The Wave Forward [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 1
Dewford Town
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6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 3, 2024 20:11:32 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

While he enjoyed being in the water more than just about anywhere else that he could think of, Beau had to admit that the effect was somewhat spoiled on days like this. The Lilycove docks were dark, lit only by the occasional dotted lights from the city above and the lighthouse that Beau found his gaze sliding to more than it might ought to - he couldn't help but think that was as busy as he was, tonight.
The S.S. Tidal had sent a distress signal - a vicious storm was raging, as though Beau couldn't tell that from the sheets of water pouring from the sky and obscuring his vision in any direction he turned - and not only could the ship not dock in Lilycove properly due to the conditions, they'd suffered a fuel tank mishap that left them virtually dead in the water.
He'd responded to the alert, as he had already been in Lilycove for Reasons (he tried not to think about Klaus again) and was currently eyeballing the choppy waters, his Blastoise at his side. Jack was due to arrive shortly, or so his message had said, but Beau still wasn't sure how the two of them would keep a full-sized ship and its passengers safe until the storm abated.
He grinned to himself under the water sluicing down over him. He did love a challenge, after all.



Mission: Commitment: Act II




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Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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jack wainwright
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 8, 2024 22:52:29 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

The sound of his phone vibrating against the nightstand was nearly drowned out by the rain hammering against 's windows and the sounds of pleasure coming from her bed. However, the incoming notifications were incessant and Jack finally popped his head from beneath the covers to eye the phone warily. Snatching it from the nightstand, he scanned through the waiting messages as his mood rapidly turned sober. Seeing that Beau was already responding, he fired off a quick message to the man letting him know he was on his way.[break][break]

"Sorry love, but there's a ship in trouble and it doesn't look like many Rangers are able to make it here due to the storm," Jack said as he slipped from the bed and pulled his Ranger uniform from his travel bag. "Probably going to be a long night, so don't wait up."[break][break]

He left her with a passionate kiss before heading out into the rain, grateful that it would at least cover the scent of sweat as it slicked his hair down against his forehead in a tangled mess. The downpour, while cleansing, also made the journey down to the harbor long as miserable as he constantly avoided.[break][break]

"Oi!" he called out to his friend and fellow Ranger as Beau's unmistakable silhouette came into view. Seeing that Beau already had his Blastoise at the ready, Jack also released his Gyarados as he approached.



– Mission: Commitment: Act II



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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2024 2:58:11 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

"Hey, brah!" Beau bellowed over the rain as Jack approached. He grinned widely as the other man called out his Gyarados, pausing momentarily to admire the fierce pokemon, its angles made sharper by the scattered light. "Glad you could make it!" he enthused.
He jerked a thumb over his shoulder at his Blastoise, who offered a complacent grunt. "Heard about the Tidal, we gotta go check it out. Bad fuel tank, they said!" He hoped it wouldn't be too disastrous, but he'd seen firsthand the effect malfunctioning ships and their associated chemicals could have on marine life.
Grinning at his friend, he grabbed the Blastoise by the arm and stepped off the dock, hanging off the turtle's back as the pokemon landed in the water with a splash. "Last one to find the ship buys drinks after!" WHOOSH, the pair took off in a white-capped spray that arced across the bay.



Mission: Commitment: Act II




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august 12
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Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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jack wainwright
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2024 2:01:54 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

"Hey!" Jack shouted indignantly as Beau raced off into the night with his Blastoise. Grumbling about fairness, he was quick to hop onto Gyarados and tail the duo.[break][break]

Hidden by the darkness and the splash of the waves a smile broke across Jack's face at the simple joy of racing his friend. While they may be speeding toward an environmental disaster or people in distress, for those brief moments they were simply two pals racing in the water. Not for the first time, Jack was grateful that Beau had reappeared in his life.[break][break]

His elation was quickly replaced as the bulk of the Tidal loomed ahead. While most of the lights seemed to have been lost for whatever emergency had affected their fuel tanks their emergency lamps were burning along the deck, visible now through the downpour. Gyarados put in one last surge of speed but Beau and his Blastoise were definitely going to reach the ship first.[break][break]

Looks like I'm buying drinks.



– Mission: Commitment: Act II



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[newclass=".jackpost .tag a"]font:15px Poppins;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
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6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2024 2:22:41 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Whooping, Beau and his Blastoise did indeed manage to reach the Tidal first, though not by much with Jack's Gyarados cutting through the water like a hot knife through butter. Slowing as he approached the bulk of the ship, he guided Blastoise in a sweeping circle around the hull until he saw the smoke of a signal flare near the prow, on one of the lower decks.
Digging in his pack, he pulled out a flare of his own and lit it with a sizzling flash, waving it over his head. A crackle sounded from the position on a boat and a man's voice rang out, staticky through a megaphone. "Rangers, thank goodness! One of the fuel tanks malfunctioned - engines are fine, but we can't start them without risking a fire."
Another burst of static interrupted the man before he continued. "If the waters keep calming down, we'd be able to port, but without the engines we can't get over there, and no other vessel's coming. Much obliged if you could do something!"
Lacking the proper tools to convey anything he'd have to say to the boat, he simply waved his flare forward and backward a few times before snuffing it in the water and shoving it back into his pack. Peering around through the downpour, he rode over to Jack and hollered, "I think I've got a way to help tow the ship, you ever run into anything like this before??"



Mission: Commitment: Act II




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august 12
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Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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jack wainwright
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2024 2:31:13 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Jack listened to the captain explain the ship's situation, thankful that no one seemed to be in any immediate danger. Even shielding his eyes from the rain with his hand, he couldn't see the man from their position but the megaphone was good enough.[break][break]

"Nah mate, this'll be a first for me," Jack raised his voice to be heard over the rain and the crashing waves, "but I'm all ears for your idea."[break][break]

Jack had seen enough ships being tugged or pushed by water pokemon navigating the harbor at Hulbury, so he had faith in Beau's idea. He just wasn't sure what the logistics of it all were; he hadn't watched too closely as a child on the assumption that he wouldn't be doing this sort of thing as a job. He managed not to sigh, barely. Maybe the Rangers would authorize a blog post about Beau's heroic actions saving the S.S. Tidal.



– Mission: Commitment: Act II



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[newclass=".jackpost .tag a"]font:15px Poppins;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
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6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2024 2:55:02 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Beau cursed under his breath. He'd thought that maybe Jack, with greater experience in this sort of thing, would have a more cohesive idea than Beau's half-baked notion of getting the ship into port.
Still, with no better options forthcoming, all he could do was try, right? Worst that could happen is that it didn't work. He hoped. Reaching for his belt, he threw a pokeball that was lost in the dark downpour, but the crimson light of its release briefly eclipsed the silhouette of the ship, and the displacement of water from the Wailord appearing was enough to almost knock Beau from his Blastoise.
"YO, TINY!" Beau bellowed over the driving rain. "PUSH THE BOAT! THAT WAY!" he hollered, gesturing wildly toward the Lilycove docks - or, what he hoped was the direction of the Lilycove docks and not some untimely shoal. With a keening wail, the Wailord DOVE beneath the surface of the water, and several long moments later, the SS Tidal began to move.
"Holy cow, it's working," Beau marveled. He turned to Jack, punching the air in victory. "It's not perfect, but it's somethin'! We just gotta make sure it doesn't tip over on the way, let's keep it smooth, yeah?"



Mission: Commitment: Act II




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august 12
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elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2024 1:45:57 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Okay so a Wailord was pushing the ship. That was a thing that they were doing.[break][break]

"I'll take the starboard side," Jack shouted to Beau as he brushed an wet strand of hair from his face.[break][break]

Gyarados cut through the waves as he circled the ship. Positioning himself so as not to be crushed, he maneuvered his pokemon up against the side of the ship. Even with the force of the Gyarados pushing, Jack could still tell that the massive vessel was listing in his direction. Unable to communicate with Beau from opposite the ship, he pulled his compass from its pocket in his uniform.[break][break]

Though it was impossible to read the face of the compass, Jack easily identified the keystone inlaid into the casing and pressed his finger across it. A brilliant, prismatic light flickered across their side of the ship as the mega-energy dissipated around Gyarados, revealing his mega evolved form.[break][break]

"Okay, give it a good push now," Jack yelled to the pokemon. The Gyarados' muscles rippled beneath him as it pushed and the Tidal began to right itself under the force.



– Mission: Commitment: Act II



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[newclass=".jackpost .tag a"]font:15px Poppins;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
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April 1
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6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 1:13:38 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Beau nodded as Jack called out his intentions, urging his Blastoise on and pulling forward to the middle of the ship's body as his partner circled away to the other side. Progression was slow and steady, and Beau thought for coming up with his first plan on his own, things seemed like they were actually going fairly smoothly.
That thought proved to be his undoing, as almost immediately the ship started to list away from him. Unable to do anything here but watch helplessly as it tipped over toward starboard, Beau performed an immediate 180 and surged to the aft, the rain like needles on his face to match what he felt in his chest right now.
Coming up on his Wailord and unable to call to it half-submerged into the water, he urged his Blastoise forward in a WAVE CRASH near its flank. With a deep, persistent cry, the Wailord slowly course-corrected, angling under the back of the boat from the left. Too slow, too slow, dammit... his thoughts raced.
He felt the surge of energy before he saw it, and a wave of relief washed through him. Jack's Mega Gyarados was correcting the tilt, thank Arceus, and all he had to do...
Was be back where he was, in case it overcorrected. Crap.
Panting from exertion, his Blastoise cut through the water back to mid of port, but - miracle of miracles - the bearing stabilized on its own, and continued straight.
What followed were the most anxious minutes of his life, but fortunately no further imbalances occurred, and when the Lilycove docks came into sight, he felt warm pride bloom through his chest. They'd done it.
Once the ship came to rest just outside the docks, anchors safely deployed, Beau recalled his Wailord and cruised through the water's surface to accost Jack. "We did it, brah!" he yelled, pumping his fists in the air triumphantly. "And DAMN that was cool!"



Mission: Commitment Act II




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[newclass=".beauf4 .credit"]width:125px;background-color:#1c1c1c;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".beauf4 .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]

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august 12
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elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 1:39:09 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Jack was exhausted by the time they reached the docks. Beau's gambit had worked, and quite spectacularly. Even the ship's passengers and crew seemed impressed judging by their cheers and applause that even the heavy rain couldn't drown out.[break][break]

"Agreed, mate, very cool. I should be so lucky as to never experience such a cool event again in my lifetime," Jack's words were sardonic but his tone was proud and joyful. They had saved the ship in a heroic and dashing manner during inclement weather with limited resources. Jack had seen Beau in action enough to know not to underestimate him, but the Captain was going to have a lot of questions about a Trainee pulling off something like this when Jack filed his report.[break][break]

Now there's an idea.[break][break]

"To celebrate this momentous achievement, I'll even let you be the one to write the report!" Jack grinned as his fist bumped his friend before stepping up onto the dock.



– Mission: Commitment: Act II



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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
The Wave Forward [M]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 7:22:17 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


