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Kazimir Wynter
SHORE: Fern vs Kaz
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 6:43:59 GMT
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Tyramigo's eyebrow raised as he felt his jaw bite down onto something yet there was no crunch afterward. No taste of flesh and bone in his teeth. Somehow this strange beast's own arm was enough to keep the king's jaw from enjoying his food. His rage at its defiance blinded it to the crackling electricity charging up in its hands. Unfortunately for him Kazimir saw it and could not really do anything.

"Hey watch-!" His words were replaced with a scream as both him and his dinosaur king were delivered a jolt of lightning and as the Tyrantrum stumbled back in the sand Kazimir rolled off his back and landed in the sand with a thud. "Uuuugh...that...sucked." The shadow of his dinosaur passed over him as it shook off the lingering static and roared at the Tapu.

Turning on its feet it swung its tail around at the guardian spirit to strike with a dragon tail that was sure to be way more heavy than his teeth.


10 mp: post
70 mp total

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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 6:19:51 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Y' talk a lot." And it was starting to irritate Kaz but he knew he could never say that out loud. It would give him satisfaction and he wasn't going to give that to a Rocket.

Right, a Rocket. He was fighting a Rocket. He had to focus on that, not on them and their words. "Your good, and I'm probably out of my league here." He needed to ask about how to battle on the sea after this, "And I'll give ya this, you might be right in some way." Maybe this war did change him without him even realizing it.

"Doesn't mean it'll stay true."

A golden aura surrounded him as he eyed the Swampert coming right at him with its Hammer Arm stretched out. Raising a hand he crossed it across his chest and snapped his fingers, striking a pose.

"Let one's fists do the talking, and rain down upon our soul! ALL OUT PUMMELING!" The light around him exploded and sunk into the sea below as the form of his Samurott made its way to the surface. Suddenly the surface started to bubble around the Swampert as a series of golden fists rose up from underneath the waters as the Samurott breached surrounded in the same golden z-move energy that surrounded Kaz.


- samurott uses the z-move, all out pummeling!

MP: 20 [post + z-move]
MP Total: 460

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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 10:48:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Fair enough. Let's get this over with then." The knife lands in the sand with a soft thud. Red pours out of the cut on his leg as he hobbles while standing up and raising his fists. He couldn't bend his leg properly but that didn't matter. It would only take one hit to end this fight.

They were both ready for it.

With a roar Kaz pushed off of his good leg rearing his fist back primed and aimed right for Kouji's face. One good punch to send him into the dream world.



MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 285 MP

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 23:37:37 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Well then why-" He stopped himself from asking that question as he watched the Claydol come out. Maybe it wasn't his place to tell the guy to just stop fighting then if he hated it. Then he thought about it a bit, he probably did have some reason to still be out here even if he didn't like fighting. It reminded him of the people who didn't seem to take to this war well but they still gave him a reason to throw themselves into the fight. Heck he could probably relate on some level.

"Well, take care then man. your throwing me for a loop. Just stay outta trouble alright? Guys like you don't last long over in Rocket if your not careful." It was the only advice he could think to give as he watched them all teleport away.

tldr; falinks uses no retreat!
MP: 510 [post + draw + battle completion + shore]
MP Total: 610 MP

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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: Xenon and Kazimir
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 23:20:17 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He wasn't sure how to take that comment about him being like everyone else and being called sludge at the same time. Was that an insult or compliment? Or some neutral statement when it came from her? Questions for later as she really played her hand just dumping all of her crimes to him.

Talk about counting up your sins.

"Oh, well, ok wow didn't know some of you Rockets just took that much pride in being criminals. Gonna have to arrest your butt now aren't I?" That was if he could which would prove itself hard as the Gengar shot off more electricity and his Gyarados was a bit too close for comfort to really dance its way out of it.

The dragon roared as it felt jolts through its entire body and even Kaz was thrown off as he felt a jolt shock his arms and make him let go of his Pokemon as it sent him tumbling down the creatures back. "Fuck! Gyarados! Fight back!" He grunted out as he fell back first onto the deck of the ship with a groan and rubbed the small of his back where most of the pain was.

The red serpent fought through the surging jolts in his body and focused his eyes on the ghost and roared at it, charging ahead to try and crunch its immaterial body with its jaws. On the other side of the ship Von Strangle did his best to keep himself from falling over the railing as he was pushed back by the bug buzz. Nonexistent eyes were trained on his mortal enemy thinking of a way to tear her limb from limb if possible. That's when inspiration struck and the large red bug hunkered down, squatting his legs before pushing off of them in a lunge right for the Pheramosa and aim a haymaker right into her jaw.

MP: 10 [post]

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 23:04:25 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz wiped his face of the "face paint" he mentioned off of the side of his cheeked at stared at the red smudge that was left on his hand. He wondered how he looked right now, if the guy really was just off put by his appearance. He knew he was big and intimidating but like, in the way that an Arcanine was. Probably.

"Well...good. Cause I would indeed kick your ass." That sounded weird when the other guy both agreed and was on the other side. It left a bitter taste on his tongue. Ew. "Don't worry I won't betray you man. I wanna take down Rocket but I'm not gonna stain my hands with your guy's blood to do it if I don't have to." His last run in with and a certain bear really brought a more sympathetic side to him lately. It didn't show very well on a battlefield like this but silver lining and all that.

"Here, let me help ya. Busters give me a hand." Turning back Kaz walked over to two more bodies and picked them up by their shirts, throwing them both over his shoulders and carrying them following the Solrock. Meanwhile his Falinks gathered together under one body and dragged it along the sand carrying it like little creatures plucked from the ground. "The sooner these guys get better, the sooner they can hopefully learn their lesson right?" He said with a smile on his face.

tldr; falinks uses no retreat!
MP: 20 [post + assist]
MP Total: 100 MP

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Kazimir Wynter
starfall [dw]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 19:39:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"You...are probably right." Each year it seemed like this whole region was getting more and more dangerous. The small pockets of peace that everyone would find only lasted for a moment. So they would have to make most of those little moments wouldn't they? But could he? Maybe he just wasn't ready to accept that as reality just yet.

"Things happen so fast around here, even real love might be fleeting huh?" And it might not even because those feelings fade, sometimes its because of worse circumstances, "But...I think I wanna ease into it. Even a little. Baby steps and all that." His face is still red but its softer now, maybe the wine was finally ending its effect on him, or it was his real color. Who could say.

"But I think I'd like that. Going out to eat I mean. Think I know what place your talking about too. And don't worry 'bout dads, mine would probably come hunt ya down before you even go and ask him." He lets out a chuckle to break apart his own jumbled feelings as he spots a Vulpix playing with his Minior and getting blinded by its dazzling gleam. Taking it as a quick distraction he tosses a Pokeball at it to watch it get eaten up by his capsule.

"Though if I'm being honest...wouldn't mind doing something like this again. Night sky's still way prettier than the city skyline in my opinion. Don'tcha think?" He offers him a smile once again, an inviting one.


[catching vulpix]

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 18:29:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Why was he even here, he didn't even drink tea he was more of a protein shake kind of guy! Of course the reason why he was even here was on the table gathering the ingredients to get a head start on their brewing. The Alcremie just waved to the camera as Kaz took a double take as it panned over to him and he waved back with a half grin. Well they were here already so he might as well play up the showmanship of it at least. "Hey there everyone! Name's Kaz and I'm here with my good buddy Buttermilk! Together we're gonna show ya just how sweet your tea can be!"

Fake it till you make it an all that. So the pair of them got to work with Kaz looking between a recipe for something basic while his Alcremie did most of the heavy lifting. He didn't think she had a secret affinity for making drinks as they tossed in the boba and strawberry milk into the mix and as a secret ingredient Kaz even sneaked in a little bit of strawberry flavored protein powder to give it a bit more...girth? Did people like that in tea? Again he was more of a protein shake kind of person.

