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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 31, 2018 17:07:12 GMT
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If there was one thing he was proud of about his Pokemon, it was that they don't even bother to cause trouble whenever Kyle was around. They never left his side ever since they hatched from their eggs, which made him wonder if the obedience would stick once he was out of the picture. Their consistency was even enough for Kyle to contemplate on letting all of them out of their Pokeballs on most occasions.

They were overly friendly too, especially to those they deemed not to be too dangerous. Sometimes, it brought a hint of jealously from their trainer.

The small pack of Dark-types crowded over the first trainer they saw once Kyle let them loose for a while on the town park. There were no barking or yapping, but instead, harassed the individual with simply blocking their feet, walking aimlessly in circles around them with an occasional swat of a paw or two.

Kyle watched from afar, glaring at the said person that had managed to catch the attention of all six of his Poochies. He sat on a bench on the far end of the park, legs spread with arms crossed. No word came out from him, though the aura he exudes was hardly unnoticeable once someone managed to catch a glimpse of him. He tried to convince himself that this was nothing to feel bad for, and was advantageous for him if they bother someone else rather than him.

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POSTED ON Oct 31, 2018 17:36:17 GMT
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why go to a park when you have acres of backyard to explore ?

that's a good question - - city folk would probably ask the farm boy that if they found out he worked on one . what they didn't realize is that he has lived on the same patch of land for eighteen years and has probably seen almost everything there is to see on that ranch .

so , that was what drove him to go to the park - - to experience something else besides the farm . and that's where he met six , happy little pups - - poochyenas ! they were absolutely adorable , circling around his legs , almost causing him to trip , looking up at him with their cute under bites . he had to stop , not wanting to step on one - - but also so he could squat down and gently rub one's head . and then another one wanted THEIR head rubbed - - and another and another . soon enough , bradley was having a hard time staying in this position .

as he played with the pups , wondering where their owner was , he threw his brilliant blue eyes up and saw a man a few hundred feet away , glowering at him like some kind of purrugly . clearing his throat , he gave a charming little smile , white teeth a great contrast to his tan skin . ' mornin' ! ' he exclaimed loudly , one hand raising in the air to wave and the other one being used to satiate the attention thirsty pups . ' are these yers ? if so , they're absolute doll babies ! ' he laughed as one nibbled on his finger , attention being diverted back down to the poochyena .

after a few more seconds , he looked back up , grinning now . ' why don't ya come introduce me to them , hm ? ' he didn't want to yell across the park anymore and it would be better to have a conversation with someone closer . ' i don't bite , darlin' ! '

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2018 15:31:15 GMT
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There was no point in avoiding confrontation now that he has been recognized by the enemy, he supposed. He remained on his seat despite the greeting, though he did acknowledge the greeting with the raise of his right hand. While he trusted his Pokemon's judgement of one's character, Kyle wasn't the type to try and act friendly on strangers.

"They're not supposed to be dolls,"
he corrected. There was a pause, taking his glance away for a moment before continuing. "Can't deny that they are though."

His tone lightened up. He can't possibly remain negative when it came to talking about his dogs. The scowl on his face eased up, though the nonchalant expression remained. He rose from his seat upon the invitation, sliding his hands on his pockets as he made a light jog towards the boy and his dogs. His group of Poochyena paid no mind to their trainer as he closed in on them, however.

"Is that even needed? You guys look acquainted already anyways?" He eyed the dogs, all of them still trying to interact with Bradley while effectively ignoring Kyle. It wasn't like he needed them to do something and cut their play time with their new playmate. A sigh escaped him, knowing that he found no reason to deny the request.

"Oi, Poochies," he called, finally taking their attention and temporarily getting them to stop. "This is, uh...?" He waited for the blonde to finish the introduction.

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POSTED ON Nov 2, 2018 18:43:38 GMT
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bradley didn't let the man's almost sour attitude affect him in any way . he knew that some men were just gruff like that - - besides , it was almost charming how he continued to uphold a stoic form despite talking about his precious little dogs . the breeder could tell that . . . ' kyle ' ( he read on the name tag ) loved his poochyenas very much - - after all , that glare hadn't been out of meanness , but jealousy . he had seen that look before .

' bradley holland ! ' he announced with a hand to his chest , eyes staring directly at the other male . ' i hope that's a nice enough name fer ya , kyle . ' his smile turned into a grin , flashing those pearly whites of his .

the boy then turned his attention back to those pups , patting them on the head . ' yeah , yeah , y'all heard it - - my name's bradley holland ! i run a breeding center over in lavaridge ! y'all might've come from there , ya know ? ' he was teasing , knowingly joking with them as they couldn't understand human speech .

' whatcha doin' out here today , hm ? ' he glanced back up , scanning his body once and soaking in kyle's clothes and demeanor .

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2018 17:38:26 GMT
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"It's a better name than mine," he replied with a smirk. He held out a hand for a handshake, feeling that he should formally introduce himself. "Pleasure to meet you. Kyle Lopez."

The baby talk he gave to his team led Kyle to believe that the Poochyena's new friend was used to dealing with the younger Pokemon, only to be proven right as he mentioned being a breeder. He supposed it wouldn't be bad to introduce him to his Pokemon when the intent to befriend was mutual for them. Besides, having his Pokemon as the topic of a conversation was one of the only things he could find himself comfortable talking about.

He'd turn the attention to the group of Poochyena huddling around the breeder for pets. "That one's Alpha," he'd introduce, pointing to one of them, before switching his pointing finger to another. "There's Bravo, and Charlie, and..." He paused midway the introduction, scratching the back of his head before eyeing Bradley once again. "Er, you can guess the others' names. You're free to just call them Poochy A to F."

"P-Poochies needed exercise." His eyes caught Bradley's, suddenly finding himself nervous from being stared at. "Park may not be the best destination on retrospect. They get, uh, distracted easily. At the very least they meet new friends. They probably get bored of each other every now and then." He shifted his eyes back to his Pokemon as he spoke, trying to ease himself back from getting too conscious about himself.

"How about you?" He asked, glancing back up as he returned the question back. "I suppose you're not here just to pet the park doggies."

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POSTED ON Nov 3, 2018 23:54:35 GMT
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when the hand was stretched outwards , bradley happily took kyle up on his offer , gripping it tightly and shaking . ' i think it's a wonderful name , darlin' . ' he grinned happily before releasing his grip and standing to his full height .

' very military - like names , huh . . . well , it's cute either way ! i'll be sure ta call 'em each individually from now on . ' he glanced down at the poochyenas , watching as they sniffed around his feet and jeans . they probably smelled all the other pokemon he cared for . . . that would be a lot of smells !

bradley was quick to pick up on the slightly nervous tilt that kyle was expressing - - strange to see such a large man get flustered like that . . . but it was nice in his eyes . it showed that he wasn't a cardboard cut out of a man - - he was unique in his own special way . ' well , they certainly met a new friends taday ! if they need exercise so badly , they're more'n welcome ta come run 'round on my property ! i got a looootta space n' a lotta pokemon , so , they'll have more friends than they can count - - n' a big place ta explore ! ' the invitation was honest and sincere - - he would love to have someone bring their pokemon over for a play date !

' oh , me ? well , i was jus' wantin' a small change'a pace , i guess . been on the farm fer so long , i almos' fergot there was somethin' more'n jus' that , ya know ? ' he laughed gently , not tearing his eyes away from kyle .

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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2018 4:14:28 GMT
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"I'm not too creative with names, but I got to differentiate them somehow," he confessed. He'd give them better names if he could. He wouldn't normally go out of his way to give his Pokemon nicknames that suited them, but the Poochyenas held a special place in his heart. He wouldn't deny that he couldn't be bothered to give them names back then before it got too troublesome.

Kyle found himself nodding at his statement, finding himself relating to what he had been saying. "I feel you, I feel you." He'd stop, maintaining eye contact back again once he did. "I used to stay back at home for long periods of time. Talking a trip once in a while does you good." In his case, however, was just him locking himself up in his room to play his games. He outgrew them at one point, with his motivation being that he needed some way to fund his hobby.

"Oh yeah, your ranch," he'd blurt out. Lavaridge was a hike from both his hometown and the places he tends to stay at. "I might take your offer on that. Lavaridge, right?" The Poochyena on his feet kept running around despite Kyle not actually paying them any attention besides an occasional stare here and there to make sure they're still alive.

"You need a hobby if all you're doing is doing all that farm work. Do you have one?"


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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2018 19:01:24 GMT
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' cooooorrect ! ' he grinned from ear to ear , nodding . ' it's in lavaridge - - bigges' one there , in fact ! can't miss the darn thing . unless ya're blind , of course . ' bradley bent over once more and continued to play with the poochyenas , rubbing their heads and poking their noses .

his ears seemed to prick a little as kyle began talking once more - - he gave the pokemon one more pat before standing back up and placing his hands on his hips . ' a hobby , eh ? ' he questioned , closing his eyes before shaking his head . ' nah , nah , i ain't got a hobby . . . except fer my ranch . it's 'bout as close to a hobby as i got at this moment . . . unless ya wanna help me find a hobby ! '

' n' yes , before ya ask , i enjoy breedin' pokemon . but , if ya help me get a hobby'r somethin' , then i'll most definitely let ya stay on my ranch fer a period'a time ! it'll be fun , don'tcha think ? '

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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2018 3:14:54 GMT
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The comment came without Kyle thinking twice about it. He had indulged himself in hobbies and had only stopped to doing so when the need to take responsibility in his life caught up with him. He did not think of himself as a work person, given that he'd take the opportunity to slack off any time, and so he was unable to think that someone would outlive their childhood without something that took their interest aside from work.

"I mean, I get you. Having these six is similar to having a nursery at home. Takes up a lot of time just to make sure they don't break things." He supposed it was a reason why he did not have anything else. "So, uh, your fun comes from... breeding Pokemon?"

He resisted having to shake his head, opting for a sigh instead. "That's a weird hobby, but I'll, uh, I won't judge you for it." He crossed his arms, laying his head low as he mused on things. "Yeah, maybe I should show you my stuff." It wasn't exactly for anyone given that each person might have different tastes, that much he knew.

Then again, he rarely got invited to come over. The thought alone made him consider it greatly. Besides, he already agreed on that subject.

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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2018 4:58:57 GMT
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he figured his answer would garner that kind of reaction . ' ah , yes , i know , that sounds very weird . but it's fun seein' baby pokemon grow up n' change . over time their personalities shape them into the pokemon they're gonna be n' i jus' think that's so cool ! ' like kyle talking about his poochies , bradley's face glowed , but about ten times as bright as the other man's .

' i'd love ta see yer stuff n' see what hobbies you have ! that would be super fun , i believe ! '

having kyle over sure would be an experience for the both of them . bradley loved showing people around and enjoyed introducing them to his pokemon . not only that , but he was in need of some friends - - lavaridge was a small town , after all . . . most of the citizens were actually composed of elderly folk , just because the hot springs were soothing to their old bones . they were pretty nice ! but they weren't suitable friends for a teenage boy .

in exchange , kyle would learn some new things ! not only that , but he would be able to watch the absolutely joyful ramblings that bradley went on when he explained things . it was quite adorable , no matter your sexuality .

speaking of adorable , the way the light hit his hair and lit his face up was stunning to say the least . . . could kyle be any more lucky ?

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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2018 18:35:51 GMT
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"It's not really that unique of a past time, to be honest. Don't get your hopes up."

He'd grab his nape, rubbing the back of his neck as he downplays the things he does on his free time. He had gotten considerably less time to go for what he wants now that he has to accept the life of a full grown adult, which was a reality he has yet to fully grasp, but he'd manage to squeeze some time here and there.

His Poochies were young and impressionable anyways that he could just leave them to play with each other. The only thing they needed was a huge space, which Bradley seemed to have no problem providing. Getting them to get their exercise in the park warrants him to watch over them anyways. The compromise was good enough for him.

Still, part of him also wanted to do this since he felt bad for him having that cheesy reasoning.

Resting his hands on his hips, he'd glance sideways as he brought himself deep in thought. "Then again, it don't think gaming could be worse than what you have currently. Breeding's like a long term kind of thing, and I don't think I can see myself having fun in that." He couldn't really judge him for that though, despite having already said it, since he does nothing productive with his time anyways.

It was only then that he realized how others might perceive the words he spouted. "Er, uh, I mean-" Flustered, he wasn't sure how else he could save himself from that statement.

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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2018 19:16:44 GMT
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the way those words could have been misconstrued went right over his head . he hadn't a clue that they would have been misinterpreted by anyone !

' ya play video games ? ' he questioned , tilting his head to one side and blinking up at the man curiously . ' i ain't never really played 'em before , so , i wouldn't know , ahhh . ' his attention was brought down to his feet where one bold pup started clambering up his leg - - it wasn't able to crawl all the way up there , however , so the blonde bent down and picked it up . seeing how it wriggled in his hands , he grinned , pressing tiny kisses to its nose before holding it in his arms like a baby .

he was soon brought back to kyle , raising a brow . ' ya know . . . i wouldn't mind learnin' , if ya'd like ta teach me . be like that scene in that one old school movie where the dead guy is behind a woman while she's doin' pottery stuff , movin' her hands up n' down to mold this clay pot - - but it'll be with video games ! ' his grin was persistent as he rocked the pup slowly , scratching between its ears .

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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2018 3:40:50 GMT
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"You're missing out then."

His expression went to a fond smile, finding out that his words weren't taken seriously by him. Perhaps it was relief that he still hasn't lost his touch with his limited social skills. It was mostly from his satisfaction of his own skills rather than the enthusiasm of the topic being talked about, and it was to change into a more neutral and confused one as he was asked.

"I, uh, don't think two hands can fit a controller that well. Or keyboard." His mind tried to think of how it would be comfortable for both parties since there wasn't much to know about how to handle a controller like the finesse required for pottery or other things that warrant literal hand holding to learn.

"I'll get you one of those more casual ones, I guess. Something easy so we don't have to do that."


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POSTED ON Nov 14, 2018 4:39:24 GMT
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' oh , i was mainly jokin' ! but , yeah , i gotcha , kyle ! ' he's still happy as can be - - and now ? well , now he's pretty darn excited to hang out with his new friend ! ' alright , so - - we can jus' head ta yer place if that's alright with you . '

bradley was extremely hesitant to set down the little poochyena . it was just so cute and cuddly that he wanted to hold onto it forever ! but , alas , he couldn't - - so , with one last little kiss to the nose and a pat on the head , he handed the poochie to kyle , grin softening to a smaller smile .

' i'm excited ta play with ya ! '

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