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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
gnort or gnortle
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 8:04:08 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the fit for today is warm-weather essential, cool and comfortable.

the shirt: a striped lisle crewneck, deep blue and teal. its made of pure breathable cotton and fits snug enough to feel as if you’re not wearing anything at all; perfect for a days walk out in this summer heat.

the pants: gregory hand-tailored twill suit trousers, a pure white. not exactly great for a walk, as the white does tend to stain, but it is very appealing to the eyes. it fits nicely around the rump to accentuate curves as well, so that’s a major plus. but…

the pants, part 2: 5-inch mayfair swim trunks, swapped out due to the breathability. a pattern of white squares coats the fabric so it’s stylish and fun. it fits just as nicely as the suit trousers do and also shows off a healthy amount of leg. much nicer than the previous choice due to the fact that won’t get dirty around the ankles and there’s a built in strap so theres no need for a belt; a tucked shirt looks all the better for it.

the shoes: bosworth monogram canvas espadrille, white with a rubber sole that gives off the impression of tweed or thatch, depending on how you look at it. now this one might have you wondering why i changed from white pants only to have a white canvas shoes. and to that I simply say, “ I felt like wearing them.”

the accessories: a medium steel white dial. this stainless steel, horseshoe shaped, watch is extremely simple and elegant and goes with any outfit its paired with. its black calfskin wrist strap is thin and doesn’t draw much heat either, making it perfect for the tropical climate of hoenn.

and finally, a black heritage leather messenger bag, big enough for the essentials and doesn’t feel like it will encumber you. in it rests water, snacks, pokeballs, a digital camera, a notepad, etc… and continues to be stylish all while its at your side. it’s the second thing that can be called into question due to it drawing a lot of heat, but, it looked damn good with the outfit so it’s yet another sacrifice to make in the name of fashion.

today was a day of rest, nothing on sevastian’s menu other than to work on his photography skills. recently one of his submissions didn’t meet his own standards. it was acceptable, but when his job is to capture the beauty of a certain pokemon, acceptable isn’t acceptable.

a walk, that’s what he needed, and being accompanied by his pokemon would help to clear his mind even moreso.

he’d been enjoying it, you know; the evening air, the sun on his face, the delight of watching his Mightyena and Mabosstiff play with one another, hopping in and out of the path and play fighting with one another. these are moments of peace that one doesn’t realize they need until they have them.

but the need arose for him to come to a stop, as on the opposite side of the path walked a Skuntank with a woman on its back.

while resting a hand on his bag, he waved the woman to stop as he approached slowly, waving the dogs behind himself.

never, uh, never seen a skuntank carry someone like that. it’s very… interesting… is the skuntank okay?

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
half past three
POSTED ON May 17, 2024 4:47:01 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
how charming it is to find one so lax despite the circumstances of his- lets say- status, for lack of a more fitting word.

Sevastian supposes that even if they are total strangers it would be odd to be on one's toes in a situation such as this. so he obliges and listens as the man goes on about the Mightyena displayed on the plasma, noticing the slight strain in his face when he had placed the recently deceased Kyle Lopez as a “did” and not “does”

when offered a drink he does give a nod with a slight smile while making his way over to the bar.

I… have mixed feelings when it comes to spectacle battles. On one hand it it does display the dedication to the training of ones pokemon. But on the other, there’s always a risk of injury and in some cases exploitation.

he speaks lightly, taking a seat while eyeing the screen with a mild fascination. when he comes to a stop, he looks to Michael with a smile, pushing that extremely confident offer he made.

How about a glass of Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Vaniville Town.” There’s a slight lift in his tone when he finishes as if he is confident the man’s assemblage lacks something quite so… particular.

If you don’t have that I’ll just take a Galarian Rye Whiskey.” it fits what’s currently playing after all.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
half past three
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 2:41:17 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
the style for today is as follows.

a simple black overcoat: a Black Vittoriana Mandani Jacket. It’s elegant in the light but extremely simple in the dark, as the floral prints seem to mix in with the jacket under a certain brightness. What really stands out are the gold trimming of the buttons and pocket square, but they are secondary to the jacket itself which, as stated before, in the light, will have people gawking at its intricacy.

a simple black dress shirt: 100% Kalosian cotton, stitched, and cuffed. high double button spread collar- the top four buttons undone to give off a slightly more relaxed feel.

simple black pants: Black Vittoriana Trousers. The same floral print as the overcoat with a leather belt that sports a golden buckle, highlighting the neat tuck of his dress shit.

simple black loafers: Black Diamante Leather Monk Gold Loafers. the beauty in these is not only the golden buckle, but the blue soles and internal fabric. the royal blue color is a direct contrast to the black, but still finds a way to be visually appealing and not too overbearing. its shines in the dark and falters in the light, uniquely contrasting the overcoat and trousers in this way.

Sevastian finds himself stood outside of the elite four member's chamber, collecting himself and straightening up his ensemble a couple of times before finding his way in through the entrance.

while he is greeted with a plethora of bits, baubles, oddities and ends, what really catches his attention is the boxing ring placed in the center of the chamber.

as he draws closer he places a hand on the ropes and skims them with his open hand for a moment, pondering silently if this ring was ever used for its intended purpose or only pokemon battles.

then his eye catches his client, the interviewee- of sorts- for the evening.

Mr. Navidson~” he says somewhat cheerfully with a slight smile. “Thank you for having me. I hope I didn’t arrive too quickly as to interrupt your you time.” a cordial comment despite Sevastian arriving at his allotted timing, and not a moment too soon.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
breathe round corners
POSTED ON May 16, 2024 1:23:43 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
todays shoot highlights a company that goes by the initials D&G and a summer style that’ll get heads turning in your direction.

we start from the head, black mirror sunglasses with that D&G emblazoned onto the side on a small gold plate. the acetate frame and temples form a unique shape that doesn’t strain the sides of your head and make a nasty dent around your ears and the bridge of your nose that would come with wearing them over time, making them the perfect sunny weather shades.

next would be the t-shit. it’s a graphic in the form of a black rhinestone dg patched to the front, but all in all it’s just a short sleeved and fully black t-shirt. it fits comfortably enough to wear in either a size too small or a size too big, and in either case- despite it’s 100% cotton compromise- it is extremely breathable.

the pants aren’t anything too fancy either: classic blue selvedge denim jeans- they fit nicely. they’ve got the classic male-pockets, including a smaller pocket within the right for a pocketwatch- unneeded in this day and age, but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it- and a white stripe down the outer seams of the legs. a belt would be covered by the shirt so a waist size slightly smaller than Sevastian’s was picked as to keep them from falling without one.

the shoes are calfskin, custom made with contrasting details, a mix of black ,white, silver, and tan, each color comfortably meshing with one another to bring about a sneaker that calls out your name but not too loudly, as if meaning to passively garner your attention.

as for the accessories, theres a necklace with natural stones with that same DG logo mixed into the equation. the chain is gold with what seems to be small jade or, no, maybe aventurine spheres, mixed in with gold spheres. the watch is a pink-gold and mother-of-pearl, the iridescent backplate not too overpowering yet eye catching all the same. the leather wriststrap does not chafe the arm perse but does draw a lot of heat. a small price to be paid, and honestly, the watch is Sevastian’s favorite part of this outfit.

all these accessories eventually end at a printed drill holdall, big enough to fit around your arm but not too big as to come off as overbearing to seem as if you were planning an outing. it’s a canvas with that same D&G slapped across the front that functions well enough to carry a bottle of water, your pokeballs, a light snack, or whatever you plan on buying during your day out.

poses come natural to Sevastian as well as his Mabosstiff and Mightyena. at one point they’re casually strolling, another they’re sitting on a bench and taking a rest from the heat, sometimes they’re even to the side of the sidewalk, Sevastian pouring bottles of smart water into bowls for the dogs- a bit of impromptu b-roll in the case some other photos don’t turn out well.

whatever the case, cameras were having a field day, as not only were Vanta’s cameras on him, but also fans of the Sevastian’s. this public shoot was set in the middle of Lilycove, a street rented out for the day as to showcase the style while also getting pictures in different natural lightings, one of the bigger features that set apart Vanta from other magazines.

Sev, you’re on break, lets get some pictures of the girls now.” A director chirped, Sevastian craning his head to look back as he crouched down and capped the water bottle he had been pouring into the bowls.

