the mad devil

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 26
Slateport City
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
the mad devil
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2024 4:50:33 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
How did one keep them from falling, yet get down in the same breath? A physically impossible feat for many, and almost impossible for even more. But for Grigori, it was but a difficulty to be overcame, a problem to be solved. Scizor made sure they did not stop their trek. Grigori made sure they did not slow Scizor down.

Barely, just barely, he kept them off the ground. It took all is muscular strength and capabilities. Even a man such as himself struggled with the monumental task. Yet as the Dhelmise came out and flooded the area with ghastly energy, Grigori did just that. Scizor lifted them as he lifted Temp.

Feet constantly pushed off the ‘ground’, and they did their best to ignore the tilted bridge. Gravity was strong, but they had to be stronger. Thus, they were. There was no option for it– to fail was to die.

Thankfully, there was a place to aim for. The massive hole breached in the side of their attacker proved to be the perfect place to escape. With all his might, Scizor carried them up and over, over, until–

Fresh air engulfed the trio as they emerged from the hole. Grigori and his Pokemon kept them attached to Duraludon as they exited and scaled the creature. Yet the end was in sight. Ground only got closer as they went further. While the Duraludon threatened to finally sink into the depths of the gulf, Grigori shoved the two forward.

Scizor collapsed onto the ground, and the grunt was quick to follow.

They were safe. Somehow.

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad devil
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2024 18:02:27 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

The air rushed around them as performed his daring, and NOT BORING AT ALL RYSA, rescue. Tempest collapsed when he felt solid earth under him, managing to hide the worst of his shaking. Only a few people knew this about him, but Tempest was scared of heights and flying. It was why he didn't really have many pokemon that could have carried him out of here, why he even barely bothered to bring them with him.[break][break]

There was one, final, angry cry from above. The fog slowly started to fade, revealing a striking red and black pokemon high above. Electric blue eyes scanned for life, only missing the two men and their pokemon narrowly. Turning, wing-beats echoed through the air as it made it's way elsewhere.[break][break]

Tempest took one shaky breath as his eyes followed the quarry.[break][break]

He only moved when it was a speck in the distance, finally pushing himself upwards and groaning softly as he did so.[break][break]

"Thanks for saving my ass." Tempest pushed himself upwards to standing, then reached down to offer Grigori a hand. When the other man was standing, his eyes raked back over the horizon line of where Yveltal had vanished. "I don't think we need to cross the chasm anymore." A large spire of a mountain stuck out in the distance, hazy from this far away. Tempest pointed at it. "It's there."[break][break]

Why he feels so much confidence in this, Tempest does not know.[break][break]

"The last few times I've been in here, I keep seeing it. It's like it's looking for something."




🔗 the hunt


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played by


December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
the mad devil
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2024 23:58:59 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori took the hand, happy to have the help with his wobbly legs. But once he stood on them, they solidified like concrete. He was familiar with that material– all it took was some time, and it was hard as stone. “It is not a problem. But perhaps warn me about the threat next time.

Though I suppose Yveltal paid your due in kind,” he turned to the distant mountain, following Temp’s guiding finger. One part of him said the trip was for nothing, and they’d nearly died without reason. But it couldn’t be further from the truth.

Perhaps… it’s looking for a purpose? A reason,” Grigori offered. “As for what that might be… I could not tell you why.

Maybe it knew that someone was on the prowl for it. Specifically looking for its ghoulish powers and awful potential. Its own sixth sense, much like Temp’s.

But, if you are confident in your assessment, then there is little reason for us to stay here and look for ghosts,” he adjusted the position of his bag as he turned away from the mountain. “You should prepare yourself for what might trouble you in the near future.

And let the construction worker live his own life, he added mentally. No need to foul the air when it was plenty foul already.

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad devil
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2024 2:16:11 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

"Sorry again. I really thought it would be fine. Those are always safer to walk over than the actual bridges." Tempest shuddered at the thought of it, though he did not elaborate to .[break][break]

His Dhelmise, only now having caught up, floats over. It stares unblinking at the two men. Tempest is quiet as Grigori speaks, silently agreeing.[break][break]

"I hope whatever it wants has nothing to do with me."[break][break]

Tempest would die before he allowed himself to be the slave of some Legendary.[break][break]

The thought is slowly pushed away, the shaking tremble of fear that had been building for weeks pushed further down. Tempest did not know how much longer he could bottle it up. Did not know why he had this anxiety building inside of him the longer he lingered in the realm.[break][break]

Tempest wets his lips and opens his mouth to speak.[break][break]

I don't think I'm coming back from this, Grigori.[break][break]

But he doesn't know the man well enough for that admission. So, instead, he says:[break][break]

"Yeah. Let's get out of here. I'll buy you a nice dinner when we get back."




🔗 the hunt


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
the mad devil
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2024 2:43:14 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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