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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2019 2:49:15 GMT
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children weren't really on his list of things he likes. they were loud and destructive among other things. the only upside is that they kinda act like dogs, which is fine, he supposed.


kyle slams the children's bedroom door open dramatically, announcing his presence if his voice still hasn't yet. being told that he was to aid another person since the children's general temperament were too much for a single babysitter, he somehow finds himself helping. maybe he's been clearing his schedule too much that it ends with him being free most of the time.

before him was a the shared bedroom for three little boys. anything one would expect in a rich kid's bedroom were there, and along with it, the mess that accompanied one's image of it. toys scattered across the room, snacks clearly brought inside their room against any established house rules and clearly sugar rushed children were present, among the other babysitter already involved in the mess.

kyle stares at them before making a blunt comment, a sympathetic smile present on his expression. the question whether he wants to be involved as well or not lingers in his head. he gives a sigh.

"oh. you seem fine."

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POSTED ON Oct 28, 2019 3:08:14 GMT
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"Good god, Kyle. You can't just bust open the door like that. We're trying to prove them we're friendly, not that we're the FBI busting down their door."[break][break]

She rubs her temples in exasperation because she can't remember how she was coerced into volunteering for this job. Children were petulant and annoying, they always wanted the snacks she had in her hand and she wasn't particularly good at sharing.[break][break]

Stormy had given Kyle a call asking for assistance, mostly because she didn't trust that she could handle it by herself, but also because she had originally been confident that Kyle could handle children. Perhaps she'd made a mistake.[break][break]

The real truth was that, when Kyle had burst the door open, Stormy had been the one most startled. Her heart was still thumping as she worked to relax herself. She was now looking forlornly at the trashed bag of veggie sticks she had had ripped from her hands. It had been the only thing to appease them and they were content up until they realised her snack wasn't sugary or sweet.[break][break]

So they'd stamped and stomped and probably peed on the bag of gross veggie sticks.[break][break]

"This seems fine to you?"


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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2019 9:13:17 GMT
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kyle didn't like kids the slightest since he knows what they're capable of. others may see them as harmless and cute, but he knows they're heartless, inconsiderate demons.

"doing better than what i expected," he answers with a smirk.

spoiled children with rich parents to back up their every mistake were the worst. he would be ready to punt them if he doesn't observe self control most of the time. having to watch over them and be responsible for their well-being was one task he thinks he wouldn't enjoy.

unfortunately, he was already here.

"oi!" he called sharply, tone aggressive and strong. it garners the attention of the children for a second. "the fu-- fudge do you think you guys are doing?!"

the children stops on their tracks before they turned on each other. they start pointing fingers at each other, indistinguishable exchange of venom happening between the siblings as they try to blame one another for... hiding the house's master key?

kyle smiles as they at least stopped the chaos. they proceed to fight each other verbally until it turned physical. the smile turns to a frown.


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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2019 1:56:37 GMT
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Stormy sighs, shrugging at Kyle's comment and smirk. It makes her feel slightly better that he's at least a little proud of how well she's held down the house so far.[break][break]

Just watching these children act like spoiled, bratty wild animals makes her wince and wonder if she, at some point, had acted at all similar. If she had, she wished someone had punted her sooner.[break][break]

Kyle's loud tone startles her for a moment and she glances back at him with wide eyes, mildly impressed and surprised that he had such aggression in him. For as long as she'd known him, he'd been a sweetheart, laidback and easy to get along with.[break][break]

The children drop what they're fighting over, also startled by the sudden change in voice. It's likely they hadn't even really noticed another adult had arrived.[break][break]

Stormy stifles a giggle at Kyle's almost slip-up and attempt to cover himself up. However, the children instead begin to point fingers at each other and lay blame - but what blame? why were they suddenly so defensive? against each other.[break][break]

"Alright, alright. That's enough. It's time for bed, I think. Let's go, let's go."[break][break]

She claps her hands and plucks one of the children up into her arms despite it's fussing and crying.


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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2019 11:18:50 GMT
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kyle follows suit after stormy, picking the other child up. it squirms and struggles in his grip, but kyle keeps his hold of it firm and secure. he eventually manages to tuck it in bed, but the child sits up right back. kyle leaves them be as long as it doesn't run away.

"so, how do you guys get yourselves to sleep," he asks the children bluntly.

no answer would come from them. they found themselves wary around kyle, and start to stare at stormy instead after finding her much less of a stranger than the elite four member was. kyle sighs of relief, glad that the attention of the children wasn't at him, and instead, at stormy.

it also means she has more power between the two of them. the responsibility to put the children to sleep goes to her since she has the ability to do so.

"so," he starts as he turns to her, "how do you put these guys to sleep?" maybe she got instructions from their parents or something.

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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2019 2:41:35 GMT
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The child fusses in her arms, but gives her the telltale whine and puckered lip, his bottom lip jutting out as his left hand rubs angrily at his tired eyes. The boys are exhausted, that much is for certain. Try as they might, as hard as they kick, their feeble attempts to stay awake are growing weaker and weaker.[break][break]

Stormy produces a sympathetic smile even, leaning her cheek upon the boys head as he reluctantly leans against her collarbone. With a heavy sigh, he seems to have given up his fight and is now quietly fighting the sleep that drags his eyelids closed.[break][break]

Kyle's question falls on deaf ears for the most part, and Stormy begins to sway back and forth very gently while thinking about if she'd been given instructions for how to get the boys to fall asleep.[break][break]

"I think you have to sing to them. Another reason I called you. Their mother specifically said it has to be a man's voice because their father always sings them to sleep. Well - she has a recording usually but she apologized because the boys broke it last night. So, it's up to you. She has the lyrics written down over on the counter there."[break][break]

With one hand, she points to the sheet of paper across the living room before quickly placing it back under the dozing child.[break][break]

She then makes her way to their shared bedroom to begin tucking them into bed, to which, of course, they begin begging for their father to sing.


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POSTED ON Nov 8, 2019 1:59:56 GMT
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he groans. no matter who the audience were, kyle did not like performing in front of them. while this wasn't as much of one as it is just a step to fulfill an overall task, the simple thought of singing still makes him uncomfortable.

"ugh. i don't like this."

he takes the piece of paper with the lyrics on it impatiently, and then starts to read them. "these lines are stupid," he muttered under his breath once he finishes the entire piece. there were no notes in them as well, giving kyle the artistic freedom to sing any tune to accompany the lyrics. he doesn't like having that as well.

clearing his throat, he starts to read the lyrics with the tune of the first lullaby that comes to his mind. the first part is rough, though the melody mellows down as kyle reads the rest of the lyrics. his singing voice is husky. the correct notes are hit and everything, though the song is as emotionless as kyle's expression.

eventually, the song ends. kyle folds the piece of paper neatly as he turns to stormy, eyes half-closed with discontent of what had just happened.

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POSTED ON Nov 9, 2019 23:10:10 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Stormy feels for him, truly. But the instructions were clear and the children were restless and complaintive. It had to be done - he had to sing them to sleep.[break][break]

And, despite his discomfort and the severe lack of musical instruction, Kyle performed beautifully. Even she couldn't help but smile at him, finding her own sense of peace at his lovely little melody. It's unfamiliar to her and she's intrigued by where he heard it, but she remains quiet until the kids fall asleep and they exit the room.[break][break]

It's evident in the way Kyle's eyes glance at her, half-lidded and irritated, that he is not at all pleased with this outcome. Stormy quietly closes the door behind her, fingers leaving the doorknob slowly as she took a breath and sighed.[break][break]

She smiles at him thoughtfully before gesturing for them to make their way to the kitchen. Before he moves past her, however, Stormy reaches out and twines her pinky finger with his, giving him a sympathetic tug before promptly letting go.[break][break]

"Thank you, Kyle. Honestly? Your voice is beautiful. I really thought you'd butcher that but you didn't. Tickle me impressed. Now c'mon, I'll make you something quick for supper since you've worked so hard. You've earned it."


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POSTED ON Nov 11, 2019 3:23:32 GMT
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kyle leaves the room alongside stormy to the kitchen, looking more defeated than relieved. the praise is nice to hear, though it does little to help his mood. a sigh comes and kyle shrugs.

"thanks. i sing a lot in the shower."

as the pinky is let go of, he takes a seat on one of the chairs lined up on the kitchen counter. "alright then, stormy. surprise me with what you got." he'd invade their fridge and their pantry, but he supposed he can do that after stormy whips up something for him.

the children were done with for now. he hopes they do not wake up in the middle of the night since they do need to still keep watch of them until their parents get back home. he'd ditch them here if he could.

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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2019 2:58:09 GMT
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One by one, Stormy opens up each cupboard containing snacks and goodies. Nothing really catches her eye until she closes the last one a crack and notices the tell-tale look of a box of cookies and cream poptarts. With a gasp, she snags a silver package from the container and opens them onto a plate, pushing it into the microwave to heat up.[break][break]

"I haven't seen these things in years, oh my god."[break][break]

She's mostly whispering to herself, but she glances over her shoulder to smile at Kyle, who sits waiting for her to bring him snacks.[break][break]

One the tarts are piping hot and oozing, she slides them into the middle and leaves to get ahold of various other snacks and munchies. She shrugs as she sits down, breaking off a corner of the one poptart and sighing blissfully as she leans back into her chair.[break][break]

"I gave up trying to be creative - I'm no cook. I'm a forager and scavenger at heart. Hope this works for you, friend."[break][break]

Meanwhile she continues to pick at the slices pieces of apple, the crackers and cheese, literally anything she could have found in the fridge and cabinets of the parents pantry. [break][break]

Her feet dangle from the chair and she eventually leans on one arm, hand buried in her hair as she lounges across the counter to watch Kyle.[break][break]

"So? What's new with you, other than your impeccable shower singing abilities?"


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[newclass=.bodygoldp img] background: #333; padding: 10px; padding-left: 0px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2019 15:14:12 GMT
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grabbing onto a piece of pop tart, kyle chews on lazily at the end, careful not to burn his tongue from the heated snack. enough self control was there to prevent himself from just wolfing everything down.

"i dunno. nothing noteworthy to be honest," he lazily responds to her question. he either forgot about it or it wasn't anything he can share. "everything's boring now since i became part of the elite four. why else do you think i'm doing stuff like babysitting?"

he ponders for a bit, digging deep in his head for anything he could say that may be relevant. part of him misses the chaos from the rocket invasion, and he hates himself for thinking about it. his teeth eventually crunch through the tart, grinding everything in his mouth before swallowing.

kyle leans forward until his chin rests on the surface of the kitchen counter, back hunched to accommodate space. he tilts his head as he stares at stormy with curious eyes.

"you're just begging to be asked the same question if you open up with that. how about you? what's new?"

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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2019 18:31:48 GMT
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Stormy watches him quietly as he nibbles on the end of the poptart and she drums her fingers against the table, snapping off more and more pieces. [break][break]

She frowns at Kyle's lack of news, her bottom lip jutting a bit while she made a feeble attempt at reading his expression to see if there is, perhaps, something noteworthy that he's just holding back from her.[break][break]

"Hmm.. you'd think being part of the elite four is exciting. I'm sure the League asks you and the other three to take on bigger assignments. I'm a little envious."[break][break]

Though she then thinks a little harder about it and concludes that, perhaps, because of Rocket's absence, maybe there wasn't anything for the elite four to handle. She frowns a little bit more.[break][break]

But then Kyle is leaning his chin on the counter and she can't help but smile at how peculiar he is, but how adorable.[break][break]

"Am I? That wasn't my intention, really. Everything is a little.. boring, I guess."[break][break]

She's unsure if he's aware of the events that occurred between her and Alexander, but she's also not sure she's willing to cross that conversation bridge again. She's had enough of people telling her she deserves to be alone or that Alex wasn't good enough for her. The back and forth accusations for and against her were exhausting.


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POSTED ON Nov 13, 2019 17:42:09 GMT
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"you too, huh?"

it wasn't just him that do not get to have fun in this period of time he supposed. he figured she'd have more things she'd talk about after the disappearance of alex, but he supposed they weren't close enough for her to willingly confide to him about it yet. or maybe it's because he's his friend that she's reluctant to do it. he doesn't blame her though, and leaves it at that.

"at this point, i'll just have to get more involved with ranger stuff if i want more excitement in my life." he sighs. "but i'm content with this though. just lazing around. it's kinda nice if you think about it."

he grabs another pop tart and then bites into it.

"and if those things from mossdeep ever appear again, you'd guess those avatars would be the one to deal with them instead of us, which is fine. it means less work for us and i like being work-less despite having a good salary." he takes another bite, chewing it properly, before turning back to stormy. "do you even think of being one? you know, just in case the opportunity arrives?"

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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2019 16:04:20 GMT
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"Mmm, yes. That's what I've been doing when I'm not busy in Lavaridge. It's been a bit more complicated without my ranger partner, but."[break][break]

But she was strong by herself as well, is what she wanted to say. It was just more comforting knowing someone had her back.[break][break]

Stormy smiles at him as he comments on how nice it is to just be able to laze around. She can't really find that same comfort, having spent the last few weeks moping and lazing after dealing with her breakup. It had made her feel sick and useless and she despised it.[break][break]

At the mention of avatars, Stormy grows quieter. She had witnessed Senri Harada become the avatar of Articuno. She had recently learned that Cait was the avatar of Celebi, and Balder the avatar of Solgaleo. Even her brother had acquired a legendary Pokemon, which, while unsurprising given his strength, was still a shock to her.[break][break]

"I want to protect the region any way that I can. Should a legendary choose me, it would be an honor."[break][break]

She hesitates, unsure if she wants to voice her research into locating Moltres. She trusted Kyle, but she wasn't generally the type to open herself up to even her closest friends. The only person who knew about her mission was Cait.


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POSTED ON Nov 19, 2019 14:52:57 GMT
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kyle pauses for a while, chewing slowly, and then only speaking once he swallowed.

"you're taking a lot of risk if you do that though," he points out.

it was the reason why kyle did not accept the position to represent a legendary. turning down the blessing of tapu koko was deemed to be an unwise decision by many, though kyle seemed to weigh the negatives of being one more than the positive. besides, power wasn't his priority whether it was to be given to him for free or not.

"if the mossdeep thing happens again, you'll be one of the first people to act as the main defense. you sure you want that?"

he stops himself once more, taking a moment to think of his words. his head tilts upward as if to ponder on his thoughts, before getting his attention back to stormy. eventually, he shrugs.

"then again, that means less expectations would fall to the elite four when legendary avatars are around so i guess it works out."