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POSTED ON May 24, 2022 1:07:42 GMT
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Oscar looked up as the sky suddenly darkened. It had already been night, but the stars that were normally visible through the top of the Tree of Life were suddenly covered in dark clouds. Oscar squinted at the sky, "Hm, forecast did not mention rain." 

Oscar was at the Tree to see , to whom he owed his life thanks to his generosity. He would often show up to the Tree of Life, uninvited, and deliver pastries and other various sweets that Bryan probably could not eat because it would kill his chiseled figure. Nevertheless Oscar would come attempting to chat or whatever, anything to show how much he appreciated what Bryan did for him.

Tonight he came with a nice pot of home made chili, he made it himself with the help of his pokemon. There was even enough for Xerneas to have some, if it desired. When Oscar arrived he could not locate Bryan, so he set his pot down and just waited to see if he would show--then the sky went dark.

Oscar stepped outside, looking upward to get a better look at the storm clouds. It was so bizarre, he could barely see the clouds themselves. The sky was just--dark. Oscar tilted his head, pulling a pokeball off his belt. Oscar's crobat, Nostra, would emerge after a flash of light. The bat looked to his master, waiting for orders. Oscar pointed upward, "Go as high as you can. See what's up with those clouds." 

Nostra nodded, flying up past the Tree's peak and out of view. Oscar's gaze was pulled away from the sky as a glowing aura appeared on the tree. He looked over and found crystalline flowers appearing across the tree's surface. Oscar's expression strained, "What the fuck..."
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 23, 2022 20:16:46 GMT
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Lancer the Beedrill watched silently as its master lathered another coat of honey onto the bark of an oak tree. This was the fifth layer, if he was counting correctly, and at this point he was starting to wonder if Oscar was going insane. Oscar probably was, but that was unrelated to this particular endeavor--he knew exactly what he was doing. Oscar reaffirmed this as he noticed his Beedrill's look of concern.

"What's that face for? You've never been honey hunting?" Lancer tilted his head, indeed having never heard of such a thing. Oscar explained as he lathered on the sixth coat, "So like, you smother a tree with a fuck ton of honey--and I mean a fuck ton, then you wait until pokemon come to eat the honey and WHAM catch them while their eating. Thing is I know a super special trick, if you lather enough honey whatever pokemon that comes to eat it up will get stuck to the tree. Makes it easy to catch them." 

Lancer looked down, he supposed that made sense--but why were they out catching pokemon? Didn't they have better things to do? Were they not above this now? Oscar sensed Lancer's lack of enthusiasm and 'tsked' at his grumpy companion. "Now don't be that way. Sometimes it's good to get back to basics, besides we'll need a lot of pokemon for uh--y'know the thing." Oscar put his comically oversized paintbrush aside and closed up his empty honey jar. "That should do it, okay let's hide and wait!"

Oscar trotted away to a nearby bush, diving in to conceal himself. Lancer looked between his master and the bait tree, sighing as he realized he was not getting out of here until Oscar was satisfied. He flew into the very same bush, and waited along side his master for a target.
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Money Moves [C]
POSTED ON May 23, 2022 12:46:47 GMT
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Oscar stared off toward the Zapdos mural on his wall, a drab reminder of better times. "You could say that." Oscar coughed, covering his mouth with his arm. Genesect watched silently as its master put his deterioration on full display--that was all it could do.

As Oscar recovered and shook his head. "I apologize. As you can see things aren't going well. My MAGMA treatment, along with other factors I can't yet wrap my head around, had unforeseen side effects."

Oscar looked somberly to Lulu has he tried his best to lean forward. Every movement was a struggle. "I'm dying Lulu, that's plain to see. Traditional medicine has failed me, so I must turn to science." Oscar stared at Lulu, who by now should have guessed Oscar's request.

"I need you to keep me alive. I don't know how but I'll try anything. I'll owe you anything and everything just--please."

It was a mix of desperation and trust that turned Oscar to seek Lulu's aid. After all, who else could he turn to?

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casualty [c]
POSTED ON May 22, 2022 21:59:48 GMT
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Oscar raised an eyebrow, not expecting this particular scenario. "Done? Nah I don't see that." Oscar turned himself on his seat, facing Gavin fully. "I can't imagine the fight could have been that bad. What happened?"

Oscar was fully intent on hearing out Gavin fully, but a great build up in his throat would force him to jerk away and cough into his elbow. It was a long fit, long enough to be comically awkward. However it would soon die down, with Oscar waiting to turn back until he was sure it was out of his system.

"Good heavens excuse me, anyway yeah what happened?"

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beast-wire [c]
POSTED ON May 22, 2022 21:46:39 GMT
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Oscar did a double take as Remiel motioned to none other than . Caught off guard, Oscar let out an audible gasp as he nearly fell out of his chair. "What the fuck!? Has he been here the whole time?" Oscar quickly grasped the table, regaining his balance as he collected himself. During this entire meeting he had not noticed Jayden, how comically oblivious of him. 

Oscar would be forced to move on quickly, as Jayden would soon drive the conversation back to SPECTRA. Oscar tilted his head, suddenly reminded of his own burning curiosity. He turned back toward Remiel and rubbed his chin. "From the context given so far, it would appear this initiative would try to counter avatars under the League's employ. I too am curious how to plan to accomplish this."

Oscar leaned forward, eagerly awaiting the details of this endeavor. 

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Panacea [c]
POSTED ON May 22, 2022 21:34:20 GMT
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Oscar's hope wavered as both Bryan and Xerneas made a note on how they have never heard of Oscar's ailment. He expected this from Bryan, but hearing it from Xerneas put into perspective just how fucked he was. However this did not stop Bryan from attempting to help, and Oscar would let out a shaky sigh of relief as his comrade manifested his power.

The wrong power. Bryan noted that it was hard to keep track, and Oscar could not help but chuckle. "I would not know." Luckily the mix up seemed to be sorted, and a strange breeze would envelope Oscar. He breathed in, and the air suddenly smelled of blossoms and--apples? Peculiar, but not unwelcome. It brought Oscar peace, and as he exhaled he would not feel the familiar pain in his chest that had haunted him for months.

Oscar's eyes widened as he began to breathe in deeply, it was so easy--effortless even. It was like walking one hundred miles with weights on your back and finally taking the weights off. As Bryan asked how he felt, Oscar hesitated to answer as he indulged in his freedom. After several moments of heavily inhaling and exhaling, Oscar rose to his feet and stood very still. His joints did not ache, nor did his muscles screech in defiance to the slightest of movements. His legs felt--

Oscar threw aside his cane, a low chuckle emerging from deep within his throat. The chuckle rose, developing into a manic laugh that echoed across the tree's canopy. He lurched back, forcing himself to cackle for the first time since this whole trouble began. "I feel amazing!" he would finally yell, lifting his arms upward as the sweet euphoria of good health sent ripples through his body. The sudden switch between dying and being cured--it was greater than any possible high.

Oscar's arms fell, hanging loosely at his sides as his laughter died down. His mind was racing, he had so much to do now--so much to share. The rapid pace of his thoughts halted abruptly as he looked to Bryan and his patron. What an amazing duo they made. Oscar composed himself, which was difficult since even the slightest movement felt heavenly. "So that probably seemed fuckin' crazy, but you gotta understand I've been running from death's door for the past few months. To be finally relieved of that suffering was--I'll never be able to replicate this happiness." Oscar put his hands to his face, slowly running his fingers down his cheeks. They were warm; the sensation of healthy blood running through his veins caused Oscar to shudder.

"I owe you more than a simple friendship could provide Bryan. I swear to you I will pay back this miracle, whatever you need I'll provide."

Oscar suddenly burst off into a sprint, running toward the exit of the tree. "I have so much to accomplish! My schedule has been backed up for weeks, I'll call you later alright!? Thanks again!" Oscar's feeling of gratitude was one hundred percent genuine, but with his miraculous recovery there was a great deal to catch up on. How could he wait another second?

Bryan would not hear from Oscar for a week. A day past the week anniversary of this event, Oscar would reappear at the tree. He walked in without struggle, but something was clearly ailing him. His eyes had heavy circles, and his skin once again appeared nearly translucent. A new development would make itself seen as Oscar fully emerged into the light of the tree. His countless veins were visible beneath his skin, having turned a wretched black. Once again Oscar would call out to Bryan.

"Bryan, it's me Oscar! Sorry for the radio silence but as you can see--something's come up. The disease-- it evolved."

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Panacea [c]
POSTED ON May 1, 2022 8:09:40 GMT
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As Xerneas emerged, Oscar's eyes shot open wide. He was surprised to say the least, had it been this close all along? It was an amazing sight to behold, even in its lackluster form it was downright majestic. Its size alone made it a wonder of nature, sometimes Oscar forgot just how amazing pokemon could be.

And then it talked and Oscar nearly shit himself.

He was not expecting it to talk, and when it did (with a deep regal voice no less), Oscar fell over onto his left elbow in shock. "I um---well..." When pressed for an answer, Oscar found himself too dumbfounded to speak. He had to take a moment to center himself, realize that this was not as strange as it seemed, and take things slowly. Oscar took a deep breath and proceeded with poise.

He explained to Xerneas directly his adventure within the church of Arceus, and how he accidentally ingested part of a vapor-based virus organism created from blasphemy and scientific ignorance. He then described his experiences thus far, such as the tar collecting in his lungs and the visions of eyes he would see when he slept. Then he addressed the more direct symptoms, such as coughing, fatigue, numbness in his limbs, and muscle deterioration. Then he described how the tar in his lungs was starting to spread through his body, and how he needed a cocktail of chemical treatments every day just to keep it at bay.

When Oscar was finished he sighed, coughing slightly as his lungs fought back against all this damn casual breathing he was doing. As his cough died down he shrugged, "That's all there is to it. Is there anything that can be done or am I fucked?"

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Purpose (WW)
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2022 21:33:45 GMT
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The mysterious and vaguely evil Father Winter spoke, and Oscar responded with a hoarse laugh. "I don't think even you can fix this gunk in my body. Thanks for the weird portal though." Oscar did not question how Father Winter was able to open such a path, for all he knew the fucker was the avatar or Arceus or some shit. It was not his business regardless, but whatever was on the other side of this portal very much was. Genesect stepped forward, Oscar's limp body dangling with every stomp. He assumed that his long time collection was about to be complete, little did he know of the incredible hardships that awaited him beyond this inexplicable portal.

Oscar and Genesect star in...

The Alternate Horror:

Another Time, Another Destiny

Part 1: Emergence

Oscar saw only a brief flash of light when Genesect entered the portal, and as they emerged on the other side he would fin a very familiar space. Which is to say, they would emerge into the exact same cavern in the exact same cave. Oscar tilted his head, "Well, I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't to go absolutely nowhere." After a quick scan, he at the very least picked up on certain differences that would indicate that this was indeed a different cavern.

For one, Father Winter was nowhere to be found. Secondly the hue of the rocks that formed the cave itself were a different color. They should be a basic gray or brown, but here they were a light purple. Peculiar, but that was the least of Oscar's concerns right now. Where was his so-called 'prize'? This room was very clearly empty. Oscar had half a mind to head back through the portal right away and ask Father Winter what he was intended to do, but when Oscar looked behind him he would find the portal to be gone. In its place was just a swirling circle of black smoke.

"What the fuck!?" Oscar's exclamation scratched his throat, invoking a coughing fit. Genesect picked up on its master's distress and marched toward the nearby cave wall. It picked its master up off its back, turning to place him against the wall. Oscar maneuvered himself to lean in a sitting position, his coughing echoing across the cave. As his fit died down, Oscar groaned resentfully. "Fucker stranded us here. This is why I never trust holiday icons."

Genesect lifted its head, picking up sound from the nearby cavern entrance. Oscar's fit very likely caught the attention of--something. Noticing the approaching presence as well, Oscar cleared his throat and took out a folded up device from his coat pocket. Unfolding it revealed the device to be a headset with a slender microphone and a shaded visor. Oscar had this gadget made so that he could see through Genesect's eyes or communicate with it from anywhere rather than having to be at a computer. It had not been tested yet, but there was no time like the present.

Oscar donned the headset and turned it on. "Whatever, maybe we can still find what we came for. Go explore, I'll stay here and watch the portal. Maybe it will open again." Genesect clearly objected to just leaving Oscar here, it shook its head vigorously in protest. Whatever had heard Oscar's coughing was growing ever closer, its heavy footsteps becoming louder by the second. Oscar sighed, "Stop being a baby, I'll just slow you down. I'm better off hiding out in here, now go before whatever's approaching sees me." Genesect still objected internally, but it did not hesitate a second time. It darted toward the cavern entrance to face the encroaching threat.

It got only a few feet from the cavern when the approaching visitor was made clear. It was a Buzzwole, massive in size and clearly hostile. Seeing through Genesect's eyes, Oscar cracked a smile. "Lucky us! Knock this thing out, maybe there's a way to catch it further in." Genesect did not register its master's request. As soon as it saw the Ultra Beast, its programing kicked in. Words flashed on the inside of its visor.

