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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2022 15:36:01 GMT
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Genesect Found its Prey

The cybernetic huntsman came upon the trio as they split up, forcing it to make a choice on who to pursue. After a split-second's consideration, it went after what it considered to be the easiest target in this scenario. The target was the easiest to track, seeing as they stayed within sight the longest as they ran into a nearby warehouse. Even without that fact though, Genesect's sensors blared every time this target came into view. He reeked of shadows.

Genesect flew to the warehouse, smashing through a window as it unfolded into its combat form. With its target out in the open, aiming its cannon to fire a jolting Electrictroweb at . Despite being sovereign of the shadows, Genesect's programing had never compelled it to hunt Gavin. Yet in its continuing emotional growth, Genesect would feel great satisfaction in bringing this king to his knees.

Gavin has been captured

Grabbing the Electronet, Genesect would re-fold into its hover form to deliver Gavin to Oscar.

--1/4 Generators Activated
--1/3 Participants Eliminated

--With Genesect's departure with Gavin, the strikes for and @bishop have been reset. Genesect will not roll, but you two must still roll to determine your progress toward reaching the next generator. Genesect will resume its hunt in my next post.
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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2022 15:07:26 GMT
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The trio, using every skill and improvised tool at their disposal, manage to get the first generator running. All it took was clearing out some debris by the deft hands of @bishop and his trusty stick. Congratulations were in order, one out of four generators had been restored. Just as Oscar said, the power in the area around the generator would spring back to life, banishing the increasingly oppressive darkness with a flood of light!

Light that Genesect saw all too clearly. 

It knew exactly where they were now, due South. From their position the trio would hear an immense sonic boom echoing through the streets. Genesect had just used Flame Charge, and was now flying faster than a bullet to their location. Windows shattered as it passed. Debris was set aflame and flung in every direction. Genesect was making it as clear as possible that they were fucked.

That is, if they did not flee. Genesect would be there within moments; the trio would have a very small window to run and hide. Would they be able to make use of it?


: 1/2
@bishop : 1/2
: 1/2

--You know the drill.
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If you go down in the woods today [M]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2022 14:53:52 GMT
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Oscar did not remember entering any sort of 'contest', so when he received an email claiming that he had won a 'Pop Picnic Party' with pop idol he was--confused. Who was this? Why was his name familiar? Oscar looked up his music and it was not really his thing, so why would he enter a contest to meet him? Was this a prank? Where did he see his name before? GMH never reached out to him--which means there was only one way he could have encountered this name.

Oscar looked him up in Rocket's recruit database and sure enough he had a file. It must have crossed over his desk at some point, Oscar often reviews the files of new recruits to try and keep track of skillsets he could use. Well maybe he could make a profit off this misadventure. A hypothetical profit, Oscar saw no value in the music industry. For now...

He was allowed a plus one, and Oscar could not think of anyone better to invite then his favorite picnic partner: . Their last picnic had been such a success, certainly they could make this one even better. Oscar got to set the meeting place, and after doing some digging he found a wonderful little opportunity in Petalburg Woods. Seems there was a--rare bird hiding out in the woods. This would be a fine opportunity to get a peek. 

With Mars in the know and plans set, Oscar arrived at the entrance of the woods bright and early to await his 'pop prince'.                                         
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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2022 14:41:12 GMT
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Claiming the Evolution Pack o/

Before I found Hoenn I thought I was done with rp. Thanks for keeping my favorite hobby alive! Here's to another four years!
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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 3:01:03 GMT
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Oscar shot some finger guns at Mint as he addressed him. "Never better!" It was very nice of Mint to be so concerned about Oscar's help, though Oscar was starting to think part of him was disappointed he did not die. Joke's on him, so was Oscar! The stranger sitting across from him seemed rather keen on getting to know everyone in relation to SPECTRA, which Oscar was more than willing to indulge. 

"I was invited by Remiel. Probably because Avatars piss me off and I've been dying to find a way to counter them. We won't get jack shit done without having a way to fight back against the League's army of demi-gods." Oscar folded his arms, his eyebrows raised with a spark of mischief. "My curiosity is killing me, why would Remiel share details about SPECTRA with you? You wouldn't happen to be a friend of the organization, would you?"

Oscar was not aware of any Rocket activities within Unova, though he did not doubt it if they were able to make it over there.
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Pancea pt 2
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 2:52:28 GMT
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Habit, or addiction? Now that he was healthy, Oscar was becoming increasingly paranoid about his remaining symptoms. Whenever the black veins would manifest, he would go into a panic as he recalled just how close to death this sickness had brought him. He could not go back to that, there had to be a way to rid himself of this parasite for good! Until then, he had Bryan.

Oscar was thankful that Bryan had shared where to find him, though he was beginning to feel worried about their arrangement. Oscar was ready to do anything for Bryan to repay him for this kindness, but would Bryan actually take him up on that offer? Oscar hoped so, he did not like the idea of using Bryan as some sort of prescription treatment. He wanted to prove how grateful he was, but how could he until he is given the chance?

These thoughts plagued Oscar as he entered the facility, black veins once again engulfing his complexion. As he came upon Bryan alone, looking upon what was left of the Tree of Life. Oscar truly felt bad for Bryan's loss, he knew this tree meant the world to him. Oscar gingerly stepped forward, attempting to greet his troubled cohort. 

"Heeeey Bryan, sorry I let myself in. How are you feeling?"

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Clandestine [C]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 2:44:56 GMT
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Oscar raised an eyebrow, leaning his elbows on the table and clasping his fingers together. "A base huh? Intriguing. I was gonna make it into a water park but this is a way better idea." Oscar leaned in slightly, "I've been saying we need a new secluded base. Somewhere the league does not know about. It can't be connected to GMH though, it had to look like a hostile take over or something similar."

Oscar leaned back, cracking his fingers as he contemplated this idea. He had been hoping to use that space for something useful, this seemed as good a cause as any. The beast grinned, "I'm onboard, but that was a given. If you need any funding for the project I'll contribute what I can. Though there is that one thing. GMH scouts reported some weird biological anomalies near the ruins, are you prepared to take on--whatever that's supposed to be?"

Oscar had not thought anything of it, but now that the possibility to take the facility back from nature was on the table--they should probably think about the nature that had the ruins in its clutches...

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A Special Order (Oscar)
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 2:36:39 GMT
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This sounds ridiculous so count me in. I'll have them built as soon as I can, hopefully before the meteor hits and we all die LOL. Just don't blow them up or they may cause catastrophic damage to the environment that could lead to decades of fall out. No big deal though if you do.
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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 2:33:52 GMT
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Oscar thought they were home free by now, but of course it was never that easy. As they came closer to their destination, it was only natural for the danger to ramp up. It was, like, a law or something. Security was approaching, and Felix took charge of dealing with them. Oscar shimmied back and forth, looking around in a very mild panic as he tried to locate the cameras.

As soon as he found one he would point to it dramatically, and moments later Emma would appear to web it up before jumping back into Camouflage. Oscar whipped his head around, desperately searching for cameras. His blood was really rushing now, this truly felt like the climax of their heist--or something close to it.

Oscar peeked around the corner, just in time to watch Felix snap a guard's neck. Oscar winced, rubbing the back of his own neck as Emma took out the last of the cameras in the adjacent hallway. Oscar came up behind Felix, "We're running low on time. Which way's the archival room, just down here?"

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Pokepod Preliminary Trial 1(sw)
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 2:00:58 GMT
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A few hours of tinkering later, and Oscar would be ready for another trial. He pulled in his second caged subject, a Swadloon. Oscar hoped that this one survived, it would be really nice to take it home. Hopefully in that scenario it would not hold against him what he was about to do.

Oscar went back to the control panel, picking up the recorder to dictate his next set of notes.

"Test number two of the Pokepod Prototype one point oh. Subject two is a swadloon of average size. After repairing the parts of the machine damaged by the energy surge, I adjusted the suction of the Infinity Energy absorber. Hopefully I can find that sweet spot this time around." Oscar stopped the recorder and turned on the machine once more. This time when he turned the dial to one the startled swadloon would only begin shaking as it whimpered. The energy readings were very low, not enough to even charge a phone. 

Oscar turned the dial up to two, and the swadloon would begin writhing. The energy readings barely went up, but this was expected. He had eight more levels to get through after all. Oscar turned the dial to three, and to his horror the swadloon would be instantly mummified as the machine once again surged with energy. Oscar slapped the emergency shutdown button, fast enough to not damage the shell too much. He groaned, picking up his recorder as he wearily walked toward the chamber.

As he observed the mummified swadloon, Oscar recorded his next set of notes. "Test failed, subject two has been terminated. The first two levels worked fine but when to three the absorber took too much again. Why does it keep pulling so much? There has to be a way to slow it down. Maybe if I narrow the openings of the absorbers? It's worth a shot. Will make adjustments and try again." 

Oscar ended his recording, tossed the swadloon mummy aside, and began adjusting the aborbers.
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glory for the taking
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 1:49:36 GMT
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Oscar sipped from his glass, looking upward as he thought of options. One came to mind almost instantaneously, ". I want to see him go to space, it would be quite the experience." Oscar chuckled to himself, imagining Priam in a space suit working alongside Genesect. It would make for a humorous shenanigan if nothing else.

Oscar shrugged as he set his glass down, "Seriously though, Genesect is ready for this sort of task. I cannot imagine anything more capable of surviving the tribulations of space. Even if it did not have me to guide it, the creature's super-intelligence has many uses outside of hunting." Oscar was not sure why the idea of Genesect being apart of this space mission was so appealing to him. Perhaps he wanted to see how far Genesect had come from its days on its own, madly searching for purpose. Maybe he just thought it would be funny. Either way, he would stand by his proposal. 

All this Genesect talk reminded him though--"Ah, can I get some of your notes from project Exodus. I have a dumb idea that can turn into a good idea if I get it right." Oscar picked up his glass and took a large gulp, suddenly feeling rather warm. "Oof, I gotta slow down I'm already buzzed."

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You Can't Sip with Us: A Winetastic Girls' Night [Mega/OPEN]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 1:35:45 GMT
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Oscar would not get a chance to hear Priam's answer, nor even the opportunity to try the wine. As he turned to face his easel, a shadow would pass over him. Looking up, Oscar's eyes would meet the rather unfriendly gaze of a burly security guard. Oscar's heart immediately began pounding, and he would smile sheepishly as he fanned himself. 

"Um, may I help you sir?"

Oscar's disguised voice was well practiced, a hold over from a mission long-since past. The burly man raised an eyebrow, "Could ya come with me--miss?" Oscar shrugged, "I-I-I wouldn't want to leave my friend here alone..." Oscar was referring to Priam, who had a guard of his own to contend with. Oscar's guard squinted, "This will only take a second.

Oscar gingerly stood up, click clacking behind the security guard as he lead him to the side. The guard folded his arms, "What's your name ma'am?" Oscar stood up confidently, fully prepared for this question. "It's Osssss..." Nope that was not what he had rehearsed, jumped right into his actual fucking name. Think fast Oscar, hurry! "...sssssssmosis. Osmosis, my name's Osmosis." There was a long pause as the two stared at each other. "Jones." Oscar added. "Mrs. Osmosis Jones."

The guard blinked, "You're married?" Fuck, Oscar forgot to say miss instead of mrs. He refused to falter, "I was. I'm a widow, I just keep the moniker so I don't have to change all my business cards. Before you ask, they're in my other purse. This is my party purse." Oscar raised his hand bag, as if that were evidence to accredit his ruse.

"May I enjoy the activities now?"

The man looked at Oscar closely, preparing to pass judgement...

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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2022 1:19:59 GMT
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Genesect did not move from where it stood. Well it moved a little, transforming into its Hover mode preemptively (Magnet Rise). It was still waiting, it had unlimited patience and no want for time. All it had to do was wait...

The sun was starting to set fully over the horizon, casting the district into an increasingly deep darkness. By now the trio would have reached their goal, and now all they must do is repair it. The device was a standard home generator, not unlike something you would find at a hardware store. Repairing it should be difficult, but then again the possibility to screw up spectacularly is omnipresent in exercises like these.

They would not feel pressure from genesect however, after all it was currently standing still. Waiting...


--Genesect has elected Not to pursue you, and so the low rolls of the previous round will not count toward your two strikes.

--From this point onward roll after your post. Rolling higher than Genesect benefits your character's goals, whether they be to get away or to find the other pages. Rolling lower than Genesect brings Genesect closer to capturing you. Roll lower than Genesect three times and your character will be caught.

, @bishop,
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing