Bail and Break

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June Bug
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june sleigh
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 21:35:13 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
It was growing harder and harder to see Howard’s initial proclamation that League wasn’t bad. The more they talked, the more it seemed that it was a lie he told himself to pretend that he could hate his job. He probably, very surely did hate his position.

But if he let vengeance and revenge dominate his heart, he might come to like it. And that’s the last thing he wanted.

And since he shared what sounded like his biggest pain point with the League…

I guess I can’t hold a candle to watching a friend die right in front of your eyes,” June said. “But…

Did I ever tell you what happened to Dad?

Do you want to know?

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Admin Fox
May 9th
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Rocket Admin
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howard slayte
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 21:45:06 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Dad. They were entering dangerous territory. This was a story that had been whispered of for a year. A ghost who had compelled June to do what few ever had and seize ancient power for herself, and then step even further to reach the domain of avatarship.

A nameless ghost could do no harm, but Gabriel Sleigh could. Even now, his death shaped the world around him. Howard wondered if he had ever wanted that. Unlikely. Few did. Yet two people capable of changing the world sat in a car on the way to an impound lot, discussing Grigori Sokolov's biggest shame and sin.

"You didn't." She knew that, but the fact that she asked terrified him. Memories were missing, but she wanted to tell him anyway. "But if you want to tell me, I'll listen."

It was his obligation and his desire to chronicle the world. In the same way that he hadn't forgotten about the Excadrills or the mountain of suffering that this region had shouldered.

"Because if it's you, I want to know."

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June Bug
April 21
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june sleigh
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 1:21:16 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
One night, my dad went to the shop to work on a project, December 26th. Next day, I go out to check on him, and…

He’d been murdered. Stabbed.

She ripped off the band-aid fast and hard. June learned from in the power plant that it was better to be fast. Concise. Less she dwelled on it, the better. Because she couldn’t remember his face that well anymore. His presence. His footsteps.

But she could remember his corpse like it was still in front of her. In a way, it always was. She gazed into space, down at the frigid blood-covered concrete floor. “The police arrived after I called them. They decided to investigate it, 'cause I told them he’d never kill himself. And they did.

But do you know how long it took for them to call it a cold case? An accident, likely Rocket hit and run? Two. days. They spent two days, said they found nothing and slammed the door in my face. Said they had more important things to attend to. Wars to fight, actual, serious cases to solve.

And a week after, what the Game Corner called its ‘grace period’, they called and said I had an outstanding debt from my Dad. I told them to kick rocks. So, they got the police involved. The same officers that greeted me before dragged me down to the courthouse in fucking handcuffs.

And do you know how long it took for the exact same men, the two fuckers that shrugged their shoulders, and told me to go fuck myself– for them to do their research, painstakingly describe all the legally binding ways I was fucked, exactly what was owed them by my Dad’s own writing, and wrap it up in a neat bow and shove it down my throat?

It did not take a genius to pick up the punchline.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
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howard slayte
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 1:28:59 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Stabbed to death. Beaten to death. Howard remembered a DRK Triad grunt dead on the ground, his face caved in.

Grigori Sokolov. Damn.

"Two days."

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June Bug
April 21
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june sleigh
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 1:52:48 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Two days.

The League did not care about my Dad,” June returned to reality. She can’t cry about it anymore. Her tears over it are long gone and dried up. “They did not care about me. They do not care about your friend. They only care about themselves. Always have, always will.

It was an active, firm hand that shoved June between the grates and let her fall into the sewers. Rocket had done nothing personal. If anything, they did to her what they did to everyone. She was unspecial. In a way, that was more preferred.

But hey, they’re going against a Totalitarian dictatorship ran by literal psychopaths, so what do…

The ceiling shifted from a faint green to an ever brightening yellow. Yet she did not fly forward in her seat. If anything, she might've felt her back slide further into the leather. “Howard, do NOT

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 3:00:17 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Your dad made you move mountains, June. Even his memory is stronger than the average person. I wish I could've met him."

It was such a small thing. It was just one life impacted out of thousands. That life did not matter when weighed against the millions that lived in Hoenn. Team Rocket had exploited her. Team Rocket had broken her. Yet she blamed the League because her suffering had been systemic compared to their personal affront.

The League didn't care about Gabriel Sleigh or Shred Zeppelin. Rocket didn't care, either. A Rocket Beast was replaceable. A grunt was even more expendable. In that vein, June Sleigh didn't matter either.

"I car-" He muttered silently as he ran another red light, almost hitting a minivan in the process. Howard let out a yelp and served, narrowly missing it as he continued across the intersection. A million miles away, Kyle was laughing in his grave at Howard falling for the same shit twice. "Oh, son of a bitch."

A police siren blared.

"FUCK!" The car pulled over.

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25 years old
october 10th
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Miyako Noguchi
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 4:25:59 GMT
Miyako Noguchi Avatar

miyako is coming off the tail end of a long, tumultuous shift when she spots what she assumes will be the last traffic stop of the day. a car swerving wildly through a busy intersection, missing a minivan by a hair, churning burnt rubber into the asphalt. miyako, already feeling the first light of sleep begin to tug at her eyelids, releases a heavy sigh as she flips on the siren of her patrol bike. why do people always have to be idiots when she's just about to clock out?[break][break]

regardless, she has a job to do, and she's already been reprimanded twice this week for laziness—a judgement that is correct and valid, mind you. she can't handle another writeup, or she's definitely not going to be able to afford this month's rent if they dock her pay any further.[break][break]

so she skids to a stop behind the car. after a moment of fumbling with her radio, she swings off of her bike and strides up to the driver's side of the car, her face impassive behind her tinted, red-tinted glasses. she taps the driver's door sharply with her knuckles. "license and—"[break][break]

miyako's eyes flick to the passenger side, and she freezes. the woman in the front seat is all too familiar—june (as she learned from the booking documents), the woman she busted just the other day for bribery and solicitation.[break][break]

miyako looks at howard. "no wonder i pulled you over," miyako begins, trying to keep a straight face even as the hilarity of the other day slowly swims back into her addled mind. "if you're getting driving tips from her."[break][break]

miyako directs this next question to june in particular. "your face okay?"



- bingo: judgement



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June Bug
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june sleigh
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 16:36:15 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
June pressed her palms into her eyes. Maybe if she did it hard enough, she could get out of THIS pullover via medical emergency. Instead, she could only take her anger out elsewhere as she had to pretend she wasn’t just in this situation. Oh, and curse out Howard.

I’ve met drunk drivers with more awareness than you, lug nut,” she groaned. “Just… what’s the first thing they fucking teach you when you learn to drive? The FIRST thing? Always keep your eyes on the…

The taps get her attention. Ruby red glasses greeted her, in front of a very familiar face. Painfully familiar. This was a sign from Arceus.

She needs to not be into women. It’s the only possible logical conclusion to get from this, as she once again meets the cop who arrested her the first time.

No,” she said. It was not ok. “And do not insinuate that this Neanderthal can drive better than me. Please. I’d sooner decapitate myself with the window than have that be the case.

But, she did comply much easier than the first time. June yanked his glove compartment open, and dug around for the car’s precious papers. “You don’t have to shove worthless shit in here, you know. You’re allowed to take trash out of your car.

Several fry holders and burger papers fell onto the floor as she collected his stuff. Gross.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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howard slayte
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 17:53:28 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Shred's wrappers were haunting Howard a year later. Yet if he could escape Top Champion with a future Rocket Beast in the passenger seat and a dead body in the trunk, he could deal with some parking officer. What he couldn't deal with was this one being the one to put him out of 20,000 PD.

He hadn't been bled that badly since buying those funeral urns at auction, which now unceremoniously sat on his coffee table. It hurt even more that they were likely replicas.

"Afternoon, offic-" He cut off as June handed him an envelope with all of the registration information for his vehicle. "Wait, you know each other?"

He gave June a murderous glare.

"Please, my driving is immaculate. Kyle praised it, you know. I just got distracted, officer. I apologize." He slipped the registration information through the window. "It can't be as bad as whatever she did for you to pull her over."

His eye flicked to June, before leaning in to Miyako.

"What'd June do?"

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25 years old
october 10th
slateport city
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the infinite spaces that terrify are still the joyous openings that invite
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Miyako Noguchi
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 22:51:10 GMT
Miyako Noguchi Avatar

miyako's lips quirk in amusement as june unleashes an explosive barrage of words in howard's general direction, and she adjusts her ruby red sunglasses on her face.[break][break]

"alright, hot shot," miyako drawls to june. "does it matter if you're both running red lights like your lives depend on it?"[break][break]

then, howard shifts his gaze over to her, shooting that little conversational dagger at june, a shard—so thin and nearly imperceptible.[break][break]

miyako grins, and she leans in close to howard. "can't really talk about it, but..." time to incite a little chaos. miyako languidly licks her lips, savoring that anticipatory beat right before she'd set june alight. "did you know that showing your, ahem, assets, to an officer in the hopes of getting out of a ticket can be a felony?"[break][break]

miyako leans back from the window, and takes howard's papers with her. "but none of that is pertinent to this present shit-show. put it all behind us or whatever," she continues. "gonna run the papers real quick."[break][break]

she pulls a small device from her pocket and begins fiddling with it at the window, celebrating the whole time that this traffic stop turned out to be worth her while.



- bingo: ruby



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[newclass=".miyako a"]font:12px Poppins;color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako h1"]font:16px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.2px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako .credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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howard slayte
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 23:28:28 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Assets?" Howard raised an eyebrow. "She's broke. She doesn't have-"

Miyako licking her lips was wholly unnecessary. Unfortunately, it was also the bridge to jump from financial matters to perversion. The admin's face flushed slightly, before slowly turning to June.

