i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 16:06:03 GMT
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Barely a few days had passed since the battle between the humans and the slightly angrier humans, and Ogerpon was already out and about, searching the nearby woods for any signs of those three loathsome retainers.

Her caretaker was not with her, for she needed time to rest and grieve over the loss of her loved one. This territory belonged to the angry humans now. Simply being here was a risk, but the Oni was confident in her strength.

The thumping of footsteps alerted her that something was approaching. Something not human; a Pokémon. One of the forest’s denizens perchance?

Ogerpon took a meek step forward, speaking a non-human tongue. “Hello! Are you a friend?”

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howard slayte
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 17:06:13 GMT
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"Hm." The forest rumbled slightly as a bear stood over the mighty ogre, so meek and tiny in her appearance. The faint smell of honey wafted from the bear, a lasting echo of his conquest in seizing a hive belonging to a colony of Combee. "A friend?"

The bear snorted, shaking his head as if distracted by a hundred buzzing Beedrill.

"I am not your enemy, however." His voice was ancient, belonging to an era that had long since passed the world by. Hisui was a distant memory, now. "But you must be the help I've been searching for. There is a great evil lurking within these woods, little ogre."

A low rumble emerged from deep within his belly.

"A thief."

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Dragon-hooded girl
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Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2024 9:38:08 GMT
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Ogerpon stood before the Bloodmoon Ursaluna with no fear, feeling a strange sense of kinship with the ancient bear much like she felt for ’s Daikenki. He was a friend for sure, despite his denial.

“A thief?” The ogress hissed, her star-shaped pupils narrowing. “Pon hates thieves! Pon will help you find them and kill them!” She declared with eerie cheerfulness.

Extending a pair of thorny vines from her leaf kimono, she used them to scale a tall tree, using one of its sturdy branches as a vantage point to survey the surrounding area.

“No thieves here! Pon will keep looking! By the way, what’s your name, friend?” The unassuming little Oni asked with childlike curiosity.

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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 0:58:02 GMT
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What a murderous little ogre. In all of his time wandering Hisui with the Survey Corps, Doug had never seen a Pokemon quite like this.

He wondered where Pon had come from.

"Kill? No, no, little ogre." The ground shook slightly, threatening to send Ogerpon careening from her tree. After a moment, it became clear that the bear was laughing. "There is no need to be so hardhanded. Only those with blue skin and gnashing teeth will be punished with death."

And they had been. And more still would suffer the consequences of Doug's wrath.

"My name when I came into this world was Onikuma, though even the land itself has forgotten that name. It has been too many years. My human partner, both yesterday's and today's, calls me Doug. You may do the same."

There was a hint of longing in the Ursaluna's voice, though it quickly disappeared into the sea of melancholy.

"Our thief, little Pon..." Doug's eye glinted. " a monkey."

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Dragon-hooded girl
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Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 10:32:10 GMT
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The tree shook, nearly causing Pon to lose her balance. One might even say she was caught by surprise. She secured herself by latching onto the branch with her extensible vines.

“Blue skin and gnashing teeth? Pon hates those too!” The Oni remarked with almost as much disdain as the Ursaluna, who introduced himself as Doug.

“Nice to meet you, Friend Doug. Sorry about your yesterday partner…” The green-clad ogress frowned, intuiting Doug’s unspoken tragedy through his melancholy tone and old age. “Pon’s human partner also lost a friend recently… He was Pon’s friend too.”

At the mention of a monkey, Ogerpon once again hissed in anger. “What kind of monkey? Is it a short monkey with black fur and a blue face? Pon needs to know!”

There was no mistaking the sheer determination in her eyes. She was now an ogre on a mission. Literally.

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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 5:52:34 GMT
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"Our friends and family return to the mud eventually, their lives written in blood and in iron." Doug continued trekking through the woods, Pon by his side. They are words uttered with purpose, a reminder of what the Ursaluna had lost. "Remember your friend and they will never leave you."

Sometimes, he thought that he could see his old partner in the mists and between the slits of trees. Far enough to be vague, yet close enough that Doug could occasionally taste his scent on the wind.

So close, yet so far. Those remembered in the past never seemed to stay there.

"The monkey is short, slim, and disrespectful. He skirts my authority, and he is a general nuisance." Doug huffed as he led the ogre into a grove. "He is also quite blue, yes."

The color is added as an afterthought.

"Yet as for trapping him... it eludes me. He is far faster than me, and he climbs trees remarkably well."


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Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 9:44:09 GMT
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The tiny Oni jumped back down, following the former Bloodmoon Beast who trekked through the woods, waxing philosophically about life and death.

“Pon knows, but it still hurts… Humans are so frail, and live for such a short time compared to Pon and Friend Doug.” The diminutive ogress solemnly mused. “Making friends with them is hard enough, because most humans don’t like Pon.”

The physical description of their simian thief confirmed Ogerpon’s suspicions, strengthening her resolve. On her pride as an Oni, she would bring that foul monkey to justice.

“Fear not, Friend Doug. Pon is really fast and can climb trees too!” The ogress boasted, followed by a suggestion. “Lure the thief in with something he really wants, and then Pon will catch him!”

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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 7:16:59 GMT
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"Humans break easier than you or me, Pon. When you break a person, they cannot be fixed."

It was a line that he often heard utter in his moments of melancholy, when he was alone with the Ursaluna and nobody was looking at him. There was no need to be upbeat in the face of despair, and it occasionally leeched into the archaeologist's mood. It was similar to the Survey Corps member Doug had once partnered with.

In order to save something, one must first embrace the weight of loss.

"We will have to use what the humans call Max Honey. There is a hive up ahead that was once run by a Vespiquen, though I suspect that the recent shaking of the earth has rattled her. It is likely that she has fled." The grove opened up, displaying a golden hive cracked apart like an egg. Reddish-gold honey leaked to the ground.

What a waste.

"Where I am from, large Vespiquen could produce it. Yet my homeland is different from here. It will suffice."

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Dragon-hooded girl
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Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 9:58:49 GMT
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So the bear had also come from a faraway land, meaning that neither of them belonged in Hoenn. No wonder Ogerpon felt such kinship for this gentle, ursine giant.

Upon seeing the compromised hive, the orange-faced gremlin knew what to do. “If Friend Doug wants that Max Honey, Pon will get it for him!”

The ogress began to stamp her wooden feet, hoping to cause the hive to fall off the tree with a Stomping Tantrum. If successful, she would then weave a makeshift basket of vines to collect the red honeycomb.

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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 17:47:19 GMT
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As the ogre from a faraway land leapt through the emerald foliage, all the bear could do was sit on his rump and wait for Pon to accumulate a large pile of honeycomb. As she smashed it and red honey dripped into the basket, Doug rumbled in approval.

Pon was far better at it than him. When he tried her technique, he often got mud mixed in with the honey, often ruining the taste.

"Excellent." Doug nodded in approval. "Bring the basket and follow me. It will not be a long journey."

Pressing on, Doug and Pon would bear witness to parting trees and forgotten trails almost too small for the bear to comfortably fit inside. Yet they pressed on, and eventually they would reach another clearing. There, Pon would see something frighteningly familiar.

"It cannot be!" Doug let out a ferocious roar that shook the forest. Tracks belonging to a mutt, a bird, and a monkey were layered atop each other, as if their owners had been scrambling. "How is this possible!?"


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Dragon-hooded girl
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Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 19:15:31 GMT
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“Thank you, Friend Doug~!” The ogress nodded back, overjoyed by the bear’s approval. Holding the basket over her horned head, she followed the Ursaluna through the woods, until the dynamic duo reached another clearing surrounded by emerald greenery.

There, they found some rather damning evidence of the Loyal Three’s hasty retreat. The sight of those footprints caused Ogerpon to hiss yet again. “It’s them! The servants of that rotten peach! They were here!” She snarled in pure disdain.

For once, Pon had a dead serious look on her face. “Listen, Friend Doug. That thieving monkey’s name is Munkidori. He and his ilk have found the secret to immortality. Friend Uxie thinks it has something to do with the statues that look like them. They must be stopped!”

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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 22:04:00 GMT
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"Munkidori." Doug's breath steamed. "So that is its name."

The Ursaluna rose to his full impressive height, threatening to scratch against the distant branches that made up the forest's canopy. He let out a loud roar that echoed through Petalburg Woods, sending birds flying up into the sky. His rage was ferocious to behold, and a tree fell in the face of a mighty Hammer Arm.

They were nearby.

Doug could smell them on his tongue. That annoying monkey was near.

"MUNKIDORI! I CAN SMELL YOU NEARBY! YOU WILL FACE MY WRATH!" Doug roared at the heavens, demanding that the retainer make his appearance. "I WILL STRIP YOUR STATUES AND TURN THEM TO RUBBLE! FACE MY JUDGEMENT!"

The branches shifted. A silhouette hid between large green leaves. One that was intimately familiar to Pon.

"Nweee-hehehehehehehe... Doug, my fubsy friend! I hate to interject with your incessant bleating, but you've scared away my delectable treats!" Malicious eyes turned towards the oni. "Eh? What the...?"


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Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 9:44:16 GMT
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Doug’s tree-felling rage failed to intimidate their target, a derisive cackle echoing through the foliage. The silhouette of the trickster that taunted and jeered at them was indeed recognizable at a glance.

“Munkidori!” The orange-faced ogress bared her fangs. “Friend Doug is not your friend! Friend Doug is Pon’s friend!” She spat in bitter indignation and defiance, letting go of her basket, so that she could arm herself with her signature Ivy Cudgel.

Doug should not have bet on a wildcard. The moment the enemy had been identified as Munkidori, his no-kill rule was completely ignored.

“DIE!!” Roared the enraged Ogerpon, lunging at the simian thief with the explicit intent of bashing his skull, murderously.

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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 19:07:48 GMT
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"Munki-whazzat? Does everything look hunkey-dory to you?" The ape stamped his foot against the branch in annoyance as the bear and ogre raged up at him. "Your yappage is at an end! Give me the Max Honey and nobody gets hu-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Pon's Ivy Cudgel shattered the branch the ape was on. With remarkable dexterity, the ape leapt over to the next tree, before clucking his tongue.

"Manners, you audacious ogre! This is between me and the bear!" When Ogerpon grew close once again, she was met with a mighty Branch Poke right in the eye. "You should've bought some goggles!"

The monkey let out a cackle as he hopped away to another branch.

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Dragon-hooded girl
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Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 17:06:18 GMT
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Curiously, Munkidori’s attack was not very effective, giving Ogerpon little more than a black eye that would heal in a day or two. Why would a Psychic-type be using physical moves in the first place? It was very odd.

“Pon doesn’t wear goggles… but Pon does wear masks.” The vindictive ogress reached into her leafy robes, producing a Teal Mask that she promptly put on her face for protection. “And you should stop running away like a coward!”

The thick, creaking roots of a Frenzy Plant erupted from the ground, rising towards the tree branches in an attempt to ensnare the elusive monkey or force it out of its hiding spot.

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