With a nod, he turned to give his pokemon coos of encouragement, scritching them with both hands before he stood and made his way towards the concession area.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
Sevvy's Tracker
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 4:40:48 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
in action

breathe round corners w/  fan meetup

gnort or gnortle w/  skuntank photo-op
marvellous clouds w/  interview
flora's pond w/ chance meeting
stop the music w/ meet your hero

need to thread with


half past three w/  greninja photo-op/interview

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
Giz's plotter
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 4:38:48 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar
Sevastian Beau- Answers to Sevastian, Sevvy, or Beau. He’s a calm individual who leans heavily into his Pokemon, a Mabosstiff and Mightyena, for company. Both dogs are extremely protective of the man.

His current objective is to photograph every Dark Type pokemon in order to capture the beauty of said typing for his modeling agency: Vanta. It is a labor of love for the man as he has always had a fascination with Dark Types due to his own two pokemon as well as the amount of research that he’s put into Dark Type pokemon thanks to Vanta.

Sevastian’s personality is very much that of a person accustomed to a life of luxury, boujee for lack of a better word. He prefers to spend time in cities as opposed to towns and the wilderness. He would not be caught dead in a fast food “restaurant”. And even if he needs to go out into the boonies or the wilderenss, you will find him dressed to impress. Who? -ever is looking, that’s who.

When conversing with Sevastian one would notice that he is frequently blunt. He does know how to hold his tongue, and will do so in most cases- but if he feels the need to, he will either outright tell you the first thing that comes to mind ( usually not good ), or keep silent, giving you a look you’d likely be able to read off his face alone.

While he does have a primary goal, it is not a necessity nor is there a rush for completion, as there is no given end data for this campaign. He is free as anyone else is to enjoy his life, and there are no expectations for him to dish out pictures on the daily.

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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
sevastian's pc
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 2:42:18 GMT
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items in possession




garden pokémon info


pkmn name


   ♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[break]

   move, move, move,[break] move, move, move



pokémon for trade




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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
beau, sevastian
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 2:27:10 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar


[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x




namesevastian beau
played bygiggard

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANKcivilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM emiya alter from fate

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]VANTA BLACK AND BARE



Hi, My name is Sevastian Beau with Vanta modeling agency- you may have seen my face before on a few of our issues.


The purpose of our magazine as well as our agency is to shine a spotlight onto Dark Type pokemon and their trainers. Our magazines give tips to those who are thinking of getting into Dark Type pokemon, clothing articles for the more fashionably inclined, and the odd research paper here and there.
At the moment, we are running a campaign to capture the natural beauty of Dark Type pokemon, with me at the forefront. It is my job to capture a stunning picture of every single Dark Type known and available within the confines of Hoenn, effectively making me a “Dark Type Master” of sorts.
You might think this task impossible with everything that’s been going on recently, but I will scour every inch of this region back and forth to complete this task. I’ve got all the time in the work afterall.


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[newclass=.freiwanttbot a]font:bold 11px Quattrocento Sans;color:#eeeeee;[/newclass]
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played by

ya boi

beau, sevvy
July 25
idk, middling to high
6'2" height
6'2" height
You’ll be the light, And I’ll be a cloud, Casting a shadow, You’ll bring the shine, And I the shade
33 posts
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TAG WITH @sevastian
sevastian beau
ya motha (is a lovely woman, happy mothers day)
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 2:18:08 GMT
sevastian beau Avatar


[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x




namesevastian beau
played bygiggard

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANKcivilian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM emiya alter from fate

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]VANTA BLACK AND BARE



Hi, My name is Sevastian Beau with Vanta modeling agency- you may have seen my face before on a few of our issues.


The purpose of our magazine as well as our agency is to shine a spotlight onto Dark Type pokemon and their trainers. Our magazines give tips to those who are thinking of getting into Dark Type pokemon, clothing articles for the more fashionably inclined, and the odd research paper here and there.
At the moment, we are running a campaign to capture the natural beauty of Dark Type pokemon, with me at the forefront. It is my job to capture a stunning picture of every single Dark Type known and available within the confines of Hoenn, effectively making me a “Dark Type Master” of sorts.
You might think this task impossible with everything that’s been going on recently, but I will scour every inch of this region back and forth to complete this task. I’ve got all the time in the work afterall.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay