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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 19
Lumiose City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
hell breaks loose [m]
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 11:40:37 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
Petalburg had been a sea of activity and flourish, the titular city now flooded with the residents and victims of this conflict. Rose was hard at work ensuring that nobody here would suffer, Pokémon and human alike. Her Chansey was going from case to case with her usual healing skills, while Rose remained ever busy helping the doctors in place here. It was hard work, though she would gladly pay such a price if it meant others would not suffer. All was as well as it could be given the conditions of her visit.

But then, the skies became distorted and dark, thunder crackled around them while she jumped back in worry. "Wh-What's going on?!" She asked Maki, taking her spot behind the woman as Chansey rushed to her trainer's side. Luckily, her handler had seen this type of phenomenon before, a rift of some kind? Whatever it was, that sounded horrifying considering the way that silhouettes and shadows were starting to come towards them. Rose followed the structures given, nodding towards Maki. "R-Right. We're with you!”

She dove inside of her pocket and threw out another Pokémon of her own, taking the form of a Mimikyu. The ghost fairy type Pokémon let out a shrill cry and launched itself into the fray of attackers. A well timed Shadow Claw was enough to dissuade the closest from reaching out to grasp it. The Chansey backed the Aegislash and used Helping Hand in an effort to bolster the other Pokémon's defenses. Rose remained behind, though hadn't been paying attention and looked around just in time to see a mass of hands grabbing onto her.

"Maki!" She cried out, trying to slip out of their grasp. "Ah-I could use some help!"

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March 19
Lumiose City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil
bedside manner [m]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 10:18:12 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
"I would, ah, love to see it with you!" Rose answered back quickly, her lips forming into a smile. It ould be nice to get her mind off of the doom and glom that she had been caught inside of. Maybe it would be just what "Maki, yes. Sorry, I’ll remember from now on." Rose apologized for her slip of tongue. She hadn’t meant to offend or make her captor feel old or anything. The medic kept to herself and watched the other woman carefully before looking back to her Chansey. The Pokemon let out a happy cry before disappearing back into her ball. She smiled, though looked at the door for a moment when excused from the other woman's home. Rose stopped for a moment, then stood up and walked closer to Maki, doing her best to summon the courage for what she wanted to say.

"I wanted to thank you…For being so generous with me. I know making sure I don't stray outside of my boundaries isnt an easy task, b-but I appreciate what you do. It may sound odd, but knowing that you're there in case anything goes wrong feels reassuring. I appreciate your company, Maki."

Rose smiled, then turned to leave with a wave of her hand. "If you need anything else, please dont hesitate to ask." On that note, the Kalosian walked out of the living room and out of the home, closing the door behind her.

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March 19
Lumiose City
Forced Conscript
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
bedside manner [m]
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 10:18:29 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
The Chansey by Rose's side had continued to keep her eyes honed in on Maki, a habit that it had picked up from her trainer and no doubt due to the obsession over attempting to please the person handling their leash. Rose had honestly not expected the invitation extended to her from the other, battle hardened woman, mainly in part due to her introduction to Rocket being watching another forced conscript get his head smashed in for the crime of talking back to a superior officer when expressing his dissatisfaction in being forced to take part in their plants. The sound of his body at the end of numerous Bullet Punches was something that Rose had often been unable to shake from her head, no matter how many times she had tried to.

Was this Maki attempting to seem a bit more friendly? Or could it be another scheme so somebody affiliated with her could torment her? Despite the fear in her heart, it wasn't as harsh of an anomaly as it seemed. Ever since they had been introduced to one another, the other woman had been quite supportive and willing to let Rose stretch a little. Perhaps it was just her generous side that allowed her to be as lenient as she was. Rose hardly ever acted out of line, even with the chances that Maki had given her. She did her best to remain wholly independent and tried not to cause a scene or anything. Even at offers like this, she was a like an anxious Deerling in the den of Lycanrocs.

"I would, ah, love to see it with you!" Rose answered back quickly, her lips forming into a smile. It ould be nice to get her mind off of the doom and glom that she had been caught inside of. Maybe it would be just what she may need! "Thank you, M-Mrs. Yukimura. I've been meaning to find a way to de-stress after tending to patients all day." And who knows? Maybe Rose could learn a little bit more about her captor? "I'll have to tell you about all the competitors this season!"

