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Kazimir Wynter
SHORE: Fern vs Kaz
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2023 10:36:18 GMT
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The second he feels his arm suddenly nudged as he watches the masked man blink out of existence he takes a swing on instinct. If he didn't he was probably going to die. If he didn't fight back he was definitely going to die. He needed to survive even for a minute longer to give himself a chance for a counter attack. When his arm hit nothing but air for a second he was sure he was dead, not even in the realm of the living but some other limbo.

It was only when he heard the slap of his Iron Fist's hand against the Tapu Koko did he snap back to reality. The two of them watched as the guardian deity danced around in the air to show off its speed. "Alright, Tyramigo cover us! Kou, let's charge those batteries of yours." They were just words but they were words that both Pokemon knew their meaning.

The dinosaur king opened his maw wide and a large fire ball ignited and was shot at the guardian and as it approached it split into smaller draco meteors that homed in on it. The Paradox stood behind its prehistoric comrade and let itself charge itself with energy to gather its strength for a next attack as it tried to keep its eyes on the deity.


10 mp: post
90 mp total

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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: kaz vs marcus [rt]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2023 9:59:54 GMT
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The Minior braced itself for the power of the Baltoy as it summoned a storm of rocks and threw it in its general direction. A shell smash preps it for damage to its outer shell yet nothing comes out of it. Nothing happens. Not even a pebble

It dawns on the Minior and Kazimir that the little asteroid was not the intended target but instead its Kaz himself that is the target. Him and his Celesteela mirror one another as they raise up their arms to block the attack. Kaz is safe but the Ultra Beast takes the brunt of the attack and its metallic screech was a firm affirmation of the struggle.

The struggle that one Baltoy is giving them. Holy Arceus.

MP: 10 [post]

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Kazimir Wynter
awaken, my masters! [safari]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2023 0:21:35 GMT
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"Well ain't you funky looking. Kinda cool really." Pokemon like these weren't really his style but he could appreciate the oddity behind them. Seeing the strange winged beast pick at the pile of treats he left out as a lure really was something. As he twirled the ball in his hand he took a moment to consider if he should catch it or not. He doubt the thing would see a lot of action so it felt like both a waste and an insult to it if he did take it with him.

On the other hand someone was bound to find some use for it if he went around offering it. People were always up for a good trade and Wintertide was coming up. Maybe it could make for a fun gift exchange gift. So he tossed the ball at the bird-actually could this thing even be considered a bird?

[catching sigilyph!]

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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2023 23:58:58 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The Flash Cannon made its mark yet didn't do much as a shield was brought up to protect the Gallade. As it faded the masked man had a few words left before he and his Pokemon warped out of the sea and towards places unknown. A fist was balled up and slammed against the shell of the Blastoise who craned his head as much as he could towards his trainer. "Sorry Jolly just...just mad that he got away." That's what he would tell himself as well as any who asked about it. For now he was given a moment of respite and that was a gift in of itself that most people on this theater would die for.

Just like his Golisopod. Looking at the empty shell it had left behind Kaz rubs a hand over it as a silent prayer and apology. Both him and Jolly watch it sink to the bottom of the sea, a warrior as fine as that deserved to let his rest be somewhere vast where he could wander the seas again. "C'mon Jolly, let's get outta here. And hope we see him kick his ass."

The words he left behind stung and the hero wasn't content with just leaving it at that.


- bye bye amor

MP: 410 [post + battle complete + draw]
MP Total: 880

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Kazimir Wynter
hazard trigger [m]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2023 6:51:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It was inside of his head. Its toxins seeped into Kazimir's mind and soul. It spurred him to do what he did best;


Fight and survive.


Fight and survive.

Deep down seeing Navy opposite of him brought joy to him. He fought because he loved it and this angel knew it. It wanted to give it to him. So it was sad to know that he was going to have to bring down this man trying to stop him.

Tyramigo looked at the Kommo-o before and there was a grin to his face. A brave soul wanted to challenge him, a foolish soul wanted to try and throw their life away. His strong jaw opened up and his breath turned cold as he snapped at the smaller dragon with an ice fang on one of his arms. Remove their greatest tool, a simple tactic in war.

A war between family was something else entirely different. Mother and son were locked up with one another as their tires shredded one another with no sign of giving into the other. While Giri Giri would love nothing more than to best the one that brought him into this world today would not be that day unfortunately. The stage wasn't right for that kind of battle, so it was time for a tactical retreat! Or in the Cyclizar language a u-turn as he lowered himself to put his tire back on the floor, taking his mother's tire and letting it grind his face as he swung his tail to sweep her off her feet as he sped back to Kazimir's side.

Kaz would not pay the little lizard no mind however as Navy's words continued to reach him. He was a hero wasn't he? Yet at the same time there was a sad truth to being a hero that Kaz knew all too well. "What good is a hero...who can't keep those close to him safe!" There was a growl to those words as his face went from excitement to furious. Memories of people lost to him flooded his mind as he raised a hand towards the angel that hovered above him as he struck a pose and a golden aura surrounded him. "You want a hero Navy? Then taste the wrath of one!"

The aura shot up like a lightning bolt in reverse towards the jellyfish and it yelled. It yelled in pain. The pain wasn't in its body but in its heart, the pain that Kaz felt for just a moment carried itself into the Nihilego as it raised its tentacles towards the sky and violet clouds spread from each tentacle and droplets of acid downpour began to drop all across the battlefield. Human or Pokemon weren't safe from this rain as even Giri Giri and Tyramigo grunted and screeched at the burning sensation the rainfall brought them.

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
raging monke [m]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2023 6:02:55 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the beast is pinned against the tree Domon lets out a roar as he rears back his fist and his aura starts to flare up. He's seen his fellow warrior Qing not have much luck with this move but now with them having a better advantage it didn't matter if their strike was effective or not. It just needed to hurt. His fist shot forward and the wicked blow struck true against the ape's chest cracking the bark on the tree behind it.

"Don't need to tell me twice!" He gets back to his feet and pumps up a fist, "Domon! Don't let up!" The bear grunts in affirmation as he uppercuts into the ape's stomach. His fist is full of fighting spirit that it becomes a drain punch to sap some strength back away from the monkey and into the Urshifu.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
raging monke [m]
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2023 5:13:25 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Forgot? These things are anger incarnate!" The largest of them glanced between each duo. Both were strong, one warrior bear attached to a human willing to swing their own fists at it. Four versus one was unfavorable odds but the beast did not care. It just wanted to hurt and the larger brunette one was going to be its first victim.

It lunged at Kazimir with punches and kicks that the man weaved around until punch that got him right on the side sent him to a single knee. He looked at the Pig Monkey and glared back. If he had an ability like a Pokemon it would probably be defiant as he glared at the Primape as it rose its fist. Lucky for him Domon was a partner, a buddy, a brother, and he wasn't going to let some pissed off monkey kill his trainer. "DORA!"

The bear slides between Kaz and the Primape and takes the fist to his face as he swings a chop down onto the ape's head. Before contact is made on his end his body vanishes and reappears behind the ape, his hand already brought down as if he chopped through the air. There was a beat before the effects of his aerial ace became apparent as a gash of red shot out from the ape's shoulder.

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2023 12:15:58 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"I mean you can try. You just won't really feel good afterward." He joked as he looked over at a small shelf and saw nothing but nuts and bolts with a sign saying "fresh produce" on it. As cool as this place was sometimes the whole "mechanical" label was taken a little too literally.

"Maybe we can wear a suit of armor to keep ourselves safe. Cause man sygna suits are expensive!" The materials that he heard that went into making them was pretty rare. For the benefits they give it was probably a decent trade off. That was something worth considering once they were a more safe spot or even out of this mechanical fairy tale land. Although considering where they were heading they would probably end up in the most safest place in the whole dimension!

Once inside Kaz made sure that they weren't followed both by the Corviknight monstrosity as well as anything that might have been lurking in the town they were previously in. Could never be too careful in these kind of places after all. Looking around the entrance hall what lays before the duo is piles of bodies tangled in with each other in a literal sense as instead of flesh and bone its iron and gears. Some have more than the required amount of limbs while others are flat out missing stuff like both arms or all the toes on their feet.

Some look human while others look like Pokemon yet the features of all of them are hard to make out with the jumbled mess each pile seems to be. There's a few that look like a mix of both Pokemon and human as Kaz found as he picked up one of them to move out of the way. "Man...wonder what beat them all up like this..." He was no detective like and puzzles weren't a forte of his. One thing he could make out though... "Something gave them a beating. Badly."

Moving from pile to pile he passed by a glistening statue standing against the wall not even realizing that its singular eye suddenly turned towards Kaz and began to slowly move, raising something solid akin to a fist and swung at Kaz hitting him square in the back and send him flying forward till he came to a stop with a roll. "ow...."

[12 investigate the massive mechanical castle found at the northern end of the kingdom. in there, find the ancient remains of humans and pokemon.]
-debut of kaz's new melmetal! (from rt rewards!)

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
processed shop
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2023 9:11:01 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X LEGENDARY CANDY (meltan -> melmetal) (I think from Predom but honestly i fogor)
1X TM/TR (melmetal learns ice punch) (blood, mud, iron rewards)


1X TM/TR (melmetal learns brutal swing) (60 PD)


do come again!

60 PD
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: bryan vs kaz
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 9:05:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The Braviary let out a screech as it felt the fist of the man strike it right in the face as it circled around out of his range. "Oi! Hands off the Pokemon!" the Masked Hero shouts as he watches the Cutifly suddenly whizz bast him and chase after his Braviary. The little kiss that it gave the bird sent it into a small frezy as it fell further and further towards the sea. Taking out a Pokeball he managed to save his bird from crashing into the water.

"Alright, get me higher than that guy is, got it?" he whispers to the dragon as the two of them climb into the sky. They fly past Bryan who if he looked up would see Kazimir trying to stand on the back of his Charizard as he position himself and then took in a deep break. "Hey wolf!" Soon he jumped off the dragon and aimed himself to crash against the man and send them both plummeting into the ocean. At least he hoped that was the outcome, otherwise he was going to be falling to his doom if he missed.

-braviary is hit by Bryan wtf!
-braviary is hit by draining kiss! he faints!


MP: 60 [post + ko pokemon]
MP Total: 210

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 8:48:32 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

From within the bundle of hay Kazimir pokes his head out as a Stantler chews on the small strands of hay covering his head. Next to him is his Lokix as it digs itself out of the hay and stumbles out of it landing on its back. It was drained and tired of all of these shenanigans going on that Kazimir couldn't even blame him. Having this much trouble with one stupid little robot would be pretty tiring.

"Alright let's...swap out for this!" He thinks he's reaching for his Incineroar but he's not paying attention to where he's reaching. The hay gets in the way and guides his hand towards a different Pokeball as he holds his hand up high as he tumbles out of the hay himself and tosses the ball. Instead of a large feline is a small egg that comes out of the ball and its happy chirp leaves Kazimir stunned and speechless.

So his Togepi decided to take the lead and waddle towards the Iron Bundle waving its little hands around as it cast a Metronome. Unaware of the havoc that it was going to cause.

- swaps lokix for togepi
- totally on purpose!
- togepi uses metronome!
- i wonder what will happen?

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
awaken, my masters! [safari]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 8:21:15 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

So a Baltoy? Well it was no walking Stonehedge Pokemon but it was still charming in its own cute kind of way. The way it just spins around in place was almost mesmerizing. If he wasn't going to find a place for it on his team he was sure it would make a nice gift for someone who'd appreciate it a lot more than he could. So taking a rock he toss it at the little spinning Pokemon and watched as it bonked against its head...then it fell over.

And it stopped moving.

"Uh..." Kaz looked around to see if anyone was around to watch him as he threw a Pokeball at it to capture it and sneak away before any prying eyes could see him.

[catching baltoy!]

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 8:01:53 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Now things were getting interesting! What started into a mystery seemed to turn into a real fight against Raikou itself! Or something else? That cloud was a bit of a concern wasn't it? Still it seemed like Josh was keen on fighting it, or so Kazimir read it that way. So he figured he might as well join the fight. Wasn't everyday you fight against a Legendary pokemon!

"Charge the feline head on!"



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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
howard's fax machine
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2023 8:11:48 GMT
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