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project tower: scenario 2 — cassidy & inaya
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 18:16:34 GMT
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[attr="class","ptower-top"]project tower scenario 02

[attr="class","ptower-mid"]combat training: legendary pokémon


Underboss Fiorelli appears indifferent to your choice, but steps forward all the same. Within moments she releases Wo-Chien onto the battlefield. [break][break]

Vines and leaves cascade from its snail-like shell, which gleams with a mysterious, earthy luster. Its ochre eyes convey a sinister intelligence as it watches both you and your Pokémon. After taking stock of its opponent, Wo-Chien begins the battle — not with a bombastic assault, but by opening its slime-coated mouth to release POISON GAS onto the field. [break][break]

How will you contend with this ruinous creature?



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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 4:13:18 GMT
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she frowns, none too pleased at the environment mint had dropped them into. of course, it was meant to train them for any and all possibilities, and as commander, she thinks it fitting that mint would not hold back.

the other girl releases her tinkaton. she nods in acknowledgement. "cassidy. a pleasure." she says.

the PROTECT helped prevent the wailord from sneaking up on vidya, and she nods in thanks to . but then she gasps as the tinkaton is hit with another hydro pump from the sharpedo. three against two was against the odds. they needed to decrease visibility. "vidya, hide us." she says.

a white haze of MIST begins to engulf the field, obscuring the both of them in a hazy mirage. "come closer." cassidy says, taking a step next to aurelie—they needed to stay together if the field was to be so obscured.



+10 FP for referencing another character (must include tag).
+10 FP for assisting another character and/or their Pokemon.

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POSTED ON Jul 7, 2024 7:41:36 GMT
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out of all the trainings, cassidy had not expected to be deployed into a hurricane. it may all be temporary, being a training simulation. but it certainly felt real; the winds that whipped and stung at her skin and the rains that drenched her clothes, chilling her to the bone.

they come upon team aqua quickly. she looks to , the person that was deployed alongside her. "let's hope for the best."

and then she releases her ninetails, pale shimmering fur and blue eyes. "team set. ready."

they attack first and ask questions later. her ninetails braces for the HYDRO PUMP from the PELIPPER, rushing water that threatens to blast her away. but it gives her a chance to attack. cassidy gives her directive. "vidya, FREEZE-DRY." a gust of cold air blasts towards the PELIPPER, aiming to freeze its wings so that it would not fly.

meanwhile, a WAILORD approaches her from the side, another HYDRO PUMP at the ready.


WAILORD is attempting to use HYDRO PUMP on NINETAILS

+10 FP for referencing another character (must include tag).
+15 FP for having your pokemon hit by an opponent’s attack.
+10 FP if at least one of the opponent's attacks does not miss.

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project tower: scenario 2 — cassidy & inaya
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 21:12:29 GMT
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in all honestly, cassidy had always been afraid of the war. she had felt it coming for some time, tensions between the two warring groups never falling. despite it all, she feels a little relieved to have had some training—defenseless civilians were always casualty, and she intended to survive.

on the battlefield was another grunt like her, and some rather high ranking rockets. two against one seemed rather one sided in most cases, but these rockets, being the avatars of legendary pokemon, were stronger than cassidy thinks she could ever be.

she recognizes elisabeth fiorelli first, being her courier and semi-apprentice. cassidy had never seen the extent of her power; it terrifies her to think that the underboss could as easily kill her as she had done with others. but she thinks that it would be better to know how the weapon strikes as opposed to living in ignorance.

turning to the inaya, cassidy's eyes float to wo-chien and the underboss; neither would be an easy battle, she only slightly preferred one out of familiarity.

"would you like to fight wo-chien?"

prefers to fight WO-CHIEN

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project tower: scenario 2 — cassidy & inaya
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 21:02:25 GMT
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[attr="class","ptower-top"]project tower scenario 02

[attr="class","ptower-mid"]combat training: legendary pokémon


War is on the horizon. As tensions escalate between the League and Team Rocket, it is crucial that you and your fellow operatives are prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. [break][break]

Hoenn in particular offers a unique obstacle in the form of Avatars and their legendary patrons. Fighting them will be no easy feat. With this in mind, you currently find yourself in a huge, underground training facility that has been specifically constructed and outfitted for you to hone your battling skills against these formidable opponents. [break][break]

Underboss Fiorelli and Admin Bee, the Avatars of Wo-Chien and Galarian Moltres, respectively, stand before you, ready and willing to offer their patrons for the cause. [break][break]

Which Legendary Pokémon will the two of you choose to train with today?