(claiming bingo for anomaly)

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March 19
Lumiose City
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5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
bedside manner [m]
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2024 22:42:52 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
Embarrassing remark aside, Rose was able to find it in herself to avoid embarrassing herself any further to announce that Maki had a clean bill of health. The woman set down her sweater and she took both cups resting on the table and went to the kitchen. It left Rose with ample time to notice the strange looking chain attatched to the Houndoom's neck. She hadn't come across something like this before, and it only had the medic question if the Pokemon was in good health because of it. Nothing appeared to be wrong, but it certainly didn't look normal. Her eyebrows scrunched together in worry for the canine just as Maki would speak up from cleaning the dishes on a topic that Rose hadn't been expecting in the slightest.

"Pokemon Contests? I mean, y-yes, I enjoy them. I used to participate in some when I was younger before school work became too important, but I still keep up with the current scene." Rose said from the chair, her hands in her lap and looked over at the back of Maki's head. COuld it be that the workaholic, serious woman had actual hobbies and interests that weren't related to serving under Rocket? "Why do you ask? Are you thinking of going to one in the future?"

(claiming bingo for surprise)

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March 19
Lumiose City
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5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
Tea Day [M]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 1:21:34 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
"It can be that way, y-yes..." Rose said, rubbing her upper shoulder somewhat while letting out a nervous laugh. The Chansey standing beside her was the first to look up at the Mismagius turned to face them both with eyes full of intrigue, or would it be protection? Weren't they supposed harbingers of misfortune if one upset them enough? Hopefully Mana wasn't going to put a curse on either of them for nearly insulting her owner for such a thing. Rose eyed the ghost pokemon with an anxious glance, but would at least try and remain on good terms with Elise and her friend.

"It's nice to meet you El- W-Wait, Calcifet? As in "The Royal Calcifet Family from Galar?" It came as a shock to Rose, who was just now coming to the harsh realization that she had fallen asleep on a royal member of a kingdom! This was nothing short of abject humiliation from the Kalosian, who had only just wanted a pinch of tea before work and managed to embarrass herself in front of somebody far above her. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you! I don't know the correct title here, I'm sorry! I just- Here, I can make it up to you. Allow me to buy you some tea. Anything you want, your treat!"

She hoped that was a good enough apology to offer the woman. WHo knows what kind of torture disrespecting a princess could have in store for her. Hopefully nothing more than what she was already going through with Rocket...

(claiming protect from bingo)

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March 19
Lumiose City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 0:23:06 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]6TH ANNIVERSARY BINGO


bingo sheet


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March 19
Lumiose City
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5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
bedside manner [m]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 0:20:26 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
The force of the wounds being closed was a terrible one, even Rose could feel the grip on the other woman's hand as she gripped her own and clenched tight. The Chansey knew such as well, doing her best to try and comfort Maki given the circumstances. She let out a soft "Chansey..." and carefully put her nubbin of a hand on top of Maki's side. Rose winced at the pain shot into her hand, though definitely not as much as what her companion likely felt. It was a sacrifice she would make with any patient though, such was the way of life of a doctor.

When the (likely) longest minute of Maki's life was over, her hands were fully healed of the wounds, albeit it with a new minor scar for the collection, or was that little nick always there? When allowed, Rose slowly removed her hand from the other woman, clenching her teeth together at the slight pain from having it squeezed. Not the most painful thing she had done to date, but it wasn't an afternoon breeze either. A pained hand went to the tea cup to finish it off in one swift mouthful. With Maki's hand down and finished healing, it brought them to the other area of interest that Rose was present for. One that was significantly more...intimate. At the mention of such, the doctor gave one slow nod.

"Whenever you're ready." The pink haired woman said, adding, "As you know, doctor and patient confidentiality. If things have gotten better or worse since my previous visit, please tell me." She awaited for Maki to, eh...expose herself to Rose. It was never easy with her, as the doctor couldn't hide that faint blush from her cheeks at seeing people so vulnerable before her. It wasn't as if she had any nefarious intents, but being so close to such a beautiful yet worn body had always made her feel so strange at times. Fingers pressed around tender looking skin, making sure that every little wound or area of interest was healing over well. "Everything appears fine so far. Ah-I envy your ability to heal such a gorge--o- er, hardened! Yes, hardened body very...quickly."

(claiming bingo for contact)

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March 19
Lumiose City
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5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
bedside manner [m]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 19:49:00 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
In hindsight, she should have expected that answer. Rose's expression worsened at Maki's muted excitement at the offer to advance her healing process up at the cost of being in pain for a while. How could somebody just willingly agree to this sort of thing? Had she gone insane?! "Y-You're really going to do this?" she asked incredulously, "Is your life worth that little? That you're going to just throw it all away just like that? Even if you're healed, you wouldn't be back at optimal health again, and you'd willingly step right back into a war zone?" Maki was a lot of things but damned if she wasn't the resilient type to bounce back from an injury such as this. Rose adamantly refused to go ahead with such an act, though her refusal meant little in terms of the agreement she made to be in service to Rocket. The standoff lasted only a few normal seconds until, after much deliberation with herself, she relented.

"Fine. I'll do it." The doctor unclipped Medecia's pokeball form her belt and called out her reliable Chansey. The helper Pokemon walked towards Maki, sharing her owner's same expression as she observed the wound. Rose took a long sip of tea from the mug before then sliding her hand inside of the other woman's. Her more coarse and rough palm felt so strange compared to her own. She looked at Maki again, her expression torn between disbelief and worry. "You'll need this. I don't have any painkillers strong enough for this." She looked over to her Chansey and let a small little preparation for the incoming pain. "Medecia, Soft Boiled." The healing Pokemon would offer out her egg to Maki, using the healing energy inside and then...

Pain. Immeasurable, sheering pain. Her hands quaked as the wounds began to heal over at once.

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March 19
Lumiose City
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5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
Tea Day [M]
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 5:01:54 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
With the events of Sootopolis and Petalburg behind Rocket, it had been a fairly stressful time for many octors and nurses back at base. Even while Rose wasn't a human doctor by most conditional means, her presence was heavily requested every now and again to deal with the tides of people coming in for wounds sustained during duty. The sky outlines of their makeshift base passed on and on without end. had Rose been awaken for half a day or was it a couple of them? Whatever the answer was, it was a bit too long without some shut eye. That brought her attention to one of the tea houses in Hoenn by Rustboro, where she was standing in line alongside the Chansey beside her.

Every so often, Rose felt lightheaded and had felt her eyes beginning to close together while she waited her turn to order, and for a brief moment all was well with the world. This soon came in the form on her Chansey attempting to wake her before she hit the floor in an embarassing and tired grunt. One such time had been when she began to lean on the wall for support in waiting behind a well dressed woman. It had worked pretty well, until she found herself resting on top of the other woman's shoulder.

"OhmigodI'msosorry!" Rose belted out as quickly as she could, "It's just been a rough time at work lately because of work! I'm a Pokemon Nurse and it's just a nonstop wave of patients coming in with not enough hands."

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March 19
Lumiose City
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5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
bedside manner [m]
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 4:35:10 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
The Houndoom walked closer to Rose and leaned on her, causing the medic to stumble. It was a stroke of luck for the woman's hands to clutch the edge of the countertop in surprise. Lavender eyes went down to look at the canine that was looking up at her with expecting eyes. "Well hi there!" she said in the same tongue of babying a Pokemon that could be expected from somebody. Dainty fingers went to stroke the fur of the canine, making sure to scratch underneath its ruff and along the neck where they often couldn't reach. "Such a good boy~ Have you been guarding this whole time?" The little petting session continued until Maki brought the tea over towards the coffee table while Rose was quick to follow dutifully behind.

Maki's hands were healing better, though it was still looking rough. Rose's brows scrunched together while observing the hand before she brought her own outwards. "If I may, Ms. Yukimura." If offered, Rose would gently prod around the area for its tenderness, eyes scanning across the healing wounds. A sticky border stained the Yukimura's hands from around the site of the cuts, with the skin near the wound being more saturated with sweat. She was healing well, but the wounds still were only about nearly finishing healing. "I still want you to wear the bandages for at least another week with antibiotics. They look like they're healed over, but that's still exposed skin. It'll put you at risk for it getting infected if you don't." Rose added and noticed the slight hint of annoyance on the other woman's face, but then adding, "O-Or at least a couple of days still."

