do we all fall as far as we go? [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
do we all fall as far as we go? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2024 22:38:17 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Today is therapy day. Muscle atrophy isn't the issue. Scars and wounds riddle the body, but they're not what holds her back. Simple rest and relaxation are needed with wounds like these, time is needed with wounds like these. A body covered in healing wounds, bandages that wrap around her arms, her legs, her body, all of them cover away, and while they do help, it isn't the problem. It's something else entirely.[break][break]


The emotional support of a two-legged Yamper, barking and yipping as he follows with his two back-prosthetic wheels, as she walks with crutches down the interior ramps. Lucky stayed happy, to keep her mood up at all times. Therapy was needed on all three levels, but in this way, she would have it physically in her session for today.[break][break]

The nurse in charge of her recovery, whose name she only knew by the nickname 'Kat', she had not met before. But she was newer, and Genny had never worked at a clinic with her before. Volunteer work from years ago did not tell her much. But with Lucky by her side, she would find a means to understand.[break][break]

As she enters the Pokemon Center lobby, waiting patiently in what feels like a waiting room, she pulls away her facial bandages, a small mirror out as she looked at healing wounds. Her body was in rough shape, burns on her back heavy with nerve damage, and while her face seemed intact, she definitely looked like she'd been a veteran of war, and with each new wound, she feels more fragile. She can hear it.[break][break]

Kyogre's roars.[break][break]

She's woken up at night multiple times lately, as if she's still falling. Every time she wakes, she hits the ground, gasping for oxygen as she cries. She hadn't messaged yet. It's better not to worry him. Maybe he'd come see her. Maybe he wouldn't. She doesn't know, but worrying him, when he has his own problems, that's something she won't do.[break][break]

Maybe when she's stronger. She's not strong now... that's what therapy is for.[break][break]

So she sits, awaiting for her nurse to arrive. Lucky is seated at her feet, eyes towards the lobby area.



- OUTFIT, MISSION: Post First Wave[break]
- Genny and Lucky the Yamper climb down the Pokecenter here in Ever Grande, into a waiting room lobby as Genny pulls away her facial bandages to see the facial wounds. She's not doing too good. Crutches are how she walks. A lot of it seems mental...[break]
- She definitely has trauma... and as she looks at herself in the mirror, she still feels as if she's falling.[break]
- Waiting patiently in a waiting room lobby, with others around.



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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
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TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
do we all fall as far as we go? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 19:26:49 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina hasn't expected that Hoenn would prove that chaotic. And that ... violent. While she's been spared the details by simply being in Fortree at the other end of it all, unaware yet of how to follow digital news outside of the Tower, it's ... seeing the results, the end of it is enough to make her shiver with a cold more freezing than ice.

What is this all for, she can't help but wonder as she clocked in that morning into the Ever Grande pokémon center. Not her actual assignment - that one's with Rocket now. She's been travelling more than usual even with her (affectionately) unreliable Natu-Teleport, seeing here and there where more hands were needed.

And today ... The list of wounds is horrifying to say the least. And it's nothing unusual amongst the front fighters of this war that has erupted, something she might see even more often ... She lets out a big sigh before smoothing out the wrinkles in her expression and walking out towards the lobby to fetch her patient.

"Genevieve Cromwell-?" she reads aloud, looking - and immediately, her steps are audible (sturdy shoes that sound like high heels but aren't) as she rushes towards the red-haired. "Dear, I have to ask you to not do that again ... I know it's tempting, but please. Healing skin is very sensitive." She just stops herself from actively touching the patient and takes a step back, assessing the situation - at least it doesn't seem like any skin's been broken, opened anew.

"I'm Kat, or Katharina if you got the breath for it," she then introduces herself with a half-smile - professional but still with a friendly edge (literally) as she's cross-checking some notes on her file, making sure she actually got the right person. Behind her, an Audino does a better job at being welcoming, smiling and waving at Genny and her Yamper. "If you could come with me now ... if there's any support you need, do let me know immediately."

Kat has extended a hand in case Genny might need support, but would also be happy to take her arm back as she walks towards the treatment room at a moderate pace.