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project tower: scenario 6 — cassidy & mark
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 20:54:55 GMT
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war was on the horizon. headquarters had been busy with preparations, and no matter the rank, you were called to arms. hands were needed everywhere, not only for combat, but for defense too. it was not just smart to fortify your place of operations, but it was a necessity if you wanted to win a war.

now in the bunkers, the person on her team was someone she had vaguely known but had not spoken to until now. there was not much she knew about mark other than than his talents—hacking, which surely required a clever mind and quick hands. cassidy herself was a rather lacking in that area, so she was glad to have someone to fill in the gap.

but between the two of them, she thinks that they can manage just fine. her eyes drift to the security cameras and their cables. steel beams wouldn't prove too difficult, but she preferred not to do manual labor if she could afford it.

"your skills must be more suited for installing cameras, no?"

would like to do SECURITY

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project tower: scenario 6 — cassidy & mark
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 20:41:09 GMT
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[attr="class","ptower-top"]project tower scenario 06

[attr="class","ptower-mid"]tera tunnel defense


In preparation for the upcoming war, you and your team have been entrusted with the crucial task of fortifying Rocket’s defense—a complex network of tera tunnels interwoven with bunkers seized from Project Lockbox during Meteno. You must fortify the walls using steel beams and metals provided by Rocket’s own blacksmith, ; or instead choose to install security cameras in the walls as determined by Rocket's intel team and Admin Bee (). [break][break]

What should you focus on?



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[M][C/Cassidy] Kick Them While They're Down
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 19:21:34 GMT
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there was confusion evident as the gym leader suddenly enters the cloud of sand. but his pokemon seemed to sense the electric attack, diverting it to his umbreon instead. with the sand clearing, she sends her gible first—bait, to see how much the gym leader would bite.

with a flick of her head, she motions the pokemon forward. the umbreon had been slowed by the thunder wave, and so it was left vulnerable and open to attacks. no matter the pokemon, either would be valuable nonetheless, and so she changes strategies; it launches itself forward, head first through the sand into a DRAGON RUSH, shedding purple energy from its apex.


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what the city saw
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 7:00:25 GMT
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cassidy is nothing if not patient. she bides her time. she waits and she listens. she is blank faced as the person before her stutters and gathers their words.

"somewhere crowded." she repeats, as if to evaluate the words. at first it seemed a silly thought. more people assumed more attention; and cassidy was not one to bask. but it would make more sense if she had assumed the role of a trainer, and not a poacher; if the cubone had just been colicky and not traumatized.

if this stranger's words assumed what cassidy had thought it did, then the wrong idea was the right idea, at least in an objective sense. but she thinks, that this person had chosen their words carefully, and rightfully so.

the cubone's crying had ebbed to quiet sobs, fatigued from its crying. the stranger looked kinder than the girl who had taken it to this scary place, and it gave the pokemon enough courage to make a run for it. cassidy does not bother to catch it, nor does she motion for her ninetails to.

she lets the weak pokemon go as it runs to the stranger and clings onto their legs. it was so scared, but it had already determined the worse out of its choices, between an unknown and a known danger. she holds the ball in her hands, rubbing its smooth surface with the flat of her thumb. wasn't it fascinating, holding this power over such a helpless creature?

"tell me, stranger. if you had a choice between being destitute or being abandoned, which would you choose?"

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POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 5:40:18 GMT
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night owl
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 1:22:29 GMT
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his words implied many things; in cassidy's view, it meant that theo beckett was confident and powerful enough to not need the cover of darkness. at dawn, you had the leisure of day at your fingertips, and you were free to determine its history.

cassidy shifts, slightly uncomfortable at the thought of being perceived. she was eager to please, and she is more than willing to obfuscate, but she could never lie.

"i do like waking up early, as i am more productive then...but i do not like to be seen."

the smell of smoke is acrid and will always be, a lingering smell that sticks to her person. she hopes the scent doesn't give her away. but she muses, rolling the cigarette in her hand.

"perhaps if i become as strong as you, i won't be so afraid of the light."

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[DW][C/Cassidy] Spring Swim
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 1:06:45 GMT
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it's what rangers do was a strange phrase to hear. of course, if the captain was to head to the sea anyways, and it being a mutually beneficial agreement, then it would make sense that they would not seek any repayment for their services. but even for cassidy, she still feels as if she owed a favour to the girl.

"thank you then, captain. if you need my assistance for anything else, you only need ask. i offer many services in my free time." she says, the cryptic tone of her voice implying that some services may not be entirely legal, though she lets the girl make her own judgement as to what that would be.

now out at sea, she looks at both the pokemon. the sharpedo was a pokemon she'd be inclined to, but its rough skin makes her think differently, and she motions to the vaporeon instead.

"i'd like to ride rielle, please." she nods, a wisp of a smile on her lips. now into the water, she sees that the sea is as bountiful as she'd expected; the colony of PALAFIN, their bodies leaping out of the water and doing trips, while SQUAKABILLY flew above, unrestrained by the water. it was a peaceful occasion, one that she focuses on without the need to catch them.

she looks to the bright skies and the various pokemon in the sea before asking shalin a question.

"so shalin, what made you become a ranger?"


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looking glass
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 0:48:16 GMT
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she's surprised when a protein bar is pressed into her hands, the wrapper reading cookies and cream as its flavour. she opens her mouth to protest, but seeing tempest had made up his mind, she meekly accepts it. "...thank you." she says quietly, gently opening the bar after him.

five years is a long time to serve in what was essentially a criminal institution. but in some ways, it was not a lot of time at all, considering where hoenn was give years ago. and hearing tempest's past, strangely similar to hers, made her wonder if she would walk the same path as he.

she bites a piece of the protein bar, a slightly crumbly bar. it exploded with sweetness everytime she took a bite; the cookie a indulgence, even in a food meant for energy. cassidy had not treated herself to a dessert in a long time, and even a food as ordinary as a cookies and cream bar made her savour each bite.

"i joined very recently...only a year ago. i still feel weak in comparison to everyone." she admits. poaching had been steady money, though it was not always easy. but she was still new compared to the varied tenures of other rockets, ones that she had met.

"what compelled you to take it more seriously?"

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february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
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cassidy DOLLARS
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shoot the messenger [m]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 23:58:34 GMT
cassidy Avatar

the impact of the pawniard's metal spine against rock and ice means that it's made an impact; she wonders how effective it really was for the young pokemon. but then the air drops a few more degrees, raising the bumps on her arms from the chill.

the mist that gathered in the far off distance must be the glalie's body. the pawniard attempts to dislodge itself, but the critical hit was both a blessing and a curse; now trapped, it was only a matter of time before the sheer cold took effect. too cold to move and function, it causes the pokemon to FAINT, its body dropping from the glalie, pale and frozen.

in that time, cassidy manages to pull her foot free from the ice, teeth chattering from the chill.

the mist begins to clear, and she gazes at the downed pokemon coldly, thinking its limp body too still to be alive. but upon closer inspection, she can see that it's still breathing, only barely. she was surprised. weak pokemon will naturally be culled, but this one had survived. so be it then. she leaves it on the floor regardless, mind pivoting to more pressing matters.

standing from her place, she decides to bring out her ZWEILOUS, not quite down for the count. the glalie's moves seemed to take advantage of close combat. "keep your distance." she mutters.

and she reasons, with two heads instead of one, shouldn't a HYPER VOICE be twice as loud?


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february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
49 posts
cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
breaking the ice [m]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 6:54:45 GMT
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the bicycle almost looked forlorn in the crushed foliage, sleek red metal stained by mud and dirt. she knew mach bikes tend to be expensive. this one costed certainly too much. but while the bike had been left behind, the tracks continued, now slightly more winding. the rain must have been strong, disorienting.

a sense of unease settles in her stomach at zev's confirmation, one that makes her feel sick despite herself. "no, i have not." she admits. she looks at her hands, slightly shaking from anticipation. by now, perhaps a hundred pokeballs have passed through her hands without ever having spilled blood. she hates to admit herself a pacifist, but she was not one for violence.

but she would have to be. one day, eventually.

"i want to." she says. but it's not the complete truth. she corrects herself instead, clenching her hands into fists. "i do not want to. but i need to. for rocket sake."

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