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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
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TAG WITH @marisol
sketchy [m]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 7:36:31 GMT

ah, there is it. [break][break]

something she hates. [break][break]

the technicalities aren't lost in her, although she knows how much he's done to avoid the eye of the police - so much so that an officer in her own right, who knows of his identity and his "short" list of crimes, can't capture him - while keeping a pristine reputation for himself in the underworld. though her name has already frightened many, there are enough who know that they shouldn't cross paths with this one. this one con artist with a brain and mouth to match. [break][break]

though the conversations they had on ghost pokemon were always so fascinating. maybe she hadn't cut off their relationship because she enjoyed those talks. maybe doing this was going to cut it short. does she even want to salvage it? [break][break]

she hates it, you know? hate that he's right, hate that he'd be right here, and now, and would have been right back then (conning and scamming is nowhere near he skeletons in her closet, with trafficking and unethical dissections and kidnapping being some of them. she's a murderer wearing the veil of yellow calling for justice at a man in violet). so her hand reaches to gently rub at the bridge of her nose, eyes narrowed at the charring ash that the ghostly flame has left behind. it's nothing that can't be washed away with the rain, or with pokemon. [break][break]

"i'm not concerned about the buildings of closed stores" a sigh escapes her lips, a blue glare shines through the darkness as a soft violet gaze follows suit and her hand reaches up to the litwick to lowly trudge into the pal of her hand. it leaves behind a little wax, but it'll be okay. he didn't try to hurt her - unlike her earlier intention. [break][break]

right, he isn't a murderer. [break]
not like her. [break][break]

has she been pacified by his words, or has she grown too tired to keep up this charade of a good citizen? she's never really been the same since, and likes to think that she's gotten better at blocking out a man's persistent jabs. looks like she's left a lot fo be desired. and, as her brows furrow, she reaches to her bag to pull out a small, blue, triangular berry. [break][break]

and she casually throws it into the air, and catches it, and repeats the motion, expecting the blur of white to snag the rawst berry. "... but if i really don't have any evidence of sketchy activities, we never met here." her eyes turn back down to the berry, tilting her head to the white pokemon. "for all i know, you could have been setting up a date with the officer you've grown so fond of." her other hand is freed when the wick pokemon trudges up her arm and to her shoulder, and with a free hand, she rubs the bridge of her nose. "is that what you wanted to hear? i don't appreciate the mind games and guilt evoking."


LITWICK on standby[break]
GENGAR on standby

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
just vibing [m][c]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 7:12:32 GMT

so he's a scammer.[break][break]

nothing against him, of course. conning and scamming is one of the smaller crimes you could do in rocket, so frankly, despite his large stature and potential for intimidation, he's nothing scary (she'll leave the box unchecked, for the time being, to be tentative. anyone could be scary when you cut off their routes of escape and push them into he corner; the person cornering could be left without a limb or two. she's seen the result of it) [break][break]

but maybe she's jumping to conclusions, thinking he's someone in rocket - just because he looks familiar and he's a casino dealer, it doesn't make him part of rocket. yet why can't she shake off this feeling of familiarity? no, it's not a way of hitting on him. she'll gag at the notion. "cyber security?" she hums, an icy gaze skimming the lines in the menu "... your poor eyes~." a small smile creeps to her lips as a hum buzzes. "i hope you don't go blind with the amount of screen you stare at."

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
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TAG WITH @marisol
morendo [s][c]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 7:05:43 GMT

see, if this were the old marisol, she'd be on the verge of tears. they'd be littering the white and black keys with their salty droplets as she shakes, as her face flushes and as her fingers tremble. this isn't wendy, though. this was marisol, so it's already expected that she's steeled and maintains and icy glare towards the keys. there was nothing that could shake her, and nothing that could topple her. [break][break]

there's nothing that could make the stone cold heart waver. [break][break]

she's right, now, though only to some degree. she isn't careful when a shaky breath is taken and her hand cringes for a brief moment. she isn't careful when her head instinctively lowers as to cast a shadow over the lower lip that's gently bitten. so now, instead of crying, she isn't careful with a soft laugh of disbelief, and pure distraught irony drips from her lips as a poisonous venom - but venom to who? [break][break]

"you know, you were always more like a parent to me than my actual parents." she lets out a soft laugh (a sob masked beneath an uncharacteristic smile) and when her fingers rest upon the keys to pause their tremble, she casts a side gaze "are you sure you lost your memories?" she asks, head tilted "because you're still saying the same things."

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
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TAG WITH @marisol
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 6:56:34 GMT

she feels violated. [break][break]

and the hue of pink on her cheeks isn't doing her any favours. marisol is seldom flustered or embarrassed, but this is reaching way above her pay grade. she'd better be getting some good money if she's going to have to humiliate herself like this, again. "we'll leave the choreography to you." she huffs, instinctively holding her hands against her rear as her brows furrow a bit more prominently. [break][break]

her tongue clicks as she raises her fingers to gently ruffle at the peekaboo bang that sits over one odd coloured eye, and her lips are curled to a frown. "how do you even do this...?" she grumbles as the red hue settles, as the embarrassment is rapidly replaced with irritation. "without feeling embarrassed? you're literally shaking your ass for all to see."

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
:fuepog: :cmere:
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 6:51:06 GMT

ah, yes. a break. [break][break]

something that she wasn't intending to take for a good little while. even now, she's trying to think of ways to avoid taking one for her lunch - after all, she doesn't need to eat much. at least, not while she's so busy working. she can always eat something after she gets home, anyways. [break][break]

-- as she fills up her list with excuses. [break][break]

she knows that he worries, and it's appreciated. his concern is warranted, actually, with how her coworkers look at her with a gaze when they realize she hasn't eaten, or properly slept, in how ever long. something tells her, however, that he won't simply forget about her because she's suddenly out of sight. yes, he was blessed with object permeance. she's cursed with the inability to take advantage of it. [break][break]

so she sighs, ultimately agreeing. "alright." she finishes, lifting herself back to her feet. "but not too long. i'm quite busy, still." knowing that she's entitled to an hour break, with her eight hour shift today. [break][break]

well, she ha patients to tend to.[break][break]

they won't heal on their own [break][break]

(they will with enough time, one way or another)


hi yes, this is my last post. you can post one more after this? but otherwise i throw this into mod request

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
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TAG WITH @marisol
reassurance [m]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2023 6:44:12 GMT

maybe it's hit home for him. [break][break]

though she isn't one to pry into other people's lives, she'll admit that the free time she's accumulated from paid time off is starting to creep up and feed into curiosity. "would you really think so..?" her brow quirks, a hum against her lips. it isn't her business, any ways. [break][break]

though his words leave something to be desired, a small smile cracks - and it's anyone's guess as to what kind it is. "to look forward to?" she asks with a neutral tone - neither condescending or enlightened. it's only with some subtle surprise, hearing it from this man of all people - this man who she knows, has killed for a living. who will kill more for a living. [break][break]

(she's killed plenty - she won't judge)[break][break]

"well.. i suppose it's a work in progress." she reaches up to the bangs that subtly cover her eyes, index and thumb pressed against her forehead to push the ashen locks back. "like many things, right?" there's a subtle glint of a glare in the corner of her eyes as she gazes to the man, seated, then lifted back "... i hope your work here goes better than mine."

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
Season of Giving Gifts [Batch 4]
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2023 5:19:54 GMT
I literally just saw this now, thank you and I hope you had a happy holidays ;A;
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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
processed shop
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2022 20:05:00 GMT


welcome to the poké mart!

3X gachapon (mt. pyre)
1X p.gachapon (mt. pyre - dark)
1X tera orb (electric on shedinja)(500 pd)


be sure to visit the pretty petal flower shop near rustboro!

84X grepa berries (05/21 - 12/03)


do come again!

500 PD
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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
swelter [m]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 6:50:42 GMT

"it was atrocious." [break][break]

the memory recalled isn't a fond one, but a small smile is brought to her lips when she sees the expression of disgust and confusion, that leads into a smile. that's not an expression she sees from him every day, especially when he seems more like the type to be amused or suppress the less than savoury expressions under an unreadable smile, or a sprightly tone. [break][break]

so instead, she snickers in response. her hands wiped clean from the cooking effort before being dropped into the trash bin as she walks by. "let me know in advance, then." she speaks with a small smile, followed by a hum. "it's not often i get to see that disgusted expression from you." she hums, pointing to her cheek with a coy smile to her lips, saying "you'd better not make that same expression to your sister~"

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
reassurance [m]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 6:39:22 GMT


"hah. perhaps i am." her lips curl up into a smile of crude amusement, the venom drips from her lips, and it borders self-pity and disgust. another jab into the ground as the paper crumples beneath, followed by the sound of crushed can as it presses against the cap of the metal bar. the needle is sharp, despite the countless times it's stabbed - kind of reminds her of someone. [break][break]

"that's why accepting it was necessary." she sighs, now opting to keep the spike in the dirt as her fingers rest against the handle. "and i believe trying to move on from my past is something i've started." she hums now, wearing a small smile beneath the shade of ashen blue bangs. "earlier," she starts, taking a deep breath, with her chest raising, then lowering as she pushes out a small sigh "you asked me where the disdain and anger are coming from?" [break][break]

then she spins around, slightly, to lean a bit of her weight onto the spike planted into the ground. the smiles dropped, slightly, as she tilts her head. the bangs drape further over the eyepatch that hides the odd colour eye. if she had to pin a source for all her grievances, and her distaste, and her anger and her pain: "it stems from frustration at myself." [break][break]

marisol knows, doesn't she? she knows it's self inflicted, to some degree, and it's the frustration that comes with her mind never listening to her heart, or her heart feeling a way different from her mind. "you understand this feeling, don't you?" she raises her voice, now. "being put in a position where you're desperately searching for answers, unable to get any for your own closure, then suffer in your mind as the emotions fester and cloud your logic or better judgement?" who doesn't understand this feeling? [break][break]

"it's the present that torments me," though the past was no better "the present is frustrating me."

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 4:14:50 GMT

she made the wrong choice. [break][break]

but is there a right choice during the fifty-fifty? she can chalk this up to her unfortunate fortune. frankly, she thinks this is all bullshit; this is all dumb, and the stakes are too high for a simple heads or tails. the result is swift and merciless as the distorted, smooth surface of the pokemon arises from a portal. she doesn't quite understand what her consequences are, until the glow of an eerie blue comes from what looked to be a pearl on its upper body. before she knows it, mari's moving on front of her blissey, shielding the egg pokemon from what was certain death. it saves the pokemon; it doesn't save her. maybe she can warn them.[break][break]

"ru--" her lips barely move, and her word never finishes before vision is cut, and the suffocating fog has become darkness. all that follows is a brief scream cut off. [break][break]

it's painless, actually. she was expecting a painful, drawn out death - so it surprises her when she feels nothing at all (she can't even feel the air that went through her lungs) before her body falls to the ground, collapsed, and the life is drained when it slumps against a pink blissey, who weeps at its trainer's sudden death. maybe if she nudges her enough times, she'll return. maybe if she keeps using HEAL PULSE, it'll bring her back. mari doesn't open her eyes with her mangled body and all.[break][break]

maybe this wasn't so bad. she lived a shitty life, anyways. maybe she can atone here. [break][break]

until a brief image of a sickening face crawls out of the pits of hell, with a smile on his lips, beckoning her as he crawls across the spectral plane, fingers with an iron grip on her ankles. "n-no, stop..!" she wants to move, and run, and if you can feel fear in the afterlife, maybe she'd be feeling it. of course, she was going to hell. there's no way she wouldn't be, no? [break][break]

get off me, she thinks in the afterlife, wanting to move, but she can't. this limbo won't let her, will it? the darkness that creeps up to her is relentless, as the fear consumes her as quickly as a man so eager to drag her back into his clutches. no, she wasn't willing anymore; she didn't want to die anymore.[break][break]

if this is what's waiting for her, she doesn't want to die. [break][break]

the despair is catching on quick, until a sudden light from the point fills the air, and the shattering of glass can be heard to her as she watches from the plane, and her eyes are shut before the darkness fades away (before the demon slinks away). eyes open to see a large amount of pokemon standing before her dismembered body, then to her. yes, she recognizes some of them; one of them is a familiar gengar, and the other a familiar clefable. there's a litwick, and a banette, and a zorua. her lips part, and the fluttering of her soul can't contain it. "rinoma, roma--" she starts, reaching towards the pokemon who take her two hands, leading her towards the body that's hurt, and damaged, but not killed. there'll be a nasty scar on her back, though. [break][break]

honestly, it feels surreal. [break][break]

if she could feel at all. there's a brief moment of darkness as her body returns, followed by coughing as she tussles against the blissey. a gasp of air is inhaled too quickly, and it's followed by hacking and coughing as she holds herself up with a hand to the dirt. "s-son of a..!" the woman starts, as her first words back from the border. [break][break]

and although her mind won't remember, her soul does, and when she realizes there are patches of wet dirt beneath her. the back of her hand touches her cheeks, and her touch is greeted by the warmth of tears that fall from her eyes. [break][break]

the injury was healed with thanks of the mysterious power, although now she has a grudge, in spite of the happy cries from the blissey. tears still in her eyes (and being wiped away with a clean sleeve), she gives the pink pokemon a quick pat on top of her head, and recalls the little thing. out comes the gengar, who lets out a bright cry - until he catches a glimpse of his trainer's expression. [break][break]

"don't mind it." she snaps at the ghost, before pointing to the unown, who begin to chain the legendary pokemon with something that makes the poor thing thrash and struggle. "dark pulse them down!"



