Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Selena Desmarais
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2020 17:22:45 GMT
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Selena Desmarais
Information first before pitching. That's what her editor said.

Sweat running down her face and heat exuding from her body, Selena really tried so hard not to summon Totec, her Hawlucha, to give a lift to Mt. Pyre's summit. Her payroll still remains in her boss's custody even after pitching a really good story.

"Century-old archaeological breakthrough dug in Mt. Pyre," her hands panning in the air, trying to convince her senior with something truly unconvincing.

Because in full honesty, Selena knew no one really bothered reading the science section of newspapers, especially the archeo column.

Selena did not really want to be working with the science people. Not because they bored her or something, but because she wanted more time to follow her lead on the Team Rocket, which she thought intriguied anyone she pitched her angle to except for her editor.

But the newspaper company that she worked for almost killed the science team's budget if not for the insistence of their sponsors. Seeing how Selena has already established a career in the field of journalism, her editor opted to put her in the team so that she could save the science boat from drowning.

And now she's drowning with them.

In an ill manner of fate, Selena found herself in the same shoes as the young archaeologist who asked for her help. His story was the only thing that made this trip interesting enough to be even worth pursuing.

Inside the science community, no one really wanted to fund for his research because he has yet to make a name for himself. And so he grabbed his shovel and archaeological kit and hiked the top of Mt. Pyre, digging and hoping to find some breakthrough for his career. And when he finally did, the archaeologist was filled with amusement and satisfaction, he gloated to his colleagues about the discoveries he made.

He was foolish to do so. After his alleged breakthrough in geological history, many scientists tried to hike the Chert-filled mountain to claim the subject as theirs and that compromised the status of his research.

Selena was his only hope.

He wanted her to publish the story as soon as possible in order to prevent others of stealing credits from his own hard work. But then, her pitch was denied. There's no way to help the man whose earnest work Selena deemed rewardable.

No one is to be blamed, after all. Even the archaeologist didn't know what's really inside the hole he dug that is full of unseen relics and artifacts.

Selena made it a point to help him despite having her story rejected. She told the archaeologist that she would go by herself to Mt. Pyre and help with the excavation. If not for the rewards she would receive after, this would give her primary access to information she needed to write the story.

After reaching the her last flight of stairs, a foggy plateau welcomed Selena on the summit. The lady thought it would be easy once she passed the cemetery.

She finally called Totec, who flew right into the skies before swooping back to the ground. She needed him if she were to look for the marker the archaeologist left at the excavation site.

Totec the Hawlucha

"Totec, use your wings to clear the fog."

The hawlucha flew into the air and flapped its wings so intense, the gust cleared the veil of mist draping the rocky mountain, until it went back again after a few seconds.

"I would apologize in advance if I'm making you overwork, Totec. But we need to find the excavation marker."

Selena scanned the area with nothing but poor vision and chills. She would remember next time bring some jumper. It helped her to look only on the ground as there was really nothing to see if she held her head high. Totec cooperated so well but his efforts were almost futile in the thick fog engulfing the sacred mountains.

Just as the hawlucha briefly stopped moving its wings to rest, Selena tripped over a conic figure on the ground. A marker? she wondered, as she lifted her haid from the ground, revealing the excavation site right at her face and someone's feet beside the pit.

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Lucas Lane
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2020 1:14:24 GMT
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"Eros come 'ere boy. Come here." Lucas Lane calls out from the fog. Ignoring his words the lycanroc follows a scent in the air that leads it to Selena and her Hawlucha. Without a care in the world the dog pokemon happily trots up to the miniature luchador, its tail wagging furiously.[break][break]

Trailing behind the scientist appears with an aegislash from the wall of fog. "Eros stop bothering the hikers" he chides. "Sorry about him" Lucas says towards Selena "he's too friendly for his own good." As if feeling its trainers disappointment in it the lycanroc trots back to sit by his side. The aegislash hovers overhead.[break][break]

"Anyway though I wouldn't recommend sticking around here too long. There's suppose to be some unscrupulous folks around here today."




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Selena Desmarais
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2020 15:12:28 GMT
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It was just a lycanroc.

From a distance, Selena saw the the pair of foot standing next to the excavation site just before she saw it sniffing her and the hawlucha. She got up and dusted herself off when she heard footsteps approaching, although she could not quite see who was it. The person behind the misty veil called to his Pokémon as it rushed off to him, then apologized to her for how it behaved.

"It's alright. I love dogs." Hawlucha, who seemed rested as of the moment, gusted through the fog, revealing a man with a hovering aegislash above it and a mooning Eros—the name he called the lycanroc—to its side. The fog went back.

Totec was about to flap its wings again but Selena made him stop. They could not stop the fog from spreading but at least they already found what they're looking for. "I also got one myself though I'm not sure if it's really a dog or a big cat." Referring to Lucifer, her Umbreon.

The man warned her about the wicked people who roam around Mt. Pyre. This part of Hoenn was not really a place to visit for some people. It serves as a cemetery for the dead Pokémons. Many old people go here to pay their respects to their fallen partners. Hoenn press do not really go to this place to give these people some privacy in mourning and remembering their departed loved ones.

But with the site being a burial ground, it is no doubt a source of mystery and history for scientists and journalists alike. Due to the rumors about her client's discovery in Mt. Pyre, many have tried to search the place for artifacts and relics. These people were surely not just archaeologists but also gangs and hooligans themselves.

"I'm aware of that. That's why I went here."

Selena crouched a little before sitting at the edge of the excavation. She dipped her feet into the hole to try estimate its depth. When the tip of her boots did not reached the ground, she reckoned the excavation to be at least her height deep.

The girl with the carnation hair introduced herself to the man. "I'm Selena. I'm in the service of a certain Professor Ciman." She jumped into the pit, hoping she did not stomped on any archaeological artifact.

"He asked me to finish excavating the treasures he found in Mt. Pyre before anyone sees and claims it. Although I'm not sure he sent two to do this errands."

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Luke / Boomer
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Lucas Lane
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2020 17:50:37 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar



"I didn't know he hired anybody." What Lucas really meant was that he didn't know the professor could afford to hire anyone.[break][break]

"No no he didn't hire me." That'd have drained what little money the professor had left. "I just came to check up on him and see how things are going." Lucas peers into the excavated hole in the ground. All he could see was fog pooling in it. "Hard to believe he actually got the clearance for the dig this close to the graves."




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Selena Desmarais
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2020 18:27:51 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar

Professor Ciman had no clearance. He could barely afford anything, let alone his social capital for the league to allow his ambitious, extra-legal excavation on Mt. Pyre. But Selena was invested in his research—not on the research per se but in helping a scientist find his niche in an environment where dogs eat dogs. It is always her delight to be able to use her writing skills in facilitating the growth and improvement of the people around her who literally have nothing.

After taking on the article pitch, Professor Ciman confessed to Selena that he didn't have the clearance yet. Which is why legally, anyone could steal his discovery and claim it as theirs. He just needed to find something first before he drain his pockets down to his last poké.

Curiously, Selena believed him.

"He will... apply... for the clearance." She admitted, scatching her head, smirking, hoping the person is not much of an authority than what she thought he is. He is about a few inches deep close to achieving national recognition as an archaeologist and Selena knew she could not fail him. 

"He sent me as his proxy to retrieve what's left on the site and bring it back to his laboratory while he sign those papers and submit it to the council. Please don't report him just yet."

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Luke / Boomer
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Lucas Lane
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2020 18:45:52 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar



Lucas Lane's expression dulls. "So he hasn't gotten the go ahead at all then?" He interjects.[break][break]

"Well I can't not report him." If it was discovered that the head scientist didn't there'd be serious repercussions. He could potentially lose his job even. "He really dug his own grave here. Ciman will be getting at least a fine for this, and probably lose whatever sponsors he might've had lined up."[break][break]

The pity the head scientist had about denying the professor's funding inquiries was gone in a near instant.




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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2020 19:11:44 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar

Selena is determined.

"At least allow me to dig down here until tomorrow."

It's true. Professor Ciman knew the repercussions of not dealing with these things as early as possible. If he had just signed those papers, Selena would not be here in the first place. She would be sitting in her office, a three-hours old coffee on her desk, drafts cluttered on her sidetable as she aggressively dab on her keyboard, typing the story of a new archaeological and possibly historical discovery in the region of Hoenn.

