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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
gnort or gnortle
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 5:50:40 GMT
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he makes a mental note of something he’s never known before and it quickly falls to the back of his mind.

where were his manners? to flag someone down and not even introduce himself! that’s low Sevvy, low indeed.

Sevastain Beau wit-” he cuts himself off before he gets into his spiel. “Sevastian Beau, nice to meet you as well.

adjusting his bag, he looks back to the city and points with his thumb.

I can go rent a ride pokemon real quick.” he had passed by the stables earlier and there seemed to be a Zebstrika that was ready to take off the first chance it got, surely that would be a good pokemon to test out against a Skuntank.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
marvellous clouds
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 5:32:05 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
she’s calm and regal, as to be expected from one in her positon, it almost makes him want to see how far he can take things with her. almost.

this is to be a respectful interview, no nonsense from him nor the crew. any opinions that they had were to be withheld on the account of a lighthearted view into fashion. the questions were to be simple and non-invasive, he is not a journalist, he is a pacesetter for fashion.

Alright, we’ll start in around five minutes after you make it to set. You can get moving when you get a chance to.

within the allotted time, Sevastian is set across from Elise, each in black canvas chairs. a stark white background was set behind and under them as lights surrounded them from almost every angle. as the crew moved around in the background, Sevastian spoke into someones ear, a few nods following from both parties before the extra walked away.

straightening out his shorts, the shades sat atop his head at the ready. whether they were an enhancement for the clothes or something he wore for practicality itself was yet to be discovered.

as a countdown began, Sevastian began to wipe some dust off of his shoulder as one leg laid itself over the other, flash cards set into the pit of that cross.

as lights began to adjust, he gave a smile to Elise, and the signal to start was given.

Hello again all, Sevastian Beau here with, Vanta: Into the Look. Today we have a very special guest with us, a Miss Elise Calcifet; say hi Elise.

he gives pause for her to greet the camera.

For those who don’t know or are unfamiliar with Elise, she usually sports a Semi-Classic Gothic, leaning into Neo Gothic. While she is known to have dark type pokemon none would be considered her signature as my Mightyena and Mabosstiff are considered mine. She is Hoenn’s Galarian Ambassador~” his voice pitches up slightly as he turns his head to smile at her, meaning to show that this is an important part of her introduction. “-and she is here to tell us a little bit more about her style and maybe, if we’re lucky, a little about herself.

straightening himself out a bit he turns from the camera and to her, the interview now taking to a more personal side.

So, Elise, tell us a little bit about your style. What are some of your signatures when it comes to dressing yourself up? I notice you have roses on a few of your fits, is that by choice or was it just that it called to you?

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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sevastian beau
half past three
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 4:45:24 GMT
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with each retelling, Sevastian puts pen to paper, jotting down the important bits of the stories as to properly remember them later. in each he highlights the Greninja’s positive lights more so than the human’s own follys, something he’d imagine Navy would be thankful for.

its only when they get to the part about Xerneas that his pen stopped short, ink beginning to bleed into the paper and form a bitch black spot that seeped into the page below.

his eyes shot up to the Greninja, astonished once more.

That’s… pretty incredible, honestly. It must not have been easy for you, I can imagine.

In Vanta’s research there are stories that tell of Greninja that will lay their lives on the line for their masters, but this is one of the truest examples I’ve had the pleasures of recording.

he smiles at the Greninja, until as he notices the ink beginning to fill a larger part of the pad and moves to write under it. this will make a beautiful excerpt.

What do you think your limit is? You’ve fought pokemon at the magnitude of Xerneas in a one-on-one, but do you think there is something that even you won’t be able to handle?

amber hues return to the Greninja, finishing his jotting with a flick of his wrist.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 4:17:13 GMT
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the backside of his hand half-hides a smile that stretched ear to ear.

her confirmation of who she was put any fears that he had in wrongly identifying his idol to rest.

for a moment he catches his breath, shaking his hands and exhaling deeply as he forced his excitement down.

Okay… I’m cool. I’m cool.

It is you. I was kinda scared I got the wrong person at first but, no, it’s you, so I was right. I’m a fan of your work, or like, what you did, I don’t think I can call myself your biggest fan, that’s a little like… self-absorbed, I’m sure there are bigger fans. You’re like my my hero, no that’s weird to say. I want to be like you, that’s weirder. Wait, I’m yapping.

he lets out an awkward chuckle before collecting himself once again. one deep breath in, collected in the core nice and cool, then a soft exhale out, you’re relaxed, you’re in control.

I’m sorry, I’m frazzled right now, this is like the worst first impression you can make on someone.

a light red pushed through the dusky brown of his cheeks, his eyes flitting away for a second before they make their way back to hers; a childish excitement gleamed from them.

My name is Sevastian Beau, obviously you haven’t seen me before but that’s understandable- you probably have a lot going on in your life.

he holds out a hand gingerly as not to intrude on her personal space more than he already has.

You’re one of the biggest inspirations of my career.

the chittering around him as well as the yells for him to return to the set are background noise, drowned out by the importance of this moment.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
half past three
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 6:36:54 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
I meant no harm in misnaming you, Navy. I apologize.” said promptly as he looked to the Elite, then back to the Greninja as it began displaying its words through smoke.

it makes his heart skip a beat as the pokemon used it own smokescreen to beautifully craft a display of its words. Sevastian is diligent in his viewing, brow furrowing as he attempted to decipher the sayings in real time, all to no avail.

only when Navy speaks it out did it all come together, the interviewer feeling a slight twinge of shame at his interpretation skills being calling into question by himself alone. it makes him all the more grateful for Navidson’s help.

he writes down a few notes after the explanation, silence as he made small impressions on the paper.

Well said.” Sevastian states as he finishes his note-taking, a smile settling on his features.

Have those feelings forced you into situations where you feel the need to overcompensate at any point?

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 6:21:41 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
with his umbrella unfurled, Sevastian had been making his way through the ash, eyes squinted as to scrupulously look into the distance. it was only when he noticed a silhouette coming closer that he picked up the pace toward them.

it’s near immediate that she takes his arm, and in that same moment does he angle the umbrella down in a swift motion, first behind her head and then over it, his free hand catching her hat in the same moment the umbrella settled over her.

before he could offer it back, she had already spoken and begun dragging him back towards the trail.

he can only chuckle as he was led forward.

Who’s leading who here?” Sevastian joked passively- tensing his arm, when needed, to allow her to use it as a support to make it up the incline.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
gnort or gnortle
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 6:06:01 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
he couldn’t help but crack a smile at the woman lecturing him on facts surrounding a dark type in any nature, but not everyone is bound to know another's story.

That’s a very interesting point. I’ve heard about the Flamethrower thing before, it’s a very unique trait for a poison type to be able to do naturally.

the Mightyena and Mabosstiff come to sit on either side of himself, quiet observing as Sevastian continued on.

this could be interesting. lets see how far we can go.

When you say good runners, do you mean this with or without you on-board? I imagine with the added weight of a person it has to impede their speed, no?

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
breathe round corners
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 5:50:02 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
a little snack was just what he needed after all that. maybe they’d have those nanab crackers he had at that one shoot in Fortree, those smacked. that with a la croix would go HARD.

as he walked to the concessions a goofy smile appeared on his face, imagining how good something to eat would be at the moment; a deep swallow keeping him from going a step beyond into drooling.

it was only when he heard his name called out that he snapped out of his stupor, the smile settling into a straight line across his face as he turned to the crowd, and then into a different smile- one practiced- small but calm.

a fan. and a very main-character-in-this-thread-looking one at that.

he puts a hand in his pocket as he walked towards the stranger, taking out a sharpie and giving a toothy grin as he motions his hand towards the hat, as if he was meant to sign it.

who am I making it out to?

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
stop the music
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 1:10:24 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the outfit for todays shoot is bought to you by fendi and is as follows.

the shirt: blue ff terry tee. the texture is an embossment of the brand’s signature and displays this pattern over the full surface of the shirt. while the point of todays shoot is “a night out”, I could wear this to sleep with how comfortable it is. its made out of terrycloth and is as soft on the inside as it is on the outside and doesn’t really get too stuffy or cause you to sweat. it’s a little oversized at the hem so that it drops just below your waist, making it easy to match with pants or just to conceal pockets.

the pants: blue technical cotton cigarette pants. they’re more of a dark blue and are just on the edge of stylish and professional, making them perfect to match up with any pairing you place them within. they’re sleeker in the legs but a little baggy around the lower body waist-area, making them great casual pants but leaving everything to the imagination. the pockets are a nice touch though. concealed zippers on the openings and an internal that’s incredibly spacious. the downside to them: when anything bigger than a phone is placed into the compartments they look awkward and unflattering. a bag is always suggested to go with them.

the shoes: fendi match blue denim low-tops. shoes like these are certainly a fashion statement as they sport an almost used look to them. dark blue, light blue, and white denim make up the surface of these low-tops, frayed ends only enhancing its aesthetic. they easily stain, but the charm of them never fades even if you can’t get the dirt out. other than the aesthetic, the comfort is nothing to write about, they provide the same support your standard sneaker would, they just look nicer.

the watch: o’lock round. this… is one of the goofiest designs I’ve seen for a watch. it has the logo, that I will admit is pretty nice on everything else, stylized in the center, so you can’t even see the face of the watch properly. I’d be contempt with saying this is just a terrible watch, but the craftsmanship of it is great. the gold crown doesn’t scratch or stain easily, and the same can be said for the large amount of empty space on the face. along with this, the strap is comfortable and easy to buckle up. it makes a stylish wrist decoration, but I wouldn’t use this on a regular basis.

the bag: peekaboo iseeu mini. an incredibly lightweight bag made out of dark blue Cuoio Romano leather with light blue and blue Pequin stripes on the front and back fabric. it’s not the most spacious but it will hold the necessities for the night and comes with multiple straps that make it possible to be used as a shoulder bag or a tote. its perfect for light travelers.

the purpose of todays public shoot was to display the stylings of a specific brand and cater to the theme of a night out with friends. for this, a few other models had joined Sevastian for the shoot, each in an intricately crafted outfit they had similarly picked out.

Sevastian had been speaking to one of the comodels he was been posed next to as they looked to the camera, holding a smile when needed or changing poses when prompted to.

as he shared a joke with the person beside himself, a chuckle escaped, Sevastian catching his breath as he looked back to the camera… and then past it.

slowly his smile settled into a confused recognition, and then astonishment; flaxen waves catching his eyes and honing in on the figure they encompassed as it slowly bobbed away.

like a Parasect led by its mushroom, he was forced to obey, straying from his spot and tuning out the words of the cinematographer. he could only hear a shrill ringing in his ears, the sound of anything else muffled as if he was underwater.

eyes stayed locked forward as his foot got caught then untangled on a cord, as he pushed into and through the crowd that had gathered for the photo shoot, as he pushed against those that had knocked into him, before his outstretched hand slowly clasped onto the shoulder of his intended target.

... I know you.” he croaks out weakly- as his heart is caught in his throat.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
i to the maybe go [ m ]
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 8:35:28 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
todays fit for the shoot is as follows.

for the jacket: a double-breasted slim-fit suit in virgin wool. this is a dark blue business suit, tasteful and elegant yet stylish and forward. the sharp features of the suit make it so you look professional while also staying stylish, the stuffy design of that same hum-drum blazer unstandardized with fewer buttons and a sleeker appearance. one of the major benefits of this specific suit is its dust-resistant fabric.

for the shirt: a slim-fit button up in printed stretch cotton. this white shirt betrays the standard of business wear by displaying a pattern of small squares across the entirety of its surface. even with this, it still comes across as professional. in this shoot there is a mix of casual and professional, so the top few buttons are often unbuttoned and collar occasionally ruffled. even despite the mild abuse, the shirt doesn’t easily lose its ironed out appearance nor the original shape of its collar, making it stylish and functional.

for the pants: regular-fit trousers in wool serge. the dark blue matches the business suit perfectly and the pleat of the pants doesn’t hit against your legs awkwardly. these lightweight pants find a way to feel comfortable yet contort to your proportions nicely. they also feel nice to lounge around in, so even if you’re in them for hours on hours, you won’t feel trapped in a pair of pants that keeps sticking to your leg; or is too hot, causing perspiration and ruining your nice shirt.

for the shoes: suede double-monk strap and cap toe. dark blue, like the jacket and pants, honestly they're a little too bottom heavy. they’re comfortable to wear and when walking in them they do feel solid, but at times when you put your foot forward to walk, you might have to catch yourself. the cap toes also sometimes get caught on surfaces like carpet making you trip a little. despite these grievances, when you get used to them they absolutely feel like something you’d want to wear again and you may even make an effort to make it a certainty that they end up back on your feet once more.

for the accessories: a watch, a belt, and a document case.

the watch: a black link-bracelet with a tonal dial. this fully black multi-eye watch is accentuated with gold for the hands and the hash marks. the beauty is in it’s simplicity as and elegance, not too boastful but still bold in its accentuation. the black-plated steel link bracelet keeps your wrist cool and fits nicely on either wrist, never clamping on too tightly in any orientation its placed in.

the belt: a kalosian-leather belt with plaque monogram buckle. for this shoot we placed a faux mega key stone into the plaque area as well as the companies logo. the belt is not much on its own so there isn’t much to really comment on it, what really makes it special is the plaque but it’s also kind of tacky to place a mega stone on a belt. if i have free reign, and we were not to look business casual slash professional, it could look good if it was more on the hip than towards the crotch.

the bag: a zipped document case in kolosian leather with embossed (hugo boss) logo. it’s a spacious black case with multiple compartments for storing documents or other needed items such as pokeballs and other baubles; theres even a waterproof bag and specified location for an umbrella. it’s kind of boring but its practical and nice to look at, and the natural weight is light so even if it filled up, you won’t have to worry about the bag itself adding to that total weight.

the photoshoot was to be a display of this particular brands versatility. there was already a shoot made with another colleague in Sinnoh at Snowpoint, and another in Orre across multiple cities, so snow and sand was covered. ash was and is a lesser explored natural effect, but when there are multiple cities in Hoenn that are affected by it, it isn’t such a farfetched medium.

in any case, while displaying the fashion forwardness of this particular company, a certain natural element that was being advertised against had decided to come into play; a sootstorm to be exact. it wasn’t exactly uncalled for, but usually these things would be forecasted before they happened, today was different.

one moment there was the normal amount of ash falling from the skies, Sevastian posing for the cameras with his umbrella to the ground, and the next, a violent torrent of ash began pouring from above; completely clouding the hubris of humanity that is lavaridge.

as the crew struggled to hurry and pack up their gear, careful not to damage any of the expensive equipment set out, Sevastian aided citizens and previous onlookers of the public shoot towards the nearest source of cover.

releasing two pokemon, a Mightyena and a Mabosstiff, the man instructed them to continue escorting lost citizens into town while he made an effort- despite the current cinematographer’s warnings not to- to head further up the road so people could have someone to direct them through the smog.
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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
flora's pond
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 6:41:20 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
todays outfit is as follows.

the shirt: asv organic cotton jersey crew neck. this beige t-shirt is light and comfortable and displays a stylized font on the front along with minor graphic lines. it’s a little oversized but not too much as to look trashy, which works great for the aesthetics, as well as this lazy day fit.

the pants: viscose and linen canvas bermuda shorts. these black pants include an elastic waistband which cancels out the need for a belt, an automatic plus in my book. along with this the relaxed fit and knee-height cutoff make it breathable but not short enough to show off too much leg. these pants are an essential for a summer day because not only are they extremely comfortable, they also go with virtually anything due to their plain but stylish look.

the shoes: canvas sandals. these sandals sport the logo, of the brand in which the entire fit stems from, on its band. the canvas band sometimes pulls a little too much at the bridge of your foot, but that is to be expected from sandals, especially if one aims to wear them for a walk. the leather insoles do their job of keeping your feet from growing tired and the rubber sole is extremely durable. there are better choices that could have been made for footwear, but these were near the doorway when I was on my way out.

the accessories: none other than my phone, wallet and keys. this was not a planned outing so i didn’t really need to bring anything.

it was a lazy day.

Sevastian’s plan was to bum around at home, catch up with his social feeds, and ease into comfort with his dogs until the next day came around.

so far, it had been going exactly as planned. Sevastian mindlessly scrolled through socials, liking and reposting his favorite creator’s content, and taking selfies that contained himself and his pokemon every now and then to eventually post with the caption: “big chillin”. it was a perfectly lazy day.

until he heard the rumble of the Mabosstiff’s stomach he laid upon. oh right… food, he should probably get some of that.

in slateport there are more than a few places that he could go to fill the bellies of himself and his pokemon, but right now what sounded good was a light snack, something that’ll hold them over until night.

Frydon.” he mutters out and the Mabostiff and Mightyena immediately perk up, coming to a stand as they look directly at him. he chuckles and looks back to them.

We feelin’ Frydon?

with two quick barks the pokemon signal their approval, immediately acted on by Sevastian as he gathered a few belongings and headed out.

looking at his phone, he made his way into the park and started to place his order.

Frydon is a food truck located in Slateport park’s food hub that specializes in fries. there are heavier options for those who want to make a meal, or lighter options for those who just wanted a quick snack, perfect for the indecisive. Sevastian picked himself something light, a small serving of mago fries with touga berry powder. and for his dogs bulgogi fries with thick cut wedges; touga berry powder sprinkled on Princess’ portion.

since they had time to kill before their order had finished, a walk around the park would be perfect, maybe he could go skip some stones at the pond for a few.
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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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sevastian beau
half past three
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 6:15:10 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
On god?” he mouths in somewhat astonishment at the confession. sending such a risqué text to two of leagues big hitters takes a lot of guts.

How brave.” Sevastian mutters as he tucks the voice recorder back into his jacket.

To hear that such a stoic has a mischievous side is humbling to say the least.

a chuckle follows as he jots that tidbit down into the open notepad.

adjusting the positon of the glass, he takes another sip from the whiskey, pushing it a little further away from himself as to pace and not overindulge.

Reliability is a another is one of the most valuable things shared between a pokemon and its partner. I only have two pokemon myself. I trust them with my life and they do what they can to make it easier, but they’re still a lot to manage. I can only image how stressful it must be for one who is at the forefront of this war, of sorts, to be put into so many life threatening scenarios alongside those you love and trust.”

he hovers the pen over his notepad paper and looks to Greninja as he takes a breath and then continues.

Which begs the question: how do you keep your cool through it all? Is it due to Michael’s training? Is it because of your own personal experiences? Natural talent? Please, enlighten me.

with this the interview had begun, one leg crossing over another as a flash of the blue sole pierced through darkness before pointing itself towards the bar counter. his full focus rested on the Greninja, giving it the attention he would a human in the interviewee position.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
marvellous clouds
POSTED ON May 19, 2024 5:25:55 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the fit for the current moment is what he dressed himself in before he had arrived to the studio.

the shirt: a dior charm relaxed-fit sweatshirt, fully whit. on the back is a logo of dior emblazoned in a light blue font. it’s basically a large billboard for the brand, but it’s also kind of a humble brag in the same instance, showing that you have the money to buy a sweatshirt that’s more than some peoples paychecks. i wear it just because it’s a cotton fleece that feels extremely comfortable in the somewhat cold studio environment.

the pants: cannage bermuda shorts, blue silk twill. now I know what you’re thinking, “a sweater that you say you’re wearing because its cold, but you’re still wearing shorts?” I know, I know. but to that same respect, people wear t-shirts and jeans on a warm day, so why not the opposite with a sweater and shorts? trust the process.

the shoes: b57 low-top sneakers, light blue and white calfskin. not much to say other than it’s stylish and the light blue matches with the rest of the outfit. they’re also extremely comfortable to walk around in with couture hi-socks.

the accessories: dior and parley cap, blue and white. it’s a nice alternative to sunglasses for the walk here, though it’s taken off almost immediately after entering the studio.

other than that, the luxury balls that house his pokemon. he plans on doing an outfit swap a little later so anything he needs is in his dressing room.

the location chosen for their meet was a Vanta's own home studio, located in Lilycove. Elise Calcifet had been nice enough to answer his summons for an interview so that the citizens of Hoenn can get a better idea of what counts as fashion for an ambassador.

this wasn't anything Sevastian hasn't done before, but it always felt a little weird to put people like this into a the spotlight of something that they really had nothing to do with. he never felt that it was a bad thing perse, as he got to speak to people that were of a different lifestyle than himself, but it felt kind of... psyop-y?

well... as long as it doesn't impact him in a major way, he can't really complain.

a rap at the door signals his arrival, Sevastian stepping into the entryway to the production studios guest room a few moments after ensuring his guest was decent. leaning into the frame, he gives a pleasant smile to Elise before he begins to speak.

Have you been properly taken care of Miss Calcifet? I hope our assistants have given you the adequate amount of attention you deserve.

checking his phone, he eyes the time for a second before sliding it away, taking a step into the room and placing both hands on his hips.

So, how we’re going to do this is we’re going to have a two-part interview. The first will be us in our current outfits just chatting, I’ll be asking you questions until I get down a good feel for you. Then, after a quick outfit change, we move into the next part; which will be a photoshoot slash interview. Basically, you hold a pose while cameras snap photos and we talk, half is looking at cameras, half is looking at me. It’s semi-awkward for the first question but after that you just get used to it.

giving her one look up and down he asks her one final question with a soft smile.

Do you have any questions for me before we step foot into the metaphorical frying pan?

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
half past three
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 8:57:28 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
as the whiskey is placed before him, Sevastian nods in appreciation to the man, taking it into his hands with his index, middle and thumb to take a sip from the glass before placing it back onto the bar.

a grimace follows before his features soften, his tastebuds not yet acclimated to the strength of the amber liquor. “... First sip is always the hardest.” he whispers before opening his mouth to speak aloud, only to hold his tongue with the materialization of the Greninja.

taking out a notepad, he flips to an empty page before setting it onto the bar, clicking a pen twice before setting it next to the open jotter.

Nice to meet you Hattori, I’ve seen and read of your endeavors and can’t help but find myself impressed and astounded by the magnitude of your feats.

Sevastian’s eyes turn to Michael’s, his own hand placed atop the pen and paper. “Have you taught Hattori how to write? It would be nice to have the interviewer and interviewee able to properly communicate, but if not, it’s no problem.

he produces a high quality voice recorder, placing it in the middle of the two men, a little closer to Michael than himself.

If need be, we can record everything and have it properly transcribed later.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
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