> mari fucking perishes in front of her BLISSEY and [break]
> papa olson tries to drag mari to hell, her previous pokemon save her and drag her back to the living[break]
> they lead her back to her body and mari's having an existential crisis[break]
> blissey waddles over and starts crying and checking if she's okay[break]
> BLISSEY swapped out, GENGAR is here[break]
> GENGAR uses DARK PULSE on the emerging UNOWN


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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 23:45:45 GMT

she has two problems. [break][break]

three, if we count the hurling mass of rock in the sky. just her luck - to have to deal with this, and two injured people. her first priority is first aid, and immediate response to a gunshot wound. the majority of it has already been cleaned, and patched up, to the best of her abilities. he looks like he's still in pain, but the bleeding is starting to subside and it looks like he's able to breathe properly. at least, it looks like the bullet didn't pierce a lung, or his heart, but she'll have to bring him to an x-ray to confirm. [break][break]

"are you okay?" she asks, her sylveon consistently releasing the soothing aura through her ribbons. she's dealt with patients in shock before, this usually helps. her eyes narrow and she uses this moment to quickly heal up her blissey, and with the help of other league members, the egg pokemon has been revived. at least, enough for her to start healing herself. [break][break]

"embryo." she says, turning her attention back to . "heal pulse. help subside the pain." she commands the egg, who releases an aura of pink around her body. at the same time, it begins to heal up the pokemon in their balls, along with the wound that slowly started clotting. thankfully, it also acted as a bit of an anesthetic. when the bleeding slows, and she doesn't have to always swap gauze, she lets out a soft sigh of relief. "it's not.. perfect" less than perfect, less than what she'd prefer "but it'll do for now." he won't die, and he'll be fine. at least until they can get some help. [break][break]

"can you walk? stand?" she's still at his side, careful with handling him on his right. she doesn't want to aggravate the wound. "it'll be sore, and it will still sting a bit, but try to take it easy." as easy as he could. there were more people around now, since they were told to retreat back to the point.[break][break]

she hears the cry over communications, but her attention turns to the foreign man who speaks gibberish. at least, jumbled up in her head as its filled with concern. "this is so dumb.." and there's something about that grandiose demeanour that doesn't sit well with her. it's a little frustrating, playing to another person's game - maybe that's why she's grimacing. "heads." she calls, but she hates that she's playing along. [break][break]

this region is beyond salvation if one man can let a deformed monster roam around, with no one able to stop it - and still, rocket is trying to grab the primal point. they think one less primal point will make a difference? don't make her laugh. [break][break]

they've been blinded with ideals. [break]
how repulsive.



> mari calling HEADS[break]
> reviving BLISSEY after it was knocked out by URSHIFU (love u mars)[break]
> BLISSEY uses HEAL PULSE[break]
> also gonna revive 's GARCHOMP if he decides to[break]
> aw fuck it's palkia and she's letting others deal with the dragon + primal point gl erryone


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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 4:55:54 GMT



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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
[MP] Into the Knight
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2022 2:15:51 GMT

serotonin is a bit too trigger happy to be helpful. [break][break]

maybe she doesn't fully understand the situation - maybe her understanding is warped due to her trainer's previous nature. it's so white, and pink, and happy and a little too eager when the stars appear, only for the hit to whiff the air as the urshifu is recalled back into the ball, and their targets have disappeared as the dying light fades. the sylveon grunts, her ears tilted downwards as the ribbons droop - what a waste. [break][break]

marisol had to keep her an arm shielded over her eyes, with how bright the z-move powered by LIGHT OF RUIN was. though she isn't familiar with how the move worked, nor where her sylveon draws that power from, there've been few times where she's seen it being used - and she knows the consequences and drawbacks. still, serotonin is always so eager to use it, and some things never change. though in the midst of the light, the loud bang of an all familiar gunshot sounds in the fog, and her body instinctively tenses up, as though she's anticipating the hit on her (it's happened before, and she still remembers the stinging. she's only lucky that it was in the medical ward, and she was able to remove the bullet on the spot. it's dangerous if someone was shot here). [break][break]

