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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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maverick noah ryder
welcome to the pack [solo, wild]
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 3:25:33 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
not the best
After the trainer decided that he wasn’t finding anything good back over by Petalburd City, Maverick took a few days to travel towards Manville City. More specifically, route 111. The man heard that fire and rock types were appearing more often in this area. Although the man did have something he was looking for, he wasn’t getting his hopes up that he would find one today. But even if the creature he wanted didn’t appear today, the man had other plans as well. With the weather warming up and being closer to the desert, today is a good day to introduce another member to the family. Reaching into his pocket of his ebony dress pants, the common two toned ball appeared in his hands. A simple press of a button and the beam of light soon formed a large canine like creature known as an arcanine.

The arcanine took a moment to take in his surrounds. His dark steel gaze shifted from the equally tall hell hound to the human before him. “Hello arcanine,” the man greeted with a smirk, “Welcome to the team.” The fire type creature sniffed the air, puffed out his chest before his head titled slightly to one side. “Your former trainer traded you to me. With being on a new team, I hope you don’t mind if we give you a new name or a name.” To be honest, the man didn’t know much of the Pokemon’s history or what kind of connection he had with the other trainer. The person who traded with him didn’t say much. After a moment of thought, Mav started again. “What about Evo?” He offered to the arcanine as he approached both him and Azula fearlessly, “I think that is a fitting name.”

Azula stiffed, lips slowly peeled back to reveal her pearly whites. A low nasty snarl ripped through her throat as the arcanine first sniffed Maverick before turning to her. “Easy Azula,” the man chuckled lightly as her arrow tipped tail twitched like a pissed off cat, “He’s just seeing who we are.” The massive hell hound didn’t budge. In fact, she only snarled louder when he tried to sniff her. However, this clearly didn’t effect the large fire dog. Instead, he tried to nudge her muzzle only for her to snap at him. Evo sneezed in return, but didn’t back way. Feeling as though a fight was about to happen, Maverick had to break the tension. “Let’s see what we can find today.” With that, the trainer pushed his way between the two canines and made his way onto route 111 in hopes they find something good. Or if anything, let Azula and Evo get use to each other.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 6:24:11 GMT
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male / steam engine[break]
flame charge / stealth rock / rock blast / rapid spin

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maverick noah ryder
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POSTED ON Feb 15, 2020 17:24:10 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
pass plz!
It didn’t take long for Azula and Evo to get acquainted to each other. In the matter of a few hours of just strolling through route 111, Evo managed to break through Azula’s rough and tough exterior. The large fire dog appeared to be like its kind. Loyal, prideful, and fearless while at the same time, gentle and compassionate. Well, at least it seemed like it today. At first, he kept his distance from her. His head high and fluffy cream mane puffed out, the male canine ignored her for the most part as he marched on his right side. He kept quiet with the exception of a few sneezes as he sniffed the around around them. Azula remained on high alert, eyeing the male canine anytime he made a move. But within just a few hours, her curiosity got the best of her and she couldn’t help but wanted to get to know the canine more.

Now, the two trotted right next to each other. Although Evo held his ‘I’m a dominate alpha dog’ appearance, Maverick could tell he was starting to like her as well. Maybe, even a little to much. It was when the trio heard a loud bang that they rush to see what it was. To Maverick surprise, a pokemon he had never seen before appearance before him. A carkol was known to be a fire and rock type, but other than that Maverick knew nothing more. Although he would love to learn more about the pokemon, there was something about it that didn’t really catch his interest despite being a fire type. One person did come to mind, Vallen. His ex rival back home would have loved one of them. Although Mav never understood why, Vallen favorited black colored pokemon. Either way, the carkol didn’t tickle his fancy and motioned for his two canine’s to move along.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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welcome to the pack [solo, wild]
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2020 22:06:25 GMT
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male / sturdy[break]
iron defense / stone edge / rock blast / stealth rock

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maverick noah ryder
welcome to the pack [solo, wild]
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2020 5:26:00 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
Have you ever seen the lion king? You know the part when Simba and Nila finally found each other and run around with each other. The sound in the background. Do you feel the love tonight? Yeah that song! Maverick felt like that would be the prefect song to play right about now as the two canine’s strolled next to each other, side by side.

The trio have been out here for what felt like hours, searching for something Maverick really hoped to get. Within those few hours, the pair went from not really liking each other to inseparable. And to be honest, Mav didn’t really mind. Azula and Maverick have been partners for years and learned that Azula has always wanted to find ‘the one’. Has she found him? She also always wanted pups of her own. Would Evo be the one? This also made him wonder, has Azula forgotten about Memphis? Memphis was a houndoom Maverick got right before he left that lost his fire element and was a pure dark type. Has Azula forgotten about him? Either way, the man was happy she was happy.

“Have you two found any leads?” the man questioned as he cleared his throat, eyeing the pair strolling hip to hip, ”I want to head back soon.” Both of the canines gaze fell on his, however his question was dismissed as quickly as he asked it. Azula playfully nipped Evo’s mane, Evo playfully nipped back before she darted forwards in a chase and he quickly followed passed their trainer. The man grunted, watching them playfully fight with each other. Warm colored orbs flickered to see a rock type though he dismissed the creature and continued to follow his two canines.

—- phone post.... pass please. Last one!
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welcome to the pack [solo, wild]
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2020 0:42:27 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD MONFERNO APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] BLAZE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]MACH PUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FLAME WHEEL
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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maverick noah ryder
welcome to the pack [solo, wild]
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2020 21:56:11 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
capture plz! dont read it though. i feel like i could have done a lot better... in fact, i know i could have done better but want to finish this one
It was getting rather late and with his lucky running out, the man could only give up for today. Hours passed since the last time they came across a wild pokemon. It looks like his bad luck has returned once again. With a sigh, the man pinched his lips. A loud whistle like call sounded off, catching the attention of his beloved canine Azula and his recent new company Evo. Both the canine’s turned, gaze fell upon their trainer as he waved for them to come to him. Without a moments hesitation, both the oversized houndoom and the arcanine sprinted in his direction. Warm colored orbs flickered to the sun as it crept closer and closer to the horizon, a cool breeze sent chills down his spine.

But before the pair of canines made it to their trainer, a fire monkey like creature jumped in their path. It beat on its chest, hollering and yelling. Maverick blinked, confusion crossed his expression as it turned to him. What was a monferno doing out here by itself? “Hello Monferno,” the scarred human greeted the creature as it swaggered on its feet, “Can we help you with something?” “Monnnfernooo! Mon Mon!” The creature called back, eyeing Maverick. Warm gazed flickered to his two fire type companies as they circled the creature, one to the left and one to the right. “Do you want to battle? Are you hurt? What’s up?” The orange pokemon left fist took on a light blue glow, its message clear.

Azula stepped forward, head lowered and body tense. But before she could advance, the arcanine marched proudly in front of her. This brought a grin to his normal plaid expression. “Although, let’s see what you go Evo,” the man said pleased that his new pokemon was already proven worthy, “Show me what you got.” The arcanine let out a low growl, mane fluffed as he shook his head. Lips peeled back to reveal a nice and sharp set of pearly white teeth, ready to dig into its pray. But before the monkey react, the large fire dog was already on the move. His movements so fast, back and forth too quick for the average eye. Maverick chuckled lightly, extreme speed to get close. And when the canine felt he was close enough without getting hit, his muzzle parted and a dark aurora surrounded his muzzle. His aim was to clamp down on the creature leg, however the fire type blocked with its arms. Evo’s teeth sank into its left arm, the smell of fresh blood swirled in his nose. The wild pokemon screamed, right fist taking on the blue glow and thrusted its fist into the arcanine’s side.

The man grunted, he could only imagine how that felt. However, Evo did not let out. Instead, he let out a soft yelp and only crunched harder. And soon, felt the overwhelming heat of a flamethrower in his gut and soon it exploded out of his month. But still, refused to let out. The monferno hollered, struggling to escape the canine’s deathly grip on him. It screamed, sending any birds soaring as it pulled. More blood expelled from him, only for him to feint from the shock of what was happening.

Once the body was limp, Evo opened his blood stained muzzle and let the creature fall to the earth with a thud. “Well then,” the man coughed as he strolled up to the lifeless body, wondering if he had another blood thirsty creature on his hands, “It appears to be still alive but badly hurt. Well done I guess. But please next time, try to hurt them his badly.” Evo huffed as Azula found this very attractive. Massive horns rubbed tenderly in his mane, the arcanine only puffing his chest out more. With a sigh, the man pulled out the common two toned ball and tossed it at the wild pokemon.

The ball shook once. Was this pokemon even worth catching at this state? Another wiggle. It had a little fight in it but its going to take a while for those wounds to heal. The ball twitched once more. Well…. He guess we will see how it does.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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welcome to the pack [solo, wild]
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2020 23:13:50 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]YOU CAUGHT MONFERNO!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] BLAZE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]MACH PUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FLAME WHEEL
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] YOU RECEIVE 5 PD!

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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