Harpoon [SS/C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
Harpoon [SS/C]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 19:26:05 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]there's a small increase in the smile she wears, if only because kaida's fumbling over her gratitude is precious and she's suddenly so thankful that if she had to be attacked by pirates with anyone, she's incredibly glad it's kaida.

of course, the smile disappears a moment later. the smell of blood begins to coat the air, thick and metallic and heavy. she could almost choke on it, she realizes. and yet, she doesn't. instead, it fuels her a little further because she can't tell if it's theirs, the pirates, or the civilians.

"throw them off," she barks out, voice slightly drowned out by the sound of kaida's bark. it catches her off guard, eyes darting to the side to see if she heard it correctly. is that how she communicates with her pokemon? curious! she'll have to try to remember this, remember the kind of order given. the actual meaning escapes her but the sound will remain, that much is certain.

her ninetales and golurk join kaida's pokemon in throwing the pirates overboard. she doesn't stop to consider that they're meeting their deaths or that her ninetales has already managed to usher a few into the next life. no, she doesn't want to have that weigh on her shoulders. instead, she shifts her attention to kaida, to the people still remaining on the boat.

"is everyone alright?" she calls out, eyes lingering on kaida for only a moment longer before she's shifting to check. people give her varying looks of discomfort. some, frightened and others? others are relieved. she can't decide which category to place herself in. and so, she offers a small smile to each of the people she passes before finally returning to kaida's side.

a soft sigh escapes, a hand runs through her hair, and she looks worn out. "do you think it's over..?"

god, she hopes so.

meanwhile, her golurk succeeds in throwing one of the last pirates overboard, a sinister snicker escaping the automaton when the scream is swallowed by water.

4/4 prompts used!

[newclass=.illie] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
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Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
Harpoon [SS/C]
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2020 1:31:20 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Kaida finally uncovers her eyes as Illeana draws closer, eyes rolling over her and those she was tasked with protecting. They were ok, they were all truly ok. They did it. [break][break]

She didn't say anything just yet, stumbling over to the side of the ship that the pirates had arrived from. Nothing. Nobody. The only thing she found was that the side of the ship was frozen over, covering a jagged hole. Rubbing her face tiredly, she turned back to Illean, "It's all over. They're done." She extended two Pokeballs, returning both Din and Njor. Her Pokemon were hurt, but she didn't quite feel comfortable with returning Draugr and Ormr until they were safe. [break][break]

Said Pokemon patrolled energetically, feeling a familiar responsibility. Today's scenario wasn't against Pokemon, but humans, and it was no danger. They had fed, fought, and now the territory was theirs. Just like old times, so why wasn't Kaida acting happy this time?

"We gotta go home." Her voice was rather pleading, not only for the ship not being fit to travel any longer, but her own encroaching tiredness. "I gotta go home. I'm hungry." A dire need to calm down occupied every moment of this situation, to put herself back into place, espicially in front of so many people. [break][break]

She leaned down and hauled up Ormr, hating how her hands shook. The serpent was calm enough, bumping his head To hers before slithering off. If she acted like them, wild and unsympathetic to her enemies...she couldn't imagine what kind of view people would have on her. She needed to calm down. To calm down, she could eat something or-goodness, she hoped it wouldn't be too awkward, and she already succumbed to a sort of wildness. "U-um, Illeana, I'm sorry." She whimpered before tossing her arms forward, an awkward hug for the sake of her own sanity. She would never pull this normally, but the nauseating heartbeat in her throat was almost too much. She could let go in just a moment, but she needed the moment to hide her teeth, to appear the normal Kaida.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Sink or Swim! (4/4)


template by kay

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
Harpoon [SS/C]
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2020 18:47:31 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]"thank god," she breathes out when kaida turns toward her. she doesn't bother to join her at the side of the boat. no, she doesn't want to see the aftermath, the bodies struggling only to relent to the ocean's ferocity. instead, she'll linger in place, even as her pokemon make their way back to her side.

"you did well," she whispers, shifting to stroke the ninetales' head before turning to the golurk and flashing it a warm smile. it raises a clay fist, as if expecting a fist bump. and naturally, she'd never deny the precious automaton so her fist rises to meet cool clay.

her attention is snagged by kaida, however, as her friend begins speaking once more. right, they can't stay out here in the ocean forever. the boat has taken too much damage and if she had to guess, it might not last much longer. a moment of contemplation settles across her features as if she's uncertain of exactly what to do. how are they supposed to get all of these people out of here? fuck, it really hadn't been a good idea to not bring a dragon with her... or, better yet, something with wings and a big enough body to carry multiple people. damn.

and while she doesn't want to voice her own anxieties, kaida is voicing her own and she feels compelled to do the same. "how do we get everyone out of here?" hesitation clings to each word, each syllable dripping with uncertainty. and then, as if distracted by the sudden onslaught of concern for kaida, she drifts closer, hands raising for a tentative moment before awkwardly falling back to her side. "you're hungry? are you able to wait until we get back to land or do you need something now? i -- i can buy you as much food as you want." mothering illeana has arrived.

as quickly as her concern rises, it doubles the moment kaida begins to apologize. her mouth opens to question it but there's no time for her to get a word out before arms are wrapping around her and she's pulled into an embrace. her cheeks radiate heat, turning from pale to rosy pink within seconds. surprise fades into understanding and she's not afraid to tug kaida a little closer, to pull her tight into the hug. "it's okay," she whispers, her hands beginning to slowly rub circles into the muscles of her back. and while she's used to being overly affectionate with friends, this almost means more because she knows kaida well enough to recognize that she doesn't usually show affection. she'll soak it up while she can and be as comforting as possible.

there's no hesitation this time when she pulls away enough to lock eyes with her friend. and the smile she flashes is warm and almost bright. "let's go home."

4/4 prompts used!

[newclass=.illie] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
Harpoon [SS/C]
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2020 20:38:18 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



Kaida breaks away after a few seconds, head down as whispers, "Apologies. And thank you. I'll take care of myself when we get home." She managed to compose her face once more, appearing the picture of calm. The only giveaway was the way her hands clasped together, fingers pawing at each other in nervous energy. Whether it was the mothering or her near loss of faux calmness that had rattled her, she wasn't sure yet. [break][break]

"Draugr, come here." She ordered over the dragon-type, taking in its huge size. As a ghost-types, it didn't need to expend much energy in flight, and could likely carry quite a bit of weight. "I think Draugr here can carry quite a few people and, if all fails, I have two water-types who can tow people...but I'd rather not do that unless we sink." She didn't voice another possible plan, freezing the waters with Blizzard. It was simply a desperate back up just in case all else failed. They couldn't be too far from a city, they'd just need to push a little bit. [break][break]

"Do you have anyone that can fly?" She asked curiously, eyes flicking over to the Golurk. She had heard rumors and legends of such Pokemon flying, and had no idea if such stories held water. Nonetheless, she started calling over the civilians, patting Draugr as she pouted with humans clambering all over her back and head. [break][break]

They were going home.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Sink or Swim! (4/4)


template by kay

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[newclass=.league b]font-weight:bold;color:#dea02c;[/newclass]
[newclass=.divide]width:auto;height:1px;border-bottom:solid 1px #1a1a1a;[/newclass]

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
Harpoon [SS/C]
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2020 21:00:30 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]her smile is reassuring even as kaida pulls away. "no worries, really," she murmurs, a little too bright given they just had to haul some pirates overboard. a hand rises to tame messy hair back from her face but the wind merely whips it back up within moments. the hand returns back to her side, giving up on the endeavor. "please make sure you get a lot of food in your system." again, definitely mothering but it comes from a place of pure affection. and as if she can somehow feel kaida's unease radiating from her hands, illeana reaches out in an attempt to intertwine their fingers. if allowed, her hand will give a gentle squeeze.

the dragapult drifts closer, summoned back to their side and she's glancing toward the dual type with a curious look. right, dragons are big enough to transport multiple people and the addition of a ghost typing certainly helps. hm... did smooth brain illie forget to throw a few extra pokeballs onto her belt or did she plan ahead? her free hand drifts to check, a relieved smile rising soon after. three extra pokeballs rest on one side of her hips. good going, illie. you're not totally dense yet. "right," she murmurs, glancing back toward kaida with a wider smile. "hopefully we won't have to resort to towing people through the water." she really hopes not, truthfully. although it seems they might not have to.

at kaida's question, illeana tilts her head to the side as if considering something. and realistically, it's most likely out of curiosity as to which extra pokemon she managed to bring along. there's a brief pause where she takes the opportunity to usher her sobble back into his ball. poor thing managed to somehow sleep through most of this... not sure how but he managed. and then, she's following kaida's gaze toward her golurk. "well, deus can fly. i think, anyway. i haven't exactly tested that out yet," there's a sheepish laugh that follows before she's recalling her ninetales as well. and then, once both pokemon not capable of flight are safely in their capsules does she begin to plan out her next course of action.

"i think i brought along one or two just in case but i'm not sure which ones?" another laugh, this one definitely a little more embarrassed than it should be. she's stepping closer to the automaton, a hand drifting to her belt. "hopefully one's capable of flight, at least."

and turns out, smooth brain illie isn't totally a thing yet.

two flashes of light bring with them the revealing of dragons. a salamence and a dragonite, both of which look a little less than pleased to be here. illeana pats a hand against each of their shoulders before flashing kaida a bright smile. "this should be enough, right?" she doesn't bother to wait for an answer. instead, she'll follow suit in ushering civilians toward the makeshift group. some cling to each dragon while the more daring ones opt for the automaton. and naturally, illeana joins her golurk for the ride. "let's get these people out of here!"

hopefully the ride back won't be half as bumpy as this trip has been.

4/4 prompts used!

[newclass=.illie] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illie i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
Harpoon [SS/C]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2020 4:51:45 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]both of you receive the following: 50 poke, 5 infamy,[break]1x free evolution (redeemable in the site shop).
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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP