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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
Surprise B****
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 12:35:11 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","phone charname"]






EZRA says... [break]

The place looks better in person.


EZRA says... [break]

Really pulls off the School for Gifted Youngsters vibe.


EZRA says... [break]

Apocalyptic landscaping's a nice touch






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played by


September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
47 posts
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
Settentrione, Ezra
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 16:02:28 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar







[attr="class","leaguecardname"]Ezra Settentrione















[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]heavy hitter



Oh no! It's Ezra with a F.E.A.R. Rattata!



[attr="class","leaguecardbigname"]Ezra Settentrione

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played by


September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
47 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
Settentrione, Ezra
POSTED ON May 30, 2024 16:05:57 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar


[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x

Like a jester at the ball



nameezra settentrione
agetwenty nine
orientation pansexual panromantic (closeted)
played bydyfalu

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK civilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM Kurosaki Ranmaru from Uta-No Prince Sama

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER



  • Only has one arm due to a Pokemon attack in childhood
  • Surprisingly fashionable at work but prone to dressing like a street thug otherwise
  • Has a giant chest tattoo of a neotraditional Lycanroc being speared on his chest
  • Has heterochromia with one red and one grey eye
  • Struggles to properly sit in a chair and seems opposed to posture
  • Does cross his legs over one another when he sits down


  • A giant troll who thrives on chaos and getting under people's skin
  • At his most dangerous when he's smiling
  • Total lone wolf type with a big chip on his shoulder
  • Loves music and singing. Often described as having the voice of an angel.
  • Feral street cat surrounded by a bunch of purebred Persians
  • Kind of ambivalent on Pokemon but spoils his Rattata
  • Happy to profit off of both sides
  • Plays stupid but is surprisingly shrewd and street smart
  • Has a degree in marketing with a minor in music
  • Makes a lot of sexist/homophobic/just bad remarks but doesn't mean it
  • Owns the Houndoom who set on fire. Mostly uses the batshit crazy bitch to guard his stuff.
  • May have a few baby mamas, but he's not about to sign his life off to a groupie
  • A legitimate mobster and enforcer with a skewed sense of morals and plenty of sociopathic traits
  • Doesn't like hanging out with virgins and refuses to go anywhere near one
  • can play the piano, the drums, the guitar, the harmonica, and the sax
  • adores theater and musicals, but you'll never hear him admit it

  • Born to a famous singer and a small-time poacher
  • Father was extremely abusive and killed mom when Ezra was six
  • Abuse on son grew and grew
  • Ezra trapped dad with a Pokemon in a cage after an argument, leading to his death
  • Ezra lost his arm in the attack and was saved by another boy and 15 (his Rattata)
  • Sent to live with his bougie ass grandparents in Alto Mare
  • Got a little shithead brother as part of the deal too
  • Joined the family business while pursuing a career in music
  • Won a singing competition and became a superstar. Fell spectacularly after almost killing an interviewer on TV. But no one cares. They're rich.
  • Responsible for a lot of la famiglia's black market stuff thanks to his loser grandfather
  • Sent to Hoenn by his grandparents to convince the golden boy to come home
  • Decided a warzone is a perfect place to ply his craft and told the old man to get bent


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