[C]ity of [S]in

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
[C]ity of [S]in
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2022 20:19:00 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar checked his watch for the fifth time in ten minutes. He was clearly a little anxious, tapping his fingers on the circular table he sat at when they were not busy fidgeting with his outfit. He kept trying to adjust his suit jacket, straighten his tie, center his mask; he was a ball of nerves. It was probably best that he got his jitters out now, once the meeting began he would have no room to display weakness. 

It did not help that this room was so dim though. The warehouse he chose to hold this get-together in could not be more perfect; this abandoned relic of a previous age in Mauville was a thematically poignant backdrop to Oscar's plan. But damn it all why were the lights so dim? He swears he had all of the bulbs replaced specifically to avoid this, he could barely see the uniformed Rocket goons he had planted in the corners of the room. If he could not see them, would his guests be able to? Why were they there if they could not even be seen!?

Oscar huffed, he was letting himself get riled up over nothing. His guests would arrive soon, he needed to center himself if he was going to pull this off. Oscar addressed his companion for the evening, . The underboss had very kindly agreed to aid Oscar in his scheme, though Oscar's nerves made him a less than affable cohost. 

"How's my outfit look? Does the mask work, I took forever picking it out. Maybe we should reschedule-no! That's stupid! Ugh I'm no good at negotiations."

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
[C]ity of [S]in
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 21:27:27 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

As if to exist in stark contrast with the Beast’s nerves, the man by his side is the picture of composure and calm, and that’s not just because the mask he wears prevents anyone from knowing what kind of expression there may be beneath it.
He’s used to this sort of thing.
Too used to it, perhaps. Long before he joined Team Rocket, long before he even became a businessman, meetings like this one were already a part of his life. Perhaps not in this way, but they still were there.
”It’s a nice choice.” His tone is levelled, neutral, and lacking in any sort of particular accent or intonations – beyond his voice being altered by the mask’s modifier. ”Don’t be nervous. You have no reason to be. Remember who you are… and that you’re not alone in this.”
He is here to help, after all.
As per usual, his confidence is as unwavering as it is endless.






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