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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
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Victor Wexler
gamers assemble [m]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 21:06:18 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

”Huh… Oh. Yeah, sure, sorry,” he apologized, pointing the phone’s flashlight in another direction so it hopefully wouldn’t bother the stranger all that much. He sure as hell wasn’t going to turn it off though! Vic wasn’t scared of the dark, per say, but it did make him uneasy, and he didn’t like the idea of walking around blindly and accidentally bumping into things or people… or into whatever was out there, lurking in the shadows. Okay, maybe he was just a little scared, but could anyone really blame him?
In an effort to avoid having those kinds of thoughts plaguing his mind, Vic turned to look at the boy once more, lavender gaze meeting that which was only a few shades away from his own. ”Nah, no clue,” he shook his head to emphasize this fact. ”...We should probably head towards the exit…” He had said ’we’ because now that he had run into this boy, of course he wasn’t just going to leave him all on his own! And, well, also because he himself didn’t want to be alone, but those were just details!
There was a flash of light; a computer nearby turning on and displaying a pink and blue image that moved through the screen for a mere few seconds. Then it disappeared, and at the same time, an unnatural sound came from nearby, sending a chill running down Vic’s spine.
What the fuck?!
”Uhmm… That wasn’t you, was it?...”


+ (welp)



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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
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158 height
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
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Victor Wexler
'cause they're not gay [past] [s]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 18:45:55 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

Hard work was the core philosophy in the Wexler household. Ever since Vic had been a little kid, he had been taught that if he wanted to be the best at the things he liked, he needed to work really really hard, and that same lesson had clearly stayed with him well into highschool.
He liked soccer a whole lot. He wanted to be much better at it, for both his sake and that of not disappointing everyone who knew him. So, he just needed to keep practicing, right? It was simple logic.
”Huh, my cheeks?! Oh, come on!” There is a laugh on his part too, not at all oblivious to the other’s joke, but still somewhat self-conscious about being teased by an older boy – especially an older boy who he looked up to as much as Vic happens to look up to the soccer team’s captain.
He catches the ball and he watches him, well aware that even if Flynn is joking, there is still truth to his words. And so, he shrugs. Offering in response a sheepish and somewhat apologetic smile. “Heh… Sorry! I guess I just felt like playing for a little longer.”
It was no lie. Boundless amounts of energy as Vic had always had, the pink-haired boy had wanted to keep playing because he had been having fun. But, admittedly, that was also far from the main reason he had stayed behind. Not like he would tell Flynn that though! ’I don’t want you and the rest of the team to think I suck, so I want to keep practicing.” Yeah, no thanks! That was a pass!
“...Do you wanna join?” he offers, somewhat hesitant at first, but beaming brightly and joyfully.


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
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158 height
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
'cause they're not gay [past] [s]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 14:31:48 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

His left foot touched the soccer ball, kicking it with just enough force to bounce it upwards a few inches before repeating the action with his right foot. Left. Right. Left. Right. A simple juggling motion. An exercise of control, rhythm, and posture.
He shouldn’t have stayed behind, he knew as much. Everyone was going home, and yet there he was: seeing for how long he could juggle his own soccer ball before moving on to everything else he wanted to work on. Dribble, kicks, it all needed working on. He was the youngest in the team, the newest, and so, also the one with the most limited technical skill set. It didn’t matter that he had played soccer for years with his friends. It didn’t matter that he could run faster than even most of the older players. Things were different once being in a team, and he needed to do better. They all wanted him to do better. They all expected it.
“Hey, kid!”
The voice, terribly easy to recognize as it was, startled him, missing a kick so that the ball ended up bouncing on the grass and rolling away a few feet. What had that been? Ten? Fifteen?
Bright, lavender eyes looked up to meet those of , and although it may have been easily disguised beneath the glare of the sun and the effort of a hard day practice, his cheeks reddened oh-so-slightly. Really? The captain?! Messing up at something like that in front of him was so embarrassing!
“Oh, hey! You know I’m just a year younger than you, right?” He laughed despite the embarrassment, a grin of his own matching that of the other boy. ”What’s up?” Wasn’t he leaving to go home? Why was he back?



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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
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158 height
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
five feet apart [m]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 14:23:50 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

Did this guy think water type pokémon attacks were their saliva or something?! (Wait… Were they?!)
Vic chooses not to ask. Instead, he humours Aaron, giving a short laugh. ”Sure thing! You heard him, Taffy, can you go check for any streams?” he asks the ghostly dragon, who in turn looks at the man it doesn’t recognize, squinting at him in an intense stare that almost seems to say ’Wow, who are you to make him make me work, huh?’. It yawns then, which could have easily counted as a ’If I get hungry I’ll eat you for lunch!”, but it does fly up indeed, disappearing among the treetops soon enough.
Feraligatr, Pikachu, Furret, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Braixen... Vic counts the other’s pokémon as they’re released, honestly being somewhat surprised that he had actually brought a whole team. At least some of those pokémon could probably be really useful for foraging, right? Since, well… Wasn’t that what they did in the wild?
”Wow, you could almost be a Fire Type specialist with that team.” His gaze falls on his own patiently awaiting Fire Type, the agreeable Arcanine’s soft fur definitely not being made for days spent out on the sand. On the bright side, at least he would be warm to cuddle against at night…
”How about you go looking for some food too, bud?” The words are met in a loud bark, and just like that, the pokémon disappears in a flash of orange.




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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
breathe me out
158 height
158 height
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
gamers assemble [m]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 14:17:19 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

The few days he had spent at Lilycove hadn’t been exactly planned (because leave it to Vic to be impulsive and not plan most things he does), but he had enjoyed himself nevertheless – even with the work he had to get done. It was a nice place, honestly, and it reminded him of places he had long ago left behind; of days spent under the sun, of laughter, of volleyball games on the sand, and of friends he missed more and more now that he was at a new place where he barely knew anyone. It made him want to stay.
Although... Lilycove also came with its downsides. One of them, for example, being the fact that the place he was staying at apparently didn’t have any internet, leaving him to end up at a PC café when he wanted to catch up with his family – he wasn’t about to pay for those interregional call prices, the man wasn’t made out of money!
And, caught up they had indeed. That is, at least until the call was suddenly interrupted, the computer turned off, and so did every single light around him.
”What th–…” He stood, almost hitting his head as he did so, and once there, he reached for his phone, turning on its trusty flashlight.
There was someone else there. A boy? No… He looked like he may have been at least twenty, but then again, Vic really sucked at guessing people’s ages.
”Hey! Do you have any idea what’s going on?”




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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
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158 height
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
Cooling and Rekindling [M]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 14:10:56 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar
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Summer child as he had always been, Vic had always adored the season and everything to do with it. He always looked forward to it, it was always his favourite part of the year, and somehow, his mood was always even better than usual during those sunny summer days with their hot and dry weather.
Circumstances aside, this day was no exception.
A kiddie pool with icy cold water had been set up at Lilycove’s small park, and after using a few treats and a few well placed ”Aw, you’re so cute! Do you wanna come over and cool off?” as coercion, some of the city's pokémon were hanging out in the area – going in and out of the pool after they learned how enjoyable it was to hang out there. There were also a few buckets of ice and water, and bowls from which all pokémon could drink, all of which had been carried to the park by the large and fluffy Arcanine that rested in the shade beneath some trees.
The ranger, dressed informally in shorts and sandals, kept an eye on all the pokémon there, and when the boy came running with a Turtwig in his arms, his gaze fell on the pokémon before meeting that of the distressed trainer. ’Poor kid,’ Vic thought, as he would have been just as worried if that had been his own pokémon and he hadn’t known what to do.
”Hey, it’s going to be okay… Offer your Turtwig some water, alright? I’ll grab you a damped towel so you can put it on them and they can cool off faster,” he instructed, giving the boy a small and reassuring smile before turning to grab a towel from his backpack.



tag ★


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
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158 height
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
Two bros chillin' at a bar [S][C]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 14:10:19 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

As Vic had been reminded time and time again, being a bit of a grouch and being a good person weren’t necessarily mutually-exclusive qualities. The man sitting before him, with his aloof remarks and his ‘I’m much better than everyone here’ stare, perhaps would have disagreed, but it was still what Vic believed, and good luck getting this stubborn idiot to change any of his beliefs!
”Ha… Why do I have a feeling that you probably think most names are lame?” There was a chuckle, but sure enough, he decided to play along, his lilac eyes meeting those of the stranger and holding his gaze for a few long seconds. ”Hmmm… Mm… Bet it’s something that sounds all fancy!” He grinned, once again reaching for his drink.
”Whatever it is though, I doubt it can be worse than mine, so don’t feel too bad.” There was a reason why he had always chosen to go by ’Vic’, after all. And, while he definitely wouldn’t have usually called the name his beloved parents gave him lame, maybe those drinks were beginning to get to him just a tiny bit.


