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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2022 1:35:55 GMT
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Their next challenge was a good deal more...challenging. They were apparently meant to prevent the drowsy effect of a Yawn, rather than the sleep itself. Oscar remembered a time during a siege in Slateport where a Misty Terrain prevented all sorts of ailments. It was notable because Oscar and his team were disguised as women--which makes sense in context I swear.

Oscar sent out his Grimmsnarl, Darkside, to bring forth the terrain; however his teammate Derek beat him to the punch. Oscar sighed as he looked to Darkside and shrugged, "I guess just hang out or whatever." Darkside huffed, folding his arms as he waited to be withdrawn after the challenge was complete. While they waited, Oscar took a moment to observe the Moltres mural. This was the second time Moltres was reference in this teashop, which he supposed made sense since its avatar disappeared rather recently.

The design of the mural itself reminded him of the mural of Zapdos he had in his office. It was a magnificent image, displaying the full power of the legendary birds--a power Oscar longed for. He pushed such thoughts from his mind. Flights of fancy could wait until after this little tea gauntlet.

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POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 2:22:59 GMT
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Another riddle awaited them, and this one was a bit more familiar. Oscar recalled the Tower challenge from long ago, and decided to use a similar solution to this conundrum. Oscar sent out his Dragonite, Ludicrous, and snapped his fingers. "Thunder that fucker...please." Ludicrous unleashed a barrage of lightning to toast its flying foe.

Meanwhile Oscar thought upon the word's of this room's puzzle master. He related rather well to the covetous dragon Rayquaza, and wondered if he should seek out its strength. Eh, probably not a good idea. It would most likely vaporize Oscar first.

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Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2022 2:04:58 GMT
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Genesect tore through the tentacool with surgical precision. Every rip of jellyfish flesh spurred it forward, its jabs becoming faster and faster. It was not going to allow a single tentacle to attack its human compatriot, and its building bloodlust ensured Cygne would be able to work unopposed. Cygne's spiritomb further solidified their defense, the two of them fending off the tentacool hoard even as it grew in size. 

However, Genesect could only slay so many with physical force alone. As a seamlessly endless wave of tentacool emerged from the shadows, it knew that an easier solution would be required. It began to charge up the cannon on its back, which Oscar loudly protested. 

"Genesect no! Cygne must finish downloading the data first! We can't risk damaging the machinery!" Genesect reluctantly powered down is cannon, just in time for an especially devious squid to wrap around its exoskeleton. Genesect skewered it and threw the carcass aside, but it was a sign that things were about to get overwhelming real quick. 

Witnessing this first hand, Oscar spoke out hoping to reach Cygne's ears. "Yell out as soon as you download the last of the data! We will need to wipe out this entire room to escape!"

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POSTED ON Mar 23, 2022 0:52:02 GMT
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First challenge, should not be too difficult at least. Except it was, not only was their a bizarre riddle but the room was fucking fire themed. Oscar sighed heavily, "There is no way this could be OSHA approved. Isn't this building like fifty percent wood? Whatever..."

Oscar threw out a pokeball, releasing Grievous the Blaziken. Grievous immediately went into his fighting position, but Oscar quickly called out to him. "No just--just stand still. This isn't a battle." Grevious looked back at Oscar, greatly confused and disappointed. He never got to fight anymore. 

The blaziken's shoulders slumped forward, and it just waited as the will-o-wisp harmlessly passed through him. 

--Oscar sent out Blaziken, a Fire type immune to Burn.

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Panacea [c]
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2022 0:22:05 GMT
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Oscar was pretty certain he could handle the horrific alien disease his generosity/loyalty had forced upon him. After all it was caused by his choices, surely he should be the one to face the consequences of his actions. However all the money and weird anime-science in the world cannot protect him from Eldritch aids. All he has accomplished was staving off the inevitable; the inevitable being his grotesque and painful demise. His plot-armor was fading fast, and if he wanted to live past thirty he would have to find a solution--fast. 

It occurred to him that he had been fighting this menace incorrectly this whole time. He was fighting it with practical medical science, while this disease was decidedly supernatural in nature. If he wished to survive the year, he must fight back with an equally supernatural solution. Luckily, Rocket just received a living panacea in the form of

The 'life avatar' held within him the power to cure disease, or at the very least Oscar assumed as much. Perhaps with his help Oscar could be rid of this horrific plotline and return to the days of vaguely doing something science related. There was only one problem: Oscar and Bryan were barely acquaintances. For Oscar to show up and ask for Bryan's help out of nowhere would be in very poor taste, however since Oscar had very few options left and desperately wanted to live he would just have to deal with the social embarrassment. 

Oscar was certain he would find Bryan at the Tree of Life, after all that was the domain of his patron Xerneas. It was at the very least the first place he tried looking for him, hobbling into the tree's entry way like a three legged dog. His cane sank slightly into the ground as he pushed forward and called out to his would-be savior.

"Yo Bryan!? Are you here--bud? It's Oscar, y'know your fellow beast! I'm here to chat--I uh brought muffins!" Oscar indeed carried a bag of chocolate muffins in his free hand. They were mostly for him, he had skipped breakfast and picked them up along the way. Might help though, who knows...
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POSTED ON Mar 22, 2022 23:56:32 GMT
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We at GMH are excited to welcome as she steps into the spotlight at Devon Co. GMH will happily assist in any efforts she needs, including continuing to provide energy in all plants across Hoenn previously owned by Devon. Hopefully that will take some of the pressure off this momentous change in career. Good luck Ana! #AbetterfutureforHoenn #Friendship #Allsalesarefinal #Notakebacks
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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2022 19:15:07 GMT
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Oscar lightly rubbed his sunken eyes, clearing his throat as the maître D made his little introduction. He was still in the realm of feeling horrible, though his treatments were slowly making it easier to function again. Still, if he must have missed a memo somewhere because he had no idea this was a trainer challenge kind of establishment. When had invited him he thought there would be like--actual tea and shit. You know, like a fancy brunch. 

Oscar sighed, "We could have at least had some doughnuts first or something. Ugh, fuckin' throat hurts." Oscar grumpily grabbed a Mental Herb, spinning it between his fingers as the others discussed a name for their group. was recognizable, even in her streamer façade, the other two however were strangers. Oscar would introduce himself when he was in a better mood. Or he would just let Rowan do it if it came up. 

Oscar did not really care what they called themselves, but being a grouch he decided to throw out a sarcastic suggestion. "The Tea Baggers."

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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2022 19:52:10 GMT
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As Oscar's password was accepted by the door, his face would light up with jubilation. At last, something went right. Everyone shuffled into the now open doorway, and Oscar whistled for Alice to follow along. Alice disengaged with the Endless, running to her master's side. 

Oscar half-expected the coded door to lead into a dead end, trapping them and forcing a confrontation with the smoking eldritch entity. When that exact scenario happened, Oscar groaned loudly. "The next time I see Bill I am breaking every bone in his face!" Even with the door shut behind them, the Endless would find a way to slither parts of it into the room. Still reeling from the effects of breathing in the Endless from point-blank range, Oscar would begin to panic. He did not come here to die, "I just wanted to repair a fuckin' church..."

The normally steely Rocket Beast was Frozen in fear. His mind had finally stalled, cracking at the seams as certain doom surrounded him. Alice was afraid as well, but being a pokemon she knew she only had two choices: do nothing and die or fight back--and probably still die. At the very least, she would go down fighting.

Alice leapt forward, aiding the pokemon of with a fierce flurry of strikes (Beat Up).

--Oscar is having a moment of weakness.
--Alice attacks the Portrait Tentacle with Beat Up.

+15 for attacking a tentacle.
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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2022 2:00:58 GMT
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Oscar did not have the same reaction as other participants when the scene changed. He recognized the location as Slateport's Night Market, but since he was no present for this particular New Years celebration it meant nothing to him. Priam invoked this fact, asking if Oscar had been in Hoenn when this took place. He shook his head and coughed lightly, "Nah, I was still in Alola. Doing Alola stuff." The less spoken about that, the better.

Oscar listened carefully to Priam as he spoke, sure he was rambling but everything he shared was valuable information. Particularly the fact that Blacephalon had made an appearance; the hectic alien could prove to be a problem for Genesect. Oscar thought over what he had learned so far before giving his two cents. 

"There's no guarantee this simulation will be exactly like that night, but we should play it safe. Let's head for the Lighthouse, even if the ultrabeasts are switched or something at least we will be close to water.

Oscar turned toward Genesect and held out his hand, "For real now, I need your pokeball. I don't wanna risk having you get your ass kicked. It'll be embarrassing." Genesect was reluctant but eventually it complied, popping the pure red ball out of its cannon. It landed in Oscar's hand, and he raised an eyebrow before storing it in his coat. "You put it in your fuckin' cannon? That's asking for trouble. Anyway which way is the lighthouse?"

Oscar purposely began walking, expecting Priam to guide and for Ceri to keep up.

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activity check (february)
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2022 21:20:41 GMT
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  • player/ooc name: Hollow
  • character tags:
  • dropped characters' tags (if applicable): they are all dead.
  • ic posts for non-canon characters: n/a
  • 4 ic posts for canon characters: Random post 1Random Post 2Random Post 3Random Post 4
  • plots in the past month w/ other non-canon characters & follow-ups from previous developments: Oscar is still taking part in the Y.M.C.A. incident, the conclusion of which will have a large impact on his personal plots going forward. More recently Oscar is taking part in two Rocket initiatives, the S.P.E.C.T.R.A. Exams and the Occupied Ocean Project. I currently plan for him to have an active role in both as they move forward, taking part in multiple missions with Rocket members of various ranks and roles.
  • are characters in directories?: Yes
  • any notes/comments: I hope all is well o/
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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2022 1:48:06 GMT
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I am: Continuing
  • 2x Bring Gacha Mon (-100, Shedninja and Venomoth)
  • 2x Prevent injury (-200)
  • 1x Summon Anderson (-100)
  • Have a pokemon Devolve (+30, Weaville -- Sneasel)
  • 2x Lose a pokemon to Endless (+120)
  • Become Frozen in Fear (+30)
Updated point total: 1004
Notes: Gotta put down seismo :(
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Data Diving [oo]
POSTED ON Feb 28, 2022 21:51:07 GMT
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When taking on this assignment, Oscar had expected this to be a straight forward voyage. Everything started out pretty standard, the dive (while dark) was hardly a challenge for Genesect. When both Genesect and Cygne popped into the air pocket, Oscar was both relieved and impressed. It surely was not easy to keep up with the speedy android in the inky darkness of the ocean's depths.

Oscar's voice would sound off as Genesect got out of the water, "You alright Cygne?" Before he could get an answer though, Genesect noticed the movement between the servers. He followed it to the location of the dead body, and Oscar's surprise would trigger a coughing fit. As the red eyes appeared all around, Genesect immediately prepared for battle. 

As the tentacool emerged from the shadows, Oscar gave Genesect a command. "Genesect, make precise attacks. Don't damage the servers." Genesect's eyes began to glow a bright red, it was time to finally put its power to use once more. Genesect used its claws to stab toward the tentacool with Fell Stinger. These jabs would allow for more careful aiming, hopefully preventing any damage to the stored data around them. 
