hyväksyä [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 10, 2020 17:42:13 GMT
it is almost bittersweet returning to the morningstar estate. to see what once was, what once could have been, makes him understand that there are some things he just cannot prepare for. a part of him has always understood but maybe he needed a little more. and as he stands in their garden that overlooks the city of sootopolis, only then does he truly accept it.

it is bittersweet.

the sound of someone approaching from the air is what pulls hims away from the small gible that had been running around him. the dragon-type scurries to get behind him and does its best to hide as its eyes stay locked on the figure that just landed.

"thank you for coming, stormy."

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stormy, bronwen
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hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 10, 2020 17:59:49 GMT
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Honestly, she was simultaneously surprised and unsurprised to hear from Alex. He had requested her help in training young dragon-type Pokemon in Sootopolis and she had agreed. [break][break]

Her fingers tighten on the handles of her saddle-sort of contraption, leather squeaking from the effort. She settles into position, detaching one hand from her iron grip to stroke the warm neck of her Charizard. [break][break]

It doesn't take her long to reach the beautiful city, only a while to muster the courage to land. Wadjet lands slowly, wings pushing wind underneath her as they lower. Her claws scrape the ground as she lowers into position, allowing the woman to slide off her back. [break][break]

Alexander offers a greeting and Stormy busies herself with removing the saddle.[break][break]

"Of course."[break][break]

When she turns, she finds Alex and a young Gible, the small Pokemon hides behind his leg. She smiles a little at the sight.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 10, 2020 18:16:23 GMT
a warm smile greets her and for once it lingers. as she busies herself with removing wadjet's saddle, he turns and kneels to tend to the small dragon. "it's okay to be a little scared." his smile is reassuring as he extends his hands out to pick it up. "come here." 

he approaches her with the gible cradled in his arms. out of pure habit, he angles its mouth that are lined with razor-sharp teeth away from him, but it would not have mattered otherwise.

"this is the morningstar estate. i've agreed to help look after it while freya's...away." missing, more like, but he glosses over it. "i need some help with the little ones. they've been quite the handful." a soft chuckle escapes him as he turns to gesture further into the garden.

up ahead, near the middle of the garden, are a few baby dragon-types running around like they're high on sugar. gible lets out a soft growl; its small arms and legs basically dangling in the air. "this one has been really sweet, though. all he really does is eat, play, and sleep, but sometimes not in that order."

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stormy, bronwen
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Stormy Silph
hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 11, 2020 2:28:29 GMT
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Stormy's fingernails catch on Wadjet's rough scales, tracing old scars, soothing and relaxing the beast as she slides the saddle off and sets it aside. Wadjet shakes from side to side, relieved to no longer be tethered. Her cheek pushes against Stormy's shoulder as the woman turns around to observe Alex dote on the young Pokemon. She's pushed forward as Alex approaches her, Gible nestled in his arms.[break][break]

Her gaze shifts to the baby as a soft smile spreads across her face. The woman reaches out to brush the rough skin of the child, her voice emitting a soft coo.[break][break]

"You could take her, I'm sure. One day, I bet."[break][break]

With a chuckle, she glances over her shoulder at the disgruntled Charizard who clearly was not overly thrilled at being belittled in front of an infant. Stormy retains her smile, quieting her giggles and removing her hand from the Gible to listen as Alex explains their situation.[break][break]

"Sure. I'd be happy to help, how could I say no to a face as cute as this?"[break][break]

She taps the Gible on its nose, encouraging it to sneeze or chomp the air. Alex gestures out toward the garden and she follows it, breathing a soft sigh at the beauty of it. Several more dragon Pokemon run amok in the gardens, tearing up flowers and rolling in dirt. They seem to be having quite a time.[break][break]

"He sounds like a keeper."[break][break]

Stormy winks to the Gible before standing up a little straighter and taking a deep breath.[break][break]

"Well.. what would you have me do first?"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 11, 2020 16:23:48 GMT
baby gible stays relatively still when stormy reaches out to touch him. his eyes shut and he coos at how she brushes his rough skin. he hasn't grown quite enough for them to be rough enough to hurt yet, but perhaps that's a good thing. even when she boops his nose, he stays perfectly still despite his natural instincts telling him to chomp the air.

their brief interaction warms alexander. "i haven't been able to round them up to feed them yet. they move surprisingly fast for their size." he explains, and then points to the shed off to the side. "i can get the food while you and wadjet calm them down?" 

in the group of baby dragons are two swablus, one charmander, one bagon, one axew, and one dratini. how she plans on calming them down exactly is up to her. he waits for her answer but he seems keen to start, as evident by how his eyes are darting to and from the shed.

