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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
[skirmish] katharina vs maki
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 22:17:47 GMT
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[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass][newclass=".emapkmnteam br"]display:none;[/newclass]
Katharina soon had to learn that there is no safety in war.

No space secured so that it not might fall again - else the fights would be pointless, like stones placed on a Go board. Immovable territories that build up over time, encasing the enemies' placement, encaging them slowly and steadily ... but this war is neither of that. In the blink of an eye, Katharina hears the warning shots again, the signs of battle.

"We've secured the area. It's safe here, tend the wounded."

She had a job to do, and she couldn't. There's many injured - frankly, she almost didn't care if League or Rocket - that at least are a bit farther off, a bit more towards Rustboro. Still, there doesn't seem an end to it, so much that she wonders for a brief moment what the point of it is, in the end. Could she truly alleviate such a reccurring pain when even her patients won't listen to her? She knows is out there, on the fields, again. Fighting a fight she doesn't feel in herself. But pushing those thoughts aside, she, like her colleagues, hastily switches mode from tending to moving, getting out of the line of fire as she has to run yet again.

A flare of anger burns away the anxiety as she turns- and comes face to face with a Rocket. And fear takes root once more.

post count: 1
50 MP have your character self-doubt or cast doubt on another's confidence/allegiances/beliefs, etc. (we won and we lost again, why this all)
50 MP reference (tag) another character that is not in your thread in a meaningful way. (GENNY NO)
total: 110

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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
[skirmish] katharina vs madd
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 18:32:00 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass][newclass=".emapkmnteam br"]display:none;[/newclass]
There's much to protect as Rocket seeks to spread out from Petalburg and further inward. Mossdeep is secured, Katharina has been told, and Sootopolis is ... weird, but it's peaceful. More peaceful than here, at least. Dark circles are visible underneath her eyes as she fixes up the last injury in the tent. Just in time, it seems, as sudden cries announce the same game that she's been playing for a couple of weeks now - a Rocket attack.

"Fuck," she swears, hurrying as she tries to soothe the spooked fighters with a decisive hand, leading them towards- somewhere, she isn't even sure if there's any safe place. Her hands come to rest on her pokéballs, her pokémon all recalled for now because there's simply not enough space here. But even here, she'd seek to stand tall before second thoughts could come up, as she blows raspberry and decides to exit the tent first to face the horrors instead of waiting for them in here. "Who's there?"

post count: 1
50 MP showcase your own character's strength(s) meaningfully. (face the danger head-on)

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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
grocery shopping 1 [sw]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 10:16:49 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
A sapphire hue colours the world all of a sudden as a Primarina and their trainer perform a little show in a corner of the streets. Katharina looks over, smiling softly as he continues onwards to the super market, for once not letting himself be distracted by a spectacle. Deep in his heart, he's also not in the mood for it - but he appreciates it, a spirit trying to lift others up, even as times get dire. Art is something created in the times of "abundance", and yet one returns to it at any moment ...

skipping primarina

[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
its ruse is generally unsuccessful. it also tastes awful.
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 17:02:37 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina has decided to drop Arthur at the daycare for today, something about meeting with some professor, and Arthur would not say "no" to an opportunity like this! It would be an opportunity to meet new pokémon and show its beautifully crafted caddy body and then get them to drink some of the truly exquisite and tea within ... which definitely would be of incredible taste and oh so good. (And it truly does believe it - a helpful nature but still, a ghost in its very clay.)

It does approach a promising victim pokémon, floating towards them slowly. But oh ... there's another tea floating around as well?

[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
grocery shopping 1 [sw]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 15:35:02 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Going grocery shopping in war times feels surreal and yet is happening right now. Katharina isn't really sure what to think of it, but hey, there's things to need and stuff to do, as ever. And soon, he'd also have to hop on over to Ever Grande and the other places, so actually, being at his second home right now isn't even too bad ... It grants a vague feeling of escapism until he'd be ready to high-kick reality once more.

[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 9:45:50 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina doesn't want to be here, but the call for a possible evolution of his Dewott calls him here after all ... "Are you feeling anything yet?" he asks Numbahs, who shakes her head. She does seem to focus on something as she looks at the lightning-riddled skies above, if that's actually really sky.

Probably not, now that Katharina thinks about it ...

And before he knows it, Numbahs leaped onward with precision that he's gotten to learn is part of her, even if she's also very calm and chill else. But that move ... "You should've evolved then ... and with this, too?" The distortion seems to really do a number on Numbahs - she just used both Sucker Punch and Ceaseless Edge, moves that she definitely shouldn't know yet! That's definitely not the change he expected.

numbahs the dewott forgets tail whip and learns sucker punch!
numbahs the dewott forgets retaliate and learns ceaseless edge!
1x green shard

[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
unintentional stop [m]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 20:54:06 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
"... hey, Teein. I love you deeply, darling, but what the fuck."

Katharina stares at the crystals surrounding her and and the Natu as they find themselves in a location absolutely not known to her at all. "Is that also part of that Giant Chasm?" She only wanted to have a look at the flora there, see if there's anything interesting that she could use, but then something appeared out of the blue, Teein panicked and now they're here.

"Honey, I'm not sure if we're any safer here than with that beast," she adds as she squints at the crystals. They seem to burst with energy in all their brilliance, and she has the feeling that this is possibly not a good sign here. "Do you think you can get us out again?"

[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
do we all fall as far as we go? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 20:45:25 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina's a fairly on-the-point woman, doing things as they come. Still, there's also a patience to them that they truly need in their profession, and they nod affirmatively at Genevieve repeating their name. "Yep, that's me," they also verbally confirm with a grin before readying to depart to the treatment room, helping Genevieve into the crutches where needed before taking place next to her, walking alongside her steadily.

Despite making the appearance of going many miles per hour, Katharina actually naturally adjusted to the patient's speed, capturing it and walking comfortably without making the impression of being in a hurry. They have time, and if Katharina would have to fight Arceus for it. They haven't noticed before that the Yamper's missing his hind legs, but smiles faintly at the fact that he certainly doesn't seem to be inhibited by this. The wheels are something part of Katharina would like to examine closer, but they stop that urge for now.

"Healing's unfortunately rarely easy ... even a little scratch can itch like hell," Katharina replies honestly, "but we'll take it easy and steady. Things won't get better just because you force it - even with painful things, gotta listen to your body when it's too much." They smile encouragingly, before gesturing for Genny to take a seat first. "I'll clean and patch up, if needed, the wounds on your face first and talk to you about what's the plan for today? If you got any questions, let me know anytime."

[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
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played by


ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
exorcism [m]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2024 8:59:30 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
First war and now other strange appearances - truly it seems that Hoenn is built different, and perhaps also built on various anomalies. At least it would explain quite a bit about how they've suddenly come to face a glowing, abnormally large pokémon.

"What even is it?!" Katharina screeches as she dodges an attack, not able to set clear sight on the brightly coloured pokémon. There's one moment of hesistancy about bringing out their big guns, but this truly is a big gun moment. "Alright, here goes nothing-" A Roaring Moon appears on the field, incredibly large and really intimidating.

"Hold it off! XY, how's you?!"

[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
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played by


ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
do we all fall as far as we go? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 19:26:49 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina hasn't expected that Hoenn would prove that chaotic. And that ... violent. While she's been spared the details by simply being in Fortree at the other end of it all, unaware yet of how to follow digital news outside of the Tower, it's ... seeing the results, the end of it is enough to make her shiver with a cold more freezing than ice.

What is this all for, she can't help but wonder as she clocked in that morning into the Ever Grande pokémon center. Not her actual assignment - that one's with Rocket now. She's been travelling more than usual even with her (affectionately) unreliable Natu-Teleport, seeing here and there where more hands were needed.

And today ... The list of wounds is horrifying to say the least. And it's nothing unusual amongst the front fighters of this war that has erupted, something she might see even more often ... She lets out a big sigh before smoothing out the wrinkles in her expression and walking out towards the lobby to fetch her patient.

"Genevieve Cromwell-?" she reads aloud, looking - and immediately, her steps are audible (sturdy shoes that sound like high heels but aren't) as she rushes towards the red-haired. "Dear, I have to ask you to not do that again ... I know it's tempting, but please. Healing skin is very sensitive." She just stops herself from actively touching the patient and takes a step back, assessing the situation - at least it doesn't seem like any skin's been broken, opened anew.

"I'm Kat, or Katharina if you got the breath for it," she then introduces herself with a half-smile - professional but still with a friendly edge (literally) as she's cross-checking some notes on her file, making sure she actually got the right person. Behind her, an Audino does a better job at being welcoming, smiling and waving at Genny and her Yamper. "If you could come with me now ... if there's any support you need, do let me know immediately."

Kat has extended a hand in case Genny might need support, but would also be happy to take her arm back as she walks towards the treatment room at a moderate pace.

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played by


ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 23:08:18 GMT
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