Mar, Vivi
January 6
Pyrite Town, Orre
Circus acrobat
St. Performer
someday i'll make something out of me; years of imitating mastery only made me a better thief.
TAG WITH @marvie
Marvie Hiiragi
supercute adventures [sz]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2024 18:16:58 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","marviehiiragi marvie"] [attr="class","banner"] [attr="class","mlyric"] i close my eyes and i can see [attr="class","mlyric2"] a world that's waiting up for me, that i call my own [attr="class","textbox"] The Safari Zone, huh? Marvie had seen pretty much every Pokémon there was to see, barring ones that were legendary or otherworldly, with how much they had traveled. They highly doubted that this Zone would have the likes of Nihilego or Magearna just lounging around, let alone in high numbers, but that didn't make the trip a waste of time either.
Quite the opposite, in fact: This was a place that gathered rare Pokémon in one spot, thus making it way easier to catch them than usual. Marvie could either add some powerful sweeties to her roster or, in a worst case scenario, make some good cash from selling them. It was a win/win situation, and very convenient too.
Eager to seize this great opportunity, they walked inside with a Safari Ball already on hand. [attr="class","nbox"]
NOTES [break] — Regular Safari Ticket [attr="class","line2"] [attr="class","banner"] [newclass=".marvie"]--accent: #81697a!important;--toggle: block!important;[/newclass]
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