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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 26
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 21:09:24 GMT
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Grigori joined the stranger at the bars, but did nothing but cross his arms and take stock of the environment. Those Megalopolans would surely wish to brain him, like he’d done to one of their comrades. Hell, he still had the hammer used to do the job. They saw that in his hands, he’d likely be put on a stake and brought to a golden brown.

I would not tempt fate with your pleas,” he said. “These guards might see you as a liability.

But there were plenty of people. Prisoners, None were immediately identifiable, but he heard plenty of screams from them all. And a massive, elegant bird. Ugly Ward?

Must’ve been a metaphorical ‘ugly’ they saw in him. He saw in himself. Unfortunately, despite his lack of desire to do certain acts, many desired to with him. It was annoying to turn them all down. But he couldn’t turn down the prospect of ‘lunch’, given in the form of mochi. He eyeballed the strange, purple rice sweet with a raised eyebrow.

Before he could react, some stranger voiced Grigori’s own personal doubts. Unfortunately, he had a good enough view to see the bird approach the cell and… do something. He didn’t know, but someone wouldn’t mangle themselves beyond recognition to worm past the bars to get closer to their demise, in the form of a single strike from its wing.

He ate a singular mochi and left the rest rot.

Outside, he quickly fell to his knees and picked up the first shard once the designated Megalopolan gave them orders. He was good at that, following orders. All he had to do was polish the shards? Sure.

But, quite obviously, there was a catch. Do the best, and he could see two other people in the ward. There was extreme danger there, but also extreme reward. If they were here for longer than a single day, then they could ‘meet up’. Make connections. Plot. All the better if there was at least one familiar Rocket face.

So he kept his eyes mostly down and focused on the shards. But they did wander, to the few groups on either side of him and . On the left were three main culprits, but they were all only vaguely familiar. Like he’d seen their eyes before, their body types, but had no way to know for sure. Impossible to truly predict who they were.

But the right… he knew those eyes anywhere. Sure, he could still be wrong, but it meant his own eyes occasionally flickered to the right, to the one man he loathed, but also was genuinely glad to know suffered the same fate. Was at the exact same rank as he. If that was there, then he could rest easy knowing this wasn’t hell.

That man would be suffering far, far worse than the grunt, if that were the case.

 - Ugly ward? Internal ugliness counted
 - Oh hey maybe don't grab the bars you might end up like that
 - Oh god oh fuck that guys fucking dead that's so fucked up
 - A good grunt gets to work without complains, and he's had 31 years of experience (Wants to get into that three person meeting to help strategize, in case it matters)
 - Doesn't recognize anyone on the left, but he could never forget the eyes of (but there is always a chance he is wrong, so he doesn't call out(Get FUCKED Zev I'll out BUSY WORK YOU ANY DAY OF THE WEEK THIS IS MY PRIME))

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December 26
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Grigori Sokolov
Booming Blasters [m]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2024 19:35:04 GMT
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Grigori felt his muscles tense underneath the weight of the uppercut. It stung like hell, but at least he only had to contend with the connection of one blow. He caught the wide hook, if only barely, and stopped it from getting too close to his face. That’d be bad. His identity might’ve been revealed.

Then he’d have to kill the stranger. That’d be quite tragic.

Less talking,” he grunted. With Noel’s arm held the best he could, he leaned backward a touch, then launched himself forward. Together, they’d hopefully both collide into the store’s shelf with the ‘hero’ as a cushion.

But Doug could not hope to gain any momentum from the absorption of such an attack. His opponent so small, it was all to easy for little flower to dodge out of the way of it’s awful Blood Moon. Where there was a crater, there wasn’t a Shaymin

Gruurauahahahaa!” Leaves pelted the massive bear with no recourse. They dug into muddy mats and flesh alike, and left a thousand paper cuts of red in their wake. He was too big, and fell to one knee. Would the mighty tree topple?

No, not yet. His one good eye glared up. past the thick fingers he used to protect his eye. His eye narrowed, and a snort escaped his nostrils. He pulled back, much like the trainer, and shot his massive barrel-ed arm forward.

The bear did not move, but a gust of energy flew forward. It trampled any leaves that were in its wake and sent them to the wayside. That Vacuum Punch cut through the chaff and slammed straight into the Shaymin.

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December 26
Slateport City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Grigori Sokolov
Grigori's Infamy File
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2024 0:34:22 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar




The Enforcer

Runaway Grigori Sokolov joined Rocket at the ripe young age of sixteen. From then, it's been nothing but ignorant violence and bloodshed. Up until they finally gained victory over Kanto, and he migrated with the organization back to his home region of Hoenn. But he soon learned it was a lot easier to beat up random nobodies than old friends, acquaintances and otherwise familiar faces. That, and a growing sense of being lost made him rethink his entire life.

He sought to be better, as much as his work would let him be. And he thought himself on the path to being a vaguely better person. And then... then...



- Lives in Mauville city with , , and inside a four-person apartment.
- Has a (fake) profile on the most popular job seeking website. Very bare bones, with only the required information necessary.
- Works for an 'insurance company', but position is hard to find.
- Very little presence online, but active in small clubs around Slateport City and now Mauville City.
- Known pseudo-guardian of .
- Self-described 'Champion' of destroying male stereotypes and stigmas.
- Refers to everyone with a professional prefix of 'Mr, Ms, or Mx.'. First name if on good grounds, second if more professional-slash-NOT on good terms. 



- Like most grunts, there are only vague descriptions of his appearance. Described as 'Fisher', he wears a stereotypical fisherman's hat with numerous hooks and bobbers around the brim.
- Reported in numerous hit-and-runs, robberies, and assaults.
- In the past, has been reported around the area after the discovery of dead rocket defectors. This hasn't been the case for the last two years.



- Has been with the organization for the last thirty-one years.
- In contention for 'the most frequent visitor of the Anger Management Program' award. Not proud, but not distressed.
- Has a long, extensive job completion history.
- Either due to age or waning interest, his completion history has reached a 'dry spell'. Now does what appears to be the bare minimum for tasks. Started sometime at the start of 2022.
- Has been described as a 'safe face' to lodge complaints about upper management to. This information is kept from the Admins, Beasts, and Underbosses as best as people can.

 - Present during the failed search-and-rescue mission, where the Megalopolans were found. His recollection of events was given to Howard Slayte for a report. Owns several missing person's reports and a strange metallic hammer from the events.
 - Currently employed under . Does whatever is requested of the man.



- Went on the run because he killed his alcoholic father after that man killed Grigori's mother.
- Used to be best friends with Gabriel Sleigh, father of . Both joined Rocket shortly after the above happened.
- Has tally marks tatooed on his left arm for each promise he's made to a dead person. On his right is one long, solitary black strip. So far, the only promise he's shared is to 'Never tell a lie'.
- Has doubts about the current Rocket leadership and believes they do not stand a chance if things continue on as they have.
- Also has doubts about Rocket as a whole.
- Killed June's father in a fit of rage and jealousy. Made a promise to the man, but he's yet to tell anyone.

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December 26
Slateport City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 16:53:33 GMT
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Grigori Sokolov had died.

There were no other explanations for the scene painted before him. He lacked his Poke balls, his phone, or any other worldly possessions. He was locked in a cell, with no way to escape and the bare few amenities allowed to those incarcerated. Upon his face was a terrible mask, one he could not piece together.

A metaphor, he presumed. Same with his Kantonian robes. Surely a sign that this was hell. His punishment for all the horrible, horrible things he’d done in that region. All the lives ruined, ended, destroyed. If only he could remember his final moments– were they at the hands of the League, or Rocket?

But, perhaps, this wasn’t hell. It didn’t explain the other person that used him like a massive body pillow, in the small, dingy cot. The only one in the cell, he noted. Was this supposed to be a figment of his past, or an innocent life taken? They also wore a mask, with a massive purple chain attached to–

So I’m not dead,” he muttered. Fortunately, these Toxic Chains would not be a part of his hell. They’d be steel, and dig into his flesh until he bled out in the cot. Maybe he needn’t worry about his memories just yet. All would be revealed in time.

Pardon me,” Grigori whispered. He grabbed Priam’s arm atop his chest and tried to pull it off. Even if the other person was asleep, he didn’t have any desire to remain in the cot for a second longer. His old bones ached from the lack of support. Hell, even the bars that encapsulated them would be better for his back.

I think the time for rest is over.

 - Grigori thinks he is dead
 - Grigori realizes he is not dead
 - He tries to pry Priam off his body so he can stand up
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December 26
Slateport City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Grigori Sokolov
Shred and Howard Play With Their Decks [M]
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2024 18:49:41 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
There comes a time in every man's life where he has to help comfort a friend that's had sexual intercourse performed on their rectum by another friend...

... in the Game of Kings. That was surprisingly charged-- what the fuck was going on in their minds? That went against all the Sexual Harrassment classes they've ever done.

"Mr. Shred, if I may," Grigori stepped away from his spot at the side of the table. The soft thuds of his shoeless feet carried him around and to the side of the Beast. He squatted down and took the cards from his one, solitary hand. And then, he held them in front of the beast at perfect viewing distance.

"Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you," he said. It was too sad to watch him both hold the cards and then set them down to search his deck and then have to pick them up again and then put them down to fuse and--

He flexed his toes in his neon green socks (the bubblegum pink ones were out of stock). He hoped Howard absolutely demolishing Shred in this simple game of cards was worth the comfortability of his feet.

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December 26
Slateport City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Grigori Sokolov
processed shop
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2024 15:42:34 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X Raging Bolt (Thunderclap, Dragon Hammer, Body Press, Thunder, Calm Mind, Dragon Pulse) (0 PD)


do come again!

0 PD
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December 26
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Grigori Sokolov
AZ Excursion E: Dark (Peel the Curtains)
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2024 15:15:03 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
The grunt waved off the cigarette. He’d given them up again, shortly after the incident in Howard’s apartment. After the incident behind the Poke Mart. Besides, he deserved whatever stress due from this fight. Slaughter.

If it were merely about the quantity and quality of the violence, I would be in charge of Team Rocket,” he said. “Alas, they seek more… fanatical minds, for that position.

Howard’s hands shook like leaves in the breeze. Gentle, easily disturbed by any outside phenomenon. These were not good people; they sought to slaughter him just because of his ownership of Regice. All the reports painted them in a dark light too. Yet his hands shook all the same.

Grigori looked to his own. Perfectly still, unfazed by wind or bloodshed or the copious amounts of red and pink and white on them. Like rocks anchored to the earth. He pressed his lips and exhaled deeply from his nose. He was fine, and that bothered him. But in the way of a casual observation, rather than an actual profound discovery.

The other beasts would’ve reprimanded Howard for his slight show of weakness. Save Shred, who might’ve made several crude jokes, taken two cigarettes, and kicked the corpses as they continued on. Grigori?

He wondered if it was possible to lose his desensitization to such easy murder.  After several long moments, his hands fell back in line and he recalled Brick. “I am indeed a monster, Howard.

There were not many ways to finish the admin’s sentence, given the context. And he knew the best answer from personal experience.

But I am far from the best. I pray you never bear witness.

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December 26
Slateport City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Grigori Sokolov
AZ Excursion E: Dark (Peel the Curtains)
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2024 4:15:32 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
As Brick obliterated the DRK Triad member that Howard tripped, Grigori fought his own battle. There was one more on his end and the most capable of them all. That’s why they circle-strafted each other, around and around in a circle. The clock ticked, and the hands danced across its surface.

They locked eyes, both certain of the only way this could end– one dead, one alive. Neither acknowledged how Doug incinerated another of the group, how Druddigon turned one into a fine red paste, or how the final one took his own life. That would require a diversion of focus.

And that was immediate death.

The other one, slightly shorter than Grigori, feinted a knife swing. Grigori batted it away with his hammer, careful to keep his actions minimized. The member twirled their knife back and forth between their fingers, a show of skill and uncertainty. Normal grip was easier to deal with but could lead to brute force attempts. Reverse grip was more immediate slashing power yet left Grigori more chance to succeed.

Ultimately, the DRK Triad member settled on a reverse grip and stepped forward. Suddenly, without warning. The dancer stepped off the track and sought autonomy, for it was unwise to remain static.

Unfortunately, Grigori punished the aggression to deadly effect. The first swipe cut his leather gauntlets deeply, and the second scored his flesh. The third sought to dig into his ribs, around his arm. Risky, and it let Grigori push his hammer straight into the other one’s nose.

Graa!” Steel missed flesh by centimeters, and Grigori dashed around the man. His hammer clattered to the ground with an obnoxiously loud thud, and he wrapped his hands around the other's head. It left him in the perfect place to be knifed, and the blade rose to do so.

Their neck twisted unnaturally before it could become reality. And just like that, they too hit the ground. Alongside the rest of their group, corpses and dust all.

Grigori let go of the breath he unconsciously held, and gulped air like a drowning man water. It was over. They were safe. Howard was safe.

Five,” he muttered. His arm wiped the red sweat from his brow, and left him as red as the Blood Moon Howard’s Pokémon conjured. “May your souls find peace.

If only his could as well. “Mr. Fox, are you alright?

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December 26
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2024 3:52:27 GMT
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Grigori slung the Pecha berries over his shoulder, roughly two-hundred-fifty poke dollars poorer as he trudged along the path in the Petalburg Woods. He felt slightly bad for the brick he sent through the shop's window, in the dead of night. He hoped the insurance would cover whatever he didn't with his money left on the counter.

But it was necessary, unfortunately. Time was of the essence here: he must be fast enough to help, and to dodge any potential Rockets that might also roam these woods. They would not be happy if he was caught not kicking stray Yamper or throwing rocks at the Furrets that ran through the woods at breakneck paces.

Like the two that locked onto him. They snarled as they leapt over fallen logs to maul and maim him. In response, the grunt reached into the sack and pulled out a couple Pecha berries. "Please, let this work!"

They did not. But they did instead get the berries instead of his flesh. They chewed and ate them in record time, but remained infected. This was, perhaps, not the end of the world. Whatever Pokemon chased him, as he readied his stack to crush the Toxic Chains, were a few less that chased the Celebi. 

"I can only hope," he said as he rocked the makeshift pendulum, "that this does anything at all."

Everything after that was a blur.

PROMPT COMPLETE: involve a PECHA BERRY in some way. (The first 15 characters will receive 10 mochi; the rest will receive 5 mochi - I AM NOT AT MAX MOCHI PLEASE HELP ME)
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December 26
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Grigori Sokolov
AZ Excursion E: Dark (Peel the Curtains)
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2024 16:18:59 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori watched a second DRK Triad member become little more than dust. Returned to the earth from whence they came. “Two.

The bear was back. Doug. Fate worked in strange, ironic ways, and the situation did not rise above his head. But he did not have time to dwell on it as the other members came back from their senses. They were, understandably, upset with the grunt.

One pulled a knife and tried to gut him like a fish. Grigori grabbed their arm and twisted sharply. It cracked under the pressure, and they screamed in agony. He threw them into the next member that rushed over, and threw his fist straight into the fourth one’s face. They flew back into the cavern wall, and made it all too easy to–

Three.” The hammer swung true again. The other two composed themselves enough to charge with growls in their throats. The first stabbed a knife towards his chest. Metal met fingers, and the knife flew off towards Howard. His other fist slammed into their throat.

Another blade arced down towards his head, yet it stopped mere inches from his scalp. He struggled to hold them back as he put all his weight into the inversed tug-of-war. They pulled air through clenched teeth, gurgles in their throat as Grigori pushed it further and further away. Until the hammer rose and slammed straight into the elbow.

He took the knife and plunged it into their chest. “Four.

Brick, meanwhile, focused more on Howard. As the three grunts ran forward, the massive, lumbering dragon did his best to put himself between the archeologist and the enemy. To help out, he lunged forward and launched his Superpowered claws into their path. “Druddigon! Drud!

He covered his face as another round of attacks flew from the Unown. Just needed to buy time for Doug. If the bear could charge up another Blood Moon, then they’d surely be fine.

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December 26
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Grigori Sokolov
Area Zero Excursion C: Cull the Horde (Tying up Loose Ends)
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2024 21:12:28 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
The Life Dew helped against the raw, burnt flesh. Not enough to call him as good as new, but it no longer felt like his skin was aflame. Now, it throbbed endlessly on a fixed rhythm. A pulse filled to the brim with pain and misery. Grigori held his wrist with his good hand and breathed deeply.

The ball does not see any signs of change with the Life Dew. Even as the Shaymin sacrificed itself, its only known purpose in life, the ball only ceased to smolder like charcoal in a fire pit. It kept its fiery glow and showed no signs of decreased temperature.

At least Grigori heard Cillian’s most recent words, the first good thing to happen in the last minute. He nodded to the quiet words, on instinct, and tried to grab the ball with his good hand.

Agh!” The ball clattered against the cavern floor again. Still too hot to handle. How was he supposed to help?

He looked to his vest, and gave it a quick feel. Thick. Hopefully heat-resistant. He braced the fabric and gripped the top. The grunt pulled once, twice, and it gave on the third attempt. Black fabric split at the seams, until he reached the bottom. It looked like he’d been in a violent mauling.

Not very far off. Once more, Grigori reached for the Scizor’s ball. Heat radiated through the fabric and to his hand, but not enough to burn. Some part of him wished it did, so he could bear some of the struggle. 

Please rest easy, Scizor, help is on the way…” he struggled to his feet.

Heavy steps carried him out of the cavern, up its steep slope. Guilt clung to him, alongside the sweat, while he beat himself up and put one foot in front of the other.

TOTAL: 661

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December 26
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Grigori Sokolov
AZ Excursion E: Dark (Peel the Curtains)
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2024 20:50:37 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori was hopelessly lost. Maybe that’s why the DRK Triad were able to surround them without much effort. He stopped as soon as he saw them and instinctively reached down to his belt. But he did not try to escalate the situation.

Instead, he looked. Watched. Eyed the competition. They all looked relatively built, only one or two were close to his level. The rest just looked fit– Howard would surely be capable of taking on a few of the smaller ones. He needed to believe in himself more.

Do not fret, Mr. Fox, for I–

That’s when the Unown, those letters from another plane, attacked. Their Hidden Powers flew, but Grigori was one step faster. His selected Poke ball hit the ground and released a massive dragon. The Druddigon roared and moved to one side of the archeologist. It soaked up the hits with little issue.

On the other side, Grigori gripped the man by his side and yanked him out of the way with surprising force. While the attacks missed him by mere millimeters, they did miss.

Mr. Fox, please stay out of the way!” He let the man continue onward, off to the side. The grunt then pulled something off of his belt– a hammer. Howard would know it well if he remembered the ill-fated search party. It was the tool the dead Megalopolan had by his side, in front of the alien bowl.

Brick, please distract the Pokémon!

Drud!” He whipped his Dragon Tail back and brought it forward with extreme strength. Bits of rock from the wall flew like rubber bullets into the Unown. Most of them were blinded by dirt, dust, and natural shrapnel, and the humans didn’t appreciate it either. The small group in front of them recoiled back, thrown off their rhythm.

Thus, it was all too easy for Grigori to run forward, faster than a man his age should’ve been, and raise the hammer. Wordlessly, it crashed down on the skull of the first gang member. Blood exploded from the point of impact, all over his face. The fresh corpse folded and fell to the ground like a pound of bricks. “One.

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December 26
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Grigori Sokolov
Long Time No See [S]
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2024 19:09:39 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
I see.

He did not see. It did not seem a good idea to ignore the advice of a doctor or otherwise licensed medical professional. Especially when he had heard what had happened. When he was a living, breathing mummy. Shred would've made a perfect prop for the next big blockbuster set in some ancient cursed ruins.

But Grigori also knew that Shred was a free spirit, and as he’d learned before, herding Skitty was a fools' errand. He rubbed the head of Cream, to remind himself of the difficulty of it. “I will not be the one to try and stop you, Mr. Shred. Just… please don’t hesitate to tell me if you need assistance afterwords.

It would be rather terrible to find him back here, or worse, in the morgue. All because he didn’t want to remain bedridden for another second.

But, on a positive note, It’s good to hear you so energetic about it,” he said. “That’s a good sign. It means you’re going to make a full recovery. I can feel it in my bones.

He did not stare at the place his other arm should’ve been. That would just be downright rude and a mood killer.

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December 26
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Grigori Sokolov
Fresh Start [S]
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2024 18:54:55 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
The door opened to a woman with short, blonde hair and not a clue who he was. While that didn’t take long to fix itself, it did earn Annalise a raised eyebrow from the Grigori. Did the person he was in conversation with fail to mention the monumental change to the rest of the tenets? That was certainly a red flag.

But not large enough to end things before they began. “Hello there, Ms… Annalise, correct?

I-I’m friends with ,” he quickly tacked on. “She’s told me about you before.

The man didn’t waste any time and slowly entered the cozy apartment. Pictures did it plenty justice, but being in person always was different. And so far, the real thing was far better than the concept. He saw someone on the couch in another room.

As I’ve just said, I’m here to discuss any last second changes, considerations, and make sure we’re on the same page before I sign the lease agreement,” he explained. While he would’ve preferred to do this in the kitchen, or some office, he instead navigated toward the living room.

He walked over to the first empty seat he saw and planted himself down. The briefcase was set on his lap, and he opened it to reveal its barebones contents: a massive wad of paper, a calculator, and a small pencil bag. He pulled out the pages and started to rifle through them.

Apologies if I’m interrupting something important,” he said to Rory. “I believe I was in conversation with you, Ms. Rory, about the apartment availability? But if Ms. Annalise holds the lease, then I believe she and I should discuss it proper.

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December 26
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Grigori Sokolov
GIANT CHASM EXCURSION A: Explore (Hell's Paradise)
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2024 17:01:47 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
I think I see… oh no,” Grigori groaned and pointed at the new disturbance on the horizon. It was a familiar sight, in a sense, but much, much worse than the last five minutes. “You have to be fucking with me–

The only thing that could make someone like Grigori curse was almost exactly that: across the clearing, like before, was yet another horde of Iron Bundle. Except there was two times– no three times– no maybe four times–

An army of them. They crawled over stumps, fell down from the cover of the trees leaves, and even knocked each other over as they all rushed forward. A literal stampede of the creatures, an endless swarm that came from some unknown source. Scizor sized them up and his eyes widened.

Even with all the hatred in the world at his claw-tips, there were simply too many to count, and even more to defeat.

Grigori finally had to call it quits. He pulled out two poke balls and pointed them at the Skitty by his legs. They hissed furiously at their larger counterpart and the tide of red-and-white murder machines as they were recalled. “Playtime’s over, little ones.

Mr. Cross, we must retreat! There’s too many of them!” He tried to pull the admin backwards, further away from the horde that crossed the distance in record time. They kept pouring in from all over, and threatened to drown both them and the environment in their conquest for…

Wanton bloodshed. Wait a second. “Mr. Cross, your Pokémon! It’s making– damn it, it’s enraging them! We must leave, now!"

TOTAL: 425