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Kazimir Wynter
when a tree falls [s]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2023 10:43:47 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Pokemon of all shapes and sizes scurried about the forest floor as the sounds of fighting grew louder and louder. The source? A trainer and his Pokemon throwing each other around in an effort to build themselves up. In this case it was quite literally as Kazimir weaved around the punches thrown by his Urshifu as his Incineroar and Feraligatr were cheering them on from the sidelines atop a fallen tree.

One of the bear's fists grazed Kazimir's chest as he sidestepped around it as it collided with the body of a tree. The bark around it exploded and splintered and a large crack grew around it as it started to tilt. "Shit, tiiiiiiimber!" Kaz calls out as his Incineroar and Feraligatr as the two go wide eyed at the tree coming down on them and they dive out of the way.

Meanwhile both Kazimir and his Urshifu exchange glances with one another and shrug their shoulders before Kaz throws a kick towards his bear's chest and the two go back to trading blows with one another while Tigger and Kaiju just lay face down on the dirt trying to keep their souls back in their bodies.

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2023 13:22:59 GMT
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"Man can't even have a nice riding date even in video games." Or was this a normal thing for dating sims like these? He wasn't sure, this was his first one ever since that whole break out of them happened. He figured a Josh route was probably a nice cozy one to begin with, guess that was out the window by now. So he scrolled through the choices before selecting on to start them off. "Alright, let's have an adventure Josh."

["What are you talking about?"]


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
starfall [dw]
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2023 13:09:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As soon as the pale wine man laughed so did Kazimir. Although his was weaker and filled with shame. Shame for how he was probably presenting himself as some nervous and scared puppy rather than an aforementioned strong Arcanine.

"No its just. Sorry man ya kinda caught me off guard." He again tries to laugh it off as he finishes what little last drops are in his glass hoping it'll help. It wasn't a lie that he was saying but it was an embarrassing truth to say the least. "Ya read too much romance novels on Galar? They haven't done that since the dark ages. But..."

His cheeks flush red especially with the mention that he's cute.

"Love and me kinda have a sour history. And not in the way ya think. So its all just sudden. Though you aren't a bad looker yourself." Oh did he say that last bit out loud? Cause he managed to distract himself by watching his Minior slam into the Golem with an earthquake and tossed a ball at the round rock type and watched it get sucked into the orb.


[catching golem]

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2023 8:52:55 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Well..." A hand falls on the masked man's shoulder and grips it, "Truth be told I don't want to let you go. But I'm not in the best shape to chase after ya. So again I'm asking ya, don't come back." In one part he didn't want to add more to his plate that this whole grudge match over this island was giving him. Secondly...the guy didn't seem too bad if he was that worried about his team mates. Kaz had to admire that even if it was from a Rocket.

"Cause no Rocket would be trying to negotiate like ya. Normally they just go in for the kill. So I'll let ya off with a warning. If you come back here you might find worse than me. Lots of league people are willing to try their best to take you down. Think your up for that?" If it wasn't old veterans mopping up the place it was hot heated newbies who knew their stuff, the whole theater was full of people ready to pull the trigger on their enemies.

And all Kaz wanted to do was to minimize casualties where he could.

"So like I said, just get your buddies and stay at home buddy. Call it warning from a concerned party." Yeah that sounded right. Or did it sound like he was being too high and mighty?

tldr; falinks uses no retreat!
MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 80 MP

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2023 7:14:31 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

For once the mask was useful, it hid the tears that welled up in his eyes as he swam closer to the body of his fallen samurai. He had experience loss before. Both of man and Pokemon. This war itself had already taken more than its share from him.

Maybe he was just too used to it already, yet the tears still couldn't stop coming out.

The masked hero only turned to face the man as he spoke. He hated to admit it but he was probably right, and each second and fallen teammate was only proving him right. He should retreat. Bury his dead, restore his team, maybe even swap them out for the bench warmers.

Could he though?

Something inside of him didn't want to leave just yet. "Yeah, I should leave. But then their sacrifice would have just been for nothing if we turned tail and ran! We have a reason to be here! Even if one of us goes down the others will pick up the slack! We'll keep going till we win!"

The words of the masked vigilante managed to spur the Samurott to action as it watched the Swampert come at it. Its horn glowed with power as it pointed it at its opponent and surged forward as the horn's light enlarged and sharpened into the form of a sacred sword that was thrust right into the oncoming Hammer Arm. Fist or sword, as the two clashed against one another the Samurott growled as it attempted to push forward to stab the arm.


- samurott uses sacred sword to intercept hammer arm!

MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 420

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
mushrana buffet [m]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 6:19:32 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Incineroar's punch landed but instead of hitting an Alakasam it hit some kind of barrier that was thrown up around the Psychic type. The cat recoiled and shook his hand as a numbing sensation over took it. Golden eyes kept tabs on the enemy should the chance for it to attack again provided itself. For a moment it seemed like it did as the fox changed its attention to something else and the wrestling heel was ready to pounce. Then it saw what it was looking at the corner of its eye.

Kazimir managed to pin Lulu under him and took a second to carefully study the woman in his grasp. She did look familiar but placing her was starting to become harder and harder the more adrenaline pumped into his system. "Just who are you lad-whoa, whoa whoa!" As the fox worked its magic Kazimir suddenly felt himself lifted off of and suddenly thrown against a tree where he fell into the dirt face down letting out a weak groan.

His Incineroar's protective instincts took over and the cat rushed over to check on his trainer, occasionally turning his head back at the woman and her strange Alakasam and growling at them letting them know that if they wanted Kaz then they would have to go through him!

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
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Kazimir Wynter
clay on the wheel [m/kazimir]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 6:18:47 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the Lapras swam through the waves it was approached by a Palafin that let out a happy chirp at meeting someone else in these waters. He was so happy that he couldn't help but swim circles around the Lapras letting out more chirps and squeaks as he did.

"Room for one more?" From behind her came Kazimir who took a spot next to and set up his own little station. He had a bunch of free time and found himself in Lilycove of all places so he figured he might as well try something new. Lucky him that they were holding a pottery class of sorts at the beach so it was the perfect excuse to kill some time. Plus it was a chance to learn a new skill, wouldn't that be fun.

Now that he was here he was a little surprised at the turnout. Or lack thereof. "Kinda thought lots more people would be here. Unless we're here early...?" He flipped out his phone to check the time as he sat down, "No..don't think so...huh." Deciding to put that behind him he started on his little bowl, only to have splashes of clay fly about as he worked on it. He wasn't really paying full attention to it, instead he was half paying attention to it and half smiling at the woman next to him with a friendly smile.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
waking the king [m]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 6:16:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Ok...ok...sooo...Y'know how Navy has that one Garchomp? Ok imagine him but bigger, and heftier, and more...uh..." How would he even describe Tyramigo? Having a giant of a dinosaur in the back pocket was always a nice surprise for those that weren't expecting it. Such a surprise was probably not going to be well received here. He was definitely going to be kicked out of town probably.


Taking out his phone he clicked on the Pokedex app and scrolled through it until his finger stopped the page and he flipped it around. On it was the page for Tyrantrum, The Despot Pokemon. "This is what we're dealing with. I was hoping Navy was here to help me calm him down and stick him back in another ball but-"




The sounds of a king greeting the day shook the house as his leg passed by the open door frame as the beast was making its way down the street. Kaz just let out a nervous chuckle. "Sooo...think your up for helping me instead?"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SUPPLY: kaz & nomi
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 4:24:05 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Before the solar blade was even drawn a black energy was suddenly launched against the strange Magneton-like beast and the roof started to come down on everyone. "Whoa get down! Igknight!" The ghastly knight wasted now time unleashed its solar powered sword on the rocks falling above himself and Kazimir keeping them safe from being squashed underneath as they ran. Only they ran in the opposite direction of as she fled without them even realizing what she was doing.

"Hey! You ok out there?!" Kaz called out as the dust settled and soon the cave became clear once again. Only he and his Ceruledge were the only ones left. Even the Paradox Pokemon had left them. "Uh...where...where did she? Go?" The man looked left and right and even spun around in place to see if he could spot his "guest" anywhere.

Not a single strand of hair was left of her.

This left the man scratching his head and turning to his knightly companion who in turned just gave him a shrug. "Guess out quicker than us? Let's go back and try to find them." Too bad for them that was the last they ever saw of her and her Unown.


MP: 310 [post + thread completion + thread "win"]
MP Total: 420

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
kalediscope eye [m]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 4:23:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"When you put it like that that's probably fair." Crabs were one thing. Bears were a whole different problem all together. "Unless its Teddiursa, that'd be better cause those guys are adorable."

There was the fact they brought up about ecosystems and all that about these Klawf just ending up here. Honestly that sort of stuff was something that was pretty far away for Kaz to even imagine. Nature just seemed to work itself out...'cept when it didn't. "You really think a dozen of these things can be that bad? I'd say we're taking care of them pretty well so the wildlife here could probably do the same."

As he said that his Feraligatr let loose a hydro pump to blast a trio of the crabs over their heads and have them land in a small pond a few feet away. The gator just jumped back and forth on his feet flexing his arms and letting out a hearty growl and a laugh.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 4:23:04 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Nah the one we're looking for is also standing around in a blizzard." He keeps a smile on his face as he watches the storm around them rage on as if its a manifestation of the Absol's frustration. From the way this was happening more and more frequently he couldn't help but feel a little sorry for these guys. Having a sixth sense for disaster must mean that living in Hoenn was a case of constant migraines for them. "But...maybe we should calm it down. These guys are probably just really stressed."

But how would they even begin to do something like that? Kaz ran through a list in his head until it stopped with a snap of his fingers. "First we gotta pin it down. Then..." Cracking open a Pokeball he releases an Alcremie that takes one look at the raging Absol and hugs Kazimir's leg who just pats its head in return, "Buttermilk here can keep him calm. She's just not the most confident battler so we need to get her as close as possible. That sound like a plan?"


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