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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2024 0:58:13 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






Looks like the game had a little flexibility built in. With a devilish smirk, Ezra debated on pushing things further. Maybe going for a dip or some stupidly flirty comment. He liked seeing people panic. Even virtually.

But he also didn’t like to lose. Especially not now that the liquid courage had smoothed the edges off his contrarian personality. With a sigh, he decides to go back to playing along.

Follow Shalin down the indicated passage


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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 13:15:49 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






Fucking knew it. This is what Ezra thinks as he finishes that first paragraph. But any pleasure fades at the next.

His hands tighten on his phone for a moment. This fucking shitty game thought it could tell him what to do? That he’d just play it’s stupid little script? Just let it undo the stuff he’d done? Fuck that. He wasn’t a rewind kind of guy.

But the game obviously wasn’t going to let him do anything cool. In real life, he’d have repeated the attempt to get into that coffin. Obviously, he’d be faster this time. And he had a fucking iron hand. That crumbly ass rock didn’t mean shit.


With a hint of anger, he starts tapping out a response.

Pull Shalin into a hot tango


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
DW: Let's Ratta-toodle-Louie This Shit
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 13:13:51 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

The rockstar nods sagely. Heterochromatic eyes shift from the Rocket to the area surrounding them. His words roll with contemplation.“Power, huh?” For a second, it looks like he might just accept the answer. Let the terrorist get away with sounding like an edgelord. But that’s never been his style. Sure, he styles himself a doberman, but he has the tenacity of a chihuahua. You tossed him off your ankle, and he’d come right back. Definitely mommy issues.” These words are directed in a faux whisper at the Rattata on his shoulder.

With angry tears in its eyes, the Combusken stands on the edge of the clearing. Its claws smoke as it begins coaxing heat into them. They soon go from white to white hot. But Ezra just fixes it with a grin. “Pretty sure I had an STD like that once.” A little beak clacks in frustration as its feathers stand on end. The eyes above it are wrong. There’s something rabid and unpredictable in them. “Groupies, amirite?” As the Combusken charges, it finds itself facing the tie wearing Rattata. A Sucker Punch sends it staggering backward.

At the next question, there’s a pause. Fuck. Admitting that he used to be a Ghibli stan wasn’t really a fit for the rocker persona. Ah, screw it. “It’s a witch from some kid’s show. That vix kind of looks like her.” Or, at least, it had a stick.

“Reminds me.” There’s a pause as he watches the Combusken race off into the undergrowth. Little pussy’s fucking bawling. The rat darts back to his trainer’s feet. "I’m getting a ton of shadow Pokemon lately—” They sold for a fortune outside of this hellhole. It was like having a fucking gun instead of a Pokemon. His steel arm gestured vaguely in Cil’s direction. “Did you and Lugia open up a factory?"[break][break]

If he notices the other Pokemon approaching, he doesn’t react. This guy was way more fun than some fucking queer goose.



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Ezra Settentrione
hungry klezmorim [ w ]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 13:07:31 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

When you had the money that he did, there wasn’t really any reason to work. But, fuck, was that boring. Which is why he was wandering some random mountain pass.That and he could empathize with the cracked bitch on his belt. Not really suitable for public shit—on the off-chance she went batshit—Cass spent a lot of time at home. And, sure, the rocker’s place was pretty spacious. But it wasn’t really what a Houndoom needed.

So, with the bitch at his side, he was exploring Route 112. The rocky ground was rough and warm beneath their feet. As they wove their way toward the peak of the route, they wove a circuitous path. “Keep it in your muzzle, Cass.” Ezra’s smooth tones called back the snarling Houndoom at his feet. With a glare at a nearby bush, she bounded back to him. Absolutely terrified of the dog at his master’s heels, his Rattata was leaning into the crook of his neck.

When he rounded the next bend, he finds himself staring at some weirdo. Guy looks like he could be related to them; his skin is caramel and his hair the right color. He’s even sporting the violet eyes that run on Nonna’s side of the family. A hand lifted in a wave as he took in the doofus’s finery and ghoulish pal. “What’s up, buddy?” The rocker intoned.. His voice was high-pitched, like he was talking to a toddler. [break][break]“You lost?” A hand jerked down the path behind him. “Pretty sure the twink conventions that way.”


At his side, the Houndoom glared at the Sableye. A dark tongue darted out to tease the edges of her muzzle. Dull claws dug furrows in the earth beneath her.


lol ezra at it again

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Ezra Settentrione
Rocker Meets Idol!
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 13:01:30 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

If Niky knew him, he’d understand the rocker liked nobody on the surface. With the exception of his Nonna, there was no one on this fucking space rock he respected. Or. at the very least, no one he deferred to. He’d spent way too much of his childhood getting wailed on by a loser. It’d cost his younger, pussier self his arm, his home, and his mother. No fucker would walk over him again. As the rat tail scolded him, the white-haired man’s smirk grew.[break][break]

The guy wanted frustration. Other people’s irritation pleasured him in a way even the best hookers couldn’t. If he’d ever given a fucking shrink the time of day, he was sure they’d have a field day with that one. But he didn’t plan on bearing his heart to some nerdy little fuck. Unfortunately, it seemed his last clue was enough.

Still, tease or not, the idol led him to what he was looking for. On the cover of the album was a white-haired woman. She was smiling shyly with her upper body draped across a piano. She was beautiful. But those blue eyes were haunted, always looking at a ghost. “And we didn’t even need a second clue.” Ezra murmured to the girl. “Look at you go.” The ivory-haired man cooed. Sarcasm dipped from every syllable.[break][break]

He flipped the album over. On the back was a family photo. A suave, dark-haired man with a smile, a little Ezra in his arms. There was a quote on the bottom: ‘This album is donated to my loving husband—a wonderful father and businessman. I thank you for my darling star.’ He then grabbed the next album behind it, a duplicate.

His lips pressed into a thin line before he turned to Niky. “How much?"


lol ezra at it again

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Ezra Settentrione
Ezra's PC
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 1:36:36 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar




pokémon storage system




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garden pokémon info


pkmn name

♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[break]
move, move, move,[break] move, move, move



pokémon for trade




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[img src="" title="♁/♂︎/⚬ ABILITY | MOVES"]
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[img src="" title="♁/♂︎/⚬ ABILITY | MOVES"]
[img src="" title="♁/♂︎/⚬ ABILITY | MOVES"]
[img src="" title="♁/♂︎/⚬ ABILITY | MOVES"]


[img src=""][h1]pokémon storage system[/h1]
[img src="" title="♁/♂︎/⚬ ABILITY | MOVES"]
[img src="" title="♁/♂︎/⚬ ABILITY | MOVES"]
[img src="" title="♁/♂︎/⚬ ABILITY | MOVES"]
[img src="" title="♁/♂︎/⚬ ABILITY | MOVES"]
[img src="" title="♁/♂︎/⚬ ABILITY | MOVES"]


[img src=""][h1]items in possession[/h1]
[img src="" title="x0"]


[img src=""][h1]garden pokémon info[/h1]
[img src=""][h1]pkmn name[/h1][break]
   [b]♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[/b][break]
   move, move, move,[break] move, move, move[/div]


[img src=""][h1]pokémon for trade[/h1]
[img src="" title="N/A"]
[div][attr="class","madebywizz"][a href=""]☉[/a][/div]

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Ezra Settentrione
Rocker Meets Idol!
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 0:10:56 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

There was one thing Ezra loved more than sex: music. Something his dickbag father had tried to beat out of him. It reminded him too much of his stupid whore wife he said. But that love of song had passed to him like goddamned fetal gonorrhea. And that’d drove him to sample everything that music could offer. Which included the teen bops of this dickless sack in front of him.

As Niky led him away from the trash, Ezra shrugged. Fifteen’s prim claws were drug away from a sleeve as the twink brought them to the rock section. Guy thought he really understood him, huh? Uppity little fuck. With a grin, Ezra pawed idly through the sleeves before him. He paused for a moment on one of his own album covers.
God, that was a nice picture.[break][break]

“Yeah. No.” He waved the stuff in front of him away like some Paldean’s spicy fart. He leaned in closer. “I was thinking something a little more soulful.” There’s a teasing lilt to his voice. “Circa say 98?”


lol ezra at it again

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Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 2:26:12 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar


I'll pay attention to the gym circuit when we get an actual champion again. Fucking idols.
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Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 2:02:38 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]





"Well look who shook the fucking rust off." There's a sense of cockiness as they finish their second Primarina Twist. He takes a moment to flex his real hand. The grip on the handles is making it tingle. [break][break]After a few minutes outside of the water, his hair's already raising back into fluffy spires. He really hopes this little bastard lets it stay that way.

He tosses a glance to where his sister-in-law surfs. For having done this shit for years, she's really struggling. Then again, she couldn't stop herself from picking a goddamned charity case for a mount. Typical Peaches.

"Try that trick one last time." Then, they'd move on to the cool shit.

primarina Twist - 0 [break]
Primarina Twist - 0 [break]
Primarina Twist - 1000[break]
Primarina Twist - 1000 [break]
Primarina Twist - ?[break]



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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
Rocker Meets Idol!
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 2:26:34 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

Like most days, Ezra was dressed to impress. His suit coat was a glimmering, designer thing.But it’d been thrown haphazardly over his shoulder, hanging like a nobleman’s cape. The t-shirt under it was borderline offensive, but enough to draw a smirk from like-minded people. The jeans, meanwhile, were a gorgeous dark wash. Perched on his shoulder was a Rattata in a matching jacket. All in all, he

His fingers flew over the dusty jackets in the bin in front of him. Gray-and-maroon eyes flicked across titles with an apparent disregard for what was in them. His hand stopped on one record. He snorted, his gaze flickering up to Fifteen’s eyes. Fuck. I can’t believe this shit counts as music.” People with vinyl usually had tastes, but some asshole had thrown poppy garbage in here.

He was in the S section. Indulging in an ego stroke, perhaps?

At the click of a cane, the platinum artist turned to face Niky. “Well, now I know why pickings are so fucking slim.” It was one of those idols. And a crippled one no less. Fuck, those fangirls were into orphans. This ‘hushed’ whisper was audible. It wasn’t actually trying to hide.

His lips twisted upward. “A record.” Time to indulge his inner Karen.


lol ezra at it again

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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 0:27:24 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






Ezra smirks at the first line of the message. It seemed he’d found a shortcut.

The more Shalin panicked, the less fucks Ezra gives. The rockstar just digs his heels in. Nobody threatened him. He wasn’t some easily spooked little bitch. None of those options seemed worthwhile. “Nothing’s stopping chicken shit from leaving.”

Picking up his phone he taps away at his keyboard.

Open the coffin


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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 23:32:34 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






What a DAMNED headliner. The piece of shit finally gets it right. “That’s better.” Water drips across Ezra’s prosthetic as they hang in the air for a moment. A dazzling smile is turned onto the beach bums up a way. He flashes them a thumbs up as a prod from his foot turns the Mantine back toward the water.

He leans forward. His words are a dark, serpentine hiss. “Don’t fuck this up.” With a slight hesitation, the flying-type moves to repeat the successful trip. It dreads what might happen if it fails.[break][break]

primarina Twist - 0 [break]
Primarina Twist - 0 [break]
Primarina Twist - 1750[break]
Primarina Twist - ?



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 2:00:51 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






The Mantine fucks up. Its left-wing dips too far. It clips the water. His prosthetic is wrenched free of his handle.

And, suddenly, they’re in the ocean. It takes him a minute to find his bearings in the foam. And, when he does, he bursts from the froth. Dual-colored eyes narrow as the Mantine makes its way up to him. It makes a number of pitiful noises. It tosses the tow rope at him.

“Get the fuck out of here!” Ezra pushes the things flat face away from him. Fueled by anger and indignation, the singer put his six-pack to use. The Mantine looked after Shaking himself like a wet dog, he made his way up the beach. His mount had returned to its post. There was a moment of hesitation as it queued back up.

He glared at it. “Well, well, well. Look who came fucking crawling back.” After a moment of indignation, the Settentrione boarded. “Let’s try this again.” The man’s voice is a low growl. With a slight stance adjustment, he goes for a Primarina Twist.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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