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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 4:37:06 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","name"]JAYDEN CROSS

[attr="class","lyric"]The lights spark and flicker With MONSTERS much bigger Than I can control now


Having spent the majority of his time within Slateport and it's surrounding areas, cities such as Lilycove might as well have been foreign to Jayden. Of course, it wasn't that he'd never been — missions had hailed him across many different towns, cities, venues, etc. Some within Hoenn, and some outside of. However, he would not say that he was particularly familiar with the seaside town.

[break][break] Which was exactly why he was here now.

[break][break] He sat, conspicuously, in the center of one of Lilycove's PC cafe's. It was decorated adorably with Skitty's and Delcatty, such decoration that reminded him of , he realized, with a pang in his heart.

[break][break] The Team Rocket agent stared at the glowing screen in front of him, a glowing Mimikyu-shaped gamer headset above his head. Games were not Jayden's strongsuit, but it was the perfect disguise in this gaming cafe why he gathered intel on the local gossip. He kept one ear uncupped, perfectly cognizant of anything that might have alerted him and would make for good information for Rocket.

[break][break] Jayden was finally about to click through an application titled Hoenn Impact, when there was a loud shudder throughout the entire building. Lights flickered off.

[break][break] In the dark, Jayden blinked.

[break][break] 'A power outage...?'

mission DATA LEAK |


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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
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Victor Wexler
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POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 14:17:19 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

The few days he had spent at Lilycove hadn’t been exactly planned (because leave it to Vic to be impulsive and not plan most things he does), but he had enjoyed himself nevertheless – even with the work he had to get done. It was a nice place, honestly, and it reminded him of places he had long ago left behind; of days spent under the sun, of laughter, of volleyball games on the sand, and of friends he missed more and more now that he was at a new place where he barely knew anyone. It made him want to stay.
Although... Lilycove also came with its downsides. One of them, for example, being the fact that the place he was staying at apparently didn’t have any internet, leaving him to end up at a PC café when he wanted to catch up with his family – he wasn’t about to pay for those interregional call prices, the man wasn’t made out of money!
And, caught up they had indeed. That is, at least until the call was suddenly interrupted, the computer turned off, and so did every single light around him.
”What th–…” He stood, almost hitting his head as he did so, and once there, he reached for his phone, turning on its trusty flashlight.
There was someone else there. A boy? No… He looked like he may have been at least twenty, but then again, Vic really sucked at guessing people’s ages.
”Hey! Do you have any idea what’s going on?”




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POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 16:44:06 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","name"]JAYDEN CROSS

[attr="class","lyric"]The lights spark and flicker With MONSTERS much bigger Than I can control now


[attr="class","main"]Jayden wasn't afraid of the dark. In fact, far from it. He found the dark peaceful — it reminded him of the Tanglewood back in Ballonea, in his hometown. There was something nice about the quiet that the darkness so often brought, which was maybe why Jayden found himself always surrounded by ghosts — or maybe ghosts likened to him. Either way, it was not the dark that Jayden found scary or suspicious.

[break][break] It was the unrest.

[break][break] He could hear the panicked shouts of others in the cafe as their games were cut off-line. There were a few gamers who even raged, the clatter of controllers against the carpeted floor and indistinguishable shouts in the darkness. Was this going to be a problem? Should he intervene? Should he slip away?

[break][break] Before Jayden could decide what to do about the matter, however, there was a flash of light in his eyes. The boy winced, throwing up his hand to block from the suddenly bright light that was in his vision. "Ah.. could you.. please direct that light elsewhere?" Squinting, he found that the perpetrator was none-other-than another boy. Maybe older than him? Younger? It was difficult to tell.

[break][break] He looked a great deal friendlier than Jayden, though.

[break][break] At the question, Jayden simply shook his head. "No," he said, then paused. "... Do you?" Owlishly, he looked up at Vic, violet-colored eyes gleaming in the dark.

mission DATA LEAK |


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
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Victor Wexler
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POSTED ON Jun 28, 2021 21:06:18 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

”Huh… Oh. Yeah, sure, sorry,” he apologized, pointing the phone’s flashlight in another direction so it hopefully wouldn’t bother the stranger all that much. He sure as hell wasn’t going to turn it off though! Vic wasn’t scared of the dark, per say, but it did make him uneasy, and he didn’t like the idea of walking around blindly and accidentally bumping into things or people… or into whatever was out there, lurking in the shadows. Okay, maybe he was just a little scared, but could anyone really blame him?
In an effort to avoid having those kinds of thoughts plaguing his mind, Vic turned to look at the boy once more, lavender gaze meeting that which was only a few shades away from his own. ”Nah, no clue,” he shook his head to emphasize this fact. ”...We should probably head towards the exit…” He had said ’we’ because now that he had run into this boy, of course he wasn’t just going to leave him all on his own! And, well, also because he himself didn’t want to be alone, but those were just details!
There was a flash of light; a computer nearby turning on and displaying a pink and blue image that moved through the screen for a mere few seconds. Then it disappeared, and at the same time, an unnatural sound came from nearby, sending a chill running down Vic’s spine.
What the fuck?!
”Uhmm… That wasn’t you, was it?...”


+ (welp)



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ballonlea, galar
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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 5:39:06 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","name"]JAYDEN CROSS

[attr="class","lyric"]The lights spark and flicker With MONSTERS much bigger Than I can control now


[attr="class","main"]The glare of the phone-beam is turned away from him, and his eyes adjust to the change in lighting, Jayden can assess his atmosphere. He may look quite comical, face turned in such a serious expression, when he still adorns the wireless Mimikyu-headset, the sides of the earcups glowing bright, almost obnoxious blue. The same color as a MAGIKART RETAIL SLURPEE.

[break][break] There is, of course, the louder sounds. People being frustrated at their games being pulled off-line, phone-lines cut, homework destroyed. However, this isn't what interests Jayden. No, just as always, he is interested in the quiet. He strains his ears for anything unusual in particular — the quiet hush of chit-chatter that is trying to be hidden, footsteps against concrete, the hum of a foreign object —

[break][break] There.

[break][break] Just as Jayden hears it, the screen next to him flickers to life. But it only flashes once, twice, before disappearing again. Strange. The Team Rocket agent is about to say so, when he remembers that he isn't the only one here.

[break][break] He hasn't left yet?

[break][break] "It wasn't," Jayden confirms, pushing his way to his feet. The sight on the screen confirmed it, this was the work of some outside source. This was —

[break][break] As he attempts to investigate, he feels something catch on the fabric of his shirt. Had he caught himself on something? He turns, only to find the pink-haired boy still looking at him.

mission DATA LEAK |


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
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Victor Wexler
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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 17:33:46 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

Had the situation not been what it was, Vic would have thought the boy in front of him looked really serious for someone who was wearing such a cute Mimikyu headset. Maybe it was his way of dealing with things? Maybe, beneath that whole aloof demeanor, he was really stressed or scared or annoyed – or, all of those! Vic wouldn’t have blamed him. It was a difficult situation, after all, and even he himself wasn’t in the mood for his usual cheeriness an–
Wait… Where was this kid going?!
Without giving it much thought, he followed along. Not just because he didn’t want to be left on his own, but because he felt as if it wasn’t a good idea for any of them to be alone in this sort of situation. It was important to stick together! What if something happened?! Maybe the other could handle himself just fine, but Vic wasn’t going to act based on the possibility of that, especially not with all those creepy noises ahead growing louder and louder...
He hadn’t really intended to hold onto the boy’s shirt, but it had ended up happening. It was still dark as night even while having his phone in his hand, and this made it easier not to lose sight of him in the darkness.
”Uhmm…” was all he could bring himself to say, well aware of those violet eyes staring at him. ”...Where are you going? The exit’s that way,” with his thumb, he pointed back in the opposite direction. Where could this person be headed if it wasn’t outside of the café?




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POSTED ON Jun 29, 2021 17:49:42 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","name"]JAYDEN CROSS

[attr="class","lyric"]The lights spark and flicker With MONSTERS much bigger Than I can control now


[attr="class","main"] Did he need something?

[break][break] That was the first thought that crossed Jayden's mind as he watched the other. Had he perhaps left something at his desk? But no, that was impossible. Jayden was a person who packed light and more than that, the kind of person who would make sure his belongings were always with him when he left an area.

[break][break] The room which had been previously pitch-black was not lit by the cellphone lights of both and the others in the room, as people finally tried to become accustomed to the situation they found themselves in. Every so often, the computers would flick on and off like lanterns in the distance with the same pink, purple and blue lights that Jayden's own computer had lit up with.

