
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 6:37:50 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"I should execute you like I did to and .

The admin's quarters on one of Rocket's many ships that were sent to seize Petalburg were moderately spacious, but were ultimately dedicated to practicality over luxury. The lack of various doodads and rare artifacts proved that. The only noteworthy piece of historical value was a funeral urn that the admin used as a paperweight.

It was hard to imagine that the person sitting across from the Alolan was . Most likely because it wasn't. The only similarities too the archaeologist's prior form were the cowboy hat, the eyepatch, and the streak of white hair that existed as a reminder of his foray into a fictional Galar.

An imitation of the human form.

"I gave an order. You ignored it. Yet you're still alive." The admin's eye twitched. "Take a gander on why."

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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 7:43:20 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
"Because, you know I was right." Hunu responded, firm with his answer as he sat across from Howard. It seemed that the acquisition of the secondary goliath had contributed to the Admin's change, that or the consistent jumping. He wasn't quite sure, putting a case on a table beside him. The Mercenary opened it, and selected a cigar from his collection. Holding it out for his Incineroar to slice at the end, and light it. The Alolan plucked the cigar to his lips, and stared across at Howard for a moment.

"Like I told that tainted leaguer, don't confuse me for some grunt like those two. I have value, and you know it. Want to know what your issue is? Despite it all, you still give those that you have ties to, a chance." Tangaroa responded, as he puffed a plume from his lips and into the air. He leaned back in his chair, dwarfing what he sat on. He was still wounded, but like always he acted as if he were fine and unaffected by the accumulated damage.

"You knew from the get go what you were getting into, when buying my services. I could have had him too, on his knees but you wanted to prove a point. Stop thinking of me as a lesser, and see me as an equal. I don't do shit, with no reason." Hunu hummed, as he nudged the case across the table toward Howard. "But I'm sure you have some form of, speech. So, enlighten me."
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 8:14:22 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
A deep sigh, weary and frustrated, left the admin's lips.

"Because you have value, and because you kept the Liberator busy. You show promise, and I do not kill people who have my back. You had mine, and so you live." It's a sobering thought, knowing that the murderous Alolan with little regard for human life had shown more loyalty to the admin than both his direct inferior and superior. "I avoid senseless murder."

And murder in general. Despite the string of dead traitors, the admin did not enjoy the swing of the sword nor the taking of life. He was a preserver and a builder, not a destroyer and stacker of bodies.

"Heh." A small laugh escaped the admin. " has a tendency to excel when he's pushed into a corner. He would have escaped, as he tends to."

There was a hint of pride in Howard's voice.

"You and I are not meant to kill gods."

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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
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6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tangaroa
Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 8:27:28 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
"That was going to be my next answer." Hunu joked, as he continued to smoke. Plume after plume, the murderous mercenary kicked his feet up and huffed. "Pay no mind to them, Howard. I've said this from the start, those who don't have your best interests at heart are secondary characters in third rate roles. When it comes to OUR story." The Alolan huffed, holding emphasis in the word 'OUR'. He hummed, he didn't seem to hold any outright grudge or malice towards Howard despite what he had done. Tangaroa was a Warrior, a Kahuna meant to be, the Prince of Alola who had been banished. If anything, despite his outbursts, he was loyal to a fault. Dragging the smog to his lungs and exhaling a cloud.

"Do you love him? And her?" Hunu referred to both and , the way he seemed hesitant despite his words almost intrigued the Mercenary. The King of Beasts hummed, as he stroked his Incineroar's fur with a hum. The Heel Pokemon, purred like a housecat despite being a whole tiger that was larger than the average man. "Don't. Stop with that, what else are we meant to do? The ones that won't yield, or accept defeat." He questioned, as he stared forward.

"This is outdated, but Death completes everyone. Even Gods. I want to usher in a new age of Violence, is your dream unable to contend with mine, Mr. Slate?" Hunu prodded, before he stuck out a tongue, saliva slathering his flesh as he extinguished the cigar on his tongue. "Stop playing human, and do what's expected. Be a Tyrant."
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 9:26:43 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The Alolan's speech met only silence, followed by one word.

"No." There was no explanation that Howard could offer to this man that he would reasonably expect. There was no way for him to change his mind in a way that made Hunu worthless to Team Rocket. They had hired a beast, and they had gotten one that craved the battlefield.

"Every person in Team Rocket follows their own dream. They all contradict. This organization is merely a means to an end. We stay loyal to it until our purpose is reached, and we can finally grasp for something that the world has denied us since we were born."

If Hunu's dream were close to realization, it would conflict Howard's own. Then, it would come to a feat of arms. That was not now, though.

Instead, he focused on the question of Eris and Isaac. Howard sighed and looked out the porthole window.

"I love them dearly."

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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tangaroa
Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 9:48:37 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Hunu's face, twisted to that of a frown. Although he was loyal to the man who was paying him, he wasn't above disliking what he had to say. The King of Beasts felt almost caged, restricted and unable to stretch themselves. He was hired to kill Giants, was he not? To lay waste to the land of Hoenn, did Howard's plans change? He wasn't here to be a diplomat, but to express himself as more animal than Human. He huffed, leaning back in his chair, staring at the ceiling as he chewed the cigar in his mouth.

"You hired a butcher, not a surgeon Howard. I don't care for big words, or to make something outlives me. You confuse me, man. One moment, you want me to slaughter Titans and the next you want me to play Human." Hunu huffed, an eyebrow twitched as he listened to how the man he considered his Equal showcase an benevolent and weak emotion. Such as Love. He scowled.

"So long as I exist, the League stands no chance at claiming Hoenn back. They can't even dream, of contending it. So, let's play things fair from now on. No more sneak shots, and I promise I won't do harm to those you love." Emzar huffed, as he swallowed the chewed up cigar. Dusting the ash from his nice shirt, as he hummed. "We follow different dreams, but are on the right path. Just know, you are the only one I consider my equal in this War, and I want to keep it going a little longer."


Bingo: War
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 7:56:37 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
It was a good trade, if the two were on equal standing. There is a world where this man sits at a table as high as his, where he can be miserable and slowly drown in the blood of slaughtered innocents until his lungs fill with fluid and his laughs are nothing more than bubbles in an endless sea of red.

That world could be this one, but it did not need to be today. It would come tomorrow, or the day after, stretching into infinity. Hunu could play the role of wildcard for a little while longer.

"Alright." The admin shrugged slightly, turning to face the Alolan. "Do what you will. Just know that when this war is over, and if we don't both hang, we will be obligated to face each other."

It is a fight that the admin would struggle to win without his army of giants, Howard suspected. Hunu's story was only beginning. There was plenty of room for him to grow. It would be a good fight indeed.

He suspected that the Alolan would like that.

"And when that happens, I will crush you in my palm." He clenched a fist. "And we will see whose will is stronger."

His fist unclenched and became a handshake.

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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tangaroa
Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 8:39:18 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
He still grinned, things were getting exciting. He half expected he was going to have to beat the Archeologist to death, after being fired. However, he was fine. It seemed to two had come to a basic understanding, pushing their differences and Past aside to be the kind of men that this region was waiting for. The two were Conquerors, and this plane still had civilization still kicking for him to take over and fight in. He inhaled deeply, as he gave a exhaled a deep breath.

"You make it out that, it's a bad thing." Hunu grinned, as Howard suggested the two would have to face off against one another. Good. He wanted to take on everyone if he had the chance, he wanted to have his eyes feast on something brilliant before it all came to a close. "You promise?" Hunu cooed, at Howard's threat.

His abnormally large hand, wrapped over Howard's. Tightly clenching, as he shook the man's hand. "Until then, Mr. Slate- you build your Kingdom, while I lay waste to the Region."


Bingo: Past
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 8:55:11 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Howard does not blink. "I promise."

Unlike much of Rocket, the admin kept his word. He did not worm behind double meanings, nor did he stab others in the back and twist the knife to ensure their demise. He simply wanted to study archaeology and preserve the foundations of this world. If that made him a conqueror or a king, then he would be crowned with ice and stone and his shroud would consist of dust and steel.

Hunu crushed his hand like a vice, but the admin did not wince. He would not defile this moment with weakness.

"But until then, go into the city and instill order. Knock some skulls. Capture anyone who runs amok with our peace." He paused. "That includes any of the Rockets from Kanto."

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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tangaroa
Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 9:13:59 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Emzar really enjoyed Howard's company, the more he thought about it the more he couldn't understand it. Despite their differences, he enjoyed the type of man the Archeologist was. Sure, Tangaroa would scheme and lie and do whatever it took to bash somebody's skull in. But he did it in a way that was endearing, playful even. Everybody else sickened him. Maybe it was just the honesty of the man for him, he let go of the man's hand. 

"Ha! Yeah, whatever." He waved his hand dismissively, he was going to do that anyway. Playfully, he made it out he wasn't going to do such a thing, but he would do it. Just his way, like a bulldozer that wouldn't stop against a protest. He hummed, basking in the memory of it all as he exhaled.

"I'll keep in contact, I feel like taking something over again. Next time, Wooo Baby! Will I have an even scarier group." Hunu laughed, as he boasted. His progress was something, of course there will always be somebody there in attempt to rival him but that's what made it all fun. Being the strongest was always boring. "You're lucky, you're my best friend."


Bingo: Contact
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 9:27:37 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Hunu wanted to have his cake and eat it too. How bold of him. How arrogant of him.

Yet greed was an important aspect of human desire. Without it, there would be no aspiration for humanity to reach for greater heights. Howard desired a pristine history, a flawless tomorrow. Hunu simply desired a good fight. Who was the admin to deny that, even if it resulted in annihilation?

"How fortunate of me." He smiled wryly. "And how fortunate of you. After all..."

Thud. An envelope slammed into the desk, thick with paper. It must have weighed almost a pound. Howard raised an eyebrow at the Alolan.

"Your pay. Don't spend it all in one place." Howard took a seat at the desk and waved his hand. "I have to meet with Monroe later. Skedaddle while I finish signing these papers."

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Feb 24
Seafoam Village
Team Rocket Member
6'6" height
6'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Tangaroa Emzar
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 9:49:23 GMT
Tangaroa Emzar Avatar
Banished From Alola
Emzar couldn't help but showcase his grin, almost licking at his lips from the envelope alone. The way he was eyeing the wad of cash, was if it could have been a woman. Oh geez. Was Hunu aroused by money? Who really knew what went through his head, grabbing the envelope, he flipped out a handful. Smelling the paper with an exaggerated hum of satisfaction, like an addict. "Oh yeah, that's the stuff."

He began to make his exit, before standing at the door and looking over his shoulder. He waved a handful, toward Howard. "Be sure to let me know how your date goes, I have a kind of Ritual whenever I get paid. I tend to blow a decent percent on say.. dancers. You should come, unless you only into old men!"

Hunu burst out into laughter, before practically shoulder barging his way out of the room. Not even opening the door, as he almost broke the lock off it. Walking out like the brute he was.


Bingo: Ritual
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POSTED ON Sept 4, 2024 1:08:43 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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