to axe or not to axe (mission, open)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2020 10:39:54 GMT
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Even her parents had to admit the princess hat was too much.

It was a lovely summer evening in route 120: the sun was barely visible over the high canopy, but shafts of orange/pinkish sunlight broke through the dense foliage and gave the forest a dreamy look. There were hanging lights in the clearing Skyler found herself in, alongside a crowd of people dressed in outrageously medieval clothing doing all sorts of ridiculous 'medievalesque' things.

She kicked the hat away, hoping it would simply disappear into the nether. It was bad enough that they’d convinced her to come, but they had also somehow frogmarched her into this stupid pink princess gown.

Skyler could admit, even if only to herself, that the gown was kind of pretty, but it was definitely not for her.

By her side, Vox was curiously looking around, his single red eye cautiously focusing on anyone who got too close. He was usually a very relaxed Dusknoir, but Skyler supposed that even he would feel slightly uncomfortable wearing a cape and a fake moustache. Her knight in shining armor, apparently. Sometimes her parents had such an odd sense of humor.

“Might as well make the best of the situation,” she grumbled to Vox, trying to convince herself at the same time. Her eyes followed the movement of the crowd and the dozens of wooden stands and strange activities until something caught her interest.

‘Oh, what’s that?’

Farther into the forest there was a wide field where people were throwing axes. Axes!!! Skyler’s initial thoughts on this faire were quickly turning around as her excitement grew. She could throw axes? Why hadn’t she known about this? Time to go!

It wasn’t long before she was given a turn, and a wide smile took over her face when she was given an axe - a real one! - by a slightly nervous-looking jester.

She failed all three throws. Oh, she had enough strength to gleefully lob the axe far enough, but as for hitting the target... Well.

‘No matter! I’ll just try again.’

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2020 19:58:19 GMT
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kyle had been watching her throw her axes on a spot just beside skyler. as soon as she finishes her batch, kyle tilts his head as he attempts to make small talk.

"have you tried doing this before?" he asks.

the jester gets to accommodate him as soon as he sees skyler without axes to accidentally throw across the stall with. he is given the same amount of axes to try with, muttering a soft "thanks" as he receives them.

beside him was a mightyena wearing a princess hat. it was slightly dirtied, but the pokemon doesn't seemed too bothered with the accessory put on him.

"there's supposed to be a technique or something when you do this. i'm just not sure how..."

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 9:40:45 GMT
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Skyler didn't even take the time to look at the speaker, she was too busy staring sourly at the pristine target she'd tried to hit with no success whatsoever. It seemed like it was mocking her. Her last axe was embedded in ground a full meter from the supposed target. Ugh.

"No," she responded, hands flying to her hips. "But I was sure at least one would hit. This is harder than I thought." She didn't seem glum, however, her voice steely with some sort of determination.

She finally turned her head to look at the man who had addressed her, noticing that he was readying himself to try and throw the axes himself. 

At his words, Skyler turned pensive. "No idea. Maybe it's all in the wrist..." Honestly, Skyler was totally talking out of her ass. It just seemed like a logical option. She still looked at her wrist like it had betrayed her though.

"You try it," she told the man, already itching to get those axes back. She was not a patient woman by any stretch of the imagination. But she could wait. She could.

It was then that she noticed the canine Pokémon by the man's side, sporting a dreadfully familiar princess hat. She did a double take.

'I am', she decided, 'being stalked by a hat.'

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 17:55:16 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he feels the weight of the axe in his hand. it's light enough to be thrown easily, but it's heavier than anything that he usually has in his hands. the complications of throwing it all suddenly comes flooding into him.

"y-yeah, maybe just a try."

he holds the axe overhead with a single hand and aims for the target. he chucks it forcefully as the weapon spins midair. while it does land the target, it is the handle that hits it instead of the blade.

"how do you even hit these...?" he gasps exasperatedly, still trying to think on how to get it to the target. "are you still gonna try?" he asks her. he'd probably give up if she does.

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2020 13:27:49 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

Skyler watched with bated breath as the man seemed to be weighting the weapon in his hand. She avidly followed the slight arc of of the axe as it was thrown and collided with the target.

"You did it!! You managed to hit the target!" Not with the right part of the axe, but that didn't matter to Skyler. She enthusiastically mock-punched the man's arm, her eyes gleaming. "I couldn't even get close to the damn target and you did it on your first try!"

That actually stung her pride a little bit. How complicated could axe-throwing really be if this guy had managed it on his first try? Maybe the axes were rigged.

"Wait, let me try once more."

She readied herself, positioning her feet so that she would be stable while chucking a heavy weapon through the air. The sound of festival music and talking people faded to the background while she focused. She breathed deeply, once, twice. Her hand squeezed the handle of the axe, already familiar with its weight.

"Ahh yahh!" The weapon sailed through the air straight at the target, spinning madly with the strength of her throw.

There was a moment of expectation in which Skyler daren't breathe. It was quickly cut short by the sound of something heavy hitting wood. But- where was the axe?

The woman blinked and took a step sideways. Quite a ways from the targets was a ren-faire merchant with an axe through his cart and the most pallid face Skyler had ever seen in someone.


It was time to scatter. She didn't think twice before grabbing the man's hand and running away from the crime scene, so to speak. "We gotta go!"

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2020 18:30:48 GMT
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"i think you just develop arm muscles overtime if you have dogs," he tries to explain. trying to take a whole lot of them on a walk on leashes was difficult, no matter how small they were.

he holds the axe overhead with a single hand and aims for the target. he chucks it forcefully as the weapon spins midair. while it does land the target, it is the handle that hits it instead of the blade.

kyle watches intently when she tries to have a go. "ah. good luck." it was where things get awry and kyle experiences a royal fuck up firsthand.

still in shock, kyle wasn't able to react at what he just witnessed until he feels a tug on his arm. there was sudden panic, although kyle goes with the flow regardless.

"wait, why am i suddenly an accomplice?" he asks as he lets himself get pulled away.

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2020 11:21:10 GMT
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"Wrong place wrong time?" Skyler replies to the man's question, weaving between the hordes of people and putting as much distance between herself and the axe throwing field as possible. In truth it had been instinct and nothing more that had made her grasp his hand - he'd seemed so nice and approachable.

"Excuse us, passing through!" Skyler bellowed loudly, dodging a few stunned knights that had no time to react before she bolted past them.

At the edge of the ren-faire Skyler slowed down and let go of the man's hand. She wasn't overly tired, but the shot of adrenaline she'd felt at her royal fuck up was still running through her veins and her heart seemed like it was going to jump out of her ribcage. "I wasn't expecting that," she gasped out, leaning back against a tall tree and groaning.

Then she suddenly perked up, as if remembering the man she'd dragged into this whole mess. "Oh yeah, I'm Skyler Dross," She held out her hand. "Professional diver and treasure hunter." A lopsided grin bloomed across her face. "And apparently a troublemaker also."

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2020 17:17:38 GMT
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running away wasn't new for kyle, though he usually had a valid reason from doing so most of the time.

they eventually reach an area where they can be cooling off from the heat they received from the merchant. kyle peeks out to see if they were in the safe. fortunately, they were and whoever was chasing them was nowhere to be seen.

he turns to her with the introduction, eyes widening when she shares her occupation. he'd want to go treasure hunting too, but the usual places that contain treasure, such as ruins, wasn't something he fancies venturing in.

"kyle lopez," he introduces back, giving her a firm handshake as he mirrors her. "ex-slateport pd officer that could've arrested you for destruction of property," he jests.

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2020 19:41:26 GMT
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There was a moment in which the words spoken by the man didn't fully sink in. Then, when they did, Skyler's usually tan skin turned pale as the consequences of her actions settled in. She must've looked kind of dazed, but then she noticed the jokingly way he'd said it and all the air she'd been holding in was suddenly expelled from her lungs in a huge relieved exhale. "That..." She started, her voice still kind of shaky, "That almost got me."

She shook her head, trying to dispel the last of her scare. "Kyle, ey? It's lovely to meet you. Do you get abducted by princesses often?" She asked, motioning to her ridiculous pink dress. "I hear it's all the rage now."

Now that she knew that axe-throwing was a thing in these sort of gatherings, she was curious to see what else was out there -- provided it wasn't anything that could get her arrested or the like. "Would you like to see the rest of the ren-faire? I hear they have javelin-throwing," Skyler said, teasing.

Oh yeah! Where was that dog Pokémon wearing that damned princess hat?

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2020 18:27:46 GMT
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"yeah," he responds nonchalantly. "it's actually more troublesome to get away from them than accepting your fate when you're with them."

multiple experiences with pushy women have led him to believe such. the few names that come to mind make him grumble under his breath as he tries to imagine the same situation happen with them, each simulation in his head ending in the same conclusion.

he takes a quick glance at the time with his phone, something that looks awfully out of place with the ren-faire. "yeah, sure. maybe you'll hit this time." though they were fighting words, there were no hints of malice in the tone kyle used.

before they move, kyle takes out a dog whistle tied around his neck, hidden within his shirt. he blows it, and while no sound was produced, a scampering of paws can be heard approaching. some kid's wand was held on his mouth this time.

"come on alpha, we're going." he tells his mightyena as he scratches the chin of the princess hat-wearing canine.

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to axe or not to axe (mission, open)
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2020 19:25:58 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]both of you receive the following: 50 poke, 5 infamy,[break]one free move of choice for one pokemon (redeem in site shop).
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