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
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158 height
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
a second chance spared [past][s]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 11:43:23 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

He knew exactly what sort of thing the other kids said about Alex. He knew because they had said them to him too. One of those so-called ‘cool friends of his’ had seen them spending lunch together last time, and afterwards a few had asked Vic why he bothered with talking to their weirdo of a classmate. That Alex was strange. That Alex was too quiet. That Vic himself was going to be seen as a weirdo too if he spent too much time with someone like Alex.
”I dunno... would you like it if people said stuff like that about you? I wouldn’t.” He had responded then, pointing out that he could be friends with as many people as he wanted and that shouldn’t have been a problem – them, Alex, and anyone else in school as well. He was going to keep talking to him, because they were friends.
So, Alex knew about all that as well. And, beyond anything their classmates may have said, it sounded like he thought his parents didn’t care for him; that they were disappointed and didn’t love him as much as they loved his sisters.
It sounded terrible.
It sounded painful.
”Mmm… I dunno about all that... it sounds hard. But… do you really think no one cares? What if there’s people who do and you haven’t really noticed?”



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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 7:52:02 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

Okay, okay… Ready for the most surprising, shocking, and amazing turn of events of the century?! Listen here! Turns out that 470 lbs, 7 foot tall, orange poké-bro over here wasn’t a bird pokémon! Can you believe it?! He had tiny tiny wings. But, if all-trusty Poképedia is to be believed, he could fly faster than the speed of sound with those things!
Now, he was heckin’ proud of it too, and it was with whatever-the-dragon-equivalent-for-a-scoff was that he took the small smoke machine necessary for this job that his idiot of a trainer was making him do. Someone had to pay the bills, after all, and apparently that was all on Dragonite. Leave it to the dragon to do all the hard work! Typical!
With a powerful jump, embarrassingly-named Pez (which totally wouldn’t have been his name if he had had a say) took to the skies, aiming to get this job done with the awesomeness, speed, and suave that only a dragon could pull off. Here we go!
He rode the winds, pressing a button on the strange human device so a trail of smoke was left behind him as he turned in mid-air with precision, style, and... way too much ego for this to turn out just fine? In bold handwriting, the smoke spelled out:
A bit redundant, but if that’s what the company wanted in their advertisement…
Wait! Was that missing a letter?! The heck is a Skyriter?! Wasn’t that like the name of a badge or something?!
Bu, hey, it wasn’t as if Dragonite ever claimed he knew how to write!


+ (My sincere apologies)


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
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Victor Wexler
seas the day [m]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 6:08:43 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar
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[attr="class","name"]vic wexler

[attr="class","lyric"]cause baby, you're my valentine



Had this guy trained his Fletchling to retrieve his glasses or something? Did he make the little bird bench press them like it was a gym workout? He must have really gotten into these kinds of situations a lot to put all that effort in! It was kind of commendable!
Such were the kind of things that crossed dearest Vic’s mind as our man overboard swam back to the docks, only being distracted from them when he felt the rather unmistakable feeling of a wet hand against his skin. Oh.
There was a short laugh accompanied by a ”No worries, I got you.” And then, switching positions slightly and grabbing onto the other’s forearm in order to get a good grip, he helped him out of the water almost totally effortlessly. Just like strongbird-Fletching may or may not have done, Vic too did bench presses… and not with glasses! (And much else, but I’m not about to use his full workout routine as filler in a post… this time). It sure came in handy in situations like these, didn’t it? Who would have thought!
”You’re a pretty good swimmer, you know?” A grin, letting go of the other's arm just as he offered him back his apparently much-needed glasses. ”Here you go.”


tagged for (how stupid of a post can I write? lol)



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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
breathe me out
158 height
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
seas the day [m]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 5:07:01 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




[attr="class","name"]vic wexler

[attr="class","lyric"]cause baby, you're my valentine



Well, won’t you look at that… the guy was perfectly fine!
Okay, not perfectly fine, since whatever clothes he was wearing were now soaking wet and here’s to hoping he didn’t have his phone on him now that he was shoulders-deep in sea water and all that. But, fine enough not to need anyone to go rescue him because he was suddenly drowning or something, which was always a good thing! People generally were better off when they were not drowning!
Not fine enough to be seeing though, apparently, as he kept patting his face and looked like he was struggling...
Thankfully, a little Fletchling perched itself on the shoulder of the pink-haired young man, carrying no less than a pair of glasses. Aha!
”Oh, hey there. Wow, you must be really strong to be carrying those! Mind if I take them?” He said to the tiny bird with a smile, ever-so-gently scratching its head as he took the glasses in order to give them back to the definitely-not-drowning stranger.
”These, I’d guess?” It would have been a really weird coincidence if they weren’t, huh? ”Need any help getting back up here?” He offered then, just as he himself got back up.


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
a second chance spared [past][s]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 3:50:25 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

It was difficult for Vic to understand it. Heck, it was difficult for him to even imagine it. At the Wexler home, he may have been the oldest out of three siblings, but if anyone had asked him if any of them was treated differently like Alex apparently was at his own home, the answer would have been a resounding ‘no’. Not like that. Never like that.
A sigh left him. Not because he found the whole situation to be annoying or exasperating, but because all that would have been difficult to hear for anyone – especially a boy who was barely even a teenager. “Alex. You’re not bothering me.” It was true. After all, if this was difficult for Vic, then that meant it was infinitely more difficult for Alex, to whom all this was happening. And who knows for how long it had even been happening…
One thing was clear though: it was not just about some lunch boxes.
Vic may not have been the sharpest tool in the shed, he was even perfectly aware of that as well, but even at this age, he also knew that when someone was this hurt, the answer was rarely ever the most obvious one.
What had happened?
”Mmm… Do you, like… wanna tell me about it, maybe? You don’t have to, but… I want to help.”



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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
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158 height
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
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Victor Wexler
Is this a robberry?! [M]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 1:36:08 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar
[newclass=.avvy]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.avvy img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]





”Aw! Come on, it’s not so bad. It’s not like you’re picking up anything heavy,” Vic laughed, turning to look at him and giving a bright smile. Although, in all honesty, he was sure all this walking and bending down was probably exhausting for someone like Mint, but positive and hardworking guy as he was, Vic was much more prone to give words of encouragement than to give into complaining. Sorry, Mint.
”We’ll be done soon and then you’ll be glad we did all this, you’ll s–” He didn’t get to finish the sentence. For, just as he tried to motivate his friend (to continue doing something that had been Mint’s own idea, mind you), his gaze fell on the basket and on its tiny raiders.
”Oh. Hey! Stop that!” Louder, he attempted to startle and scare away the Zigzagoon before it took the berry. But, this may have worked a little too well; the pokémon getting so startled that, in its attempt to run away and go back to hiding, it flipped the basket, somehow got caught in the handle, and began dragging it behind it as it ran towards the nearby bushes.
In the chaos, berries were spilled all over the ground in an almost perfect trail that marked the Tiny Raccoon Pokémon’s path of destruction. Some of the more delicate ones had even been turned to mush when being dropped – completely beyond recovery even if they were to try to pick them up and put them back in the basket. And speaking of the basket… Where was the basket?!
Vic could do no more than sigh. He hadn’t intended to give the pokémon that big of a fright, and now he felt kind of bad. “...I’ll go check that it isn’t still tangled… If people let them eat berries they pick, they’ll get used to it and won’t find their own food. That’d be bad when there’s no berries to eat.”



tag ★


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
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158 height
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
Is this a robberry?! [M]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2021 21:57:15 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar
[newclass=.avvy]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.avvy img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]





Gentle breeze ruffled soft, pink-coloured hair, but the man barely paid this any mind. His lilac gaze remained fixed on a ripe tamato berry hanging high up on the tree before him, even he – tall as he was – having to get on the very tips of his toes to reach for it. Berry picking. That was the activity of the day. All because his friend had asked for his help with carrying the berries back from the field, and of course Vic had said yes.
So far, so good. They had been there for a while now, and the amount of berries in the basket was beginning to grow in size. Things had been going smoothly, and aside from the discomfort that came with a bright summer sun shining down upon them with its scorching heat, Vic would have called it a nice and even fun day at the field.
”Mint, you doing okay over there?” He asked in case his friend needed any help, and as he did so, from the very corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of something moving in the foliage nearby.
Well… That made sense, right? Wild pokémon were bound to be drawn to the berry trees, especially now that so many of them were ready to be picked, but it wasn’t as if any of them were going to approach while they were there. Or, well, at least they probably weren’t, especially considering many of them had a tendency to be cautious around people and a bit skittish.
Then again, maybe Vic should have learned not to put things out into the universe, huh?




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