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stormy, bronwen
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 11, 2020 17:14:19 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


She glances up at him as he speaks, managing to pull her attention away from the docile baby in his arms. The Gible reminds her immensely of her own, though he has since grown and evolved.[break][break]

Alexander explains the situation and she chuckles, shaking her head. Younglings did tend to be too quick for their own good. As he gestures to the shed, Stormy glances over her shoulder to Wadjet.[break][break]

"Think we can handle a bunch of babes, Wad? We do alright with ours at home, right?"[break][break]

The woman smirks as she makes her way past the black dragon. Wadjet puffs smoke and grunts, perhaps unconvinced. The Charizard does, however, follow behind her.[break][break]

Of course, as soon as they approach, the babies scatter. The Swablu dip and dive over the water, taunting the pair to brave the cold. Dratini disappears into the fountain in the centre of the pond, virtually disappearing as the water splashes against the surface.[break][break]

Stormy pauses, considering her choices. It was clear they weren't hungry enough to be coaxed by lunchtime - which, while odd, wasn't that out of the ordinary.[break][break]

It looks like it would be a game of chase until she wore them out enough that they felt their hunger pangs. Stormy sighs, but chooses to release a few of her more mature Pokemon for fear more younglings might add fuel to the fire.[break][break]

A golden Arcanine and two identical Baille-Oricorio appear by her side. The Oricorio gives chase to the Swablu, eventually mesmerizing them with their strange aerial dancing. Arcanine, along with Stormy and Wadjet, initiate themselves into a game of tag. [break][break]

Eventually even the Dratini comes out to play, shaking off water in order to not be left out. [break][break]

By the end of it, everyone's worked up a sweat and several different volumes of tummy grumbles reverberate.[break][break]

"Now are you pranksters hungry? C'mon, little ducklings, follow me."[break][break]

She sighs heavily from the effort as she pushes herself off of Arcanine's shoulder. There are Swablu cotton balls in her hair and fur on her clothes, but she otherwise appears okay as she makes her way to the shed.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 11, 2020 17:34:21 GMT
it doesn't actually take him that long to prepare the food for them. it only takes him a good ten minutes and the rest of the time is spent just watching. the door to the shed is propped open as he leans against the frame of it. he crosses his arms his arms and laughs at the sight of the game of chase. it's endearing to say the least.

he makes sure to remember the moment.

"you did a great job," he says as she approaches. the smile on his face lingers. when she nears, he pushes himself off the door frame and turns to step inside the shed, assuming she would follow.

a few feeding platters lay atop the counter full of various meats, vegetables, and carbs. the morningstars feed their dragons better than some people eat, him included. "it used to be much easier to feed them when freya was around. i guess that's what i like most about dragons: their loyalty." he glances over his shoulder at her. "it's been months since they've last seen her and yet she remains their alpha. it's impressive."

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stormy, bronwen
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july 25
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 11, 2020 17:47:20 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Stormy is oblivious to the fact Alexander had been watching her play tag with the dragons. When the game ends and they begin their journey to food and a long nap, Stormy notices the man lean against the doorway. She runs her fingers through her hair awkwardly, suddenly feeling quite on the spot. But he says nothing other than praise and makes his way inside so she leaves it at that.[break][break]

"Thank you."[break][break]

The coolness of the shed is immediately relieving and she finds a spot to sit and lean. Her skin is still flushed with warmth and exercise, but she tilts her head to listen to Alex. Eventually, however, her smile fades and she channels concern.[break][break]

"Where is she, do you know? Her absence seems unlike her."


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hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 11, 2020 18:27:44 GMT
he can only shake his head in response to her question because honestly, he has no idea. "i don't know, but i imagine she's safe wherever she is." he knows her well enough to be sure of it. "i'm sure she has her reasons for not returning." he pauses slightly. "like i did." 

hungry coos come from outside the shed and he can hear them loud and clear. it brings a chuckle but he makes no motion to hurry. "i think we stretched ourselves too thin and we snapped in the end. just burned out. honestly, stormy, i was just really tired all the time." he shifts the feeding platter along the counter. "it felt like i had an immense weight on my shoulders and i wasn't sure if i was strong enough to bear it." his eyes drift to her once more. there's a look of not sadness in his eyes but almost acceptance.

"well, it appears i wasn't."

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stormy, bronwen
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 11, 2020 18:44:51 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Stormy averts her gaze, detecting the sudden change in mood. It sobers her and she focuses on the feel of cold wood beneath her fingers. She absently traces a knot in the wood, picking at it gently while he speaks.[break][break]

He chuckles at the munching and cooing outside the window and she smiles a bit if only to lighten the mood. But she soon finds her throat dry as Alexander veers away from Freya and instead confesses his own insecurities. She watches him carefully, expression soft, worried.[break][break]

The slight squeak of the feeding tray against the counter is deafening in the magnitude of their conversation. Even still, Stormy remains quiet as he finishes. [break][break]

He meets her gaze and she holds it for once. She doesn't move from her seated position.[break][break]

"I'm sorry, Alex. For a lot of things."[break][break]

She looks away, resting her head against the back of the wall, hair bunching against the surface as she becomes lost in thought. She hadn't helped relieve that immense weight on his shoulders - she had almost certainly been part of it. [break][break]

"You did the best you could, though, and that's more than a lot of people can say."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 12, 2020 18:06:59 GMT
she holds her gaze and from it comes an apology, one that's eerily similar to his. "it's okay." it comes out as a whisper, almost halfhearted. she does her best to reassure him and he expresses his appreciation with a smile, as forced as it may be, and a nod. 

"i simply hoped i could be as good of a champion as talia had been." talia, who also vacated the position to take care of family. the coincidence is there and he tries not to make it more than just that. "if i'm being honest, i still feel tired. but i'm learning to take things slow. i feel like i have to." 

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stormy, bronwen
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 13, 2020 0:47:59 GMT
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It isn't okay. It never was.[break][break]

But Stormy doesn't breath a word because apologies don't come easily - and she isn't about to ruin the moment. She's ruined too many in the past.[break][break]

Instead, the woman dips her head at his whispered reply and instead averts her gaze while he continues. All of a sudden, the mood had become quite intense and somber compared to the lighthearted play. The sweat on her brow had cooled and her accelerated heartbeat from her game of tag had finally slowed.[break][break]

"You were good - but you don't need me to tell you that."[break][break]

Stormy smiles a little bit, a forced attempt to make light of the situation. She knows the feeling of being tired all too well, she was just too stubborn to hold back. [break][break]

"Just do whatever you need to, Alex. Put yourself first."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 13, 2020 5:36:16 GMT
put himself first -- it's a concept that sounds so simple and it should be simple even in execution, but it isn't and it's because of how he was raised. to have expectations set and responsibilities assigned from a young age has made it difficult. but he's learning.

"thank you, stormy." 

the situation lightens just a little but it's enough. he steps a bit to the side and gestures to the feeding platters on the counter. there are four, so they could probably carry two each.

"i might need some help carrying these," he chuckles.

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stormy, bronwen
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 13, 2020 18:00:37 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


He thanks her and in return she offers him a small smile. In one fluid motion, she moves to slide off her perch on the table. Her feet hit the ground just as he gestures to the feeding trays. [break][break]

Realization dawns on her and she steps forward, suddenly awkward.[break][break]

"Oh, sure. Yeah."[break][break]

But she hovers, anxious to give the man space and retrieve the platters after he's already moved out of the way. She slides her hands under the trays to place them on her forearms, balancing them hopefully without incident.[break][break]

"Let's hope I have all ten fingers in a second."[break][break]

She chuckles.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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hyväksyä [c]
POSTED ON May 13, 2020 18:53:43 GMT
he too slides his hands under the trays and starts his balancing act. it tips and wobbles a little bit but it soon stabilizes. he looks to her just as she chuckles and a similar one escapes him.

"i might lose some as well." 

they start to make their way out of the shed and he can already see the little dratini perking her head up to look at them. a few more steps and the whole hoard of baby dragons is rushing towards them, though thankfully they aren't violent enough to tackle. they stop short at his feet and look up with cute eyes.

"calm down, calm down. i need everyone to sit." 

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