Rose looked down at her pokeballs hanging on her belt as an idea made itself known to her. Her lips pursed together in thought for a moment, though it was one that perhaps could lighten Maki's worries. "Alternatively, I could..." she looked about, hesitation grasping her will until the doctor pushed through. "Medicia could heal the deep cuts on her own, although I will warn you that it will not be painless. It will be as if you put the recovery on fast forward, j-just with the additional pain that comes with it."

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March 19
Lumiose City
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5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
bedside manner [m]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 3:30:24 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar
It had been an experience finding herself embedded fully into Rocket's ranks, softened only by the years of medical experience that she had in her skill set that had bought her an easier time than anything else. The nurse had remained ready for a call, even when trying to keep her mind preoccupied with helping take stock of things back at HQ. But one of the breaks from such a suffocating experience were a series of regular house calls that she had with one of the Rockets that had been assigned to watch over her. When the time came, a chime on her phone went off while in the middle of some paperwork. Rose looked up to the clock and knew it was time.

She found herself in front of a quaint looking home that reminded her of the ones that she had always seen in the more wealthy parts of Lumiose City. Rose opened the door and allowed herself in after an unanswered series of knocks and there she was. . The woman she had been reading the medical file prior to showing up in secret. Her attire wasn't what she had expected somebody of her career to be wearing. "Sorry for running late. I had to check up on something." she half lied, tucking her phone back into her pockets while walking to her patient.

"Tea would be good." Rose said. Her tone was a little awkward all things considered. The events leading up to her being present in the other woman's home were always on her mind. Worries about what her fate would be once Rocket or she found her usefulness had worn off. It made sense to not focus on such things, but as a worrywort, Rose found it impossible. Such was the fate of being the caretaker of the family. "How are you feeling since the last visit, M-Ms. Yukimura? I trust you've been taking it easy since the chest pains returned..."

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March 19
Lumiose City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil
Rose's PC
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 6:52:34 GMT
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pokémon storage system




items in possession




garden pokémon info


pkmn name

   ♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[break]
   move, move, move,[break] move, move, move



pokémon for trade




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March 19
Lumiose City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rose Soleil DOLLARS
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Rose Soleil
Soleil, Rose
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 8:18:26 GMT
Rose Soleil Avatar

[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x




namerose soleil
played bymasharum

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]OCCUPATION grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM euphemia li britannia, code geass

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




A woman hailing from Kalos whose family troubles have entangled her in the web of Rocket's schemes. Will she find the freedom she is searching for, or will she fall into the maelstrom of chaos? [break][break]

Rose had lived a fairly mundane life, growing up in a loving household with the best parents ever! Her father worked for a private company and was constantly busy most days than others, though she enjoyed the little days when they could spend time together. The many stories and tales told of his work was what pushed young Rose into becoming a Pokemon Nurse, hoping to follow in his footsteps. She devoted herself to this life and dreamed of serving alongside her father some day. [break][break]

When she was only 5, she was introduced to another addition to the family, being the younger sibling she grew to love most of all. Her skills in wishing to be a Nurse continued on, as she was always close to the sibling. Their family life continued as normal, with Rose happy as could be in school and eventually, graduating early and finding tutoring in one of the Nursing schools around Kalos.[break][break]

But disaster stuck as her father had been exposed as one day when coming home from school, she could only hear the distant wails of her younger sibling from the living room. Rose hurried over and was met with a terrible sight, one that still haunts her to this day. On the table were photos, evidence of her father's Rocket work and the cruel, inhuman experiments that he had done to Pokemon in their care. Under duress without anywhere to go, Rose took the sibling with her and fled to Hoenn, where their grandparents would be staying.[break][break]

Several months after arriving, she was approached by Rocket officials who blackmailed her into service, working as a Pokemon Nurse and partial doctor. To discourage her from straying from her leash, she's been assigned a Rocket approved handler.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP