June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
TAG WITH @kazu
Kazuya Yoshida
Lesser Megapolis - JK
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 10:08:25 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","pilotsb kazuyapost"] [attr="class","top"] [attr="class","topimage"] [attr="class","subtextbox"] [attr="class","lyrics"] respect is not kindness but is priceless [attr="class","border"] [attr="class","postbox"] [attr="class","imgavatar"] It seemed the higher-ups were after something in Lesser Megapolis. When asked to do an investigation, Kazuya merely nodded. He was a pawn in their chessboard; it was not his place to question their decision. After the briefing, he went to prepare. Kazuya did not know his partner, but there was no need to pry. [break][break] They would meet soon enough. [break][break] When his companion arrived, they would find the titan of a man waiting at the jump point. The sapphire accents of his Raging Bolt faded into the starry backdrop behind them. Sparks from his neck provide a small comfort against the overwhelming darkness. [break][break] Beside the long-necked beast, a Bewear stood with what seemed to be a vacant expression. But Natsu turned quickly to face the other Rocket. A large bag is slung across the tall man’s back. “Welcome to Lesser Megapolis!” The speaker at his hip intoned.[break][break] “I hope you came prepared.” Finally, he tore his attention away from the ruined city. [break][break] “You may call me Kazu.” He offered a hand to the boy. [newclass=".kazuyapost"]--accent:#7788D7!important; [/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb"]--bg: #222; --accent: #9CA9E2; --url:url(;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb"]width: 500px; margin: 0px auto; background-color: #222; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; position: relative;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb b"]font: 500 11px/11px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb i"]font: 500 11px/11px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .topimage"]height: 200px; background: var(--url); background-position:center; background-size: cover; filter: grayscale(1); mix-blend-mode:multiply; opacity:0.85;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .top"]background-color: #81697A; background: linear-gradient(to top left, #222, var(--accent)); mix-blend-mode: lighten;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .subtextbox"]position:absolute; margin:-60px auto; left:0; right:0; text-align:center;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .lyrics"]font:13px/14px 'Montserrat'; letter-spacing:2px; color:#fff; padding-bottom:5px;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .border"]height:2px; margin:10px auto; background-color:var(--accent); width:50px;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .postbox"]font: 11px/13px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing:0.2px; color: #dddd; text-align: justify; padding: 30px 40px; border: 2px solid #2c2c2c; border-radius: 10px; margin: 40px 40px 0px 40px;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .pbottom"]min-height: 20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color: var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .imgavatar img"]float: left; height: 85px; width: 85px; margin: 1px 21px 11px 1px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; filter: grayscale(1);[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .oocnotes"]text-align:center; padding:15px 0px; color:#555; font:12px/14px 'Poppins';[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .oocnotes a"]color:var(--accent); font:600 16px/16px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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