Priority Target Acquired

Classification: Ultra Beast

Terminate Immediately

Genesect Downloaded the Buzzwole's defenses, adjusting its own power to counter its armor-like muscles. Genesect's mind held everything Team Rocket knew about Ultra Beast Exobiology, so the adjustment was both simple and instantaneous. The Buzzwole charged, letting loose a burst of pure strength as it flew like a missile toward Genesect. Genesect charged its cannon and--

Light erupted down the tunnel. Genesect's Techno Blast blew through the Buzzwole, blowing it into pieces. Oscar slapped his forehead in bewilderment, aghast as he watched the Buzzwole chunks splatter against the cave walls. "What the fuck dude!? ARUGH!" Oscar pinched the bridge of his nose, suddenly recalling that Genesect is programed to kill Ultra Beasts on sight. "God damn Cadis and his forethought. Yeah whatever, bring me a chunk of that---thing." Genesect did as he was told, gathering a large slab of muscle and flying back to Oscar's position. It placed the slab near Oscar's leg, oblivious to its master's rage. Oscar sighed as he pulled the slab closer, undeterred by its disgusting texture. Maybe could do something with it in the Rocket lab. "You did...well, Genesect. Keep it up, go further into the cave and stay vigilant. There might be more nearby." Genesect nodded, charging off to explore more of this bizarre Mirror of Granite Cave.

Part 2: Reflection

This cave was incredibly peculiar. It had the exact same layout as Granite Cave, but everything was reversed. It made navigation simple at least, having just finished exploring the cave only an hour prior. Both Oscar and Genesect could not shake off the feeling of uncanniness; this environment was both very familiar yet incredibly alien. Perhaps it was the strange color of the rock walls, or odd reflected way the cave was laid out, but it left a dire foreboding in both of their minds.

Oscar said nothing as Genesect explored, not wishing to distract it in case danger appeared. Genesect was more or less looking for the exit, as otherwise it had no real purpose in its exploration. There was nothing else to do until the portal reopened--if it reopened. Perhaps its aimless quest would bear fruit, though whether that fruit could be actually beneficial remained to be seen.

Genesect heard the sounds of a struggle near what it believed to be the entrance to Granite Cave. It pushed itself against the wall, cautiously moving forward as the tunnel it was traversing opened up into a large entry-cavern. Peering out, it would witness what seemed to be armored blue men fighting off a familiar Ultra Beast. It was very tall and lanky, with a spiked head and tendril appendages. Oscar immediately recognized it as a Xurkitree. The cavern had the scattered remains of various pokemon, and it would seem these humanoids were left with no other choice but to fend off the electric menace barehanded.

One seemed to have the bright idea of pulling out a Beast Ball, perhaps intending to end the fight by catching their opponent. He did not get the chance to through it, as the Xurkitree picked up the man and split him in half with its razor sharp claws. Blue blood went everywhere, confirming that these men were indeed Megalopolans. Oscar clicked his tongue as he pondered their appearance, wherever this was the Megalopolans and Ultra Beasts were clearly still walking free. It was curious though that this Xurkitree was not subservient to the Megalopolans--now why would that be?

The remaining Megalopolan turned to run, a grave mistake in his strategy to survive. The Xurkitree easily smashed him into the ground, a short spark from its arm frying him within seconds. Moments later, the Xurkitree's head would explode in a mixture of light and electricity. Genesect had fired a well aimed Techno Blast, which made quick work of the tentacled menace while it was distracted by the Megalopolans. Genesect began to make its way toward the exit, but Oscar stopped it.

"Wait a second, see if that Megalopolan that was split in half still has the Beast Ball." Genesect quickly located the bisected Megalopolan and marched to his position. Sure enough, clasped within his dead hands was the unused Beast Ball. Oscar chuckled, "Store that in your back, we might need it later." Genesect did so and proceeded to leave the cave.

As Genesect stepped outside, what it saw forced it to stop and take it in. What was supposed to be Dewford was gone, the entire town had been leveled with only the foundations of buildings remaining. In the distance, where the Dewford gym was sat, was an absolutely enormous structure that towered high into the clouds. It glowed with an unnatural blue light that ran down its structure into tubes that dove into massive pits that surrounded the tower's base. That alone was shocking, but it paled in comparison to what sat directly before Genesect.