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
814 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
do we all fall as far as we go? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 20:47:54 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

The audible heels clack, though it's not enough to snap her out of a trance. After her name is spoken, she hears the rushing blonde woman, and Genny snaps to. She's staring at the woman in front of her. The blonde is to the point, and while Genny hadn't been scratching away at her itchy skin, she knows it's the nurse's job.[break][break]

"Katharina," she lets the name sit on her tongue, as Kat reads over her file. While the Audino smiles and waves, Genny tries to smile, as Lucky bounces in place, hopping up and down on his little wheelies. His bark of hello was what Audino wanted.[break][break]

Genny forces her smile though, as she speaks.[break][break]

"Thank you, Nurse Kat," she takes her hand and pulls herself up, as she gets the crutches ready. Her legs shake until the crutches are ready as she places the smaller crutches below her armpits, and begins to follow Kat. With the clickety-clack of two wheels, Lucky runs ahead with much excitement in his run. The little speed demon Yamper, even with only two feet, runs like he has all four.[break][break]

had done a number on her. Having to cauterize the grievous life-threatening wound closed with fire was troublesome, and she knew the adrenaline would run out eventually after their struggle. When it finally did, and she had lost consciousness, her body had to recover.[break][break]

Adrenaline kept her going for awhile that day.[break][break]

As she follows, Genny's focused fully on the nurse, trying to keep up. She asks. "Is physical therapy... hard?" Genny asks in a worried hushed tone. She's never experienced it herself. She doesn't know.



- OUTFIT, MISSION: Post First Wave[break]
- Genny was in a daze, until Kat came. And when she calls her name, rushing to her, Genny comes to. Says the name of her nurse, as Lucky bounces to the Audino's greeting! Genny forces a smile.[break]
- Thanking Kat and taking her hand, she gets up, as Lucky races ahead of both.[break]
- Genny has to ask as they walk. Is physical therapy hard?



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[newclass=".genny1 h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;[/newclass]
[newclass=".genny1 .genny1body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".genny1 .genny1pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".genny1 .genny1credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".genny1 .genny1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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ms catastrophe, mehl
august 15
pinwheel forest, unova
pokécenter nurse
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
part of
TAG WITH @katharina
Katharina Strophe
do we all fall as far as we go? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 20:45:25 GMT
Katharina Strophe Avatar
Katharina's a fairly on-the-point woman, doing things as they come. Still, there's also a patience to them that they truly need in their profession, and they nod affirmatively at Genevieve repeating their name. "Yep, that's me," they also verbally confirm with a grin before readying to depart to the treatment room, helping Genevieve into the crutches where needed before taking place next to her, walking alongside her steadily.

Despite making the appearance of going many miles per hour, Katharina actually naturally adjusted to the patient's speed, capturing it and walking comfortably without making the impression of being in a hurry. They have time, and if Katharina would have to fight Arceus for it. They haven't noticed before that the Yamper's missing his hind legs, but smiles faintly at the fact that he certainly doesn't seem to be inhibited by this. The wheels are something part of Katharina would like to examine closer, but they stop that urge for now.

"Healing's unfortunately rarely easy ... even a little scratch can itch like hell," Katharina replies honestly, "but we'll take it easy and steady. Things won't get better just because you force it - even with painful things, gotta listen to your body when it's too much." They smile encouragingly, before gesturing for Genny to take a seat first. "I'll clean and patch up, if needed, the wounds on your face first and talk to you about what's the plan for today? If you got any questions, let me know anytime."

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played by


July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
814 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
do we all fall as far as we go? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 20:18:51 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

It made sense... if the body doesn't have time to heal, it's not going to heal right. Easy and steady as it goes. Kat was a good nurse, immediately proving to Genny as much as she sits down to her gesture, letting the nurse do her work, never once making a fuss at the cleaning of her wounds and patching-up.[break][break]

"Of course, Nurse," she's quick to nod.[break][break]

Seeing it visibly, Genny's body was banged up, but being young she would come around. Even so, every now and then would Genny groan from the touch.[break][break]

"What is the plan for today?" she wields a smile as best she can, but at best it's unwieldy. Lucky, on the other hand, can wear it the best of them, and that little Yamper was just happy someone was helping Genny! He clacks around, now running in a circle, exuberant! The dog pants are so cute.[break][break]

"Lucky has a lot of energy today. Wow." Emotional support animals really do be that way.



- OUTFIT, MISSION: Post First Wave[break]
- Lets Katharina do her business and help patch her up, Genny groaning at the work she was doing.[break]
- Asking the plan for the day, trying to smile. Lucky is letting it loose.



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[newclass=".genny1 .genny1pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".genny1 .genny1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]


it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP