i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 8, 2019 5:08:56 GMT
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this was his first time attending such a party.

delphi had arrived slightly late. the crowd of faces, some familiar and others not already immersed in a game of truth or dare. his usual cheery display visible through the generic costume of a pikachu. one comfortable onesie with two jagged ears resting atop the hood. it was an adorable though not unlikely idea.

he'd started on his second slice of cake before truly noticing kyle. standing on the outskirts of the present game with a girl at his side. curious, he crept forward. sprout deciding to remain somewhere quieter and umbra following nonchalantly.

two fingers poised forth. jabbing his friend suddenly and possibly unexpectedly in the rib—cage. hopefully not to hard. it'd been meant as a friendly surprise. "i didn't think you'd be here!" the blonde said, his gaze eventually shifting towards the stranger. "i'm delphi! just your local ranger! who might you be?" a hand extended for a simple shake. though it might've been somewhat excessive given his excitement.

notes: idk what this is


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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 1:39:25 GMT
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There is only so much Lenora can do when faced with a man who is only willing to do the minimum of compromise. She thinks, all things considerd, she's managed to make Fernando into something worthy of being called regal. He's not perfect, but the careful touch of red under eys and the contour of his cheekbones really brings out the look.

In contrast, Lenora does not hold back. When presented with the opportunity to dress up, she'll never miss a chance to go all out. Curls of violet spill around her shoulders and down her back; her collar is high, in imitation of a queen's, and her cape resembles a pair of bat wings, falling from her shoulders to attach to the middle finger of each hand. Each sweep of her arms results in an exaggerated movement from the vivid violet of her cloak.

Like Feranando, she brings Tapu Lele. The Pokemon clings near its fellow Tapu, but it seems more invested in the party.

Her eyes flicker to Fernando and she breathes out a laugh.

"Well, what I did was take a deep breath and focus on it. Then I imagined breathing in and absorbing all of it back to me," she says in return, leaning in so he can hear. "Now I just think about it stopping and it stops."

Lenora, always seeking to be better than she is, had thrown herself into perfecting each and every new found ability. If there are areas she struggles with, they're her own personal secret.


- she's a classy vampire.
- just arrived w/ fernando.
- rawr xD

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 3:26:07 GMT
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Eden shrugged and made her way up to the second floor with Blake, looking down the hallway to the right, doors lining each side. "Ghosts." She whispered, as if they - if they existed - could hear them. She looked back at him and grinned mischievously. "I doubt there will be anything, but I mean..." She shrugged.
"Gives us something to do away from all the people." She hummed and turned back, moving to try one of the doors. It swung open with an eerie creaking, revealing a bathroom. "Toilet ghosts? Probably not." Eden sighed wistfully.




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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 5:30:16 GMT
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Eyes flicker across the faces involved and eventually settle on one of their newcomers while the others begin. Evan cannot say he's overly inclined to participate but watching will be amusing. Besides, they're not doing it quite right anyway but he hasn't got the heart to tell them that.

The mask turns slowly to one miss and tilt of his head reaches out to her. Long fingers at the end of a long arm dangle for a moment, and with a flick produce a set of eyeballs between his fingers. A small slight of hand before turning palm upward, offering her the gummy treats as a welcome.

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 7:37:37 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] "i tried that," he answers in a dejected resignation. "different strokes for different folks. it usually fades away with time but i guess it's a part of me now." he doesn't add the bit about how annoying it is to have the landscape follows after him. the change of pace is something he'll have to get used to and the trade off is minimal if it means preventing ailments to those around him.

fernando pauses, taking an exaggerated inhale before exhaling in equal defeat. there's a sarcastic touch to his attempt but the point still stands. with everyone upstairs and mostly involved in their little game of truth and dare, there's ample space for fernando to scope out those still on the first floor.

"so what had you excited about this again?"

tapu fini shares his thoughts on the matter. the land spirit pokemon does not bother itself with the trivialities of man. its purpose is singular and it remains with its fellow tapu, using the MISTY TERRAIN as a veil to protect it from prying eyes. it floats within its shell, toeing the distance between both avatars while it settles in place.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 15:17:39 GMT
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the question took him back, as it was  a lot more personal than he thought it would have been. Still, rules were rules and he'd answer with the truth. 

"Never... given my appearance and always being on my own on the road I've never known anyone long enough to want to uh... Well fall for anyone. i don't think I ever will get to be rejected or be accepted." he placed his hands on his hips and looked down, "I don't deserve to anyway."

his smile had vanished... if only he had been blessed with prettiness at birth instead of sweet gains. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 17:40:42 GMT
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Eden's persistence was admirable by Blake's standards. She sought to heighten the mood in a situation that was rather boring. If Blake was in charge, they'd be back on the stairs swallowing calories. With every note Eden made, Blake nodded in return and followed her directions. At least until the bathroom door she tried violently swung open.


"Did you do that?" He interrogated the fellow rocket. It was the only explanation unless something else was in the room. Of course a costume party was likely to carry tricks, but this was away from the crowd. He'd wait for Eden's answer before continuing onward.








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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 18:12:27 GMT
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There are so many things happening that Sunny almost struggles to keep up with it all. People seem to know her self claimed companion and if Sunny thought about it, she'd probably recognize him from somewhere, too. But this is a party and she's not here to think.

The newcomer introduces himself to her. Sunny grabs his hand in her own and gives it a furious shake, enthusiasm threatening to match his own. "I'm Sunny!" she answers with a wide grin before letting go. She grabs a cookie from Kyle's plate.

Her gaze flickers between people before stopping on the masked man; he seems to have noticed her as well, based on the sudden extension of his hand. Sunny's head tips to the side. She blinks and then she lets out a sharp gasp, torn between delight and disgust at what is both a magic trick and a show of gore.

Upon closer inspection, they are not, in fact, eyes, but candy. She grabs them from his hand.

"That was so cool," she says, giggling as she pops one into her mouth. With Kyle not offering her magic tricks and food, Sunny moves herself next to the masked man. She catches the end of the other man's story.

"Oh! Oh, I can reject you, if you'd like!" Sunny offers. Her eyes are wide, brimming with excitement. "Do you wanna be friends?"

@altmight @delphi

- sunny shakes delphi's hand VERY EXCITEDLY
- steals food from kyle's plate
- decides evan is her new best friend and goes to stand next to him
- offers to reject arthur since he seems sad over having not been rejected before
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 20:53:00 GMT
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Kaiden had been playing the familiar role of the observer so far tonight. He silently watched the various people and their antics from his chair in the living room. On his lap sat his journal, the brown leather-bound book was opened to a fresh page and his pencil laid flat in the book's binding. He'd just finished writing about the arrival of and when a whine came from below him. He glanced down, moving hair from his costume's wig from his face and raised an eyebrow.[break][break]

"Let me guess Doyle, you're bored and want to go outside?"[break][break]

The Houndour barked.[break][break]

"Five minutes." he said, holding up five fingers to make sure the canine understood. Which earned Kaiden a disappoint whine and heavy sigh from Doyle. Kaiden patted the Pokemon on his head apologetically before returning his attention to the other party-goers.[break]


the story matters [break] not just the ending




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POSTED ON Oct 10, 2019 2:59:53 GMT
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"Hmm? No." Eden shook her head and looked upwards, shrugging. "Must be some wires, or something." She laughed and reached out to pull the door closed, yanking it back into place.
"C'mon, maybe there's something in one of the bedrooms. A creepy mirror, or a haunted hairbrush. Something outlandish." She shrugged and continued down the hall, trying some doors. The first few were locked, most likely with couples who wanted a private rendezvous. The third, however, swung open in a less-than-creepy fashion, revealing a plain bedroom, with an older looking bedroom set. "I wonder who owns this house." She wandered in, looking around.




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POSTED ON Oct 10, 2019 7:09:09 GMT
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[attr="class","lnr lnr-bubble"]
[attr="class","lnr lnr-magic-wand"]





A PUMPKABOO FADES IN and showers the party with treats. the tagged party-goers receive the following:[break][break]
@delphi @bean2 @altmight @kaiden
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 10, 2019 7:23:04 GMT
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"I-I'm not scared!" 

said no one ever. 

or, more accurately, said her. she and halloween had a love-hate relationship; where the love came in the form of candy, and the hate came in the form of her totally NOT being scared. definitely not! it wasn't that, like, there were some scary ghost pokemon wandering around and it definitely wasn't some of the decorations around and about. who would be scared of that? pshhh. 

heck, she'll beat up any ghost who tried to scare her! she'll make it go whoosh, plop, and dupe it out with the ghost (ignoring the fact that she, technically, wouldn't be able to fight it) and make it run crying all the way home! once again, she wasn't scared. most definitely not. 

and walking into the party, she was confident that she wouldn't get scared!

That is, until she turned her head to be greeted by a stantler head mount. at that moment, she probably felt her stomach jump.

"Aiyah!" she squeaks, jolting back and immediately falling against the lucario standing at her side. the aura pokemon pauses, snuffs, and begins to laugh at his trainer. 

- hanging around at the party
- turns and she's very surprised by the head
- freaks out at the head accordingly
- lucario's laughing at her

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Vampire Rora

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Natsuki Ryuunosuke
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2019 16:50:14 GMT
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the small cabin was already bursting with excitement as people crowed into various corners, it seemed as if a good few of them were close friends with each other and had started to become a bit loud in there enthusiasm of meeting each other dressed up as such silly things. It was nice to see such a lovely group of people getting along and having fun, though it did cause her to feel just a tad lonely all by herself. She would have dragged Elijah with her but well she had already ruined him with the beach, he was already complaining about all the sand he still kept finding. People watching had become her current boredom relief, walking up and just interesting herself into someone’s conversation was just to nerve wracking. Natsuki however found herself being approached by a rather cute ...vampire? Though she couldn’t quite put a finger on why he seemed familiar, he had smiled at her while making a bee line for her current location. It wasn’t until he spoke that she had been able to pinpoint just exactly why he seemed to familiar to her. “ who could miss out on dressing up as something so magical?” she smiled before pointing at him “ show me your fangs !” she asked suddenly a large grin spreed across her face.





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POSTED ON Oct 10, 2019 19:18:28 GMT
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Blake followed Eden's words by scanning the ceiling of the door frame as the door was closed shut. Although the careless trainer was rarely anxious, his body presented a new form of caution. Was it because of the scenery or was it the girl he was following around? Something was different in his gut, but with a short sigh, he'd bury the feeling deep in his subconscious and keep a distance behind the woman.


"Be careful." Blake didn't show concern in most cases, and he didn't here either. If there were traps around the house, she'd easily fall for one if she was in the lead. Worst case scenario meant he would be caught in the blast of her own mistake. As Eden hurriedly moved into the next room, the slacker ran his palms and fingers from one hand against the dark wallpaper of the hall. Keeping his slow pace, the rocket hinged his fingers around the door frame of the room and pushed himself inside behind Eden.


"What're you looking for?"








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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 11, 2019 0:05:24 GMT
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[newclass=.sacred_starepost b]color:#d76937;font-family:Roboto;font-size:10.5px[/newclass]

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Doyle lifted his head from his paws as @vivianne made her less than stellar entrance at the party. A stray gust of wind from the opening of the cabin's door sent her scent his way. It had been quite some time since the canine had last been in her presence but he'd never forget a scent. She did give the best belly rubs which made her even harder to forget. Oh, how he missed them. Houndour glanced towards his trainer, who was entranced in writing, best not to bother him. He'd go investigate on his own, surely Kaiden wouldn't mind, he was just going to see Vivianne after all.[break][break]

Certain that he wouldn't get himself in trouble Doyle stood up and followed Vivianne's scent to her location. Rudely bumping into the legs of several other guests as he did so. The dark-type found Viviane just in time to catch her falling against her Lucario. His tail wagging uncontrollably in the air he let out an excited bark and went running towards her. Only to quickly attempt to jump on her and topple her to the ground, where he would then proceed to lick affectionately at her face.[break]

Kaiden's still writing.[break]
Doyle wants them Vivianne belly rubs.


the story matters [break] not just the ending





The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP