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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 6:20:37 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Exasperation fatigues her. It's been the better part of an hour now and she hasn't managed to budge the sleeping Snorlax. The rangers had been called to relocate the great galoot as he was sleeping at the mouth of Rusturf tunnel. There was apparently some incredibly important and time-sensitive operation to be had by a group of scientists.[break][break]

Well, not that time-sensitive anymore, hopefully. [break][break]

At least, not anymore.[break][break]

Stormy's Turtonator continues to TAUNT but to no real avail. The Pokemon is sound asleep or blatantly ignoring them somehow. And the scientists are getting heated - not that they can do anything to help make the situation any better.[break][break]

"I know, I know! I'm working on it. Give me a damn break."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: blocks your path


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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 7:14:45 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]through mere coincidence or perhaps a greater power at play, lance finds himself working together with a member of the elite four again. he arrives on the scene after the call was out put and he blames his lack of flying-types for his tardiness.

"afternoon, gentlemen. stormy." 

tension clings to the air and he can feel it weighing down on them. one look as all it takes to tell him the scientists are heated and impatient but they're just scientists so what's the worst they could do. still, lance releases his vileplume and steps in between the group.

"you all seem a bit tense. why don't we all just take a breather?" 

tera takes that as her cue to release a soothing scent of AROMATHERAPY that looks to calm emotions. it certainly works for lance; his posture relaxes as he approaches stormy.

"need my help?"

[newclass=.lancepost]font:10px calibri;[/newclass]
[newclass=.lancepost b]color:#dea02c;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 7:54:36 GMT
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"Finally, you're here. What took you so--"[break][break]

Frustration laces her tone with aggression until the AROMATHERAPY takes hold. She takes a deep breath, finding that her tense shoulders and bad attitude are relaxing. Her severe expression softens in recognition of the man - but it's unclear whether it's because of Lance or because of his handy Pokemon.[break][break]

"Yes - actually. I could use your help. The Snorlax won't move-- wait."[break][break]

The AROMATHERAPY has helped her think of something. She snaps her fingers, reaches for her belt, retrieves her Rotom. Upon entry it begins to UPROAR, stirring the Snorlax from his slumber with a grumpy groan. [break][break]

"Get ready for a fight - unless you think you can talk this guy down, too."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: blocks your path


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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 8:03:01 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]the AROMATHERAPY also saves him from the venom in her her bad attitude. how lucky. but he's certain he would have been able to handle it regardless. he winks when her expression softens.

"i'm sure i could but this is your call." 

the snorlax stirs awake and despite the expressionless eyes he senses the rage it exudes. tera stands her ground but lance steps in front of her. the vileplume isn't trained for this. in almost a flash the snorlax bursts forward, leaping off the ground as it looks to BODY SLAM the entire group.

a burst of light stops the snorlax in its place. it bounces back and lands on the ground with a thud. the dust settles to reveal his shedinja, lifeless in the air above them. aave flutters forward.

"after you."

[newclass=.lancepost]font:10px calibri;[/newclass]
[newclass=.lancepost b]color:#dea02c;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 8:35:17 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


"My call.. my call.." [break][break]

She repeats his encouragement with a dull tone in her voice, perhaps unconvinced at this point. She seems tired, perhaps having suffered a long day as it is.[break][break]

But she rolls her shoulders and sighs as the Snorlax gets to his feet with a great fuss. He was already swinging his arms ready to deck someone.[break][break]

Thankfully, she manages to get out of harm's way.[break][break]

"Someone's cranky."[break][break]

Lance's Shedinja is the one that saves all of them from a broken back, however, and she's thankful for it. Stormy reaches for a few of her fighting-type fire-starters. They help taunt, along with the actually TAUNTING Turtonator, to pull the Snorlax out of the tunnel.[break][break]

Baby steps.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: blocks your path


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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 8:45:47 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]"to be fair i'd be cranky too if someone woke me up like that." to be awoken by an UPROAR sounds so anger-inducing that he doesn't even bother to consider it. he just assumes it is. he turns to her, chuckling. "i can only imagine your reaction." 

the TAUNT takes its effects and the snorlax falls for it as if it were food. it charges forward, keen on using what HIGH HORSEPOWER it has to close the distance. it may move at an unprecedented speed but lance is quick to react. he scoops tera up in his arms before turning to the scientists.

"you might want to run." 

no amount of AROMATHERAPY can soothe the panic the scientists feel as they book it out of the tunnel. the sight is amusing and lance is left chuckling as he too follows them. aave sticks behind and assists should it need to, but it seems like stormy has it handled.

[newclass=.lancepost]font:10px calibri;[/newclass]
[newclass=.lancepost b]color:#dea02c;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 13:54:26 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


"Note taken."[break][break]

She says this with a smile as they hurry their way out of the tunnel. The HIGH HORSEPOWER Snorlax is a force to be reckoned with, and they break the surface of the tunnel to duck to the side just in time. [break][break]

Ultimately, all it takes is a bit of back and forth sparring before the Snorlax is overwhelmed, confused, and unsure what it even was that he was angry about.[break][break]

The loud gurgle of a hungry belly reverberates all the way through the tunnel. It startles several sleeping Pokemon, mostly Zubat, and they file out of the dark tunnel and into the sky.[break][break]

"We don't happen to have a mountain of berries on hand, do we? We could use some to coax this big guy back to sleep, just somewhere less inconvenient."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: blocks your path


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POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 19:55:56 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]the tunnel breaks into the open and the rush of fresh air that hits him is refreshing. he steps to the side and avoids the snorlax while keeping a close eye on the group of scientists. tera wiggles in his arms into a more comfortable position and while lance hadn't intended on carrying her for long, he decides to now.

"i only have the one but i was saving it for later. this baby girl can put it to sleep once you move it to a better location." lance lifts the vileplume up ever so slightly as he speaks and makes her presence known. he looks back to the snorlax and sizes it up. "i heard devon will take in pokemon here."

[newclass=.lancepost]font:10px calibri;[/newclass]
[newclass=.lancepost b]color:#dea02c;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 3:27:19 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


She presses against the wall, heart pounding because they had, after all, almost been run over by a 400lb goliath.[break][break]

Her hand bumps his and she instinctively glances down at them before relaxing her shoulders and letting her hands return to her side. Stormy looks at the adorable Vileplume tucked in his arm, a fond smile on her face.[break][break]

"That'll work. Come on."[break][break]

All they had to do was herd the Pokemon without getting anyone hurt - and without hurting it further. It had, after all, just fallen asleep in the tunnel by coincidence.[break][break]

Lance does, however, bring forth an involuntary sucking of teeth at the mention of Devon. She rolls her shoulder, pushing away her discomfort.[break][break]

"Good idea - I'll leave a message with Alexander."[break][break]

He could handle it himself, surely, after they put the beast back to sleep.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: blocks your path


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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 9:25:18 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]maybe unsurprising to some, lance's heart continues to beat at a relatively normal rate despite the near-death experience with the snorlax. he breathes the remnants of tera's AROMATHERAPY as he peers up at the large creature.

"oh you know him personally," escapes him but he isn't surprised. she's an elite four and he's a gym leader; it only makes sense that they'd be familiar with each other because that's how the league should work. 

they begin herding the snorlax through whatever means. the scientists are free to rush through the tunnel now and lance waves them goodbye as they pass him. they do not return the wave nor the smile.

[newclass=.lancepost]font:10px calibri;[/newclass]
[newclass=.lancepost b]color:#dea02c;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 15:03:34 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


The pace is slow, the Snorlax deciding to eat anything and everything in its path. Whether that be berry trees or just trees in general, they were uprooted devoured in great swallowing gulps.[break][break]

As such, the pace was starting to slow down as the Snorlax grew more and more tired.[break][break]

Stormy casts a brief glance at Lance, only now realizing how informal and 'buddy buddy' her earlier response had sounded. Perhaps it was unusual for people to refer to Alexander as... Alexander.[break][break]


She says nothing further than that, however, a note of dejection in her voice.[break][break]

"I think we can put it to sleep now, if your Vileplume is ready."[break][break]

Like the scientists did to them, Stormy does not smile or wave as they disappear. They're ungrateful jerks and she isn't about to pretend to be polite to people who won't give her the same respect.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: blocks your path


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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 16:09:54 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]there's something more to her words but he decides not to pry further. it's not his business, and honestly, he cares little for her relationships with other people. all that matters to him is theirs.

"tera," he lowers the grass-type to the ground and watches her take a step forward. she squats down real low before jumping upwards; a cloud of SLEEP POWDER releases at the same time and drifts over to the snorlax. it takes a few seconds for the effects to work but eventually the snorlax falls asleep.

lance turns to stormy, smiling. "good job, partner."

[newclass=.lancepost]font:10px calibri;[/newclass]
[newclass=.lancepost b]color:#dea02c;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 16:22:51 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Stormy steps aside when the Vileplume is set down. A wafting breeze sprinkles her with just enough of the SLEEP POWDER to make her sneeze and feel just the slightest bit uncomfortably drowsy.[break][break]

It warrants a vague text to briefing him on the Snorlax waiting for him. She means to send a thumbs up emoji but instead sends a kissy face - they're her most frequently used.[break][break]

She doesn't think to proofread because she's Stormy Silph, and instead pockets her phone and rubs at her eye while Lance smiles at her.[break][break]

"Partner? That's new. I thought Lance Vollans worked alone."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: blocks your path


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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 16:47:10 GMT
[attr="class","lancepost"]"you tell me. i always seem to end up working with you." not that he minds, but he keeps that to himself. the smile might give him away though.

the last of the SLEEP POWDER disperses and the snorlax rumbles back and forth before collapsing to the ground. the impact causes the earth to shake slightly.

"working with someone isn't so bad."

[newclass=.lancepost]font:10px calibri;[/newclass]
[newclass=.lancepost b]color:#dea02c;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 16:54:32 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


"Is that a bad thing?"[break][break]

She catches his smile but she'd prefer hearing the truth come from his mouth. She reflects his smile but looks away, watching the Snorlax fall asleep and fall to the ground. His snores are soft despite his massive body. The ground trembles from the impact.[break][break]

"No? And what made you change your mind?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: blocks your path


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