But the reality is far from what we all expected, and not everyone were handed things on a silver platter.

Selena knew the system is not always kind to those who tried hard enough. There could be those who invest everything they have and still don't reap the rewards they ought to receive. There could be those who were really good at what they do but do not get the support they needed to keep on going.

Perhaps, in a way, she could see her younger self in the image of Professor Ciman. Young and naive but determined and fierce in achieving one's dream.

"I'm not saying you don't report him. I'm just saying maybe we can... delay it a little?" Selena knew this was a gamble. She reached the summit almost past sunset. If the man would agree, she'd roughly have about six to seven hours to retrieve the relic below the excavation site.

And with the thickness of the fog lurking above them, Selena just hoped it would virtually buy her some more time.

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Luke / Boomer
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Lucas Lane
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2020 20:03:08 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar



"I'll repeat it again. I have to report this." Lucas put emphasis on the latter sentence. [break][break]

"I just can't. But look, I'll be frank with you. Likelihood something is gonna be done about it today is going to be slim to none." The fog begins to thin, revealing the path back down the mountain. "And if I were you I'd be hesitant about helping Climan with this. Whatever he's paying you can't be worth the hassle that'll come of it."




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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2020 14:46:37 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
"That's the thing. He doesn't even pay me anything."

Selena grabbed the shovel and pummeled the soil with careful, ascertain strikes despite the man's warning, her Totec poking through the soil to help his partner.

"My employer hasn't even pay me yet. Imagine the extent of my dedication in pursuing this story despite all possible consequences."

Selena realized her mistake of introducing herself to him. She might not get away with conspiring in an illegal excavation, let alone her lilac hair be average enough to help her be forgotten. If she managed to discover something, her hawlucha will be prepared to rush the artifact to the professor⁠—her only concern would be the nonchalant aegislash and a very enthusiastic lycanroc⁠—which she hoped Lucifer and Circe could manage to dominate.

In the end, she knew there really was no escaping this.

What, it could be  three, five days inside prison and a bags of cash for "unauthorized damages" on site which she could afford from the Desmarais fortune. She's worried about Ciman and his future. Ultimately, she knew she didn't have to do it because she doesn't need to prove anyone anything.

But then there she was, standing atop a mountain of graves, going deeper and deeper through layers of soil and history until she hit something hard. Is it a stone tool? A bone? A fossil...?

A fossil...?

Selena noticed the piece resembled the shape of other stones surrounding the pit. She called into him, her face painted with excitement and satisfaction.

There is a pool of claws sitting above the bedrock in Mt. Pyre's summit.

"Are you seeing this? Have you seen something like this?" Selena tried to lift a piece of the remains which was barely heavy, being hollow and aged for several years already.

The lady was in awe, Totec was fulfilled, but the man, Selena fretted, might be in dismay.

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Luke / Boomer
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Lucas Lane
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2020 18:24:21 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar



"Okay so you're a news reporter, or a journalist rather right? Guess this'll make for quite the scoop then."[break][break]

Lucas walks over and leans in when the reporter calls him over for her discovery. "Looks like a fossil of some sort." Dirt clings to the recovered fossil, masking many of its details. "Maybe. Can't really say with all the grime on it. Try and be careful with it though. Don't want it becoming another problem too."




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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2020 16:23:30 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
"That's true."

Selena sighed relief when the man did not mention anything about "report" or "illegal". For just a second, she believed both of them were just mesmerized by the discovery they have made on Mt. Pyre. She drew the storage box from her bag and carefully lifted a clump of rock with a piece or two before placing the specimens inside.

"I imagine you're a researcher yourself. I'm thinking you may have the necessary equipment to de-fossilize this thing."

She would have taken it by then if she was knowledgeable about ancient pokémons, but Selena would not want to get herself in any more trouble. She believed she has done the task asked of her, and there's only one thing left to do. She was thinking of a compromise.

Attaching the lace of the box into the hook, she placed it over her shoulders and turned to the man beside her.

"I have a proposition." Selena tried her luck for the last time. "I'll convince Ciman to come clean of his legal shortcomings. I honestly have no idea what will happen to him... or to me, for helping him... but I think there's a way to prevent this kind of thing from happening again."

Selena wanted no one to experience the same trouble she and Ciman went through just to fulfill one's dreams. She believed no one should be limited of opportunities just because they do not have the means to achieve their dreams. Selena wanted to explain to the researcher her plans, hoping it would get noticed by the league and would address problems typically unheard from the science community.


Last week, Hoenn set its eyes to a bunch of newly discovered fossils in the historical Mt. Pyre, most of which were mass graves from a colony of old shrimp pokémons called anoriths.

On top of that is fresh graduate of archaeological studies, Professor Ciman, who got involved in a controversy after failing to procure necessary documents in excavating the site for archaeological findings.

Up and coming scientists have it hard starting a career in the region because it is necessary for one to acquire connections and wealth as early as possible in order to pull fundings from the local government and the private sector.

Cases like Professor Ciman's is a blight in the science community, not because of staining the honor of the profession, but because efforts of acquiring knowledge for the future generations of Hoenn should be welcomed with appreciation and acknowledgement.

Because of this, a Kalosian conglomerate named Desmarais Foundation promised to provide grants for scientists who were at the top of their game despite being beginners in the field of research. This foundation source its wealth from its prominent wine-making business in Kalos and is known to give back to the communities by taking in scholars under their program.

This venture in the field of science would surely accomodate young researchers like Ciman to start fresh with equal opportunities as others who are already prominent in the research community.###

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Luke / Boomer
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Lucas Lane
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2020 17:47:35 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar



"Look I can't really do that. I don't want to get involved in this whole fiasco."[break][break]

After Selena explains her proposal to the scientist he takes out a small black notebook and pen from his pocket. He writes down two phone numbers and labels each before ripping the page out. "I can't help much with your idea but it's a noble one. The top number here is a league branch that should help relieve you of any liability with this whole fiasco. While the bottom one is for a group that manages grants and funding for researchers."




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Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2020 0:13:26 GMT
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has attacked!





male - battle armor[break]
ancient power / metal claw / rock blast / brine / mud sport / cross poison

WITH A SCREECH, an armaldo barrels out from its hiding space. sensing that one of its fossilized ancestors has been disturbed, this fossil pokemon charges forth with poison dripping from its black claws. its frenzied timbre echoes eerily against the walls of this excavation site.[break][break]


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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2020 3:11:16 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
A screeching sound echoed throughout the pit that made her quiver. As she turned, she recognized a huge, shrimp-like creature lunging at her.


The hawlucha spread its wings then leaped to the air, clearing the mist that still partially covered the mountains, giving it an unobstructed line of sight towards the raging pokémon. White glow covered Totec as it swoop down, preventing the shrimp pokémon to reaching Selena.

The creature fell to the ground momentarily but its eyes still glaring at the girl with the box of unearthed fossils. She just noticed its black claws dripping with what looks like poison. The pokémon survived centuries of drastic environmental change—for sure it has amassed skills and moves of great potential to guard the graves of its fallen ancestors.

Selena turned to her companion.

"Do you have any idea what kind of pokémon it is? Do you think it's the guardian of the graves?" The shrimp pokémon interested her enough to actually consider catching it, despite its vicious claws and venom. She knew that if she wanted it to be part of her team, she needed to strategize. "I don't think Totec can handle it alone. I think I'll try my luck with my feebas."


waiting for your pokémon to appear
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Luke / Boomer
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Lucas Lane
Beware, the dead are watching [open/mission]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2020 5:22:02 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar



Lucas returns his lycanroc moments after handing Selena the paper. Soon after an Armaldo comes barreling out of its hiding place. His hand flies to the nearest pokeball. In a flash of light Kabutops emerges. [break][break]

"Aqua jet." Kabutops acts immediately on its trainers stern words. Water envelopes and propels its body towards the fossil pokemon. Armaldo is sent smashing into the ground. "Ancient power!" Lucas' voice booms. The rubble from the excavation site is sent hurtling towards Armaldo. It becomes pinned underneath their weight.[break][break]

"It's an Armaldo, and they were very common in Hoenn way back." Lucas takes a step closer to check if the Armaldo was still moving. The only indication it wasn't was a single foot poking out of the stack of rubble. "I doubt it's any sort of gravekeeper. Revived pokemon have no memories upon revival, or did Ciman not tell you?"




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