She did, actually.

"You fucking degenerate!" He hissed at her. "Does she even like chicks? Do you even like chicks?"

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June Bug
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june sleigh
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 2:11:10 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
Both of them must’ve been hammered. It’s the only way Howard thought that she didn’t hear him and that Miyako gave her snakey grin before telling him not very subtly what happened. June’s face went redder than the cop’s shades. This was like a shitty meme, except she was the punchline and it wasn’t funny, only deathly embarrassing.

Howard couldn’t get away with this. She told him not to ask. Well, it was heavily implied he shouldn’t have asked.

All she needed was five seconds without police supervision. She glared into the distance, then suddenly pointed a finger straight through the glass. “Wait, hold on, that woman over there isn't wearing a bra OR shirt!

She got exactly what she wanted. It didn’t matter if Howard looked away or not. But Miyako was distracted for a mere moment. As soon as it happened, she went into action. Her hands rose straight for Howard’s neck. Then, she wrapped her hands around--

The circuit was completed. Howard would feel what it was like to be tased, but three times as worse. A quick shock to jolt his senses and show him who not to fuck with. His limbs might flail, and his bones feel liquid.

It did not last long, and by the time Miyako looked back, June was nearly back into the position she started in. “Oh, whoops, my bad. That’s just… a Furfrou. Whoops.

She gave her the most innocent smile. The kind a kid gave you when they were totally guilty but desperate to play it off as ignorant innocence.

Anyway, you were saying?” Black smoke emanated from Howard’s skin. Two black marks adorned his neck. It was clear what happened– but would Miyako do anything about it?


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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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howard slayte
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 2:38:20 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
There was a phrase uttered by the truly deranged, but was known by a scant few.

Instead of simply taking Howard's left hand...

And taking Howard's right hand...

June simply wrapped her hands around his throat and completed the circuit.

"ZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The sensation was like being thrown into a bathrub with a toaster or having a Rotom possess the microwave in Team Rocket's breakroom. A guttural shriek left the admin's lips, which sounded suspiciously like he was being zapped with Miyako's taser.

June was a brutal degenerate. Who distracted a cop with nudity? This was something Shred would've pulled in order to avoid a speeding ticket. Maybe Violet had chosen her for that reason.

After several deep breaths, Howard let out a dull groan.


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25 years old
october 10th
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the infinite spaces that terrify are still the joyous openings that invite
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Miyako Noguchi
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 2:58:06 GMT
Miyako Noguchi Avatar

holy shit, a topless lady? miyako has to investigate. because it's against the law. obviously.[break][break]

"where?" she chirps, lifting her head to inspect the surrounding area, only to find a suspicious lack of topless ladies. no, it couldn't be... was she just lied to?[break][break]

miyako's attention snaps back to the car at howard's wail, and there, her eyes find purchase on the still-convulsing body of the man who had been driving the car, with thin tendrils of smoke rising from his neck, and the scent of electrified flesh emanating therein. betrayal, felt deep in her stomach, makes way for pure, unadulterated confusion.[break][break]

"oh." miyako's face goes through many emotions at once as the shock of the situation warps her usually snarky demeanor into something akin to stupidity. "what the fuck."[break][break]

her hands, though occupied with papers and devices, wildly pat at her belt, where her taser remains unused and untouched. her mind struggles to grasp the situation, lagging many miles behind the present time, as she does her best to piece together an explanation for what she's seeing. what just happened? how did it just happen? why?[break][break]

miyako leans down and reaches her hand through the window to try to gently pat howard's face in a shortsighted attempt to rouse him. "hey, man, you okay?" miyako wonders aloud as confusion now makes way for anxiety. "did i... taze you? somehow? some way?"



- n/a



[newclass=".miyako"]--accent:#D8AD43;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako b"]color:var(--accent);font:bold 14px Roboto;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".miyako h1"]font:16px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.2px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako .credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".miyako .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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June Bug
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june sleigh
Bail and Break
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 19:46:55 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
He’s fine, don’t worry about him,” June waved her hand casually. If the fucker could survive run-ins with several sentient golems created by some fucked up god, then he could withstand a few volts through his muscles. And he’d be a little bitch if he died.

“He was fucking with his phone, and it's broken to all hell cause he put in a knockoff battery in it,” she lied. “As long as he doesn’t turn, like, blue or some shit he’ll live.

Though the idea of a pale sapphire blue Howard was amusing.

Anyway, you run the papers yet? See anything out of the ordinary?” She cranked the seat back up and leaned into the normally positioned leather. Might as well look like vaguely cared, if only to not look like a lunatic that just tased her boss.

I think he deserves the ticket, honestly.

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