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Hell Hound (Mission)
POSTED ON May 26, 2022 23:41:47 GMT
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The attack began, and it was going more or less how Oscar predicted. The younger pups were sent out first as a distraction, followed by a much harsher attack by the fully grown members of the pack. The GMH employees present let loose their own pokemon, and while none of them were trainers they held their own against the ravenous hoard. 

The captured Mightyena continued to howl, most likely spurring on its comrades as they desperately pushed forth their rescue. Little did they know, they never had a chance. Something appeared out of the shadows, a swift assassin that cut down one of the attackers with their razor sharp legs. Having discarded their camouflage, Emma the shadow Ariados would jump right into the fray. She acted as support, using Cross Poison to weaken members of the pack to make them easier to knock out.

Yet their resilience persisted, and Oscar knew exactly why. From out of the corners of his eye he saw a bright red gaze watching the battle from several feet away. There was no doubt in Oscar's mind that this concealed beast was the Alpha, biding his time to find the right moment to jump in. Oscar looked to Mint, "Mint, we have an observer." Before nodding over to their spectator. "I think he wants to be noticed, he probably has a trap ready for if we charge in. We should lure him out." 

With how intense the battle was getting, it probably would not be too hard to force the alpha's hand.

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activity check (may)
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 23:24:51 GMT
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  • player/ooc name: hollow
  • character tags:
  • dropped characters' tags (if applicable): N/A
  • ic posts for non-canon characters: N/A
  • 2 ic posts for canon characters: 1 2
  • 1 example of follow-up/collaboration with non-canons:I hope to have Oscar continue to have an active role in the Occupied Oceans plotline, which thanks to Banished's leadership is moving forward into its second act. Through this initiative Oscar has the chance to interact with characters across Rocket, and as he becomes more attached to Rocket as a whole this will hopefully help him become a more prominent figure within the organization.
  • are characters in directories?: Y
  • any notes/comments: I'ma doin' my best!
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Money Moves [C]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 23:16:17 GMT
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She agreed to it, good. Oscar exhaled, all of his stress suddenly leaving his body. He chuckled weakly as he leaned back into his pillow, unable to express how thankful he was. Who knew that a faithful hacking job would lead to one of his most valuable friendships. Lulu was truly indispensable. "Thank you--Lulu." Oscar's body went slack, and within a second he was out cold.

Genesect looked between Oscar and Lulu, suddenly feeling awkward about his master passing out. It took it upon itself to finish the meeting, stomping over to Oscar's bedside table and lightly tapping a television remote. A widescreen behind Lulu would flash on, revealing what seemed to be live camera footage of Mauville's generator. Genesect pointed to the screen, unaware if Lulu knew where to look.

Through the screen she would be able to watch a construction team work on the Infinity Generator. It might be hard to tell what exactly was happening at first, but after watching for long enough she should be able to notice what they were doing. The team was adding on a giant version of the perpetual motion machine, their hard work and development had finally paid off.

Genesect attempted to turn the tv off with the remote again, but his giant pincers could not manage the task a second time. It solved this issue by chucking the remote at the screen, shattering it completely. Genesect nodded, proud of its problem solving abilities. It would then show Lulu out, their meeting was over.

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Back in the saddle [M]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 23:07:39 GMT
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Oscar folded his arms, looking between and his supposed 'training' partner nervously. "Okay so umm--why am I doing this again?" Oscar would half listen to Priam's response, because deep down he knew exactly why he was doing this. Oscar's illness caused him to be inactive for months, causing what little muscle he had to deteriorate. Now that he was feeling better, it was time to get back into shape.

When Oscar asked Priam to help him work out, Priam came up with a pretty good idea. Oscar would fight a pokemon himself, building back up his endurance and muscle. The idea freaked Oscar out at first, but in the end he was willing to give it a try. Except the opponent Priam chose for him was a tad on the--uneven side. As Priam finished Oscar would nod, "Right yeah okay, but like--why Golurk?"

Oscar's new Illumina Golurk stood before him, peering downward with a blank stare. Having no face, it was impossible to tell what it was thinking--though surely the chance to beat up its rather demanding trainer had it a tad excited. Mother fucker had not even named it yet, he deserved a few bruises--or broken bones. 

Oscar gulped as he contemplated what exactly he was agreeing to. "Uhhh Priam--heh perhaps this is a bit extreme to start out with? I-I-I should probably find a smaller umm--" Oscar's skin crawled as he heard the sound of stone snapping under immense weight. Looking over he realized that Golurk was cracking its knuckles. "Oh fuck..."
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Isn't it a lovely day? [M]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 22:57:53 GMT
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Oscar gazed upward, breathing in deeply as he took in the fresh air. The sky had very few clouds, allowing the sun to cast its light onto every corner of Route 120. It was a truly beautiful afternoon, even with his joints aching and needing to use his cane for today's walk Oscar found himself with a skip in his step. 

Oscar looked to his companion, a one who very kindly agreed to accompany him on this stroll. "It feels good to be able to enjoy the outdoors again. We couldn't have picked a better day to do this." Thanks to the mysterious powers of Xerneas, Oscar had somewhat recovered from his horrific alien illness, though the parasite that was the Endless still existed in his body. Thankfully, its hold over Oscar was a lot weaker and he could finally enjoy doing some field work again.

Did I say field work? I mean stroll and bond with his good pal Martin. Oscar watched a chirping Taillow fly by, chuckling at the blasé way it carried itself. He could only hope to be so free, though he could relate to its joy. After spending months in bed, it was a relief to take in the sun on a wonderful day such as this. Oscar looked forward, a content smile resting on his face.

"The spot that farmer told us about should be nearby right? The one that would be great for a picnic?"
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processed shop
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 17:03:37 GMT
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welcome to the poké mart!

1X Type 2 Evolution to evolve Golett into Golurk (0 PD)


do come again!

0 PD
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Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 16:47:42 GMT
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Oscar raised an eyebrow as the trainer barked back, almost immediately cooling down as he watched the poor bastard wrestle with his Breloom. It at least gave Oscar a chance to get a closer look at the guy, judging from his age and outfit he seemed to be a ranger. Perhaps a rookie? Nah, Oscar learned never to underestimate the League when it came to age. They employee children as gym leaders after all.

Oscar watched the fiasco with thinly veiled amusement, only speaking after the ranger had subdued his insubordinate pokemon. "Well that was impressive. Do you pokemon normally attack you over honey?" Oscar posed the question, but he did not give the ranger a chance to answer it before shrugging and continuing on. "Anyway the honey is in tact so no harm no foul. Let's just forget this happened and--"

Oscar heard some nearby brush rustle, causing him to become rigid and panicked. He began to hiss at the ranger, "Fuck, get in the bush get in the bush get in the bush! GET IN THE BUSH!" Oscar dove back into his hiding place, leaving Lancer staring at the ranger. It might appear is if the Beedrill was not going to support his master's antics, but after a moment it would aggressively point toward the same bush as it glared in the ranger's direction.

Meanwhile something very large was quickly approaching...

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POSTED ON May 25, 2022 16:35:37 GMT
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GMH would like to officially declare the day of the impact to be a company holiday. All employees may have the day off to settle their affairs and prepare for possible annihilation. However, should our planet be spared all employees are expected to come into work on time the following day. #weareinthistogether #happyappoclypseday #pickagodandpray
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Garden Guardian [M]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 0:49:10 GMT
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Oscar scratched his head, looking upon a lone berry tree with confusion. He looked to the portly farmer next to him, "This is it? That's all that's left?" The farmer nodded, resting his hands on the straps of his overalls. "Yepper. The other trees were ripped to shreds. Real shame, this was the runt of the crop." Oscar sighed, rubbing his chin as he pondered what to do. He believed that he could outsource his berry farming, allowing for twice the normal crop and thus twice the benefit. However, his efforts were met with nothing but misfortune as every one of the berry trees that grew were raided by presumably wild pokemon.

Oscar scoffed, "You know, this doesn't look very good for you. In fact I have half a mind to believe you took the berries yourself." The farmer's nonchalance faded immediately, replaced with a frantic anxiety. "I-I-I assure you sir, I had old Scruffy watching the garden the entire time! Yep yep ain't that right Scruffy?" The farmer motioned to a sleeping Stoutland, who seemed down right ancient as far as pokemon go. Oscar rolled his eyes, flipping open a pair of sunglasses and donning them as he turned away. "These berries will be ripe tomorrow yeah?" The farmer opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted as a large creature flew past him.

A mighty bird landed next to Oscar, staring forward as they awaited orders. "Babayaga." Oscar stated plainly, prompting the Decidueye to look toward his master. "This garden is your territory now. Guard it with your life. I'll be back in the morning." Oscar walked off, leaving Babayaga alone to contemplate his new task. He suddenly jerked his head toward the farmer, who promptly seized up before running off. Babayaga sneered, flying off as he began his watch from the shadows. This tree may be his only charge, but he shall protect it with everything he has.

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Renaissance Robbery [M]
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 0:23:49 GMT
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What a ridiculous concept a Renaissance Faire was. A bunch of people gathered around and pretended to be enjoy a medieval fantasy setting for a day while eating over priced food and drinking overpriced beer. Oscar did not get it, though perhaps he was just jealous that he could not pull off something similar. Oscar walked among the costumed revelers, purposely staying in his street clothes to defy the spirit of the faire. He was not here to play pretend, he was here to work.

And he was not alone. joined him today, both being assigned the same task. Fundraising, the Rocket way. They needed to nab as many expensive looking items as they could without getting caught, simple enough for a professional burglar like Oscar but he had yet to see if Jayden could handle such a careful task. He knew Jayden to be reliable though, so he had no doubt that they would succeed.

The two had entered the Faire together, and were currently walking through a large marketplace that served as a sort of hub for the faire. As they strolled, Oscar would look to Jayden through a pair of black sunglasses. "You ready for this? No shame in backing out, I'm sure I could handle this on my own. I won't tell anyone if you bail." Oscar smiled, curious how Jayden would react to his taunt. 

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Honey Hunt [M/O]
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 18:30:19 GMT
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Only five minutes had passed, and Lancer was already getting antsy. By the time a pokemon finally came into view, he was ready to leap out and thrash them right away. Oscar held him back though putting out his arm to block the charge. "No no no not yet, gotta wait until the trap is sprung."

Lancer vibrated, impatiently waiting for some sort of action. Oscar was not too far behind mentally, as he began to curse under his breath as the weepinbell took its time coming toward the tree. Then the breloom appeared, and Oscar had to roll in his lips to keep himself from screeching with glee. He grabbed Lancer by the shoulders and whispered, "See? I told you this would work! I told you!"

Lancer was surprised, he did not expect the lure to be so--effective. The idea of beating down two trapped pokemon perked him up, and he leaned in as the dup came closer and closer to their doom. Of course this was proven too good to be true, as a trainer soon rushed forward and berated his pokemon for being lured in by the honey. Oscar's grin cracked into a grimace, his hopes and dreams dashed as quickly as they formed. Just his luck, the first pokemon lured in were already owned!

The trainer was trying very hard to get his pokemon to move on, but the two greedy plants refused to budge. As they moved closer to the tree, Oscar's eyes widened. If they go for the honey his trap will be ruined! He very suddenly leapt out of the bushes, "Step away from that tree! I paid good money for that premium honey and if they take a single lick I'm gonna make you pay for it!" Lancer came out as well, not displaying even half of Oscar's fury. He seemed annoyed, and seemingly assured that this was a dumb idea.

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