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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 1:58:02 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






Stupid game. Why would he just stand there and let a bunch of ghosts First Base him? Bullshit.


Scrolling past the automatic loss, he reads through the next scenario. It seemed some undead fuck wanted to play chicken with him. And that was one game he wouldn’t lose. If he had his way, he’d just stand in the dark until the lights out. But he didn’t feel like writing that out.
So, he decided to take a peek at the tomb crier instead.

Investigate the coffin


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September 12
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So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 1:55:56 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]





Getting the Clamperl back to the surface is a pain in the ass. It’s heavy. With a heavy thump, he settles it on the platform. Sure, it’s the only Pokemon on offer here, but it’s not one he wants. Not unless he can get out of it what it’s really worth.

But he really doubts these Green Peace motherfuckers want him shucking it. “Pretty sure this counts as a proposal in some countries.” The man murmurs as he pulls off his goggles. The assistant turns a bright red and laughs. “Not to you. Geeze. It’s been like 10 minutes.” And, if this broad was a fan, she’d know he wasn’t the settling-down type.


As the pair tell him the options, he waits all of five seconds before replying, “I’ll take the cash.”


After a moment of pause, he decided to go in one more time.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
DW: Let's Ratta-toodle-Louie This Shit
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 0:34:28 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

The rockstar nods sagely. Heterochromatic eyes shift from the Rocket to the area surrounding them. His words roll with contemplation.“Power, huh?” For a second, it looks like he might just accept the answer. Let the terrorist get away with sounding like an edgelord. But that’s never been his style. Sure, he styles himself a doberman, but he has the tenacity of a chihuahua. You tossed him off your ankle, and he’d come right back. Definitely mommy issues.” These words are directed in a faux whisper at the Rattata on his shoulder.

With angry tears in its eyes, the Combusken stands on the edge of the clearing. Its claws smoke as it begins coaxing heat into them. They soon go from white to white hot. But Ezra just fixes it with a grin. “Pretty sure I had an STD like that once.” A little beak clacks in frustration as its feathers stand on end. The eyes above it are wrong. There’s something rabid and unpredictable in them. “Groupies, amirite?” As the Combusken charges, it finds itself facing the tie wearing Rattata. A Sucker Punch sends it staggering backward.

At the next question, there’s a pause. Fuck. Admitting that he used to be a Ghibli stan wasn’t really a fit for the rocker persona. Ah, screw it. “It’s a witch from some kid’s show. That vix kind of looks like her.” Or, at least, it had a stick.

“Reminds me.” There’s a pause as he watches the Combusken race off into the undergrowth. Little pussy’s fucking bawling. The rat darts back to his trainer’s feet. "I’m getting a ton of shadow Pokemon lately—” They sold for a fortune outside of this hellhole. It was like having a fucking gun instead of a Pokemon. His steel arm gestured vaguely in Cil’s direction. “Did you and Lugia open up a factory?"[break][break]

If he notices the other Pokemon approaching, he doesn’t react. This guy was way more fun than some fucking queer goose.



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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
DW: Dragon Slayer
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 0:26:01 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

Satisfied with his interpretation, Ezra turns away from the wall. Signs of an earlier slip are present on the knees of his pants. A few wet patches show where he’d almost tumbled over a bridge. He wonders briefly at just what this modern shithole will leave behind. Instead of monuments and riddles, it’ll be decayed fursuits and TikTok dances
When the Dragapult returns, Ezra spares it a few seconds of his attention. These ghost-dragons are pretty cool. As long as the fucker leaves him alone, he won’t pick a fight with it. However, he has to wonder what knocked them off in the first place. Some kamikaze shit?
“Not a snowball's chance in hell.” His nose wrinkles. “Those things are freaky.” They could win a staring contest with a fucking statue. Then, they made a sport of fucking staring into the sun. Then, there was the fact that they were the ugliest shade of green he’d ever seen. “Regular fucking Darwin awards.”[break][break]

The name of the living fruit escapes him. “I meant the apple guy.”


When the bird runs, Cassieopea initially gives chase. She snaps irritably at the bird's feet as it limps down a nearby hallway. A quick whistle brings the irritable dog running back. Smoke furls grumpily from her muzzle as she stares down Freya. He gestured to the hellhound. “I can’t exactly walk this bitch down Main Street.”

The last time that happened, his sister-in-law was charbroiled. “And she loves a challenge.” He drops his metal arm on the hound’s horns. “Fish killing's her specialty." Unfortunately, those seemed to be few and far between at the moment.



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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 0:24:16 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






On the other side of the phone, Ezra smirks. This big-bad guide was like a little girl with bugs. It was kind of cute, even if it was dumb as hell. If he ever ran into this green-haired mite, he’d be sure to test the game’s knowledge. Maybe jump out at her from a corner and yell boo. [break][break]

If this was real, he’d have tapped against the faux glass.[break][break]

Some guide. Ezra thinks as the lady just fucks off on her own. Still, his answer is obvious. This Settentrione does not waste time on scenic routes. He charges forward and usually just deals with the consequences. Sure, it wasn’t very roguish, but there was no sneaky human alive who could take on a ghost.

So, he decides to cross the Soul Conduit.

Cross the Soul Conduit


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 12
Alto Mare
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So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 17:13:39 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






Ezra had learned to shoot for a music video. But that’d been on a board and not a living creature. Still, this stuff looked pretty easy. And it’d be the first time the older McKenna[ had invited him along for something. So, he accepted with a shrug.

But he didn’t exactly stay close. After about five seconds of family time, he wandered further up the beach. A fanboy gave him some free booze. He flirted with the beta bitch’s girlfriend. But apparently she was into nerdy losers. After taking a second to admire the bikini, he took the stranger’s place in line.

There was an undisguised hostility as he mounted the Mantine. His heels dug hard into its rough skin as he squared up. As his fake hand tightened around the handle, the worn rubber squished. “Look Shamu--” He didn’t actually have a demeaning nickname for this little fuck. “--you better not fuck up.”

His foot tapped the saddle for emphasis. “I could always use a near pair of shoes.”


With a swish of its wings, the Mantine took off. There were obviously nerves as it approached the first crest. “Primarina twist!” Best to start right in the middle.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 17:08:20 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]





When he emerged from the water, Ezra was irritable. Without a fucking water Pokemon, he’d been forced to hoof himself all the way down. And, for all that fucking work, he had a nasty Pokeball to show it. The thing looked like it’d been swallowed by a Swalot and shit out. There were also divots and rust marks all over it.

This was just like any carnival game. It was rigged worse than a shitty, mob-run casino. Something a Settentrione had plenty of familiarity with


He was pretty sure the thing didn’t work.


Any sense of this anger vanished as he burst from the water. Instead, he was all dangerous charm. His grin was easy and lupine, exposing the tips of his canines. “You really went all out, babe.” The girl took the ball from him and murmured something under her breath. An apology? “Just put it in the bag.”

With that, he dove again.



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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[newclass=".angel .symbol"] position: absolute; bottom: 10px; color: #757575; font-size: 230px; opacity: 0.03; z-index: 2; [/newclass]

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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 1:12:41 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






Ezra was a competitive guy. And he liked showing off.[break][break]

So, when he heard the ‘better’ Settentrione was playing along, he decided to be the fifth wheel. His Rattata was present as usual, but he sat at the edge of the platform. His bright merlot eyes peered fearfully into the water.

His ego was boosted by the admiration of the young lady next to him. As she explained the rules, her hands ran across the scarring on his shoulder. “I love your music!” She managed after a moment of nervous silence. Ezra grinned.

"Awww, babe." He leaned in close. His breath ghosts across her ear. “You fucking better.” Then, with a half-assed backflip, he dove into the water. Places like this was full of treasures. And, if he played his cards right, some adult fun.



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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 17:55:17 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","fa fa-check-circle pos icon"]


[attr="class","fa fa-heart"]

Call me a grammar nazi, but damn girl. You need to breathe.

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September 12
Alto Mare
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2024 19:32:15 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






Ezra snorted as the route’s host made her irritation known. So much for being a strong, brave adventurer. A little insult and she folded like a house of wet fucking cards. What a goddamned baby.
Still, he could just ride Dante there.

As the description drolled on, the silver-haired man sighed. He scrolled to the end to get his choice. He noted a few things:

  • He needed a coin
  • There was a locked door
  • He needed a coin
  • This chick was trouble

Then, he paused to read the stuff in quotes. He smirked. What kind of man would he be to let that stammer go uninvestigated?

“What’s wrong, boss?” His voice is a purr. “Can’t handle a few stiffs?”

Probe the guide's terror


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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2024 0:47:41 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






His finger scrolled idly through the text in front of him. A silver brow went up as the girl’s picture changed. She talked about a deadly tomb and grinned. Shalin’s words implied she’d been there before.

Ezra grumbled, “So much for it being forbidden.” Then, she tossed a bunch of random Pokemon at him. He shook his head.

This bitch was crazy.

Call her crazy for her choice of ride Pokémon


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 12
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So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 2:04:57 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

[attr="class","angel ezras"]






After taking a minute to observe his guide, Ezra turns to the options. He snorts. This girl didn't really scream adventure guide. [break][break]

7/10 with the beer goggles on.
After checking the options, he sighed. A quest to her bedroom wasn't an option.[break][break]

The corny names made him snort. But, in the end, he selected the one that struck his ire the most. No one told his ass where to go.

Forbidden Crypt


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".ezras"]--accent:#EB5A83!important; --headercolor:#EB5A83!important; [/newclass]

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September 12
Alto Mare
Pokemon Poacher
So I could never strum again
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TAG WITH @ezrasettentrione
Ezra Settentrione
DW: Dragon Slayer
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 14:08:13 GMT
Ezra Settentrione Avatar

Ezra seems almost disappointed when critiques don’t flood in. A silver brow jerks upward, allowing the woman to breach the subject. But in the end Freya appears content to leave it alone. Any potential barbs shrivel in his throat. It seems like a waste, but what can he do? He dismisses the conversation with a shrug.


“Draconic?” The singer murmurs as he stares at the letters. Honestly, he doesn’t see the resemblance. Nothing in them oozes dragon vibes. “I thought that shit died out ages ago.” Its metal surface glimmers in the light as he reaches forward with his left hand. Unfeeling, those fingers trace the letters. “Kind of like Latin.” Not that he could really call that thing dead. "Or scalies." It came up constantly.

With a snort, Ezra turns away. Words from some dead guys weren’t worth his time. There was a living, breathing bombshell right here. “Probably just telling us to keep off the rocks.” When he steps back, he’s notably reserved about it. But the things are slippery.

In the distance, the Xatu lets out a squawk of alarm as The Bitch™ dispatched it with a burst of hellfire. As the bird fled, the Houndoom smirked. The whole area stunk of burnt feathers. His attention is drawn away by a nearby movement. A rare, genuine smile crawls across his face.

“That thing’s kind of cute.” And he doubted the pipsqueak would sell for much. “Real fast food."

A Seaking jumps out of a nearby pool. The ugly fuck quickly loses his attention. Cassie, meanwhile, is on the trail of a new opponent. When she spots the Intelleon dozing, she howls to announce her presence.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing