[wops] gayle

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 0:36:19 GMT
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the job was peaceful for the most part.

people have gone ahead to explore what remained of sea mauville, leaving a few like him behind to clean up after an area has been cleared. as the majority of his party left, kyle remained by the open deck, sweeping away any debris left on the surface before it inadvertently gets sent to the bottom of the seas.

Participants lead efforts to clean up debris and pollutants threatening Sea Mauville's ecosystem, aiming to restore balance and safeguard the preserve's natural habitats.

a huge area of the deck was clear. rust induced by the salty sea air still remained, and grime still covered the floors, but most of the debris have already been packed in bags, ready to be sent to the nearest landfill.

he wipes a bead of sweat rolling by the side of his head with a towel draped on his shoulders as he hears steps closing in. though he doesn't recognize him, he makes assumptions based on the nature of the job.

"hey!" he calls out. "are you helping out with the cleanup too?" he asks.

14. Ensure the area is safe from remaining threats.

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April ???
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gaius marcellus
[wops] gayle
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 13:51:27 GMT
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How long had he been out?

That man with the Scizor, had done a number on him, but they were up again, and moving.

Perhaps he should have been more sorrowful that he lost, but he wasn't. Instead it only made him more eager.

He had lost to someone so strong, and survived. That meant he had the potential to grow stronger as well. That thought only made him smile more.

When he became strong enough he would find those that had defeated him, and devour them in turn. That was the way of life, the true natural order of things.

So he started to stalk the halls of this ship, and as he closed in he sees a man with tons of trash nearby.

"No...." Came the blunt, simple, and honest answer as his Lucario surged forth with it's Metal Claws extended.

"Are you strong too?"

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dog boy
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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 16:42:25 GMT
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he knows the lucario's stance the moment it appeared in his vision. it was wrong to dismiss it as a coincidence as kyle finds himself drawing the ball in a moment's notice.

the pyroar appears to tank the swipe. it's fire-typing might match well with the lucario's steel, but their secondary typing had been the other way around.

the pokemon was one of the only ones that kyle currently has prepared for battles that won't damage the broken down research facility as much. who knows how much damage can it sustaint before it actually falls apart with how decrepit it has grown.

"n-n-no!" he answers, stammering. "do i really look like i give that impression?!"

he was just cleaning. janitors don't look like strong opponents at all, unless you count the secret bosses.


it was a precaution in case the attacks don't stop. ghostly embers fly towards the lucario's face. they might not hurt as much, but they linger as burns in its body, aiming to debilitate more than to injure.

03. Address environmental hazards.

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April ???
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 9:09:16 GMT
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A staff of energy appeared, and like a master of the weapon his Lucario Bone Rushed the Will-o-Wisp away, swatting each of the orbs away from his person before charging at the Pyroar to smash the staff into it as well.

If the surrounding area got set on fire it was no issue to Gaius.

"Yes you do." Gaius answered the other man honestly. His gut, his instincts had never lead him astray before. He had a knack for sniffing out strong people.

This man was certainly strong even if he was trying to hide it, but Gaius would make him show his true self.

"If you wish to hide your strength....Then I will tear it out of you!"

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POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 2:09:46 GMT
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"you talk weird, dude," he points out as he tries to duck away from the battered flames. "normal people don't talk like that!"

what he says should have no impact on anyone who chose to reside in this region. there is no one left on hoenn that can be considered normal.

"the weapon!" he shouts to his pyroar. "psychic fangs!"

metallic thumps from both the trainer and pokemon hide from the battle cries of both beasts in the field. while kyle goes from the center of the deck to its railings, the pyroar intercepts the attack.

psychic fangs was a move effective against barriers. the same logic is used on projections such as bone rush in an attempt to break it and disarm.

pyroar pounces on the lucario, putting its entire weight atop the pokemon while its fangs wrestled against the staff of energy.

07. Defend important locations or resources from harm.

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April ???
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[wops] gayle
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 11:16:32 GMT
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The lions fangs found their way to the staff, and they snapped, but now they were close. The Hound could see the throat of his prey.

A Copycat gave the Hound it's own Psychic Fangs which it used to attempt to grasp at the throat of the Pyroar. If his opponent wanted to fight up close, and personal then they would do so.

Gaius meanwhile seemed confused as he stared at the man opposite to him, and he frowned. He felt something off about this one in particular.

This didn't feel like him putting his back into the fight....

It felt like this was some front he was putting on. His gut was telling him that the one before him was stronger than this.

Possessed more prowess.

It had never been wrong before.

"Why are you holding back?"

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dog boy
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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 3:25:28 GMT
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"holding back?" he repeats in confusion. "i'm just trying to survive!"

this guy was beyond talking. he's interacted with these kinds of people before, and he knows the only way to placate them is to play their own game.

the gears in his head start to turn. anything that can limit the lucario will always result to the destruction of the place, and between them, kyle guesses only one actually cares for its integrity.

he whistles a certain tune, then he yells. "flamethrower!"

rust riddled metal from the floor crumbles with the excessive heat, aiming to build a chasm between them. the pyroar slowly backs away as huge volumes of flames threaten to burn.

between himself and the facility's structure, kyle easily makes the decision.

13. Set up ambushes or strategic defenses to neutralize threats.

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April ???
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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[wops] gayle
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 19:35:11 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

"We are all trying to survive....That is the law of nature." He asserts, and he goes to make his move before the floor beneath him creaks, and then there is a moment of weightlessness as he falls down.

His hound rushed to his aide, faithful as ever, but the issue was getting back up. Debris would pile up, and if they weren't careful they could wind up in a worse position.

"I WILL FIND YOU AGAIN!" He promised the man with the Pyroar, though whether that was a threat or a promise remained to be seen!

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dog boy
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[wops] gayle
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2024 7:42:21 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
as much as he wants to give response to what can be perceived to be a threat, kyle doesn't give one, partly since he doesn't want to risk further souring their nonexistent relationship, and partly since he's ready to vacate the premises.

one kick from the railings knocks it off cleanly. rust has weakened the metal holding it, and it'll further deteriorate as it drops down the ocean with a clean splosh.

he makes a quick switch as he jumps off. the pyroar goes in, and the gyarados comes out. kyle manages to secure his way home.

with his position better than what it had been earlier, he decides to be polite and finally give the man a proper response.

"please don't! it's a waste of time!"

it wasn't meant to be testing of nature, but words were open to interpretations. given the context, what kyle might have meant could differ from any other meaning of it.

20. Establish a secure perimeter to control movement in and out of an area.

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April ???
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6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gaius marcellus
[wops] gayle
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2024 9:03:08 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

Please don't! It's a waste of time!"

Came the words from the other man, but they were only met with laughter from below in the pit. The railing came crashing downwards, but it was cut in two by his Hounds Metal Claws.

None of that mattered as he returned his Hound to it's ball, and unleashed his Golbat, who latched onto his shoulders, and then lifted him up.

However they were met with empty space as they floated amongst the nothingness below, but Gaius still smiled.

"I WILL FIND YOU! I KNOW YOU'RE STRONGER!" The words would echo ominously, but this would mark the end of his meal.

He had found three courses worth his time, and one disappointment.

This was a good day.

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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 2:05:34 GMT
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