good news, that someone wasn't her. [break]
bad news, that someone was him. [break][break]

so when the light dies, her attention turns to her companion, who's holding where the bullet pierces, and suddenly the thought of pursuing the two rockets disappear. marisol's a doctor, first and foremost (no matter how warped and unethical her practices may have taught her). when she sees the blood, she moves quickly, pulling the first aid from her bag to grab cloth, disinfectant, and a tourniquet. "leo--" she starts, rushing to the man's side. she doesn't take long to scan his person, and begin to apply pressure. thankfully, the blood gave her an idea as to where he was shot. [break][break]

are you okay? she wants to ask as the concern is buried beneath the urgency; instead she says a soft "i'm sorry" as she applies more pressure with the cloth, watching as the crimson soaks the fibres. if it gets too bad, she'll have to apply the tourniquet. she'd rather not do that. thankfully, the sylveon is at his side with ribbon feelers around an arm, moreso to keep him from falling into shock - or just to help him keep his mind clear.[break][break]

she doesn't know why she apologized--[break][break]
ah, no, she has an idea. she feels like she could have stopped it.


> sylveon is sadge she couldn't land the hit[break]
> immediate first aid on the gunshot wound[break]
> sylveon has her ribbon feelers on 's arm to help keep him clear minded



+50MP for participating in a battle[break]
+10MP for a sneak attack[break]
+40MP for assisting another character and/or pokemon (3 times)[break]
+50MP for knockout on BLISSEY[break]
+50MP per IC post (5 posts)[break]


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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marisol
[MP] Into the Knight
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 4:57:28 GMT

the urshifu changes, and doesn't it just act as confirmation? [break][break]

it's all the confirmation that she needs, now she'd rather not deal with someone she used to know (someone who was sick, head so filled with power, someone whose ambition can sometimes overshadow what he intends to bite off). the urshifu's appearance changes, and there's a cringe in her continuous glare. "brace yourself, emmy." she softly commands the blissey. it's not in hopes it can withstand it; it's in hopes it will survive. [break][break]

the egg pokemon stands her ground that time, although the swift dash from the urshifu now hits the blissey, who lets out a higher, pained squeal as she flies into the air and plops onto the ground with her round body. when marisol takes a closer look, she isn't dead, and that's enough to have marisol let out a soft sigh of relief when she pulls out her pokeball to quickly recall her. [break][break]

she's keeping a sharp eye out - she isn't one to move carelessly when there's a firearm aimed at her - and when she sees an opening, her hand hovers over the pokeball and she gives the command. "on all of them." now she speaks, with a cold glare at the overbearing steelix and urshifu. they're towering, and scary, and their massive sizes can make anyone shake in their boots;[break][break]

but what she's had to face in rocket, was scarier than any pokemon. [break][break]

in the midst of darkness and fog, a whistle comes from the blue glow of the pokeball. a sylveon pops out, with a smile on her lips all the same as ribbons flutter in the air. marisol doesn't like attacking, and would sooner assist and heal at the businessman's side. she's a healer, but..[break][break]

"light of ruin." she commands, she doesn't care if it hits the trainers, either. it likely won't kill them, anyways. the intention was to take them in quietly, for questioning - but if her suspicions are correct, then maybe knocking them out would be a better idea. [break][break]

with the order, the pokemon begins to use it - until there's the glow of a bright, pink radiance from a gemstone on the sylveon. the light is transformed from a magenta, and an eerie light extends from the sylveon instead. the zone and battlefield becomes something of a bright cosmo, with the sylveon standing on solid ground and, with a cute cry and grin on its face (she's toying with them, and she enjoys it - much more than her trainer is), its ribbons extend and commands countless stars from its space to attack at the mega evolved bear; the stars are magenta in colour, scaling with the power of LIGHT OF RUIN it took the place of.


> BLISSEY is knocked out :dorime:[break]
> SYLVEON is called out[break]
> used z-crystal from the clamperl dive :dorime:



+50MP for participating in a battle[break]
+10MP for a sneak attack[break]
+30MP for assisting another character and/or pokemon (3 times)[break]
+50MP for knockout on BLISSEY[break]
+40MP per IC post (4 posts)[break]


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing