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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 6:18:05 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
a chuckle followed her glazing, eyes rolling playfully as he expanded with his own input.

Please. Small times don’t get on headlines, which is why we make our own.

Vanta wasn’t as big a name as Devon or Silph, but an idea, despite how trivial it is to most, goes a long way as long as its expanded and thought upon.

I appreciate the compliment though.” said sincerely as he refreshed his memory of the restaurants location with a quick look at his phone.

it wasn’t far away- in fact it was short enough where they could just walk- but after the noise they had made with their display, it seemed all to easy to run into one who would delay their dinner with questions or requests. he instead opted to have the two of them dropped off, a taxi called that delivered them to their location within minutes.

he was gentlemanly, opening doors when prompted and allowing her the luxury of the courted in a situation such as this. it was only when they had been seated that he truly struck up a conversation, a glance taken at the menu before it was pushed off to the side- his attention fully on her.

So, how long have you been in Hoenn? I know it’s a pretty big place and there are a lot of people but… it’s kind of surprising that you haven’t been more in the news.

even fallen starlets and burned out actors have their time back in the spotlight every once in a while after their limelight has faded out. it almost makes him bring his own fanaticism into hand. almost.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
gnort or gnortle
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 5:50:22 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the burst of speed was expected yet not, as in the moment it took for him to realize what had happened, so too was he propelled forward.

the dogs, while fast, could not compare to the speed in which they were now running; the sudden burst leaving them behind before eventually catching up, their jaws unhinged as slavering tongues waved in the wind.

through squinted eyes Sevastian looks to the woman that had led the charge, quiet until they had reached their destination.

once they had come to a stop or at the very least a steady pace once more, he wipes dust that had accumulated onto himself off, ptooing out stray granules of sand from his mouth.

I have to admit. That was pretty exciting.” while not strained, he himself had not expected to have enjoyed their jaunt. so it was a surprise at what had left his mouth, a smile accompanying at that.

Do you do this often?” said as he picks at his shirt, prying off the more embedded debris.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 2:12:43 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
in the approach, the storm lessens, Sevastian twisting his umbrella a few times then setting it into the document case he carried.

he gave her the proper time to alleviate herself of him before he moved to dusting off the suit, but with the outfit being made for such occasions, little maintenance was needed for it to look almost identical to how it did sans storm.

a smile followed as he examined the cuff of his jacket, a little impressed by the validity of the product’s claims.

and just as he does, a camera snaps the picturesque view- possibly catching the worse for wear Charlotte in the shot.

the smile fades and he moves to join his crew, slowing only to give a passing comment to the woman he had assisted.

I wish we could have met under less intense circumstances, but it was a nice little chat we had nonetheless.

after offering his hand for a gentle handshake, he turns to take his leave; whether she had reciprocated the gesture or not.

Take care.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
gnort or gnortle
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 1:55:46 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
” silence is kept as he muses to himself, vision skewed due to looking at her from the side of his eyes.

when her own question was poised he looked to the Mabosstiff at his side, the pokemon trotting alongside happily.

Sure.” he states with a small smile as he snapped twice in succession, signaling for the dogs to anticipate the change in pace.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 1:28:08 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the smattering of heat that formed a knot in his throat moved to form a comfortable warmth in his chest, one that settled in and slowly eased the stress that had quickly built due to the suddenness of their first meeting.

Theres a restaurant called Pelagy that I’ve heard about here in Lilycove. They serve authentic Paldean food; imported apparently. I can get an assistant to book us a table if you want. Or if you can think of something else I'll send them o-”

Beau, times up!”

his notice to move forward.

eyes flit to the set and then back to Alison, noticing that her stare lingers for longer than his own. it was obvious what she wanted, but she seemed to play coy at the prospect.

what choice did he have but to indulge?

I would be honored if you watched me. Maybe you can give me a few pointers after.”

stated almost matter of factly, seemingly infallible in his judgment of the situation.

what followed was what would come natural after such a situation. playful jeering from his peers, a scolding from the set manager, and then an almost perfect photoshoot, the comradery between the models on full display before the cameras.

the scenes blurred between fact and fiction. even if they were just modeling clothes on a set- appearing to be exactly what they portrayed: friends on a day out- you could really believe that these people cared for one another as friends would. but, as soon as the cameras had dimmed their lights, the facades dropped; most scattering, few remaining.

Sevastian was hardly an exception, as while he did keep in friendly standing with his coworkers- sure to say his goodbyes and apologies- at the end of the day, he was just as eager to leave and get to his own personal affairs as the rest of them.

he felt no need to change, what he wore was acceptable and, if need be, could be bought if the studio had wanted them back.

Ready?” asked calmly; jitters extensively exhausted during the shoot.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
gnort or gnortle
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 6:24:56 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
she avoided the question, though it was mainly one poised as an ice breaker in the first place. still, he couldn’t help but continue to pry, if only to measure her worth in his own eyes.

How do you go about it?” getting the hang of the ride came somewhat natural, but he could not tell if it was just because of the connection the Espathra pushed onto him or not. in any case…

You said you’re a Captain. Are you a Captain of the rangers or is that just a title within the League’s rankings?

the pace of the dogs slowed as they fell in line with the others behind them, taking up either end of the rally; the Mightyena next to Shalin and the Mabosstiff next to Sevastian.

I ask because I know that Rangers are more on the side of assisting pokemon while the League are more inclined to just keeping the peace.” - in whatever way best suits them.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
half past three
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 5:57:34 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
attention flitters between two sources, the camera, and Navy, as the elite continues his speech. he can’t help but find himself totally immersed in what he had been emoting for fervently; but needed to ensure his photographs catch the proper feeling- the anticipation, the rush- of what was about to be experienced.

to this end, he only offers a muttered. “Hmm…” as his eyes sharpen into the spotlight, adjusting the lens for a moment as he leered at the small screen that displayed what he had been pointed at. a finger placed itself on the shutter-release as one eye closed and the other moves closer to the eyepiece.

this was their moment, and he needed to capture it with absolute precision.

*click*         *click*            *click*

each, a breathtaking photo of different moments.

the first was of Navy activating the evolution with Hattori taking on a new form in the background. the second was just of the Gerninja, post evolution. and the third, the both of them posed together in their impeccable battle bonded poses.

a smile creeps up Sevastian’s cheeks as he looks through the photos, proud of his work as he tucks the camera away.

Perfect…” he says with a satiation that permeated the air around him.

making his way over to the two, Sebastian takes a moment to shake both of their hands, a quick nod given as he straightens out his clothes.

Once more, Thank you both for having me. I’ll be sure to give an fervent interpretation of this interview for our magazine. Please keep a lookout in stores so you can secure yourself a physical copy of your issue.

its not long after the exchange of pleasantries that he takes his leave, eager to relay his telling's to his editor.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 4:56:53 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
Oh, Kitakami?” briefly looking down to the woman as forward showed no markers of where they were headed, he gives a smile as warm as the atmosphere. “I’ve always wanted to visit~ Is it as homely as it’s presented?

holding eye contact with the woman for a few seconds, his brows furrow slightly. her voice coming through, speaking of hope that they are moving in the right direction, gave him a strange sense of deja-vu.

the face… the voice… they seem familiar, but from where? it’s hard to place.

his attention is quickly pulled from her as ash and soot once more filled the air, strong winds accompanying. quickly his hands move to catch her, the arm once holding the umbrella swapping hands as he places his supporting arm behind her shoulders and the umbrella before them; protecting, at the very least, their eyes from the ensuring storm.

You okay?” said over the rushing winds as he helps her back to her feet.

The trail isn’t as forgiving on the ankles, as it usually is, during a sootstorm.” he says with a chuckle.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:42:15 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
if he had hair, he would be twisting it with an index right now. in this moment he was not the curated persona of a stylish model who was always in control, never caught off guard, and permanently stoic. right now he was none of those things, he was simply Sevvy: some no-name kid who’s eyes were glued to the screen, watching someone similar to his own age do things he could only dream of.

when the reality of his situation kicked in, his cheeks settled, their previously rosy complexion and the corners of his lips that pushed them ear to ear, each settling into placidity.

Yea, bigger than I thought it would be…” for a moment he turns to look back to the cinematographer as well as the crew, hands folded into a prayer as if to plead for a little more time.

with a roll of his eyes, the man who had been the controlling vector of this shoot relented, waving back four fingers, a cue for the amount of minutes he had to return.

once he had procured his timeframe, he returned his gaze to the muse before him.

Miss Alison, none of this would have been possible if not for you. I know I would have just been some no-one to you before, but I have to thank you since I have the chance…Do you mind meeting up after this shoot?

‘is this a weird question to pose?’ he thinks to himself, still speaking all the while.

I can get us a reservation somewhere if you’re hungry. Or we can just go to a coffee shop and share a drink. I just… want to show my appreciation to you somehow, and… maybe just talk to someone I adore.

maybe that talk of “never meet you heroes” is just that, talk.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
gnort or gnortle
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 1:42:00 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
while Psychic types were not his specialty, he was aware of the keen mental links they could form with others. where the Espathra assisted, he allowed, assuming it knew better than himself, especially where it concerned how she was to be ridden.

Interesting.” he says quietly, overshadowed by the thumping of claw and paw; but then he speaks louder, more pronounced.

So you’ve decided to take it upon yourself to quell these pokemon? How many have you satiated up to this point? And as a follow up, how many of them have you caught?

settling into the psychic type, he mouthed a, “Thank you.” as it righted him before he had the chance to do it himself.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
half past three
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 1:30:01 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
his wrist twists as he gently pulls at the fabric that covers his watch, eyeing the time for a few seconds before shaking his head.

I’ve got somewhere to be after this so unfortunately I’ll have to pass.” truly unfortunate since Princess loves anything with spice added to it. she’ll have to settle for a late dinner he supposes.

his fingers continue to write after the pause, the questions posed small anecdotes to fill the page, or maybe just an opener to introduce the star to be. in either case, as much personality as he can fit into the few paragraphs that will adorn the page, the better.

as he finishes he reads over his notes, speaking as he eyed the rough lines of what would be.

One final question for you: Do you mind striking a pose for the camera?

said as he pushes the notepad into his jacket and promptly presents a high quality camera, beginning to adjust its settings as to better fit the lighting of the room.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
gnort or gnortle
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 8:13:17 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
holding out a hand, he allows the Espathra to lower its head to his own height before he got onto the pokemon.

I was planning on just letting my girls stretch their legs.” nodding his head down to the Mabosstiff and Mightyena, they look up patiently, waiting for the walk to begin.

I’d like to keep asking you questions if you don’t mind.

as they start, he allows the Espathra to keep pace, the two dogs easily keeping up with whatever speed is set.

speaking over the gallops and allowing himself to properly move with the flow of the bumps, Sevastian begins to inquire into Shalin.

How did you come across your abnormally large Skuntank? Usually the average height for them is around three feet tall. Yours is I’d say… five foot ten?

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
flora's pond
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 7:44:56 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
amber hues moved to look at the Mightyena and Mabosstiff as they walked in front of him, their tongues wagging from their mouths as they neared the pond.

the two dogs almost immediately broke stride from their master as he stood over the edge of the reflective pool, taking a few flat rocks in hand before beginning to skip them. the first skipped… 3 times, nice. the second, six, perfect score. and finally… another three. twelve, not bad.

staring out into the pond, he’s left for a moment to his own thought as a pang wrings in his chest, a memory he’s subsided until now.

Let’s not....” he whispers to himself before he turns, spotting the two dogs surrounded by a flock of fans, both sitting as they proudly showed off their coats as well as posed for the cameras.

Oh… girls…” exasperated, he walks over and interrupts the crowd to get them to follow.

No autographs, they’re on break right now.” said with the fakest pleasant voice he can muster as the voices shift from speaking of the dogs to speaking to him.

When’s the next Into the Look?" "When’s the next Vanta: Dark?" "Can we get some better photos with you and the girls?” the normal chatter, the normal questions, all of which he waved off with a smile as he gathered the dogs to follow.

unfortunately, this time, the fans were insistent. photos, questions, suggestions, compliments, all were thrown his way before his smile began to waver nervously. he needed a scapegoat.

quickly, his eyes turned to look elsewhere, looking around for a crutch, an anchor, something he could use as an excuse. it was when he almost gave up that he saw a figure rounding the bend, a young man with an Absol. perfect.

John!” he waves at him, attempting to get his attention before he turns back to the press. “I have to go, my interviewee is here, kisses~” a nod follows as he takes his leave, the dogs running up to the Absol and encircling it with sniffs.

John!~” through clenched teeth he puts a hand on ‘ shoulder and spins him around. “Help me out here.

What took you so long?! Lets go somewhere a little more private so we can have our interview.

as they follow a path, Sevastian would lead the way to a canopy of trees the encircle a secluded picnic table. he takes a seat as the two dogs sit next to him, the Mightyena putting its head in his lap while the Mabosstiff lays prone in the grass off to the side.

I didn’t mean to kidnap you like that, but thanks for going along with it… I like your style by the way.” said as a hand rubs the bridge of his nose.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 7:00:28 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
a chuckle follows at the notion, Sevastian more assured of himself now more than ever thanks to her open doubts.

It doesn’t happen too often.” he assures. “But when it does there are usually markers that lead back to safety.

as he squints to look around for said markers, the assurance he had built up slowly began to diminish, his head calmly turning left, then right as he looked to the ground for the highlighted poles. but he could spot none.

... I was going to help lead people that got lost in the storm back to town but… it looks like I strayed a little too far off course to meet you.

cues of his worries are hidden: its a subtle bite at the inside of his lip and a scratch at his thumbnail with an index. but, he keeps his composure, eying the ground for signs of where he had previously stepped and sure to go uphill rather than down.

though… he could just as easily be leading them up to Mt. Chimney and not Lavaridge.

Are you a tourist?” he asks to break the tension. “You asked if this happens often so I assume you wouldn’t know the proper precautions for handling it.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
half past three
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 5:21:26 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the question wasn’t truly relevant to his own proclivities, but he figured at the very least the question would make for good filler in the entry. Sevastian was happy that the seed of intrigue bore fruit as lavishly as it did, a small smile setting on his face at the sincere moment the pokemon and master shared with one another.

busied hands write- but not too much- as short and sweet an excerpt as they had given an answer; it was just enough for him to get a better feel for their bond.

Your relationship is something to be envious of. I’d be jealous myself if it weren’t for my own partners.

his fingers stop as he finishes his sentence, looking up at Hattori once more.

Now lets get into the real questions. What’s your favorite food and what do you do to past the time? Follow up question, what’s your favorite color and whats your sign.


the pen is placed between fingers as he steeples them. leaning in a little closer, his eyes squinted at the frog as if his aim was to read between the lines.

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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay