circling the edge . [ c ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2018 2:12:59 GMT
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the day had been uneventful thus far - the gods blessing such a wonderfully blissful period of time with inaction and peace. cait had relished the silence due to its rarity as of late; additionally, town's small populace resulted in a lack of noise pollution. and those whom occupied such a lovely place appeared to be the genuinely friendly sort, often greeting her with a nod or a pleasant 'good afternoon' when she passed them by. 

'it reminds me of home,' she thought. 

prior to her affiliating herself with the league, she had resided within fallarbor, her family home placed at the very edge of a town covered in a thick later of ash. memories of her time spent living near the wilds that bordered such a place reemerged, vivid imagery of her childhood coming to play and dance about within the confines of her skull. 

'i should visit when i have the time, to. but i doubt that'll be anytime soon.' 

cait continued moving in what she presumed to be the general direction of the police station, her open-toed sandals smacking against pavement, and her plain white dress that reached the upper portions of her thigh fluttering lazily as she moved at a moderate pace. 

'i believe the police station should be - ah.'  

the girl hurried her steps along, a light frown of concentration upon her face as she approached the slightly aged building. she entered with only the smallest amount of hesitation, the chilled air contained within causing her to tremble lightly as her gaze swiveled to and fro.  

"excuse me?

cait had almost immediately fixated on gently poking the shoulder of someone about to pass her by. 

"i'm looking for a - mm - a -

she searched her recent memory, attempting to correctly remember the name that she been told to ask for. 

"a mister card-well?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2018 19:08:03 GMT
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[attr="class","face2lyric1"]— circling the edge


"and then i tackled the guy like--bam! down for the count you crooked fuck! then positive and negative started bouncing up and down on the guy's body as i handcuffed him, it was so cute! i took a picture, look--look! i sent it to my boss!" an excited titter escaped the maw of the young officer who was, yet again, overly excited from ruffing up yet another criminal. light was practically in a gleeful nature. chatting it up with his fellow officers, the interpol agent--unbeknownst to him--would soon obtain an unexpected visitor.
adorning a casual attire that was befitting for a detective. he wore the casual, tucked in white shirt. a black vest hung over the male's said white dress shirt, a skinny tie--too--clung at the nape of his neck. black, slim-fitted pants were what he adorned for lower wear. lastly, for footwear, did he also wear a pair of charcoal colored dress shoes.
his attention was captured when the sudden appearance of a woman caught whiff of his attention--unbeknownst that the girl would be speaking for the individual she called for. "ah! oooh, you're cute!" he exclaimed as loud as he could. though he didn't work in this station per'se, he was here visiting for a small assignment. "what's up, do you need something? bad guy stole your purse? ex won't give you back your stuff?! let me at'em, let me at'em--we'll get it back together! punks like him have nothing on guys like me!" he exclaimed with a proud smile. valiantly pointing at himself toward the thumb.[break][break]

"but for someone to request me specifically? you've either heard of my deeds and need help or you're my very first fan!? please be the latter!" he exclaimed with a hopeful smile. man, his first fan?! and she's cute! the world is finally looking up, thank you arceus for blessing him.


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POSTED ON Oct 21, 2018 19:58:40 GMT
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cait tittered softly, finding herself to be immediately endeared by the male's enthusiasm. 

"nothing like that, mister cardwell," she informed. 

she reached for her thigh, a bit of leather secured there which held a pocket that contained her identification card issued by the league. it revealed her full name and rank and thankfully possessed a flattering yet professional image of herself upon the printed plastic. in order to avoid the risk of having anything of value easily stolen whilst remaining just as easily accessible for the young woman; she had purchased such a useful accessory to store small and relatively light items as she traveled to and fro. 

"i'm cadet alfric," she said. "but you can call me cait, if you like.

once she had presented her proof of identification to the male for verification, she returned it to its holder before smoothing out her dress and bowing politely in a show of open respect. 

"i've been given specific directions to shadow you for the remainder of your assignment here in oldale town. i believe you should have received an email notifying you i'd arrive around this date.

cait returned to standing properly, bright-eyed and eager.

"but i have heard of you before," she said, clapping her hands together. "you stand out due to your prior experience as a certified detective. after all, most of us were just average citizens before we joined the league.

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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2018 21:28:07 GMT
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[attr="class","face2lyric1"]— circling the edge


ouch, right in the heart! she hadn't heard of him, but that was okay! it just meant he had to work smarter, not harder--more or less harder if we're being honest. still, though the fact she hadn't heard of him, it was crazy that he actually had to be the chaperone to another! someone recognized his skills more then he thought--the everyday life of agent gambit wasn't an easy one, was one of excitement! eyes shimmered with glee, hands clasped together.


"no way! i get my own cadet?!" he was ecstatic--in shock--but ecstatic! it wasn't everyday people had so much faith in his leadership capability, she was going to get the tour of a life time. "i'm gonna chaperone you so hard you'll need a cigarette when i'm done with you!" he took hold of the female's hand, exclaiming, "let's go cadet! these criminals aren't going to throw the book at themselves!" it was the first time anyone would come to live and see the exact life the interpol agent led. his everyday procedure, his skills as a detective, to how did one acquire the status of an interpol officer at such a young age? well she was about to find out today.


and as they left the station, their destination was the square. the town square was a normal patrol unit any cop could find themselves on. "alright, cadet!" releasing her and places the both of his hands upon the hips of his waist, chest puffed out. "whats the first rule to solving a crime, go!?" he asked the female league officer.


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POSTED ON Oct 25, 2018 12:30:41 GMT
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'i think i like him already.' 

it was a rare thing to find someone so enthusiastic about their respective profession, with most individuals appearing relatively subdued, mild-mannered or stiffly 'professional' when working. but there was a certain energy to the youth that was positively infectious, with cait laughing airily in reaction and nodding her head. 

"i'm looking forward to it."

she easily accepted his hand as he grasped her smaller one, squeezing back gently as she was promptly escorted elsewhere. it was a small disappointment when he would release his hold upon her, yet her grin remained just as prominent upon her painted lips. 

'solving crimes?' 

cait thought back to her experience watching what was likely to be an overabundance of 'true crime' television. something about observing the mystery unfold was positively thrilling, especially ones that involved a murder of some kind. 


she lightly scratched her freckled face in an absent sort of way, mulling over her response as her gaze shifted to and fro to take in the town square. thankfully, the foot traffic was light and there was a notable lack of noise pollution within the air. 

"preserving the evidence, maybe? i mean, without securing evidence it's mostly - what's the word - circumstantial stuff.

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POSTED ON Oct 26, 2018 17:12:14 GMT
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her response was natural, truthful, and your average everyday newbie. if she were to meet @winter he'd probably be impressed--but she was with the worst detective of them all: light cardwell. he wasn't the worst detective due to lack of skills or anything, but rather how he went about taking certain action--a man who moved first, and thought second. turning toward cadet cait, he'd clasp his hands together as he quickly thought of his answer. his response to the dark-skinned woman? it was all but a response of only two words:

"fuck. that."

that's right. forget what the academy taught you, "delete that out of your memory. if you feel uneasy--don't think--follow your gut, even if it leads you left rather then right--left is always the direction you want to go." leaning in to whisper some friendly advice, he'd hold a single finger up to place emphasis on what all she needed to become the greatest detective ever! "if you wanna play with the big arcanine's, you need to know when crime is afoot--especially in silence. for instance..." he'd direct her gaze to a male who was merely on his phone. the individual looked to have possessed a bike as well. he was sitting at a table where he, too, possessed a cup of what one would believe to be coffee--but something was off.

"you see that crooked fuck?! my gut feeling is telling me he just broke a law..." light stated, piercing auburn eyes watching intently from afar alongside the cadet. ready to deck the sicko for the law he'd just broken, "i want you to go up to him, ask him if he's aware that he just broke a law--and the moment that he resits? wham!! hit'em with the 'hundred percent maximum no chill' double decker, cuff that fucker for resisting and obstructing the law, read him those goddamn rights and book'em!!" woah, he needed to tone it back just a bit.

patting her lightly on the shoulder, "then again sometimes they don't actually resist and are very cooperative! so writing him a ticket is also fine; after all, riding a bike without a helmet is pretty dangerous. and if we don't uphold a single law? then one bastard is prepared to break another!" a double nod to his wise statement should have been enough to show cait that he was entirely, deadly, and spontaneously serious.

ooc notes: make him proud!

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