[break][break] It meant that, while dim, he could still see the confusion and awkwardness that lit up 's face when asked the question.

[break][break] Not like a boy like Jayden could register it.

[break][break] "I'm investigating," he said, as way of an explanation and then turned around again. Whether the other boy followed him or not was none of his concern. Instead, Jayden headed towards the sound the CRK-CRACK was coming from — faint, in the distance, but still there.

[break][break] Meanwhile, there was a ghostly projection that suddenly sped through the two of them. A flicker of bright red before disappearing into nothingness. It was Jayden's Duskull, of course. Not that Vic would've known that.

mission DATA LEAK |


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
Fortree Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
breathe me in
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158 height
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
377 posts
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Victor Wexler
gamers assemble [m]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2021 20:22:21 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

Okay, so... this guy was a bit weird, huh? It wasn’t a bad thing, because Vic would have never thought someone acting different from the norm was bad, but he also had to admit that it was kind of strange to see someone acting so calm, unfazed, and composed when all this was going on. Could it be that he wasn’t actually scared or worried at all?! Could it be that he didn’t care?
Wait, that couldn’t be right, he had just said he wanted to go investigating…
Investigating what?
”Oh, yeah, I guess there’s some weird noises coming from that w–waaah!” What the hell was that?! Something had passed between them. Something red. Had it just been his imagination? No... No... It couldn’t be, right? He had felt it! It had made him shiver as it passed by his side. But, what had it been? What was going on in this café?!
He really wanted to go outside. For a second, he even wished he could have been more selfish and chosen to leave the other all on his own before heading straight for the door. Too bad Vic was rarely selfish though. So, even though Jayden would have probably not cared at all if he was left alone (he might have even preferred it, if we're being honest here), Vic followed after him, hoping that nothing else would spook him like whatever that one thing was.
Arceus, please be merciful.




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POSTED ON Jul 3, 2021 6:33:23 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","name"]JAYDEN CROSS

[attr="class","lyric"]The lights spark and flicker With MONSTERS much bigger Than I can control now


[attr="class","main"] the scream raises alarm bells in jayden's head almost immediately, and he tenses, preparing for an attack. it takes a few seconds, but he realizes that the scream has come from the pink-haired youth near him. rather than surprise, however, jayden feels understanding.

[break][break] oh.

[break][break] seconds later, chernobog materializes into view. the duskull's shiny red sheen is still visible, in the dimly lit atmosphere of the gaming center. "dusk-ull..." what might have brought a shiver to anyone else's spine only brings a fond smile to jayden's as he raises his hand to greet the duskull, his hand flickering straight through as the pokemon passes by. he was always so curious.

[break][break] "this is my duskull," he says, mouth forming around the word duskull like some might say friend. jayden glances back at , violet eyes roving the other. his expression is quiet, yet calculated. then a hand juts out, wrapping around the other's wrist. his gaze is gentle.

[break][break] it had made him feel better when had held his hand all those months ago at the festival. maybe this would make this boy feel better too?

mission DATA LEAK |


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Victor Wexler
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POSTED ON Jul 3, 2021 18:37:28 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

Oh! It was a pokémon!
His own lavender gaze fixed on the Duskull; head tilting slightly in confusion at the pokémon’s unusual colouration. Somehow, he felt much more at ease knowing that the red thing that had just passed between them was a ghost type and not an actual ghost, specially considering it belonged to his new friend over here (because yes, they were now friends, it was decided already even if he was yet to learn the other’s name).
”He’s kind of cute… Hey there!” Vic beamed, almost as if he expected the pokémon to actually reply to the greeting. That was the way it always was with Vic. He liked pokémon, he trusted them, because pokémon had never really wronged him.
If only he had realized all this darkness, flickering lights, and strange noises were also caused by a very similar thing...
The other’s hand wrapped around his wrist, and Vic’s attention turned from the Duskull to him. It was a sudden gesture, and one that somewhat went against everything the boy had done so far, but it was also… gentle, kind.
”...Thanks,” he responded with a slight smile. ”Mmm… Didn’t you want to go find out what’s going on?”
Obviously, Vic himself would have much rather gone outside and asked a member of the café’s staff if they knew what had caused the blackout, but if the other did actually want to keep going, then he had no choice but to follow him.




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POSTED ON Jul 7, 2021 6:47:34 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","name"]JAYDEN CROSS

[attr="class","lyric"]The lights spark and flicker With MONSTERS much bigger Than I can control now


[attr="class","main"] "dusk-ull..." the voice of the duskull echoes through the game room, solemn and eery admist the blinking lights. he blinks at vic, staring at the pink-haired unit with the same blank-stare that he gave his trainer.

[break][break] or at least, that's what it might look like.

[break][break] "he likes you." jayden, of course, knew better. there was something fond in his expression as he looked at the two interact — there weren't many people who liked ghosts, at least not in the same capacity he did. the majority of people he met were either afraid or indifferent to them, so it was nice to find someone who at least more than tolerated them.

[break][break] jayden's head tilts as vic reminds him of their current agenda and he blinks. he pulls away from the other's grip, nodding. "you're right. come on, let's go." he then begins to lead the way through the dark, his eyes and ears focused on a very particular pinpoint in the distance. he slips through the pairs of people easily, all speaking in hushed whispers, or all making their way towards the entrance when jayden leads vic to the very opposite direction.

[break][break] the rocket, of course, has no security clearance. however, there is something to be said for confidence and of faking it until you make it. maybe it's the confident way that jayden strides through the carpeted area, not at all concerned by his surroundings.

[break][break] no one stops them.

[break][break] "duskull dusk..." rather than hovering away, this time, his duskull stays by vic's side. it seems that the pokemon does like him, and there might have been a smile behind his face at the mask. they stop in front of a shut-door and as jayden tinkers with the doorknob, vladislav hovers around vic and even does a few somersaults in front of him, an attempt to make the other smile.

[break][break] click. the door opens.

[break][break] jayden steps into what appears to be a security room. they are met with the faces of several computers, all of them beeping and shimmering with different colors — red, blue, purple, back to red again.


mission DATA LEAK |


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June 21st
Mistralton City, Unova
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The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.
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Victor Wexler
gamers assemble [m]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 9:53:23 GMT
Victor Wexler Avatar

”He likes you.”
At this, Vic couldn’t help but smile. Most people probably wouldn’t have cared if the pokémon of a stranger they had just met liked them or not, especially when that pokémon was one as disliked as ghosts were, but Vic… Well, it made him happy to hear that. ”Yeah? That’s good! I like you too,” he told the Duskull in response, never one to be ashamed of saying things like those.
His new-friend-whose-name-he-still-didn’t-know wasted no time though, and the pinkette followed along, wondering how in the world it was that he didn’t seem to be at all affected by the darkness that surrounded them both. In contrast, Vic still held his phone in his hand, flashlight on – a small comfort to protect him from the endless shadows.
Where were they going?
He would have asked, but he had a feeling that in reply, he would have only received a short answer that didn’t really explain things at all. So, instead, he turned his attention to the Duskull, a quiet and gentle laugh leaving him when seeing the antics of the little ghost… He really was cute… ”What’s his name?” The question came, naturally asking this before asking for the boy’s own.
They made it to a security room, and it was then when he was distracted by the flashing of the screens. And, sure, Vic wasn’t the most tech-oriented guy out there, but even he could tell that something was amiss with all this...
”Huh… Some were flashing like that down at the café too, right?… Weird...”




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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2021 4:23:26 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","name"]JAYDEN CROSS

[attr="class","lyric"]The lights spark and flicker With MONSTERS much bigger Than I can control now


[attr="class","main"] jayden's head inclines back towards the other. "chernobog. my... " his words trail off, not because he's unsure what to say but because he's unsure of how to word it. isn't just a friend to him, nor is he just his superior. "he was a gift." he settles on.

[break][break] soon enough, they are able to break into the room and they slip in without notice, only to have an unexpected visitor. while vic stares at the blinking blue and red lights, jayden gets quickly to work. "chernobog." this time his words are a command — of which the duskull is cleanly aware. with a flash, it zooms forward and disappears into the center console. there is the sound of CRCK — CRCK — CRACKLING before a porygon pixelates in front of them.

[break][break] a flick of his wrist and a pokeball consumes the wild pokemon — it'll be good to bring it back to the hq.

[break][break] with that, the lights of the gaming corner lights up. he turns to the pink-haired youth.

[break][break] a ghost of a smile. "problem solved."

mission DATA LEAK |


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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2021 22:22:42 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


