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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
east of eden [m]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2021 16:53:11 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
"That isn't--"

She doesn't have time to explain, but how could she? Isn't that exactly what she had said? It was, because it was true. He had punched someone in front of her, been seething with rage and had asked her to leave. Wasn't that how it had went? He had told her to go and get them drinks so that she wouldn't see.

But she had.

Or maybe it hadn't happened like that.

All of a sudden she couldn't remember the details, only the sound of his knuckles connecting with the other man's jaw.

"Did he? Violence is not the answer to problems, Greyson."

Her voice is stern, defensive in the face of his own. She can taste his bitterness and his anger, and although it isn't exactly unfair of him to be angry, the intensity of it and the accusations behind it make her sad.

"I had to go, it was my Father. Before I met you, he was the only person I had to care about. I'm sorry I didn't do better, but I did what I thought I had to."

The dinner she's made in the oven has begun to warm up her apartment and leak flavorful smells in the air. It makes her nauseous.

"I do care about you. But it wasn't you that I saw dying alone in a hospital bed in a crazy fever dream."
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july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
east of eden [m]
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2021 15:25:24 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
"I.. know."

She can feel it even through the phone, how his eyebrows come together and he grinds his teeth to keep from expressing his frustration. Or maybe she's assuming the worst again, painting a picture in her mind of what she wanted him to do. She deserved it. She deserved his anger and his frustration, she deserved being shouted at, scolded. She had let him down.

I will be your shield, but she had failed to be just that.


Her mind is blank, because no reasonable excuse comes to mind. Her actions didn't make sense then, and they didn't now. But to tell him that she didn't know why wouldn't help and wasn't really the truth.

What was she to say?

"I was scared of you, scared of the choice I made in the dream, scared of myself. I- I don't know, I panicked."

She lets her voice fall away while she thinks.

"You punched someone, Greyson. I have never seen you that upset, so upset you'd hurt someone else. It scared me."
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july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
east of eden [m]
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2021 13:51:05 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
She can hear the rustle of him as he lays down, but she assumes it to be something else. Her mind automatically assumes the worst- that he's busy and she's pulling him from something. That he would prefer to be anywhere but in the moment, on the other end of the phone. She wasn't his anymore, she had made that clear when she'd left without a goodbye.

How she wished she could go back in time.

"To see my dad, in Kalos. I thought that something had happened-- I don't know what happened to me at the party, but I thought that he might be in danger."

The more she talks about it out loud, the less realistic it seems to feel. It had just been a dream, a nightmare of desire that lead to destruction. Her affection for Greyson had lead her astray and she had watched her father decline. It was silly, because he was the strongest man she had ever met.

But because she had chose Greyson, the interdream had told her she would lose her father.

"It wasn't real. The nightmare wasn't real, and he's safe, and I'm safe. I was scared, Greyson, and I'm sorry."
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july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
east of eden [m]
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2021 13:15:35 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
Leaving him had been a mistake, it had been a moment of weakness. Panic had gripped her tighter than she anticipated, pulling her from his side in an instant.

And for nothing.

Hi Gwen.

She misses the feeling of her fingers laced through his, of his constant warmth, his shoulder pressed to hers. They're too far apart, lead astray, a knot once steadfast now severed.

"... Home. I went home." Why did that word sound so.. wrong? Like a lie. "I needed to see my father. I-I saw something at the Soiree that scared me."

She bites her bottom lip, hard, to still the trembling. Her fingers tighten around the phone more, the phone case groans.

But it hadn't just been the interdream mist that had scared her.
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july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
east of eden [m]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2021 22:49:01 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
It rings for longer than it ever has. Each time the singsong note trills, the heavier her heart feels, the tighter her fingers squeeze the phone. Dread fills her with self-doubt and the itch to cancel the call.

For a moment she pulls it away to consider it, watching the seconds tick up. Her thumb hovers the end call button.

But then she hears his voice, and nearly fumbles the phone instead. His tone is questioning, as it should be, and she hurriedly presses her phone back to her cheek to catch the tail-end of his hello. Her heart thumps loudly, tears well up in her eyes.

"It is so good to hear your voice."

Her voice trembles a bit, would he hear it?

"Greyson, I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry."
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played by


july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
east of eden [m]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 19:26:00 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
Guilt twists greedy fingers into her stomach, holding tight with no indication of letting go.

She'd never run before, never run from anything, from anyone. She had been taught to be brave, to be confident, to hold her ground and to be the force against all fear. She was a butler, a guardian, a protector.

And she had run the moment shit had hit the fan.

The fog, or the mist, or whatever it had been in that ballroom had shown her her worse fears. It had shown her pain and dread, manifesting in her chest and making it impossible to ignore. But when she'd shown up on her father's doorstep, breathless and panicked, he had been standing right in front of her looking exactly the same as when she'd left.

He was fine, and she had been tricked, and her own guilt had prevented her from making amends with the one person she had come to care for outside of herself.

Weeks had passed, and she knew it was probably too late. No one in their right mind would wait this long with no word. She was unfair, she was selfish, she was insane.

But she presses dial anyway.

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july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
cook from frozen [m]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 17:29:56 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
She's exhausted, her arms hurt from wrangling scared Wooloo, and she's spent the entire afternoon chasing off wild Mightyena and the like in order to appease a hard-working farmer. Time had flown by and she had almost missed her chance to hop back on the bus and make it back to Oldale in time. Now, in the middle of last-minute rush-hour shopping, Gwen was struggling to find what she was looking for: the 20 pound unfezant she'd seen in the flyer.

Of course, the flyer had also said 'limited supply, will go quick!' but she'd missed that part, and missed the part where she was in the middle of rush hour. Everyone and their mother was out here trying to get last-minute supplies for dinners and the like in the upcoming weeks. She'd figured by buying her supplies early she might save herself some stress later.

Such was not the case.

"Oh no.. they're all gone already. What a shame."

But as she says this, her attention snaps up to a shock of silver hair and a familiar face. As quickly as the girl appears, however, she disappears, and Gwen frowns a bit while deep in thought. Slowly, she pushes her cart in the direction of the familiar stranger.

mission: feast or famine (aa)
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played by


july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
Hard-earned feast [M|C]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2021 17:23:23 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
Maybe this was a job a ranger would typically pick up given it's relation to wild Pokemon, but Gwen had agreed anyway. Police officers weren't only limited to jobs surrounding people and the community - in many ways this was related to the community.

Besides, maybe these 'attacks' on the farmer's flock of sheep was staged. Perhaps it wasn't really wild Pokemon attacking these poor sheep. Wool was expensive and sometimes hard to come by, and Galarian Pokemon were still sought out even if their value had decreased since they had been formally introduced to the region.

Regardless, here she was, coaxed into a day spent in the hot sun rather than in the shade of some nice trees or inside of a cool grocery store grocery shopping until her arms fell off. Surely, though, she had time to pick up supplies for dinner later tonight anyway.

"You should avoid wearing black, miss! It might help, since black or dark-coloured objects absorb sunlight and heat. Do you have sunscreen on? You might end up with one of those.. um.. farmer's tans! Is that the phrase? Where your arms tan but your shoulders stay pale? It's quite funny. The sun is quite a danger!"

mission: wooloo who cry wolf
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played by


july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2021 21:33:52 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]☀ GWEN'S BINGO SHEET


bingo sheet

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played by


july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2021 2:50:50 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
The security guards approach him and she witnesses the exchange of words. Reading lips has become second nature, a tool used in her line of work to quickly and efficiently understand instructions where verbal noises failed.

Had he.. lied to them?

Dread twists in her chest, leaving her breathless and making the glasses in her hand heavy. Her hands droop and she nearly spills, but the look on his face keeps her from falling apart. It makes the dread melt away because what she finds is pain.


Worry leaks through her tone as she takes another step toward him. But something in her peripheral catches her eye. Like warmth piercing the back of her head, she turns her head in time to see a shock of white hair and eerily familiar golden eyes. The woman in the crowd is gone in a flash, leaving her dazed and confused.

And guilty.

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played by


july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
vermillion [sauna]
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2021 5:14:10 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
Gwen frowns, unconvinced but unwilling to push. Her brows come together and she scowls at him playfully, making it obvious that she doesn't quite believe him. She drags her hand gently across his chest, however, leaning into his touch. Briefly, the woman glances toward the tray of drinks and the glass he pours himself.

"I don't like the way it makes me feel. I am a busy woman, after all. And.. if I am to be your shield.."

She smiles, playing coy with a confident smile. Beneath his gaze, especially when it wanders, she feels on top of the world.


heat points: 847

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played by


july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
drill [m]
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2021 5:02:29 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
He steps back and she blinks up at him in surprise, relief washing over her face. Though her smile never faltered, it does appear far more bashful and shy in comparison to its usual warmth. Fortunately, it returns when he steps back into her orbit, closer even, to pull her into him and kiss her.

Gwen can't help but chuckle against his lips and tuck her chin awkwardly while he confesses in return.

"I will say it again and again and again, Greyson."

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july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2021 2:46:06 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
Gwen is returning, searching for the back of Greyson's shoulders and carrying two glasses of drink - one alcoholic and one not. But what she sees when she steps back into earshot is troubling.

She isn't the type of girl who, in the face of strife or stress, begins to cry or drop her glasses. But she does take on an expression of dismay as she watches and overhears their fight break out. Greyson, from her point of view, throws the first punch against a man she recognized instantly as his best friend.

What was going on?

The woman next to Danny is shouting, calling for security, and in the blink of an eye they are upon them with the intent to escort Greyson off the premises. Or they would, eventually, if they caught up to him. Gwen stares incredulously at the couple she'd probably met briefly at a double date long before all of this bad blood was spilled. She hesitates, unsure what to do, before pursuing Greyson.


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played by


july 1
shalour city, kalos
greyson connors
29 height
29 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
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TAG WITH @gwen
Guinevere Auclair
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2021 22:22:42 GMT
Guinevere Auclair Avatar
Gwen offers a warm smile in return for his kiss. He mentions drinks, which she once again appears indifferent to. Alcohol has never been something she's particularly interested in, and as such doesn't partake in. But that, of course, did not mean that Greyson couldn't.

"I do want to see you on the dance floor."

There is a mischievous, amused glint in her eye. That glint fades quickly, however, as she studies his expression. Something distracts him and even though she herself glances over her shoulder to see what it might be, she sees nothing but a sea of faces.

Unease settles on Greyson like a weighted blanket, however, and she can see it clear as day. Her suspicions manifest even further as, when she opens her mouth to respond, Greyson cuts her off to squeeze her hand. She doesn't miss a beat, not when it comes to him. Her knuckles rub together uncomfortably, but it is the hitch in his breath and the faraway look in his eye that hurts more.

He talks at her instead of to her is the only real way she can describe it. His thoughts, his attention is placed on something else, something troubling, and she opens her mouth again to object. But instead of words, a Comfey wraps around her wrist.

And then he is gone, leaving her standing there stupefied while he melts into the crowd on a mission.

"... sure, love."

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