Spanning hundreds upon hundreds of feet forward were countless pods of various sizes. The clear glass containers made their contents easily known: they were pokemon strapped to wires and tubes that ran through the pods and into the ground. While Genesect found this curious at best, Oscar considered the sight immensely unsettling. That tower clearly had Megalopolan architecture, and those pods--they looked just like the Infinity Energy device Walsh had demonstrated during a Rocket meeting not so long ago. Oscar twitched as the horror of what he was witnessing settled in. Was this some sort of alternate world where the Megalopolans rule? What were they using this tower for? To store infinity energy? To harness it? To pull it from the very earth? The technology was both awe inspiring and absolutely disturbing--though speaking of inspiring...

An idea popped into Oscar's head, a dark one that could prove very useful to Rocket should he be able to return. "Genesect take a slow pan around, I want to take some pictures." Starting from the left, Genesect slowly began to pan across the scene, and Oscar would slick a button on the side of his headset to start taking snapshots of what Genesect was seeing. Occasionally he would give a few directions like "Hold right there..." or "Zoom in on that pod..." with his final instruction being "Get a zoom in shot of the tower." It was his final instruction because he would not be given the chance to give any more as Genesect saw something flying toward it in the distance.

It had emerged from the tower, launching into the sky as a spec before flying at incredible speeds toward Genesect's position. As it drew near, Genesect struggled to comprehend what was approaching. When he noticed it himself, Oscar took several snapshots before resigning to simply watching what would unfold. The mysterious creature was massive in size, probably as big as a Tyranitar. Yet Genesect still could not identify it--not until it was right in front of it.

The figure landed with immense force, cracking the ground beneath it and kicking dust into the air. As the dust faded, red eyes peered toward Genesect--and soon a familiar figure would take shape. As Oscar realized what the creature was, he nearly choked with shock. He began to shiver, babbling as his mind attempted to comprehend what he was seeing. "Thi-thi-this is impossible! There's no way they could--how!?"

It was another Genesect. Except it was huge, and looked as if it had several upgrades. It had two cannons on each arm, and its back capsule was now a huge armored shield. Its metal plating seemed thicker than rudimentary steel, most likely outfitted with Megalopolan metals. The bizarro-Genesect's eyes flashed--and after a moment it would speak in a deep robotic voice.

Dimensional Anomaly Located
Prepare for Termination

Part 3: Fate

Sweat rolled down Oscar's brow as those horrific words rang through his headset. "Genesect, get back here now. That's an order." Oscar's voice was shaky, he had no idea what this thing was but by its appearance alone he could tell that it would annihilate Genesect. Genesect Analyzed its opponent, and was rather shocked that it could not scan its vitals. This fact convinced it that Oscar was right, this was no time to fight. Genesect turned, and to its and Oscar's horror the Alternate Genesect was right behind it.


The Alternate smashed Genesect with its arm-cannon, sending it flying back with incredible force. Genesect shaved its claws into the ground, attempting to bring itself to a stop before it was thrown too far. Its velocity was so great that Genesect still slid several feet before coming to a stop. Warning lights blinked across Genesect's visor, but it did not have the time to read them before the Alternate came in for another attack. Its speed was unreal, Oscar had always thought that it was impossible to out-speed Genesect but this thing did so with ease. How were they going to get out of this?

Genesect had to make a choice within the fraction of a second. This creature was not going to let it escape, so it could either lay down and die or fight for its life. It chose the latter. Genesect Downloaded the Alternate's speed and power, allowing it to jump out of the way of its next blow. Genesect was fast, but its exoskeleton creaked trying to match the speed of the Alternate. Doing so for too long would cause long term damage to its innerworkings.

Genesect ran through several scenarios as the Alternate turned to face it. Most either ended with Genesect getting decked or the Alternate dodging whatever Genesect threw at it. Except...

The Alternate charged, and Genesect waited until the last moment to make its move. An Electric Web burst from Genesect's cannon, wrapping itself across its hurtling foe like a net. Genesect sidestepped as the Alternate tumbled forward, getting nicked in the leg by its opponent's strike. Even a glancing blow left its mark, sending arching scorch marks up Genesect's leg. Nevertheless, the Alternate would be temporarily subdued within the net.

By temporarily I mean for about two seconds. Genesect was aware that its hulking foe would easily break out of its trap, so it got to work immediately. Genesect's cannon charged for a Techno Blast, and it was one hundred percent positive that it would hit its mark. As the Alternate broke free however, it would counter Genesect within a fraction of a second. The shield-like plating on its back would suddenly swing forward, absorbing Genesect's immense beam entirely.

Oscar gasped, it had never seen anything tank a Techno Blast before. This thing was unreal, he could not fathom any way for Genesect to survive this encounter. Genesect was not nearly as worried as its master. It did not have the capacity to worry; in battle it was kill or be killed, and Genesect fully intended to fight until one of them was scrap. The Alternate's shield returned to its back, and it lifted its arm cannons for a Techno Blast of its own.

Genesect sprang to the side, overheating its body in order to properly reach the speed required to dodge the Alternate's beams (Flame Charge). Said beams arched past Genesect, sending ripples across its armor even from a distance. As the beams impacted against a set of pods, they would detonate in an explosion so massive that it would wipe out hundreds of other pods around them. If Genesect had been hit, it would have been done for.

Genesect's body was glowing a bright orange as it skid to a stop, its body nearly molten as it overclocked to maintain the speed of the Alternate. It used this to its advantaged, unleashing a barrage of red-hot Magnet Bombs as its foe recoiled from its attack. The homing bombs hit straight on, and their resulting explosions seemed to actually stagger the steel goliath. Its recovery was quick though, and it turned to immediately attack Genesect once more. Genesect did not intend to give it the space to make another ranged attack, it dove in to deliver a flurry of Fell Stingers.

The Alternate was not surprised, and the two began exchanging blows at a speed too fast for Oscar to follow. Most of their strikes did not hit, but the ones that did left quite an impact. Scorch marks seared their way across Genesect's armor, a mere taste of what a true impact would bring. Genesect's own strikes seemed to leave minor scratches upon the Alternate's armor, but given that this same armor was designed to be impenetrable this was quite a feat. On the surface, it seemed that Genesect was doomed to falter beneath the overwhelming power of its evil clone. Yet Genesect had one major advantage that the Alternate lacked, and that was its size.

It became very clear that Genesect was making more and more direct hits. Despite its speed, the Alternate was simply too large to dodge every one of Genesect's attacks. It seemed to sense this, and pushed back to disengage from their close combat. This was exactly what Genesect wanted. It let loose another Flame Charge, this time impacting against its retreating opponent. Genesect wrapped itself around its opponent's massive body and shoved its cannon directly into its face. The Alternate brought down its shield, intending to smash through Genesect's cannon before it could fire. No dice, Genesect had already Downloaded its defense. As Genesect's cannon charged, the Alternate made a surprising statement.

Well played

Genesect's Techno Blast surged against the Alternate's face, melting through and frying its circuits. By the time the attack was through, the Alternate had gone completely inactive. Its massive body slumped to its knees, and Genesect fell upon its back. In the glow of a battle well fought, Genesect felt the toll on its body. Its innards were cooked pretty badly, and all of its limbs were twitching as they struggled to stay connected to their joints. It needed to get back to the sub for repairs asap.

Oscar slumped against the wall, his breath heavy as if he were fighting right next to Genesect. That was incredibly close, if Genesect had not been as quick on its feet as it was--well Oscar would be probably be dead shortly after his companion. He eventually mustered the energy to speak to Genesect--just as the closed portal spontaneously popped back open.

Oscar gasped, completely taken by surprise as his ticket back home sprang to life. He frantically called out to Genesect, "The portal is back, get over here!" Genesect slowly rose to its feet, intending to take its time regardless of its master's urgency. It took one final look at its upgraded counterpart, feeling something resembling pride as it took in its victory. Right as it was about to depart however, it would spot something glowing in the steaming husk of the Alternate. Oscar spotted it as well, and put aside his desire to go home to satisfy his curiosity. "Take a closer look at that won't you?"

Genesect leaned in, and saw the unmistakeable gleam of a Mega Stone. Oscar's eyes grew wide, "Holy shit get it get it get it get it get it!" His excitement sent a lurch through his lungs, invoking a coughing fit. Genesect indeed reached in to lift the Mega Stone, but as it looked up it would witness the cost of this delay. Megalopolan soldiers were running toward the scene, no doubt drawn by the spectacle of the fight between Genesect and its alternate self. Panic gripped Oscar for but a moment, but then he remembered his Genesect just picked up a fucking Mega Stone.

Oscar activated his keystone, the ring on his right hand gleaming with an unnatural light. The stone surged within Genesect's claw, sending Infinity Energy throughout its body. The power it was taking in was akin to a thousand energy boosts, Genesect felt as if it were being recharged by the sun itself. Yet it could not contain the energy, its exoskeleton cracked beneath the weight of the Mega Stone's limitless power. This stone was of this world, and Genesect was not compatible. Genesect was likely to explode did not act, but luckily it had a way to disperse an influx of internal energy.

It redirected all of the power to a singular point: its back cannon. As the energy reached its apex, Genesect would unleash one last Techno Blast toward the incoming Megalopolans. The beam unleashed from Genesect's cannon was unlike any other. Its myriad of colors blinded the approaching soldiers, their final moments being of surprise as the blast hit their position. The explosion sent Genesect flying back through the cave, rock and fire tumbling after it. It had no idea how huge the explosion actually was, because it caved in the entrance to Granite Cave and cut off Genesect's view. Its body smoldered as Genesect painstakingly got back on its feet. Its cannon had been blasted open, it would need to be replaced entirely. The Mega Stone was fine though, deactivated after Genesect dispersed its energy.

Oscar was both shocked and amazed. Could he recreate what he just witnessed back in his world? The utility would be unimaginable, such a power could easily end the war between Rocket and the League for good. He would have to think about that later though, as the rest of Granite Cave did not appreciate the explosion. The walls and ceiling began to shake, and if Genesect did not move quickly they would both be crushed. Oscar could easily limp into the portal, but there was no way it was leaving Genesect behind after all of this.

Genesect used Magnet Rise determined to put forth as little effort as possible to reach its master. The magnetism threw off Oscar's headset, but that was hardly a priority right now. Genesect effortlessly bobbed and weaved back to Oscar's position, paying no attention to the various bits of it that fell off alone the way. When it reached the portal, Oscar had already put away his headset and held aloft his chunk of Buzzwole. "You're fucking amazing let's get the fuck OUT!" Genesect floated forward, picking up its master by his armpits before flying through the portal.

They emerged into a much quieter location, the Granite Cave they were both familiar with. The portal closed behind them, but Genesect did not stop to reminisce. Its body was in terrible shape, so it continued floating onward intending to return to the sub with Oscar in tow. Oscar managed to crane his head, attempting to take one last look behind him. Father Winter was nowhere to be found, and Oscar scoffed as the cave chamber faded from view. "As soon as we get home, I am writing a very strong letter to Mister Winter. Lousy fucker."

Oscar would later forget to write the letter, he would be too busy napping off this adventure.

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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2022 22:44:48 GMT
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Oscar's trance of fear was broken by the sight of Alice being gripped by the Endless. The two locked eyes for a mere moment before Alice was swiftly killed and discarded. Oscar's eyes widened, his gaze fixed on the lifeless form of Alice. She was the last one, all of the pokemon he brought to this church were dead.

Oscar's eyes twitched. He remembered how little he thought of his companions just this morning. He thought Slayer to be a poor replacement, Alice to be a subpar fighter, and Seismo to be stupid--and now they were dead. His guilt gripped his chest like a vice as his rage boiled over from within. He did not deserve their efforts nor their sacrifice, but he would see to it that they were not made in vain. 

Words burst through his mind, but Oscar could hardly care to listen. He turned toward the tanks and copied the earlier actions of Kyle. He opened two at random, and out came a Shedninja and a Venomoth. The two were confused, twitching as they took in their first breaths of life. Oscar snapped his fingers and got their attention, "You're with me, and if you don't like it you can go back in your tanks." The two did not respond, but as Oscar walked toward the black alter they would follow.

Oh hey Bill was there! Oscar happily locked his arms in an 'Up Yours' gesture before storming toward the alter. Oscar slammed a hand upon the cool dark surface and exclaimed, "My pokemon each lived for approximately three years each and I wasted them. Take nine years of my life and let my debt be repaid!"


--Oscar has been snapped out of his fear trance and has retrieved two new soldiers for the upcoming battle.
--Oscar offers nine years of his life as a sacrifice to the black alter.
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Heahea City
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casualty [c]
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2022 17:19:44 GMT
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Oscar had forgotten that Gavin was at the church as well. He wondered what horrors he had witnessed, although he would never ask him to recount them. Oscar simply gave Gavin a weak smile, "I appreciate that, thank you Gavin." He let the sentiment hang in the air for a moment before he knocked his knuckles on the bar surface. It hurt more than he intended, but he played it off.

"Enough of my problems for now. You got that look of wanting to kill the next person you see, what's eating you?" Oscar let out a few light coughs, reaching for his glass only to realize that it was empty. He was about to wave down the bartender, but before he could even raise his hand the man slid by and dropped off a pitcher full of water. Oscar nodded a thanks as he poured water into his glass. This guy was gonna get a great tip.

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Panacea [c]
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2022 17:09:50 GMT
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As Bryan revealed himself, Oscar felt a bit hot under his collar. It was so strange, one day Oscar could have considered himself an equal to Bryan--but after becoming an avatar Bryan managed to appear almost regal. He did not even try to be either, it was as natural as breathing. Oscar swallowed back his jealousy, ignoring both of Bryan's statements as he moved closer with the muffins.

"I came here to forge a connection." Oscar smiled weakly, raising the bag. He sat down on the ground, which was much easier to do then walking. He looked up at Bryan and raised an eyebrow. "Well at the very least don't make me sit alone."

Oscar pulled a muffin out of the bag and took a bite. It tasted like heaven in the form of a pastry. Probably because Oscar was hungry. Oscar looked upward as he let out a choked sigh of contentment. Regardless of Bryan's actions, he would indeed make his intentions clear. "I won't deny that I want something. I'm dying you see, from a disease I can't cure. Considering the domain of your patron, I figured you might be able to help me."

Oscar lurched, coughing into his elbow. The harshness of his hacks were striking, as if all the air in his lungs were being crushed out at once. "Excuse me--" Oscar said as he wheezed back to normalcy. "They kinda sneak up on me now--anyway...We don't know each other very well, so I don't want your aid for free.  Assistance should be built on the foundation of trust, so I thought we could get to know each other a bit and you can decide if I'm worthy of being cured or not."

Oscar was more or less telling the truth. He would be elated if Bryan decided to just slap him upside the head and end his suffering; at the same time however Oscar felt as if everything had to be earned. One way or another, he would make sure he earned this cure.

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POSTED ON Apr 8, 2022 16:53:34 GMT
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As they reached the next room, the team would be met by a rather rude attendant. He looked vaguely familiar, but Oscar could not place where he had seen him before. His puzzlement was brief, as he concluded that he rather not recall such an off-putting man. 

Oscar approached the cart, mocking the attendant as he grabbed the Protective Pads. "OoOoOh, not like it's an AccomPlishMent. Your ability to breathe through that cloud of pompousness is an accomplishment, jerk-ass." Oscar walked away, grumbling as he swallowed back a cough.

How far had they gotten? Were they half way or just getting started? Only time would make it clear, though Oscar already seemed fatigued by their journey thus far. Then again, that was not exactly hard for the sickly CEO these days.

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2022 1:35:55 GMT
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Their next challenge was a good deal more...challenging. They were apparently meant to prevent the drowsy effect of a Yawn, rather than the sleep itself. Oscar remembered a time during a siege in Slateport where a Misty Terrain prevented all sorts of ailments. It was notable because Oscar and his team were disguised as women--which makes sense in context I swear.

Oscar sent out his Grimmsnarl, Darkside, to bring forth the terrain; however his teammate Derek beat him to the punch. Oscar sighed as he looked to Darkside and shrugged, "I guess just hang out or whatever." Darkside huffed, folding his arms as he waited to be withdrawn after the challenge was complete. While they waited, Oscar took a moment to observe the Moltres mural. This was the second time Moltres was reference in this teashop, which he supposed made sense since its avatar disappeared rather recently.

The design of the mural itself reminded him of the mural of Zapdos he had in his office. It was a magnificent image, displaying the full power of the legendary birds--a power Oscar longed for. He pushed such thoughts from his mind. Flights of fancy could wait until after this little tea gauntlet.

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 2:22:59 GMT
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Another riddle awaited them, and this one was a bit more familiar. Oscar recalled the Tower challenge from long ago, and decided to use a similar solution to this conundrum. Oscar sent out his Dragonite, Ludicrous, and snapped his fingers. "Thunder that fucker...please." Ludicrous unleashed a barrage of lightning to toast its flying foe.

Meanwhile Oscar thought upon the word's of this room's puzzle master. He related rather well to the covetous dragon Rayquaza, and wondered if he should seek out its strength. Eh, probably not a good idea. It would most likely vaporize Oscar first.

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