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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2019 21:46:16 GMT
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"dear .

i would like to formally request the termination of my contract. i am perfectly aware that i initially signed on with the intention of serving as new mauville city's gym leader - and that i am legally bound to serve no less than three years in that respective position. but after some deliberation i fear that i may be unfit for duty, my actions thus far demonstrating my inadequacy and partial inability to continue my work as... -

cait had continued onward with her various reasons before closing the email, having painstakingly edited the message only to settle on the fifteenth draft before sending it to her superior's business email. she had also attached a file containing a copy of her binding contract, aware that fernando was the only one who could release her from the league's upper echelon. 

it had been a handful of days since she had sent that message - and roughly several weeks since their foray in the nightmare realm. cait had taken leave immediately after awakening, the gym's doors having been left firmly shut for some days now. not a single battle conducted - not a single badge handed out. she had made sure her city was properly managed in her absence, actively attending to her work email and signing whatever document needed signing. 

'it's for the best.'

in the wake of the nightmare, she had felt as though she had failed her mentor. her failure to follow his simple orders and her inability to safeguard him from a gruesome fate within that realm had left her feeling useless.

so - infuriatingly - useless.  

not even celebi's warmth nor their forgiveness could calm her inner turmoil, the woman struck with a rare bout of self-loathing for her inability to succeed in such a turbulent environment.

'you've a visitor.' 

i'm not taking any visitors."

cait had remained isolated for some time now, keeping herself confined to her room and relying upon both hypno and gardevoir to serve as her proxy. she had little to no desire to show her face, her shame potent enough to drive her into the confines of her cramped apartment.

'it's master silph,' her gardevoir drawled, remaining casually seated upon her bed. 'hypno's leading them in now.' 

the young woman stood from her formerly hunched over position, plagued with a dizzying combination of nervousness and excitement at the prospect of facing fernando. she hurriedly smoothed over her rumpled attire, dressed only in a rumpled t-shirt and denim trousers. her hand moved to calm her ruffled locks, the girl quickly producing a hair tie to pull it into a semi-neat pony tail before hurrying to the door to open it.


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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2019 22:40:30 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Nightmares do not frightened Fernando Silph. They are a figment of the imagination, tremors manifested into an elaborate ruse to terrify the vulnerable. Fernando is above that — inhuman, a stubborn Mudsbray with a grit that refuses to validate the distorted images of his musings into anything more than crackpot renditions of his psyche. The lull of Darkrai has little effect on his mental health and it shows in the way he carries himself throughout the ordeal. Silph is composed, decisive, and resolute until the bitter end.

It is not nightmares that frighten Fernando Silph. It is the fragility of those around him that scare him beyond belief. Those who fracture under the pressure add another variable that he cannot control and thus has no power over. Carefully calculated plans unravel at the slighting unhinge and for someone so literal, the way others allow themselves to be twisted by the most trivial turmoil is both unsettling and incomprehensible. To lose such a precious pawn is not something Fernando will accept without contest. That's why he makes his rounds.

An abrupt awakening causes Fernando to clutch his chest as his last moments flash before his very eyes. The pain is unimaginable, causing him to cry aloud in his empty bed, sweating, clutching his chest as he comes too, heaving from the influx of adrenaline pumping through his body. He can feel his heart beat and wheezes in labored breaths, struggling to reach for his cellphone on his nightstand to check the time and send a late night text. He doesn't mention the nightmare specifically, still considering it a device of his own construction, and instead probes into her well being, settling back to sleep after she fails to respond. The fact that she's still trapped within the nightmare realm escapes him and he waits until later in the day to dwell on the hazy memory.

Nothing changes. Life continues as normal. It isn't until he answers 's challenge that he has a chance to pry into the chance encounter. From snippets of their conversation, Fernando comes to understand that there's more than meets the eye. The nightmare transcends his own personal creation. They've taken a collective part in a mutual event and everything that's happened reflects their own actions. They're all accountable, to a degree, and Fernando puts one and one together.

Cait Alfric regresses and reports of Mauville's Gym shutting down reaches Fernando's news before anyone else. Between gritted teeth and an exasperated annoyance, he clears his schedule and has cancel his appointments in lieu of a sick day. If he's not unwell now then he's sure to be after forcing himself to console someone he shouldn't be.

The notification arrives while Fernando's en-route to Mauville. He ignores it at first, reading the first few lines from the notification to avoid marking the message as read and orders his Garchomp to fly faster. The harsh winds batter his face and he strains to stare straight ahead, allowing the wind to dry his eyes and irritate them, knowing full well that they'll water up and fill with red lines by the time he lands. Faking his tears and concerns can prove difficult without the proper tools. Using the weather proves both natural and gives him the extra glossy beadiness he needs.

Fernando sniffles, a consequences of exposing himself to the elements and cold weather. His Garchomp lands in front of the Mauville Gym and he returns the dragon, straightening out his disheveled hair before forcing his way into the Gym. Cait's Hypno is a sight for sore eyes and Fernando gives the Pokemon a grim smile before allowing it to lead him further into her domain. It isn't until he encounter her that he does more than follow.

Wordlessly, Fernando approaches her, pulling her into a tight embrace, wrapping his arms around her as he holds onto her for dear life. His expression is grim and pained, painted perfectly for the occasion as he tries to appeal to her emotional state to strengthen his own impression and hold over her.

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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2019 23:59:45 GMT
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she hadn't expected his embrace. 

cait had instead expected to be served documents sporting his signature, allowing for her to depart discreetly and with a modicum of dignity. instead he wrapped her in his arms, the near sensation of her heart stuttering causing her to remain silent for a time. with her face pressed into his chest, she breathed deeply, her eyes wet as she struggled to remain outwardly calm. 

unfortunately her attempt at a facade crumbled within moments. 

i'm sorry, sir. i really am."

her voice was tiny and she returned his embrace, relishing the moment. but she knew she had to let go, to not completely fall under his sway. 

i - "

she extracted herself from his grip, rubbing at her eyes and giving a sniffle before she continued. cait's gaze remained averted as she turned to her desk, and approached the piece of furniture to collect several documents. 

i've been making sure everything's in order," she said. "f-for when i leave.

cait's lips trembled along with her fingers as she riffled through the papers, because the mere thought of vacating a job she had grown to love was a painful one. she'd miss her gym and her work, but was all-too aware that her family would accept both her and the pokemon she had accumulated. 

it's for the best.

those were the words that had echoed within her skull ever since she had begun the process of removing herself from such a position. all she needed was a signature now - one signature.

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POSTED ON Nov 13, 2019 1:08:08 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]"Shut up Alfric."

Fernando quiets her with a hushed demand, inhaling deeply as his lungs expand against her. His overlapping arm coils around her with his hand resting against her head, stroking her in a slow, endearing pat. He can feel her heave against him, tears bleeding through the fabric of his shirt with cold little nips where water touches skin. His primary concern is to console her, allow her to break down so that he can reinforce the notion that he's here for her — mostly because in his own deranged way, he is.

When Cait finally distances herself, Fernando keeps an eye on her, dejection clear on his face. "I refuse," he states plainly, eyes narrowing in on her with a clear frown on his face. There are many interjections Fernando can allow in the over all scheme of things. This is not one of them.

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POSTED ON Nov 13, 2019 1:26:46 GMT
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i can't leave if you don't sign off on my letter of resignation, sir."

she pursed her lips, her breaths slightly shaky but her gaze hardening by a fraction. cait was aware of her contract, the document finely tuned and discussed at length prior to her signing. the only individual listed that could effectively release her was fernando silph, otherwise she was well and truly stuck for no less than three calendar years and a handful of months. 

'i want to stay,' she thought. 'but an ineffective leader is a detriment to our organization.' 

cait thought only of her region and of her superior and felt the need to step aside so that someone better could ensure that fernando's dreams came intro fruition. 

"i almost got myself killed because i couldn't obey a simple order," she said. "i exposed celebi. i've recklessly associated with rocket-affiliated personal. i'm a sub-par battler who only started training when i was barely eighteen. i made an attempt to f - ck you like some bimbo. and i literally tried to kill everyone in my elevator - tossing my morals to the wayside so i could keep you - and whoever else was with you - safe. and i don't feel guilty about it."

it was strange to say it out loud. but she felt as though it needed to be said. 

"i'm doing this because if i'm going to be a detriment and a burden than it's better off if you terminate my employment and get someone who can do my job better."  

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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2019 5:05:10 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] "Exactly. I refuse."

Fernando's adamant in his choice, unwilling to part with the closest thing he has to a pawn. While Cait's impression of herself has been less than adequate by her own accounts, Fernando's ecstatic about her willingness to plunge herself into hell on his account. The only problem is that such a resource is invaluable. To have her throw herself away so easily is both a blessing and a warning about a short-term investment. If only he could make the most out of her.

"It was a dream," Fernando states plainly. Any and all actions committed within the raid were excusable and none of the League members would be held accountable. Even Fernando thought the lucid dream was nothing more than his own thought until the very end. As for how her colleagues saw her, that's one her, but Fernando cares little about the opinion of those that mean nothing to him. The face of the Jock elevator have escaped his memory and like the last wisp of Darkrai, are buried in repressed memories.

"If you are unsatisfied with your performance then impro—" Fernando bits his tongue as he tries to interrupt Cait's confession. The part about her trying to make an attempt at him causes him to cringe, wincing from the realization that he already knew. To hear her say aloud is a different matter altogether. The occasion is still fresh on his mind and the way she slurred onto of all people still sickens him.

"I would've done the same thing as you. I did do the same thing as you and ordered to have the other elevators cut. Any mistake you made, I did as well." Fernando sighs, trying to find the best way to defuse the situation while consoling her. This isn't one of his strong suits and he can tell, tightening his fingers into a fist as he tries to navigate between the correct words.

"Well then Alfric, name one person who can do your job better."

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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2019 18:31:19 GMT
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cait's mouth opened. 

i - 

it closed with the quiet click of her teeth, her brows furrowing as she considered her response. unfortunately, she hadn't had the foresight to compile a list prior to this conversation. 

you found me," she attempted, lamely. "you'll just as easily find someone else with just as much potential and give them a chance."

her resolve had weakened by a sizable chunk, her mind filled with the names of people who had already been awarded seats within the league. cait continued to search for an answer to his question before shaking her head. 

"i'm not going to convince you to sign. gods."

she sounded frustrated by her own inability to formulate a foolproof argument, having already concluded that her superior could be easily convinced if he hadn't already. surely her abhorrent performance within the dream realm had proven her case?

'apparently it's didn't,' she thought. 

cait was half-tempted to take her documents  and crumple them up, but she refused to put on such a childish display. instead, she glanced over them for a moment before she placing them in a neat pile upon her desk. 

"i just don't want to end up being a waste of your time and money, sir. i'm very aware of how much you've invested in me so far."

she gestured toward the door - and to her personal forest that he had had a hand in funding.

without your approval i wouldn't have this gym or this city."

and despite the fact that she originated from fortree, she considered mauville to be her home.

"you even personally rescued me from rocket custody. so i owe you my life on top of everything else," she continued. "and when i failed you at that critical moment - when you needed me - "

cait choked on her own words before she took another breath, her eyes falling shut as her shoulders sagged. 

i'm just afraid that i'll make the same mistakes again," she admitted. "terrified, actually. i guess it's why i'm willing to run away from all of this."
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POSTED ON Nov 29, 2019 20:51:15 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] "You make it sound easy, Alfric. If you believe in my abilities to find talent then trust my judgement. Trust me now."

Fernando can feel his facial muscles tense when he grits his teeth. It takes a conscious effort to recognize the the habit and loosen up, taking the pressure away from his jaw as he slackens up. "I'm very aware of how much I've entrusted onto you. Your service has and always will be appreciated. Should the day come where I find you incapable of carrying on then it will be me approaching you about your performance."

He averts his gaze toward the direction of the open door, well familiar with the interior of her Gym. Several visits have made him accustomed to the standard path to her own living quarters with the main battling arena being a place he's visited many times before. "We all make mistakes Alfric. No one is perfect. All we can do is learn, prepare, and do better."

He places a hand on her shoulder, "But if the pressure is too much for you then that's another story. I care about your mental state."

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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2019 20:27:48 GMT
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she blinked and eyed him for a moment, inwardly overjoyed by the presence of his hand that rested upon her shoulder. it was a subtle sign of affection and reassurance that she so desperately craved, but cait forced herself to focus upon the conversation at hand as opposed to her frivolous fawning.

"i'll be fine, sir," she responded, simply. "i apologize for making you come all the way out here."

the young woman felt a hint of shame for wasting his time, aware that his schedule was kept full.

"i know that things haven't been... favorable league-wise."

she crossed her arms, her expression becoming blank.

"we've been hemorrhaging decent trainers since the war's conclusion. there's been a constant rotation of gym leaders. and we did just lose our champion..."

a slow smile slid onto her face, the emotion that settled there betraying a rare show of raw and unbridled malice that glittered in her green gaze. it vanished a few moments later, a look of concern effectively replacing the unusual expression.

"i pray that every seat is properly filled before my contract comes to an end," she said, inconclusively. 

in those moments that had been spent pondering over her future outside of the league - when she had been almost certain that she'd be removed - she had imagined a future that had caused her to desire a more domestic lifestyle. one where she could return to fortree, raise a family and eke out a humble living as a botanist. 

'three more years,' she thought. 'if i'm willing to give up on my career by then.

because despite her dreams and frequent imaginings, her adoration for fernando and prevented her from giving up entirely on being a gym leader well into her years. she loved them - perhaps even unhealthily so. but she desperately hoped she'd see their dreams come to fruition, wanting to be of some use to them as they progressed in their respective careers. 

'i'll figure out what i want for myself. i have plenty of time left to think.'   

"i hate to keep you, sir," she said, appearing indecisive. "i'll be fine.  

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2019 1:27:46 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] "You're right. We've overcome one hurdle only to face our next obstacle. No matter how hard we try sometimes it doesn't seem to be enough."

Fernando pats her on the same shoulder before reclining to her own personal bubble. "That's why I'm glad I have capable trainers like yourself by my side. Regardless of what you think, you are an asset Alfric. You alone have made my life immeasurably easier and for that I'm thankful."

He pauses.

"That why I care about you. If things get rough, if the burden becomes too big to shoulder, let me know. This isn't something anyone can tackle alone. That why we have each other. That's why we have allies and more importantly, friends."

Fernando turns back to face her, arms outstretched, invasively taking another hug without permission. He clings to her tightly, not for his own sake, but to worm his way closer to what he expects to be her undying trust and adoration. This isn't anything new, and while the words are true, the main purpose is to present the image of someone who's truly set to be there for her. And, until he sees reason not to, he will be.

The greatest trump card is a disposable one.

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2019 2:13:29 GMT
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his embrace serves to effectively weaken her aforementioned resolve, her eyes falling shut as a wave of blissful emotions overwhelms her as she accepts him. she felt truly at peace in that moment, his nearness and touch triggering the potent reaction. she didn't pull away, instead relishing the moment with every fiber of being.

'i was willing to die for this man.'

in the elevator - when she had hastily weighed her options and decided to strike out against her peers if it meant ensuring fernando's survival - she had been willing to sacrifice everything. this love she felt had spread like an infection, consuming her entirely until she desperately craved his approval. and she had hid it so well, merely playing the role of a bright-eyed student.

but he was more than a teacher - he was like a king. a man of great power and influence that deserved to lead hoenn into a prosperous future.

'i was willing to kill for him,' she admitted, shameless. 

and she would takes the steps needed to ensure that his dreams did indeed become reality. 

she was his because she wanted to be. 

mauville city - by extension - was his because he had so graciously gifted her the power and influence to claim it as her own. 

her pokemon were his because he granted her the resources needed to ensure that they flourished and multiplied within her care.

everything within her grasp was within his as well, for he need only ask. 

a switch was flipped within the corridors of her mind, a grin sliding onto her face - replacing that indecisive look that had formerly plagued her.  

"i'd do anything for you, sir," she swore, her voice barely above a whisper. "anything."

a wave of sickly sweet happiness flooded her.

and someplace within the confines of her artifical forest, celebi tittered softly; for their avatar's emotions were so terribly

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2019 2:31:07 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] "Then take care of yourself Alfric." He keeps his own voice hushed to match hers. There's a delicate touch to the way he caters his whisper. It's endearing, loving even. "Your life is your own and you should live it accordingly. You mean a lot to me but I shouldn't mean everything to you. You are your own person."

It's a gamble to reinforce this type of thinking but Fernando's willing to hedge his bet on her ignoring it or feeling that his concern in genuine. Enough so to fall further and place her absolute trust in him. He predicts she does already but there's still that teetering line between friend and foe. Would she turn on any stranger for him? Undoubtedly. But her friends, her allies, those she holds just as close? He has no concrete answer and that why he continues to press. It reminds him of in a way and the deja vu is uncanny.

"I'll be going Alfric. We should have dinner again soon. Were you going to the winter ball with someone this year?"

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2019 2:42:16 GMT
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"i was planning to attend, sir."

she hadn't invested much thought into it, having been so entirely focused on removing herself from the gym leader's seat. but prior to the nightmare, she had considered what to wear - and who to go with. 

i've been wanting to spend sometime with stormy and almost invited her as a friend," she admitted. "but we've both been so busy. and then there's this girl - but i'm still figuring my way around asking her on a normal date - so that might not work 'till then.

a fond expression forms, her feelings for the pink-haired woman having swelled by a considerable margin as of late.

but nothing's set in stone," she said, regaining her focus. "i haven't even picked out a dress."   

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2019 5:03:49 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] He's gotten used to others using the name but hearing it still causes him to mentally cringe despite how well he holds his expression and stature. The mention of another girl is surprising and Fernando raises and eyebrow questioningly. "A normal date as in a romantic one?" The verbage used by women with girlfriends and dating each other has always been a vexing subject for him to navigate but he runs on his assumption with the context given. It reminds him of dinner conversation and his brows knot in confusion.

"What about ? Were you planning on asking him?"

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POSTED ON Dec 3, 2019 6:05:23 GMT
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she released a quiet snort and waved her hand dismissively.

that was a fling, sir," she said. "kim was nice and funny, but he wasn't 'start a family with' kind of nice - if you get my meaning."

cait retreated a step and crossed her arms over her chest, casual and comfortable within his presence as she unabashedly mentioned her love life.

so yes, it is a date," she confirmed, her eyes lighting up. "a romantic one."

the young woman paused, a hint of a pout edging its way onto her features. 

if she wants to give me a chance, i mean."

she eyed him expectantly, her painted lips transitioning into a grin.

and you, sir? who are you going with? i'm sure kim'll take you out if you ask," she said, jokingly. "were you afraid i'd take him away?"