"And here we have it folks! Bit of a classic but even those can have a little sprucing right?! So right here we got ourselves a simple strawberry milk tea topped with a secret ingredient and a bit of whipped cream for that little slice of heaven!" That last sentence prompted Buttermilk to quickly take a dollop of her hair(?) and place it onto the brew.

bubble tea brewing

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Historically Hotblooded Heavyweight [m]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 10:05:49 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Yep it was definitely Howard alright. The way the guy talked was a little bit too specific for Kazimir to forget him. Well that and his general cowardly attitude about well...anything. Ok that was probably a little harsh, at least the guy was not still willing to stay in the ring even if he had no idea what was going on. "Yeah its a Pokemon battle! But also a Tag Match!"

Kaz walks up and leans against his Iron Hands as the Paradox Mon twirls its hands and balls them into fists to punch the air in front of them. "We each send out a Pokemon to fight with, buuuut at any point they can tag out with their trainer, then their trainer can do the same. Its just some good old human vs pokemon fighting involved. Sound fun don't it?"

It was something Kaz looked forward to when he first heard about it. Wrestling with Pokemon himself prepared him for such an event, but what about Howard? How did he feel about this? These questions would wait for their answer as Kazimir climbed out of the ring to hang off the ropes as he pointed at the other man opposite of him, "So go on! Send out your tag partner! Let's give these folks a show!"


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Nov. 25
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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 0:02:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

One last kick ought to do it. Normally he would have just left a Rocket grunt on the ground even if they were still conscious, sleep for them only came if they were stubborn. This guy was a different story, he was both stubborn and fun to throw fists with. It was a combination that brought out the worst (or perhaps best?) side of Kazimir as it fed into his love of fighting. In high stakes situations it was probably not the ideal way to go about things, never know what could happen.

Such as your opponent taking out a knife and driving it into your leg right above the ankle. "Aaaaaaaaargh!" Kaz screamed out as he fell onto his side right next to Kouji holding onto his leg as red poured down from the wound. Fuck fighting dirty, this sucked.

"Fuck! Really?!" Each word took a deep breath from Kazimir as he gritted his teeth trying to grab at the knife, not sure if leaving it in or taking it out was worse.

He just knew he wanted the pain to stop.



MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 275 MP

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Kazimir Wynter
of the night (rt: survey)
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 23:08:52 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"You and me have a different idea of what "training" is. This is not training Matt this is serious shit we're in!" Suddenly it hits him. As soon as the words leave his lips he thinks back to what that masked man said to him. Sure he's lost some Pokemon during this whole skirmish over an island but those were heat of the moment losses right? Did...did that make him just as heartless as Matias? No he didn't want to believe that. He might not shed a waterfall of tears but he'll always remember them. Their faces as they left him were burned into his mind.

Still...the numbers didn't lie. Maybe he was...

"C'mon have a heart at least. They're trying their best." His words quickly get drowned out by a rumble. The ceiling above them cracks open and rocks of all shapes and sizes start to descend on them. "Shit watch out!" He tries pulls the Elite Four member out of harms way with his massive arms as the path before them starts to cave in and they found their way walled off.

"Well...looks like we're not going any deeper now. Might as well head back..."


MP: 510 [post + loss + mission completion + survey]
MP Total: 820 MP

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Nov. 25
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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: bryan vs kaz
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 19:16:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The charizard roared as it watched the Crobat reel back from getting hit with its large frame full of its weight behind it. It was ready for another charge but the sight of the Gyarados suddenly moving caught its attention. The serpent's teeth gave off a chilling aura the closer it got to Kazimir and his Braviary who reared up in the sky to meet this dragon. Icy fangs snap around one of the bird's legs but instead of scream for pain it screams for revenge as its other leg goes in for a crush claw across the face. Unfortunately for Kazimir that meant he was thrown off his bird and was sent into a free fall.

"Waaaah catch me!!" He calls out to either of his Pokemon. Its his Charizard who breaks away and dives after him, swooping underneath him as the man clings to the back of the dragon and they fly up back to the battle. The dragon's eyes are still trained on the Crobat and let out a roar as it charged ahead. Kazimir pounded its back, "hey! hit it from here! don't throw me off too!" The dragon responded in kind and a bullet of flame burst shot out of its mouth towards the bat to burn it to a crisp.

-braviary is hit by ice fang, coutners with crush claw
-kaz falls off his bird, rescured by charizard
-charizard uses flame burst on crobat


MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 150

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 6:31:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The tears under the mask start to burn. They burn with the anger at the sound of this man's laugh, the sound of his words, the sound of his tone. "Spoken like someone who's never had someone sacrifice themselves for them... Or willing to risk it all. Am I wrong?" Would he know the pain he felt when one of his starters laid in his arms broken in two after it saved him?

The comparison to did catch him off guard. He's heard tales of the man's demeanor but Kaz considered himself a bit too free spirited for him and Matias to be considered even two sides of the same coin. After all he couldn't believe Matias to be one to sacrifice Pokemon needlessly.

"And let me clear one thing up something. I'm no soldier. I'm fighting for more than just the League, i'm fighting to keep all of Hoenn and its people safe. So yeah, me and my Pokemon will give our lives to keep it all safe, but we don't plan on dying so easily. Kusanagi detect!"

The Samurott watches the Swampert closely as it comes at him with another swing of the arm. At the last possible second it ducked under the arm as it read the movement of its opponent's limb. Deep did it dive to almost shroud itself in the darkness of the sea as it left the Swampert alone. "But I'll play along, its probably the fault of the soldier, sad it is sometimes your best ain't enough." Of course he knew saying that meant he needed to be his best with what he has.


- samurott uses detect to dodge swampert!

MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 430

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2023 15:13:52 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

's hammer hits nothing but the hairs on Kazimir's chin as the embodiment of toxic masculinity manages to turn himself on one leg just out of the nick of time to save himself from a broken rib or worse. Seeing the large man in front of him he's tempted to try and sink his teeth into him. A prey that big would surely give him a good feast. Then decided that he needed to go on a mochi diet. It tasted horrible.

"Pfff! Hrk! Blech!" Kaz fought off the taste, scraping it away with his tongue and leaving his back exposed for to come and jump onto him. The ginger giant only growled as he felt his friend on top of him and thrashed around to either knock him off or hit him with his second head as it flailed about. That's when the feeling of cold metal suddenly cut into his neck, not his neck wonderfully, but the neck of the toxic head beside his own as ooze started to leak out of it.

It was hard to tell just how deep the cut was, whether it was fully removed or simple skin deep finding out would have to wait as he heard of his "leader" before his final moments at the hand of the bear. Get back to the ship. However it seemed that everyone around him would try and prevent him from simply following this order.

arrived atop her Altaria and grabbed onto both Kazimir and Thomas and attempted to fly off. How her and a bird like that could carry the weight of both men was astounding considering one was more muscle than brain right now.

Domon the urshifu's head collided with a Druddigon's tail and the two were locked in combat. Instincts managed to keep the martial arts bear still in the fight yet when it heard Kaz's voice, "Put me down!" its attention was focused elsewhere. On saving its trainer. So it turned its back on the dragon and raced away.

As it found itself under Vanilla's Altaria the bear jumped to grab onto Kaz's legs, the combined weight of them pulling Kaz down onto one side of the bird. It wasn't until his shirt slipped off of him that he found himself and his bare chest free from the grips of clothing and a young girl. As he fell though his Urshifu caught him in his arms and held him, the two locking eyes with one another as Kaz leaned in to touch foreheads with his brother in arms. "My get us on that ship!" The man growled, unsure if it was genuine desire to get out of this hell hole or the influence of the toxic chain on him still in effect.

So the bear ran carrying Kaz bridal style towards the ship and brush past by and by bumping shoulders with them as they made a mad dash for the alien craft.


    - smell ya later gregory
    - gets a mouthful of mochi
    - oh shit thomas has a knife! and is cutting kaz!!
    - vanilla decides to lift up a man weighing probably twice as her.
    - urshifu runs from druddigon and leaps to "save" kaz.
    - uh oh kaz lost his shirt tee hee
    - kaz and urshifu run for the ship! choice 1

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
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The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing