is--"


"--Varoom? Er, Varoom. This is Varoom!"

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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Katharina Strophe
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 8:58:11 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina nods at the introduction, and chuckles slightly as the Varoom's been introduced as, well, Varoom. "Nice to meet you two!" he grins, offering a hand to shake and can't help but stare slightly at the green damp spot on Mitsuru's overall. "Do you want to do something about that, by the way, or-? Wouldn't want it to spread," Katharina adds, before regarding the Varoom with a thoughtful look again.

"Do you think Varoom could carefully transport some construction materials here? So we can reinforce the structures here better till it well. All goes down under," Katharina adds, staring at the sinking colossus. What a tragedy and what an idea to have such a thing in the first place. But, they can't really talk, given how their coven and family back at home were - most of the time, there's no task too daring not to attempt it (unless it's tooo big of a bomb).

36. Organize and manage logistics of the operation.
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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mitsuru Kagami
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 6:48:13 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
Heck, she noticed! Which shouldn't have been surprising, given how much the dodgy green splotch stood out on her otherwise beige outfit, but still! She'd been hoping to just try and ignore it, but now that attention had been drawn to it, she guess there was no choice but to address it.

"What, this?" Mitsuru blinked, looking down at the swathe of damp as though it were an inconspicuous drop of water. "Nah, it'll be fine! I'll just change later."

She really, really wanted to change now, but the idea of bringing the entire mission grinding to a halt over it was mortifying. The mere thought of Katharina having to sit around as she waited for her jumpsuit to go through the washing cycle made her cringe so hard she physically flinched. No, given the option between physical and social discomfort, she'd grin and bear the former a dozen times over before she had to go through the latter once.

In fact, even thinking about it in the bad tense is bad for her soul. So, time to move quickly on to the construction efforts!

"Yeah, we can do that!" She agreed, turning to her Varoom whose name was apparently now simply Varoom. "Okay, buddy, can you bring some support beams over there?"


And so, the little engine chugged forth.

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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
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Katharina Strophe
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 10:36:45 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina regards Mitsuru's stain briefly still after the other's reassurance that it'll be fine, and takes out a clean handkerchief (of which the nurse posseses many). "Take this, in case it gets to uncomfortable places," she insists, pushing away the memories of fooling around with some chemistry materials a bit too much a couple of years ago ... even if this greenness could also just be algae.

She then finally is ready to let the topic rest, having satisfied her caretaker-whether-you-or-i-want-it-or-not needs enough. "Perfect!" she smiles, relieved about not having to carry all those beams by herself, and then nods at Froschl beside her. "Alright, buddy, us three also got to work ... We gotta get that area cleaned up and also ..."

She squints, staring at the barely standing structure in front of her. "My speciality is putting up tents, frankly," she murmurs, grabbing one beam that's already here and nodding at Mitsuru. "Think best bet might be to just jam that bad boy in there and hope it won't crack in the meanwhile?" she suggests, looking at the other to see if she might have better ideas, too.

37. Perform emergency repairs on infrastructure or equipment.
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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mitsuru Kagami
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2024 4:38:48 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
"Hm... Yeah, I think that'll work!"

Mitsuru didn't know the first thing about architecture. She did, however, once fix a wonky table by putting a book under one of the too-short legs. That was basically the same as this, right? Except it was a big metal beam instead of her paperback copy of Fifty Shades of Glalie. All that was to say, it'd be fineeeeeeeeeee!

O-of course, if the book failed, her table would just lean a little to the side, and if this beam failed, there was a chance a good part of Sea Mauville would sink into the ocean... But it'd be probably be fine, right?

"So, how do we get it in there?"

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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Katharina Strophe
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2024 6:20:49 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
The what is agreed upon, however, Mitsuru asks a very good question of how. Varoom is currently busy getting more supplies, Froschl is a frog-type and thus simply not that strong in the brute force department due to squishy bodies (which is a wrong fact both of them choose to acknowledge), and she's not sure ...

"Okay, first we gotta clear out the debris and broken beams and we need to make sure it doesn't collapse while we replace it with another beam ... Froschl, here hold this beam - it's not too heavy, is it? - and Mitsuru, get on the other side, please ..." Katharina regards the whole "plan" with slight skepticism, but if the thought can't catch up to you, there's simply nothing wrong. With confidence, she cracks off some of the clearly broken structure, causing it to wobble slightly so she props herself up against it. "Everything good on your end?" she asks Mitsuru then, nodding for Froschl to approach with the beam.

He's holding the beam actually quite steadily, placing it parallel to the two at first, before carefully tilting it so it would eventually jam up between the two, acting as a temporary support. "We'll definitely need to see about better reinforcement, but it should work for the moment ...! Nice done, now we need to do it a couple more times."

i envision like a ||| > N situation if that makes sense (two parallel pillars/beams and then supported with one more) LOL
29. Offer quick training or guidance to less experienced team members or other individuals.
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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mitsuru Kagami
[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 2:53:01 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
Uh oh. Physical labour? With her back? Ouch. She didn't like the sound of that.

But she didn't volunteer so she could complain, did she? No. So, after some half-hearted stretching and a few deep breaths, she took up position on her end, and began the laborous task laid out for her. Which, fortunately, was not as laborous as she thought. As it turned out, all the rusting metal and general ocean decay caused the metal to be a lot lighter. Which, unfortunately, was probably a bad sign for the long-term health of this platform. But she decided for her own physical mental health not to worry about that right now.

Still, even though she's been given the easy job, she has to admit that there's something a little worrying about watching such a tiny bear carry such a big beam.

"Careful... Careful... Careefuuul..."

Thankfully, there was nothing to worry about this time. Froschl expertly navigated the beam into position, and just like that, they were one step closer to fixing up Sea Mauville! Sure, a step didn't count for much in a ten mile marathon, but, uh... It probably added up, right?

"Great!" Mitsuru nodded. "Then let's keep going. If we keep up this pace, we can probably finish before--"


The metal beam made a strange noise, and Mitsuru gave it a look. That'd... That'd definitely hold.

"--Before it gets any worse than this."

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October 13
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[WOPS] mitsuru & katharina #4
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 2:01:45 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WOPS COMPLETE!



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